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// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use std::collections::btree_map;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::ffi::{CStr, CString};
use std::fs::File;
use std::io;
use std::mem::{self, size_of, MaybeUninit};
use std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd, RawFd};
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicU64, Ordering};
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, RwLock};
use std::time::Duration;
use libc;
use vm_memory::ByteValued;
use crate::filesystem::{
Context, DirEntry, Entry, FileSystem, FsOptions, GetxattrReply, ListxattrReply, OpenOptions,
SetattrValid, ZeroCopyReader, ZeroCopyWriter,
use crate::fuse;
use crate::multikey::MultikeyBTreeMap;
const CURRENT_DIR_CSTR: &[u8] = b".\0";
const PARENT_DIR_CSTR: &[u8] = b"..\0";
const EMPTY_CSTR: &[u8] = b"\0";
const PROC_CSTR: &[u8] = b"/proc\0";
type Inode = u64;
type Handle = u64;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialOrd, Ord, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct InodeAltKey {
ino: libc::ino64_t,
dev: libc::dev_t,
struct InodeData {
inode: Inode,
// Most of these aren't actually files but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
file: File,
refcount: AtomicU64,
struct HandleData {
inode: Inode,
file: Mutex<File>,
#[repr(C, packed)]
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default)]
struct LinuxDirent64 {
d_ino: libc::ino64_t,
d_off: libc::off64_t,
d_reclen: libc::c_ushort,
d_ty: libc::c_uchar,
unsafe impl ByteValued for LinuxDirent64 {}
macro_rules! scoped_cred {
($name:ident, $ty:ty, $syscall_nr:expr) => {
struct $name;
impl $name {
// Changes the effective uid/gid of the current thread to `val`. Changes
// the thread's credentials back to root when the returned struct is dropped.
fn new(val: $ty) -> io::Result<Option<$name>> {
if val == 0 {
// Nothing to do since we are already uid 0.
return Ok(None);
// We want credential changes to be per-thread because otherwise
// we might interfere with operations being carried out on other
// threads with different uids/gids. However, posix requires that
// all threads in a process share the same credentials. To do this
// libc uses signals to ensure that when one thread changes its
// credentials the other threads do the same thing.
// So instead we invoke the syscall directly in order to get around
// this limitation. Another option is to use the setfsuid and
// setfsgid systems calls. However since those calls have no way to
// return an error, it's preferable to do this instead.
// This call is safe because it doesn't modify any memory and we
// check the return value.
let res = unsafe { libc::syscall($syscall_nr, -1, val, -1) };
if res == 0 {
} else {
impl Drop for $name {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let res = unsafe { libc::syscall($syscall_nr, -1, 0, -1) };
if res < 0 {
"failed to change credentials back to root: {}",
scoped_cred!(ScopedUid, libc::uid_t, libc::SYS_setresuid);
scoped_cred!(ScopedGid, libc::gid_t, libc::SYS_setresgid);
fn set_creds(
uid: libc::uid_t,
gid: libc::gid_t,
) -> io::Result<(Option<ScopedUid>, Option<ScopedGid>)> {
// We have to change the gid before we change the uid because if we change the uid first then we
// lose the capability to change the gid. However changing back can happen in any order.
ScopedGid::new(gid).and_then(|gid| Ok((ScopedUid::new(uid)?, gid)))
fn ebadf() -> io::Error {
fn stat(f: &File) -> io::Result<libc::stat64> {
let mut st = MaybeUninit::<libc::stat64>::zeroed();
// Safe because this is a constant value and a valid C string.
let pathname = unsafe { CStr::from_bytes_with_nul_unchecked(EMPTY_CSTR) };
// Safe because the kernel will only write data in `st` and we check the return
// value.
let res = unsafe {
if res >= 0 {
// Safe because the kernel guarantees that the struct is now fully initialized.
Ok(unsafe { st.assume_init() })
} else {
/// The caching policy that the file system should report to the FUSE client. By default the FUSE
/// protocol uses close-to-open consistency. This means that any cached contents of the file are
/// invalidated the next time that file is opened.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum CachePolicy {
/// The client should never cache file data and all I/O should be directly forwarded to the
/// server. This policy must be selected when file contents may change without the knowledge of
/// the FUSE client (i.e., the file system does not have exclusive access to the directory).
/// The client is free to choose when and how to cache file data. This is the default policy and
/// uses close-to-open consistency as described in the enum documentation.
/// The client should always cache file data. This means that the FUSE client will not
/// invalidate any cached data that was returned by the file system the last time the file was
/// opened. This policy should only be selected when the file system has exclusive access to the
/// directory.
impl FromStr for CachePolicy {
type Err = &'static str;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
match s {
"never" | "Never" | "NEVER" => Ok(CachePolicy::Never),
"auto" | "Auto" | "AUTO" => Ok(CachePolicy::Auto),
"always" | "Always" | "ALWAYS" => Ok(CachePolicy::Always),
_ => Err("invalid cache policy"),
impl Default for CachePolicy {
fn default() -> Self {
/// Options that configure the behavior of the file system.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Config {
/// How long the FUSE client should consider directory entries to be valid. If the contents of a
/// directory can only be modified by the FUSE client (i.e., the file system has exclusive
/// access), then this should be a large value.
/// The default value for this option is 5 seconds.
pub entry_timeout: Duration,
/// How long the FUSE client should consider file and directory attributes to be valid. If the
/// attributes of a file or directory can only be modified by the FUSE client (i.e., the file
/// system has exclusive access), then this should be set to a large value.
/// The default value for this option is 5 seconds.
pub attr_timeout: Duration,
/// The caching policy the file system should use. See the documentation of `CachePolicy` for
/// more details.
pub cache_policy: CachePolicy,
/// Whether the file system should enabled writeback caching. This can improve performance as it
/// allows the FUSE client to cache and coalesce multiple writes before sending them to the file
/// system. However, enabling this option can increase the risk of data corruption if the file
/// contents can change without the knowledge of the FUSE client (i.e., the server does **NOT**
/// have exclusive access). Additionally, the file system should have read access to all files
/// in the directory it is serving as the FUSE client may send read requests even for files
/// opened with `O_WRONLY`.
/// Therefore callers should only enable this option when they can guarantee that: 1) the file
/// system has exclusive access to the directory and 2) the file system has read permissions for
/// all files in that directory.
/// The default value for this option is `false`.
pub writeback: bool,
/// The path of the root directory.
/// The default is `/`.
pub root_dir: String,
impl Default for Config {
fn default() -> Self {
Config {
entry_timeout: Duration::from_secs(5),
attr_timeout: Duration::from_secs(5),
cache_policy: Default::default(),
writeback: false,
root_dir: String::from("/"),
/// A file system that simply "passes through" all requests it receives to the underlying file
/// system. To keep the implementation simple it servers the contents of its root directory. Users
/// that wish to serve only a specific directory should set up the environment so that that
/// directory ends up as the root of the file system process. One way to accomplish this is via a
/// combination of mount namespaces and the pivot_root system call.
pub struct PassthroughFs {
// File descriptors for various points in the file system tree. These fds are always opened with
// the `O_PATH` option so they cannot be used for reading or writing any data. See the
// documentation of the `O_PATH` flag in `open(2)` for more details on what one can and cannot
// do with an fd opened with this flag.
inodes: RwLock<MultikeyBTreeMap<Inode, InodeAltKey, Arc<InodeData>>>,
next_inode: AtomicU64,
// File descriptors for open files and directories. Unlike the fds in `inodes`, these _can_ be
// used for reading and writing data.
handles: RwLock<BTreeMap<Handle, Arc<HandleData>>>,
next_handle: AtomicU64,
// File descriptor pointing to the `/proc` directory. This is used to convert an fd from
// `inodes` into one that can go into `handles`. This is accomplished by reading the
// `self/fd/{}` symlink. We keep an open fd here in case the file system tree that we are meant
// to be serving doesn't have access to `/proc`.
proc: File,
// Whether writeback caching is enabled for this directory. This will only be true when
// `cfg.writeback` is true and `init` was called with `FsOptions::WRITEBACK_CACHE`.
writeback: AtomicBool,
cfg: Config,
impl PassthroughFs {
pub fn new(cfg: Config) -> io::Result<PassthroughFs> {
// Safe because this is a constant value and a valid C string.
let proc_cstr = unsafe { CStr::from_bytes_with_nul_unchecked(PROC_CSTR) };
// Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and we check the return value.
let fd = unsafe {
libc::O_PATH | libc::O_NOFOLLOW | libc::O_CLOEXEC,
if fd < 0 {
return Err(io::Error::last_os_error());
// Safe because we just opened this fd.
let proc = unsafe { File::from_raw_fd(fd) };
Ok(PassthroughFs {
inodes: RwLock::new(MultikeyBTreeMap::new()),
next_inode: AtomicU64::new(fuse::ROOT_ID + 1),
handles: RwLock::new(BTreeMap::new()),
next_handle: AtomicU64::new(0),
writeback: AtomicBool::new(false),
pub fn keep_fds(&self) -> Vec<RawFd> {
fn open_inode(&self, inode: Inode, mut flags: i32) -> io::Result<File> {
let data = self
let pathname = CString::new(format!("self/fd/{}", data.file.as_raw_fd()))
.map_err(|e| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, e))?;
// When writeback caching is enabled, the kernel may send read requests even if the
// userspace program opened the file write-only. So we need to ensure that we have opened
// the file for reading as well as writing.
let writeback = self.writeback.load(Ordering::Relaxed);
if writeback && flags & libc::O_ACCMODE == libc::O_WRONLY {
flags &= !libc::O_ACCMODE;
flags |= libc::O_RDWR;
// When writeback caching is enabled the kernel is responsible for handling `O_APPEND`.
// However, this breaks atomicity as the file may have changed on disk, invalidating the
// cached copy of the data in the kernel and the offset that the kernel thinks is the end of
// the file. Just allow this for now as it is the user's responsibility to enable writeback
// caching only for directories that are not shared. It also means that we need to clear the
// `O_APPEND` flag.
if writeback && flags & libc::O_APPEND != 0 {
flags &= !libc::O_APPEND;
// Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and we check the return value. We don't
// really check `flags` because if the kernel can't handle poorly specified flags then we
// have much bigger problems. Also, clear the `O_NOFOLLOW` flag if it is set since we need
// to follow the `/proc/self/fd` symlink to get the file.
let fd = unsafe {
(flags | libc::O_CLOEXEC) & (!libc::O_NOFOLLOW),
if fd < 0 {
return Err(io::Error::last_os_error());
// Safe because we just opened this fd.
Ok(unsafe { File::from_raw_fd(fd) })
fn do_lookup(&self, parent: Inode, name: &CStr) -> io::Result<Entry> {
let p = self
// Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and we check the return value.
let fd = unsafe {
libc::O_PATH | libc::O_NOFOLLOW | libc::O_CLOEXEC,
if fd < 0 {
return Err(io::Error::last_os_error());
// Safe because we just opened this fd.
let f = unsafe { File::from_raw_fd(fd) };
let st = stat(&f)?;
let altkey = InodeAltKey {
ino: st.st_ino,
dev: st.st_dev,
let data =;
let inode = if let Some(data) = data {
// Matches with the release store in `forget`.
data.refcount.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Acquire);
} else {
// There is a possible race here where 2 threads end up adding the same file
// into the inode list. However, since each of those will get a unique Inode
// value and unique file descriptors this shouldn't be that much of a problem.
let inode = self.next_inode.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
InodeAltKey {
ino: st.st_ino,
dev: st.st_dev,
Arc::new(InodeData {
file: f,
refcount: AtomicU64::new(1),
Ok(Entry {
generation: 0,
attr: st,
attr_timeout: self.cfg.attr_timeout,
entry_timeout: self.cfg.entry_timeout,
fn do_readdir<F>(
inode: Inode,
handle: Handle,
size: u32,
offset: u64,
mut add_entry: F,
) -> io::Result<()>
F: FnMut(DirEntry) -> io::Result<usize>,
if size == 0 {
return Ok(());
let data = self
.filter(|hd| hd.inode == inode)
let mut buf = vec![0; size as usize];
// Since we are going to work with the kernel offset, we have to acquire the file lock
// for both the `lseek64` and `getdents64` syscalls to ensure that no other thread
// changes the kernel offset while we are using it.
let dir = data.file.lock().unwrap();
// Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and we check the return value.
let res =
unsafe { libc::lseek64(dir.as_raw_fd(), offset as libc::off64_t, libc::SEEK_SET) };
if res < 0 {
return Err(io::Error::last_os_error());
// Safe because the kernel guarantees that it will only write to `buf` and we check the
// return value.
let res = unsafe {
buf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut LinuxDirent64,
size as libc::c_int,
if res < 0 {
return Err(io::Error::last_os_error());
buf.resize(res as usize, 0);
// Explicitly drop the lock so that it's not held while we fill in the fuse buffer.
let mut rem = &buf[..];
while !rem.is_empty() {
// We only use debug asserts here because these values are coming from the kernel and we
// trust them implicitly.
rem.len() >= size_of::<LinuxDirent64>(),
"not enough space left in `rem`"
let (front, back) = rem.split_at(size_of::<LinuxDirent64>());
let dirent64 =
LinuxDirent64::from_slice(front).expect("unable to get LinuxDirent64 from slice");
let namelen = dirent64.d_reclen as usize - size_of::<LinuxDirent64>();
debug_assert!(namelen <= back.len(), "back is smaller than `namelen`");
let name = &back[..namelen];
let res = if name.starts_with(CURRENT_DIR_CSTR) || name.starts_with(PARENT_DIR_CSTR) {
// We don't want to report the "." and ".." entries. However, returning `Ok(0)` will
// break the loop so return `Ok` with a non-zero value instead.
} else {
add_entry(DirEntry {
ino: dirent64.d_ino,
offset: dirent64.d_off as u64,
type_: u32::from(dirent64.d_ty),
rem.len() >= dirent64.d_reclen as usize,
"rem is smaller than `d_reclen`"
match res {
Ok(0) => break,
Ok(_) => rem = &rem[dirent64.d_reclen as usize..],
Err(e) => return Err(e),
fn do_open(&self, inode: Inode, flags: u32) -> io::Result<(Option<Handle>, OpenOptions)> {
let file = Mutex::new(self.open_inode(inode, flags as i32)?);
let handle = self.next_handle.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
let data = HandleData { inode, file };
self.handles.write().unwrap().insert(handle, Arc::new(data));
let mut opts = OpenOptions::empty();
match self.cfg.cache_policy {
// We only set the direct I/O option on files.
CachePolicy::Never => opts.set(
flags & (libc::O_DIRECTORY as u32) == 0,
CachePolicy::Always => opts |= OpenOptions::KEEP_CACHE,
_ => {}
Ok((Some(handle), opts))
fn do_release(&self, inode: Inode, handle: Handle) -> io::Result<()> {
let mut handles = self.handles.write().unwrap();
if let btree_map::Entry::Occupied(e) = handles.entry(handle) {
if e.get().inode == inode {
// We don't need to close the file here because that will happen automatically when
// the last `Arc` is dropped.
return Ok(());
fn do_getattr(&self, inode: Inode) -> io::Result<(libc::stat64, Duration)> {
let data = self
let st = stat(&data.file)?;
Ok((st, self.cfg.attr_timeout))
fn do_unlink(&self, parent: Inode, name: &CStr, flags: libc::c_int) -> io::Result<()> {
let data = self
// Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and we check the return value.
let res = unsafe { libc::unlinkat(data.file.as_raw_fd(), name.as_ptr(), flags) };
if res == 0 {
} else {
fn forget_one(
inodes: &mut MultikeyBTreeMap<Inode, InodeAltKey, Arc<InodeData>>,
inode: Inode,
count: u64,
) {
if let Some(data) = inodes.get(&inode) {
// Acquiring the write lock on the inode map prevents new lookups from incrementing the
// refcount but there is the possibility that a previous lookup already acquired a
// reference to the inode data and is in the process of updating the refcount so we need
// to loop here until we can decrement successfully.
loop {
let refcount = data.refcount.load(Ordering::Relaxed);
// Saturating sub because it doesn't make sense for a refcount to go below zero and
// we don't want misbehaving clients to cause integer overflow.
let new_count = refcount.saturating_sub(count);
// Synchronizes with the acquire load in `do_lookup`.
if data
.compare_and_swap(refcount, new_count, Ordering::Release)
== refcount
if new_count == 0 {
// We just removed the last refcount for this inode. There's no need for an
// acquire fence here because we hold a write lock on the inode map and any
// thread that is waiting to do a forget on the same inode will have to wait
// until we release the lock. So there's is no other release store for us to
// synchronize with before deleting the entry.
impl FileSystem for PassthroughFs {
type Inode = Inode;
type Handle = Handle;
fn init(&self, capable: FsOptions) -> io::Result<FsOptions> {
let root = CString::new(self.cfg.root_dir.as_str()).expect("CString::new failed");
// Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and we check the return value.
// We use `O_PATH` because we just want this for traversing the directory tree
// and not for actually reading the contents.
let fd = unsafe {
libc::O_PATH | libc::O_NOFOLLOW | libc::O_CLOEXEC,
if fd < 0 {
return Err(io::Error::last_os_error());
// Safe because we just opened this fd above.
let f = unsafe { File::from_raw_fd(fd) };
let st = stat(&f)?;
// Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and there is no need to check the return
// value because this system call always succeeds. We need to clear the umask here because
// we want the client to be able to set all the bits in the mode.
unsafe { libc::umask(0o000) };
let mut inodes = self.inodes.write().unwrap();
// Not sure why the root inode gets a refcount of 2 but that's what libfuse does.
InodeAltKey {
ino: st.st_ino,
dev: st.st_dev,
Arc::new(InodeData {
inode: fuse::ROOT_ID,
file: f,
refcount: AtomicU64::new(2),
let mut opts = FsOptions::DO_READDIRPLUS | FsOptions::READDIRPLUS_AUTO;
if self.cfg.writeback && capable.contains(FsOptions::WRITEBACK_CACHE) {
opts |= FsOptions::WRITEBACK_CACHE;, Ordering::Relaxed);
fn destroy(&self) {
fn statfs(&self, _ctx: Context, inode: Inode) -> io::Result<libc::statvfs64> {
let data = self
let mut out = MaybeUninit::<libc::statvfs64>::zeroed();
// Safe because this will only modify `out` and we check the return value.
let res = unsafe { libc::fstatvfs64(data.file.as_raw_fd(), out.as_mut_ptr()) };
if res == 0 {
// Safe because the kernel guarantees that `out` has been initialized.
Ok(unsafe { out.assume_init() })
} else {
fn lookup(&self, _ctx: Context, parent: Inode, name: &CStr) -> io::Result<Entry> {
self.do_lookup(parent, name)
fn forget(&self, _ctx: Context, inode: Inode, count: u64) {
let mut inodes = self.inodes.write().unwrap();
forget_one(&mut inodes, inode, count)
fn batch_forget(&self, _ctx: Context, requests: Vec<(Inode, u64)>) {
let mut inodes = self.inodes.write().unwrap();
for (inode, count) in requests {
forget_one(&mut inodes, inode, count)
fn opendir(
_ctx: Context,
inode: Inode,
flags: u32,
) -> io::Result<(Option<Handle>, OpenOptions)> {
self.do_open(inode, flags | (libc::O_DIRECTORY as u32))
fn releasedir(
_ctx: Context,
inode: Inode,
_flags: u32,
handle: Handle,
) -> io::Result<()> {
self.do_release(inode, handle)
fn mkdir(
ctx: Context,
parent: Inode,
name: &CStr,
mode: u32,
umask: u32,
) -> io::Result<Entry> {
let (_uid, _gid) = set_creds(ctx.uid, ctx.gid)?;
let data = self
// Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and we check the return value.
let res = unsafe { libc::mkdirat(data.file.as_raw_fd(), name.as_ptr(), mode & !umask) };
if res == 0 {
self.do_lookup(parent, name)
} else {
fn rmdir(&self, _ctx: Context, parent: Inode, name: &CStr) -> io::Result<()> {
self.do_unlink(parent, name, libc::AT_REMOVEDIR)
fn readdir<F>(
_ctx: Context,
inode: Inode,
handle: Handle,
size: u32,
offset: u64,
add_entry: F,
) -> io::Result<()>
F: FnMut(DirEntry) -> io::Result<usize>,
self.do_readdir(inode, handle, size, offset, add_entry)
fn readdirplus<F>(
_ctx: Context,
inode: Inode,
handle: Handle,
size: u32,
offset: u64,
mut add_entry: F,
) -> io::Result<()>
F: FnMut(DirEntry, Entry) -> io::Result<usize>,
self.do_readdir(inode, handle, size, offset, |dir_entry| {
// Safe because the kernel guarantees that the buffer is nul-terminated. Additionally,
// the kernel will pad the name with '\0' bytes up to 8-byte alignment and there's no
// way for us to know exactly how many padding bytes there are. This would cause
// `CStr::from_bytes_with_nul` to return an error because it would think there are
// interior '\0' bytes. We trust the kernel to provide us with properly formatted data
// so we'll just skip the checks here.
let name = unsafe { CStr::from_bytes_with_nul_unchecked( };
let entry = self.do_lookup(inode, name)?;
add_entry(dir_entry, entry)
fn open(
_ctx: Context,
inode: Inode,
flags: u32,
) -> io::Result<(Option<Handle>, OpenOptions)> {
self.do_open(inode, flags)
fn release(
_ctx: Context,
inode: Inode,
_flags: u32,
handle: Handle,
_flush: bool,
_flock_release: bool,
_lock_owner: Option<u64>,
) -> io::Result<()> {
self.do_release(inode, handle)
fn create(
ctx: Context,
parent: Inode,
name: &CStr,
mode: u32,
flags: u32,
umask: u32,
) -> io::Result<(Entry, Option<Handle>, OpenOptions)> {
let (_uid, _gid) = set_creds(ctx.uid, ctx.gid)?;
let data = self
// Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and we check the return value. We don't
// really check `flags` because if the kernel can't handle poorly specified flags then we
// have much bigger problems.
let fd = unsafe {
flags as i32 | libc::O_CREAT | libc::O_CLOEXEC | libc::O_NOFOLLOW,
mode & !(umask & 0o777),
if fd < 0 {
return Err(io::Error::last_os_error());
// Safe because we just opened this fd.
let file = Mutex::new(unsafe { File::from_raw_fd(fd) });
let entry = self.do_lookup(parent, name)?;
let handle = self.next_handle.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
let data = HandleData {
inode: entry.inode,
self.handles.write().unwrap().insert(handle, Arc::new(data));
let mut opts = OpenOptions::empty();
match self.cfg.cache_policy {
CachePolicy::Never => opts |= OpenOptions::DIRECT_IO,
CachePolicy::Always => opts |= OpenOptions::KEEP_CACHE,
_ => {}
Ok((entry, Some(handle), opts))
fn unlink(&self, _ctx: Context, parent: Inode, name: &CStr) -> io::Result<()> {
self.do_unlink(parent, name, 0)
fn read<W: io::Write + ZeroCopyWriter>(
_ctx: Context,
inode: Inode,
handle: Handle,
mut w: W,
size: u32,
offset: u64,
_lock_owner: Option<u64>,
_flags: u32,
) -> io::Result<usize> {
let data = self
.filter(|hd| hd.inode == inode)
let mut f = data.file.lock().unwrap();
w.write_from(&mut f, size as usize, offset)
fn write<R: io::Read + ZeroCopyReader>(
ctx: Context,
inode: Inode,
handle: Handle,
mut r: R,
size: u32,
offset: u64,
_lock_owner: Option<u64>,
_delayed_write: bool,
_flags: u32,
) -> io::Result<usize> {
// We need to change credentials during a write so that the kernel will remove setuid or
// setgid bits from the file if it was written to by someone other than the owner.
let (_uid, _gid) = set_creds(ctx.uid, ctx.gid)?;
let data = self
.filter(|hd| hd.inode == inode)
let mut f = data.file.lock().unwrap();
r.read_to(&mut f, size as usize, offset)
fn getattr(
_ctx: Context,
inode: Inode,
_handle: Option<Handle>,
) -> io::Result<(libc::stat64, Duration)> {
fn setattr(
_ctx: Context,
inode: Inode,
attr: libc::stat64,
handle: Option<Handle>,
valid: SetattrValid,
) -> io::Result<(libc::stat64, Duration)> {
let inode_data = self
enum Data {
Handle(Arc<HandleData>, RawFd),
// If we have a handle then use it otherwise get a new fd from the inode.
let data = if let Some(handle) = handle {
let hd = self
.filter(|hd| hd.inode == inode)
let fd = hd.file.lock().unwrap().as_raw_fd();
Data::Handle(hd, fd)
} else {
let pathname = CString::new(format!("self/fd/{}", inode_data.file.as_raw_fd()))
.map_err(|e| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, e))?;
if valid.contains(SetattrValid::MODE) {
// Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and we check the return value.
let res = unsafe {
match data {
Data::Handle(_, fd) => libc::fchmod(fd, attr.st_mode),
Data::ProcPath(ref p) => {
libc::fchmodat(self.proc.as_raw_fd(), p.as_ptr(), attr.st_mode, 0)
if res < 0 {
return Err(io::Error::last_os_error());
if valid.intersects(SetattrValid::UID | SetattrValid::GID) {
let uid = if valid.contains(SetattrValid::UID) {
} else {
// Cannot use -1 here because these are unsigned values.
let gid = if valid.contains(SetattrValid::GID) {
} else {
// Cannot use -1 here because these are unsigned values.
// Safe because this is a constant value and a valid C string.
let empty = unsafe { CStr::from_bytes_with_nul_unchecked(EMPTY_CSTR) };
// Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and we check the return value.
let res = unsafe {
if res < 0 {
return Err(io::Error::last_os_error());
if valid.contains(SetattrValid::SIZE) {
// Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and we check the return value.
let res = match data {
Data::Handle(_, fd) => unsafe { libc::ftruncate(fd, attr.st_size) },
_ => {
// There is no `ftruncateat` so we need to get a new fd and truncate it.
let f = self.open_inode(inode, libc::O_NONBLOCK | libc::O_RDWR)?;
unsafe { libc::ftruncate(f.as_raw_fd(), attr.st_size) }
if res < 0 {
return Err(io::Error::last_os_error());
if valid.intersects(SetattrValid::ATIME | SetattrValid::MTIME) {
let mut tvs = [
libc::timespec {
tv_sec: 0,
tv_nsec: libc::UTIME_OMIT,
libc::timespec {
tv_sec: 0,
tv_nsec: libc::UTIME_OMIT,
if valid.contains(SetattrValid::ATIME_NOW) {
tvs[0].tv_nsec = libc::UTIME_NOW;
} else if valid.contains(SetattrValid::ATIME) {
tvs[0].tv_sec = attr.st_atime;
tvs[0].tv_nsec = attr.st_atime_nsec;
if valid.contains(SetattrValid::MTIME_NOW) {
tvs[1].tv_nsec = libc::UTIME_NOW;
} else if valid.contains(SetattrValid::MTIME) {
tvs[1].tv_sec = attr.st_mtime;
tvs[1].tv_nsec = attr.st_mtime_nsec;
// Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and we check the return value.
let res = match data {
Data::Handle(_, fd) => unsafe { libc::futimens(fd, tvs.as_ptr()) },
Data::ProcPath(ref p) => unsafe {
libc::utimensat(self.proc.as_raw_fd(), p.as_ptr(), tvs.as_ptr(), 0)
if res < 0 {
return Err(io::Error::last_os_error());
fn rename(
_ctx: Context,
olddir: Inode,
oldname: &CStr,
newdir: Inode,
newname: &CStr,
flags: u32,
) -> io::Result<()> {
let old_inode = self
let new_inode = self
// Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and we check the return value.
// TODO: Switch to libc::renameat2 once lands
// and we have glibc 2.28.
let res = unsafe {
if res == 0 {
} else {
fn mknod(
ctx: Context,
parent: Inode,
name: &CStr,
mode: u32,
rdev: u32,
umask: u32,
) -> io::Result<Entry> {
let (_uid, _gid) = set_creds(ctx.uid, ctx.gid)?;
let data = self
// Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and we check the return value.
let res = unsafe {
(mode & !umask) as libc::mode_t,
if res < 0 {
} else {
self.do_lookup(parent, name)
fn link(
_ctx: Context,
inode: Inode,
newparent: Inode,
newname: &CStr,
) -> io::Result<Entry> {
let data = self
let new_inode = self
// Safe because this is a constant value and a valid C string.
let empty = unsafe { CStr::from_bytes_with_nul_unchecked(EMPTY_CSTR) };
// Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and we check the return value.
let res = unsafe {
if res == 0 {
self.do_lookup(newparent, newname)
} else {
fn symlink(
ctx: Context,
linkname: &CStr,
parent: Inode,
name: &CStr,
) -> io::Result<Entry> {
let (_uid, _gid) = set_creds(ctx.uid, ctx.gid)?;
let data = self
// Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and we check the return value.
let res =
unsafe { libc::symlinkat(linkname.as_ptr(), data.file.as_raw_fd(), name.as_ptr()) };
if res == 0 {
self.do_lookup(parent, name)
} else {
fn readlink(&self, _ctx: Context, inode: Inode) -> io::Result<Vec<u8>> {
let data = self
let mut buf = vec![0; libc::PATH_MAX as usize];
// Safe because this is a constant value and a valid C string.
let empty = unsafe { CStr::from_bytes_with_nul_unchecked(EMPTY_CSTR) };
// Safe because this will only modify the contents of `buf` and we check the return value.
let res = unsafe {
buf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut libc::c_char,
if res < 0 {
return Err(io::Error::last_os_error());
buf.resize(res as usize, 0);
fn flush(
_ctx: Context,
inode: Inode,
handle: Handle,
_lock_owner: u64,
) -> io::Result<()> {
let data = self
.filter(|hd| hd.inode == inode)
// Since this method is called whenever an fd is closed in the client, we can emulate that
// behavior by doing the same thing (dup-ing the fd and then immediately closing it). Safe
// because this doesn't modify any memory and we check the return values.
unsafe {
let newfd = libc::dup(data.file.lock().unwrap().as_raw_fd());
if newfd < 0 {
return Err(io::Error::last_os_error());
if libc::close(newfd) < 0 {
} else {
fn fsync(&self, _ctx: Context, inode: Inode, datasync: bool, handle: Handle) -> io::Result<()> {
let data = self
.filter(|hd| hd.inode == inode)
let fd = data.file.lock().unwrap().as_raw_fd();
// Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and we check the return value.
let res = unsafe {
if datasync {
} else {
if res == 0 {
} else {
fn fsyncdir(
ctx: Context,
inode: Inode,
datasync: bool,
handle: Handle,
) -> io::Result<()> {
self.fsync(ctx, inode, datasync, handle)
fn access(&self, ctx: Context, inode: Inode, mask: u32) -> io::Result<()> {
let data = self
let st = stat(&data.file)?;
let mode = mask as i32 & (libc::R_OK | libc::W_OK | libc::X_OK);
if mode == libc::F_OK {
// The file exists since we were able to call `stat(2)` on it.
return Ok(());
if (mode & libc::R_OK) != 0
&& ctx.uid != 0
&& (st.st_uid != ctx.uid || st.st_mode & 0o400 == 0)
&& (st.st_gid != ctx.gid || st.st_mode & 0o040 == 0)
&& st.st_mode & 0o004 == 0
return Err(io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::EACCES));
if (mode & libc::W_OK) != 0
&& ctx.uid != 0
&& (st.st_uid != ctx.uid || st.st_mode & 0o200 == 0)
&& (st.st_gid != ctx.gid || st.st_mode & 0o020 == 0)
&& st.st_mode & 0o002 == 0
return Err(io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::EACCES));
// root can only execute something if it is executable by one of the owner, the group, or
// everyone.
if (mode & libc::X_OK) != 0
&& (ctx.uid != 0 || st.st_mode & 0o111 == 0)
&& (st.st_uid != ctx.uid || st.st_mode & 0o100 == 0)
&& (st.st_gid != ctx.gid || st.st_mode & 0o010 == 0)
&& st.st_mode & 0o001 == 0
return Err(io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::EACCES));
fn setxattr(
_ctx: Context,
inode: Inode,
name: &CStr,
value: &[u8],
flags: u32,
) -> io::Result<()> {
// The f{set,get,remove,list}xattr functions don't work on an fd opened with `O_PATH` so we
// need to get a new fd.
let file = self.open_inode(inode, libc::O_RDONLY | libc::O_NONBLOCK)?;
// Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and we check the return value.
let res = unsafe {
value.as_ptr() as *const libc::c_void,
flags as libc::c_int,
if res == 0 {
} else {
fn getxattr(
_ctx: Context,
inode: Inode,
name: &CStr,
size: u32,
) -> io::Result<GetxattrReply> {
// The f{set,get,remove,list}xattr functions don't work on an fd opened with `O_PATH` so we
// need to get a new fd.
let file = self.open_inode(inode, libc::O_RDONLY | libc::O_NONBLOCK)?;
let mut buf = vec![0; size as usize];
// Safe because this will only modify the contents of `buf`.
let res = unsafe {
buf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut libc::c_void,
size as libc::size_t,
if res < 0 {
return Err(io::Error::last_os_error());
if size == 0 {
Ok(GetxattrReply::Count(res as u32))
} else {
buf.resize(res as usize, 0);
fn listxattr(&self, _ctx: Context, inode: Inode, size: u32) -> io::Result<ListxattrReply> {
// The f{set,get,remove,list}xattr functions don't work on an fd opened with `O_PATH` so we
// need to get a new fd.
let file = self.open_inode(inode, libc::O_RDONLY | libc::O_NONBLOCK)?;
let mut buf = vec![0; size as usize];
// Safe because this will only modify the contents of `buf`.
let res = unsafe {
buf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut libc::c_char,
size as libc::size_t,
if res < 0 {
return Err(io::Error::last_os_error());
if size == 0 {
Ok(ListxattrReply::Count(res as u32))
} else {
buf.resize(res as usize, 0);
fn removexattr(&self, _ctx: Context, inode: Inode, name: &CStr) -> io::Result<()> {
// The f{set,get,remove,list}xattr functions don't work on an fd opened with `O_PATH` so we
// need to get a new fd.
let file = self.open_inode(inode, libc::O_RDONLY | libc::O_NONBLOCK)?;
// Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and we check the return value.
let res = unsafe { libc::fremovexattr(file.as_raw_fd(), name.as_ptr()) };
if res == 0 {
} else {
fn fallocate(
_ctx: Context,
inode: Inode,
handle: Handle,
mode: u32,
offset: u64,
length: u64,
) -> io::Result<()> {
let data = self
.filter(|hd| hd.inode == inode)
let fd = data.file.lock().unwrap().as_raw_fd();
// Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and we check the return value.
let res = unsafe {
mode as libc::c_int,
offset as libc::off64_t,
length as libc::off64_t,
if res == 0 {
} else {