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synced 2025-03-20 07:58:55 +00:00
docs: Update arm64 document
Adjusted the document structure and added ACPI related content. Signed-off-by: Michael Zhao <michael.zhao@arm.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,58 +1,126 @@
# How to build and run Cloud-hypervisor on AArch64
# How to build and test Cloud Hypervisor on AArch64
Cloud-hypervisor is partially enabled on AArch64 architecture.
Although all features are not ready yet, you can begin to test Cloud-hypervisor on a AArch64 host by following this guide.
This document introduces how to build and test Cloud Hypervisor on AArch64 servers. Currently Cloud Hypervisor cannot be tested on Raspberry PI. Because on AArch64, Cloud Hypervisor requires GICv3-ITS device for PCIe MSI interrupt handling. But GICv3-ITS has not been equipped on any Raspberry PI product so far.
Now Cloud Hypervisor supports 2 ways of booting on AArch64: UEFI booting and direct-kernel booting. The document covers both of the ways.
All the steps are based on Ubuntu. We use the Ubuntu cloud image for guest VM disk.
## Getting started
We create a folder to build and run Cloud Hypervisor at `$HOME/cloud-hypervisor`
$ export CLOUDH=$HOME/cloud-hypervisor
$ mkdir $CLOUDH
## Prerequisites
On AArch64 machines, Cloud-hypervisor depends on an external library `libfdt-dev` for generating Flattened Device Tree (FDT).
You need to install some prerequisite packages to build and test Cloud Hypervisor.
The long-term plan is to replace `libfdt-dev` with some pure-Rust component to get rid of such dependency.
### Tools
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libfdt-dev
# Install rust tool chain
$ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
# Install the tools used for building guest kernel, EDK2 and converting guest disk
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install git build-essential m4 bison flex uuid-dev qemu-utils
## Build
### Disk image
Using PCI devices requires GICv3-ITS for MSI messaging. GICv3-ITS is very common in modern servers.
Download the Ubuntu cloud image and convert the image type.
cargo build --no-default-features --features kvm
$ pushd $CLOUDH
$ wget https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/focal/current/focal-server-cloudimg-arm64.img
$ qemu-img convert -p -f qcow2 -O raw focal-server-cloudimg-arm64.img focal-server-cloudimg-arm64.raw
$ popd
## Image
## UEFI booting
Download kernel binary and rootfs image from AWS.
This part introduces how to build EDK2 firmware and boot Cloud Hypervisor with it.
### Building Cloud Hypervisor
wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/spec.ccfc.min/img/aarch64/ubuntu_with_ssh/fsfiles/xenial.rootfs.ext4 -O rootfs.ext4
wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/spec.ccfc.min/img/aarch64/ubuntu_with_ssh/kernel/vmlinux.bin -O kernel.bin
$ pushd $CLOUDH
$ git clone https://github.com/cloud-hypervisor/cloud-hypervisor.git
$ cd cloud-hypervisor
$ cargo build --no-default-features --features kvm,acpi
$ popd
## Containerized build
If you want to build and test Cloud Hypervisor without having to install all the required dependencies, you can also turn to the development script: dev_cli.sh.
To build the development container:
### Building EDK2
./scripts/dev_cli.sh build-container
$ pushd $CLOUDH
# Clone source code repos
$ git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/cloud-hypervisor/edk2.git -b ch-aarch64
$ cd edk2
$ git submodule update --init
$ cd ..
$ git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-platforms.git -b master
$ git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/acpica/acpica.git -b master
# Build tools
$ export PACKAGES_PATH="$PWD/edk2:$PWD/edk2-platforms"
$ export IASL_PREFIX="$PWD/acpica/generate/unix/bin/"
$ make -C acpica
$ cd edk2/
$ . edksetup.sh
$ cd ..
$ make -C edk2/BaseTools
# Build EDK2
$ build -a AARCH64 -t GCC5 -p ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtCloudHv.dsc -b RELEASE
$ popd
To build Cloud-hypervisor in the container:
If the build goes well, the EDK2 binary is available at `edk2/Build/ArmVirtCloudHv-AARCH64/RELEASE_GCC5/FV/CLOUDHV_EFI.fd`.
### Booting the guest VM
./scripts/dev_cli.sh build
$ pushd $CLOUDH
$ sudo RUST_BACKTRACE=1 $CLOUDH/cloud-hypervisor/target/debug/cloud-hypervisor --api-socket /tmp/cloud-hypervisor.sock --kernel $CLOUDH/edk2/edk2/Build/ArmVirtCloudHv-AARCH64/RELEASE_GCC5/FV/CLOUDHV_EFI.fd --disk path=$CLOUDH/focal-server-cloudimg-arm64.raw --cpus boot=4 --memory size=4096M --serial tty --console off --log-file log.log -vvv --net tap=,mac=12:34:56:78:90:01,ip=,mask=
$ popd
## Run
## Direct-kernel booting
Assuming you have built Cloud-hypervisor with the development container, a VM can be started with command:
Alternativelly, you can build your own kernel for guest VM. This way, UEFI is not involved and ACPI cannot be enabled.
### Building Cloud Hypervisor
sudo build/cargo_target/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/debug/cloud-hypervisor --kernel kernel.bin --disk path=rootfs.ext4 --cmdline "keep_bootcon console=hvc0 reboot=k panic=1 root=/dev/vda rw" --cpus boot=4 --memory size=512M --serial file=serial.log --log-file log.log -vvv
$ pushd $CLOUDH
$ git clone https://github.com/cloud-hypervisor/cloud-hypervisor.git
$ cd cloud-hypervisor
$ cargo build --no-default-features --features kvm
$ popd
If the build was done out of the container, replace the binary path with `target/debug/cloud-hypervisor`.
### Building kernel
$ pushd $CLOUDH
$ git clone --depth 1 "https://github.com/cloud-hypervisor/linux.git" -b ch-5.12
$ cd linux
$ cp $CLOUDH/cloud-hypervisor/resources/linux-config-aarch64 .config
$ make -j `nproc`
$ popd
### Booting the guest VM
$ pushd $CLOUDH
$ sudo $CLOUDH/cloud-hypervisor/target/debug/cloud-hypervisor --api-socket /tmp/cloud-hypervisor.sock --kernel $CLOUDH/linux/arch/arm64/boot/Image --disk path=focal-server-cloudimg-arm64.raw --cmdline "keep_bootcon console=ttyAMA0 reboot=k panic=1 root=/dev/vda1 rw" --cpus boot=4 --memory size=4096M --serial tty --console off --log-file log.log -vvv --net "tap=,mac=,ip=,mask="
$ popd
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