// Copyright © 2020 Intel Corporation // // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 // use std::fmt; use std::io::{Read, Write}; #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Error { Socket(std::io::Error), StatusCodeParsing(std::num::ParseIntError), MissingProtocol, ContentLengthParsing(std::num::ParseIntError), ServerResponse(StatusCode, Option), } impl fmt::Display for Error { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { use Error::*; match self { Socket(e) => write!(f, "Error writing to or reading from HTTP socket: {}", e), StatusCodeParsing(e) => write!(f, "Error parsing HTTP status code: {}", e), MissingProtocol => write!(f, "HTTP output is missing protocol statement"), ContentLengthParsing(e) => write!(f, "Error parsing HTTP Content-Length field: {}", e), ServerResponse(s, o) => { if let Some(o) = o { write!(f, "Server responded with an error: {:?}: {}", s, o) } else { write!(f, "Server responded with an error: {:?}", s) } } } } } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)] pub enum StatusCode { Continue, Ok, NoContent, BadRequest, NotFound, InternalServerError, NotImplemented, Unknown, } impl StatusCode { fn from_raw(code: usize) -> StatusCode { match code { 100 => StatusCode::Continue, 200 => StatusCode::Ok, 204 => StatusCode::NoContent, 400 => StatusCode::BadRequest, 404 => StatusCode::NotFound, 500 => StatusCode::InternalServerError, 501 => StatusCode::NotImplemented, _ => StatusCode::Unknown, } } fn parse(code: &str) -> Result { Ok(StatusCode::from_raw( code.trim().parse().map_err(Error::StatusCodeParsing)?, )) } fn is_server_error(self) -> bool { !matches!( self, StatusCode::Ok | StatusCode::Continue | StatusCode::NoContent ) } } fn get_header<'a>(res: &'a str, header: &'a str) -> Option<&'a str> { let header_str = format!("{}: ", header); res.find(&header_str) .map(|o| &res[o + header_str.len()..o + res[o..].find('\r').unwrap()]) } fn get_status_code(res: &str) -> Result { if let Some(o) = res.find("HTTP/1.1") { Ok(StatusCode::parse( &res[o + "HTTP/1.1 ".len()..res[o..].find('\r').unwrap()], )?) } else { Err(Error::MissingProtocol) } } fn parse_http_response(socket: &mut dyn Read) -> Result, Error> { let mut res = String::new(); let mut body_offset = None; let mut content_length: Option = None; loop { let mut bytes = vec![0; 256]; let count = socket.read(&mut bytes).map_err(Error::Socket)?; res.push_str(std::str::from_utf8(&bytes[0..count]).unwrap()); // End of headers if let Some(o) = res.find("\r\n\r\n") { body_offset = Some(o + "\r\n\r\n".len()); // With all headers available we can see if there is any body content_length = if let Some(length) = get_header(&res, "Content-Length") { Some(length.trim().parse().map_err(Error::ContentLengthParsing)?) } else { None }; if content_length.is_none() { break; } } if let Some(body_offset) = body_offset { if let Some(content_length) = content_length { if res.len() >= content_length + body_offset { break; } } } } let body_string = content_length.and(Some(String::from(&res[body_offset.unwrap()..]))); let status_code = get_status_code(&res)?; if status_code.is_server_error() { Err(Error::ServerResponse(status_code, body_string)) } else { Ok(body_string) } } pub fn simple_api_command( socket: &mut T, method: &str, c: &str, request_body: Option<&str>, ) -> Result<(), Error> { socket .write_all( format!( "{} /api/v1/vm.{} HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: localhost\r\nAccept: */*\r\n", method, c ) .as_bytes(), ) .map_err(Error::Socket)?; if let Some(request_body) = request_body { socket .write_all(format!("Content-Length: {}\r\n", request_body.len()).as_bytes()) .map_err(Error::Socket)?; } socket.write_all(b"\r\n").map_err(Error::Socket)?; if let Some(request_body) = request_body { socket .write_all(request_body.as_bytes()) .map_err(Error::Socket)?; } socket.flush().map_err(Error::Socket)?; if let Some(body) = parse_http_response(socket)? { println!("{}", body); } Ok(()) }