// Copyright © 2019 Intel Corporation // // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 // extern crate vm_virtio; use net_util::MacAddr; use std::convert::From; use std::net::AddrParseError; use std::net::Ipv4Addr; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::result; pub const DEFAULT_VCPUS: u8 = 1; pub const DEFAULT_MEMORY_MB: u64 = 512; pub const DEFAULT_RNG_SOURCE: &str = "/dev/urandom"; /// Errors associated with VM configuration parameters. #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Error<'a> { /// Failed parsing cpus parameters. ParseCpusParams(std::num::ParseIntError), /// Failed parsing memory file parameter. ParseMemoryFileParam, /// Failed parsing kernel parameters. ParseKernelParams, /// Failed parsing kernel command line parameters. ParseCmdlineParams, /// Failed parsing disks parameters. ParseDisksParams, /// Failed parsing random number generator parameters. ParseRngParams, /// Failed parsing network ip parameter. ParseNetIpParam(AddrParseError), /// Failed parsing network mask parameter. ParseNetMaskParam(AddrParseError), /// Failed parsing network mac parameter. ParseNetMacParam(&'a str), /// Failed parsing fs tag parameter. ParseFsTagParam, /// Failed parsing fs socket path parameter. ParseFsSockParam, /// Failed parsing fs number of queues parameter. ParseFsNumQueuesParam(std::num::ParseIntError), /// Failed parsing fs queue size parameter. ParseFsQueueSizeParam(std::num::ParseIntError), /// Failed parsing fs dax parameter. ParseFsDax, /// Cannot have dax=off along with cache_size parameter. InvalidCacheSizeWithDaxOff, /// Failed parsing persitent memory file parameter. ParsePmemFileParam, /// Failed parsing size parameter. ParseSizeParam(std::num::ParseIntError), /// Failed parsing console parameter. ParseConsoleParam, /// Both console and serial are tty. ParseTTYParam, /// Failed parsing vhost-user-net mac parameter. ParseVuNetMacParam(&'a str), /// Failed parsing vhost-user sock parameter. ParseVuSockParam, /// Failed parsing vhost-user queue number parameter. ParseVuNumQueuesParam(std::num::ParseIntError), /// Failed parsing vhost-user queue size parameter. ParseVuQueueSizeParam(std::num::ParseIntError), /// Failed parsing vhost-user-net server parameter. ParseVuNetServerParam(std::num::ParseIntError), /// Failed parsing vhost-user-blk wce parameter. ParseVuBlkWceParam(std::str::ParseBoolError), /// Failed parsing vsock context ID parameter. ParseVsockCidParam(std::num::ParseIntError), /// Failed parsing vsock socket path parameter. ParseVsockSockParam, /// Missing kernel configuration ValidateMissingKernelConfig, /// Failed parsing iommu parameter for the device. ParseDeviceIommu, } pub type Result<'a, T> = result::Result>; pub struct VmParams<'a> { pub cpus: &'a str, pub memory: &'a str, pub kernel: Option<&'a str>, pub cmdline: Option<&'a str>, pub disks: Option>, pub net: Option>, pub rng: &'a str, pub fs: Option>, pub pmem: Option>, pub serial: &'a str, pub console: &'a str, pub devices: Option>, pub vhost_user_net: Option>, pub vhost_user_blk: Option>, pub vsock: Option>, } fn parse_size(size: &str) -> Result { let s = size.trim(); let shift = if s.ends_with('K') { 10 } else if s.ends_with('M') { 20 } else if s.ends_with('G') { 30 } else { 0 }; let s = s.trim_end_matches(|c| c == 'K' || c == 'M' || c == 'G'); let res = s.parse::().map_err(Error::ParseSizeParam)?; Ok(res << shift) } fn parse_iommu(iommu: &str) -> Result { if !iommu.is_empty() { let res = match iommu { "on" => true, "off" => false, _ => return Err(Error::ParseDeviceIommu), }; Ok(res) } else { Ok(false) } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct CpusConfig(pub u8); impl CpusConfig { pub fn parse(cpus: &str) -> Result { Ok(CpusConfig( cpus.parse::().map_err(Error::ParseCpusParams)?, )) } } impl From<&CpusConfig> for u8 { fn from(val: &CpusConfig) -> Self { val.0 } } impl Default for CpusConfig { fn default() -> Self { CpusConfig(DEFAULT_VCPUS) } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct MemoryConfig { pub size: u64, pub file: Option, } impl MemoryConfig { pub fn parse(memory: &str) -> Result { // Split the parameters based on the comma delimiter let params_list: Vec<&str> = memory.split(',').collect(); let mut size_str: &str = ""; let mut file_str: &str = ""; let mut backed = false; for param in params_list.iter() { if param.starts_with("size=") { size_str = ¶m[5..]; } else if param.starts_with("file=") { backed = true; file_str = ¶m[5..]; } } let file = if backed { if file_str.is_empty() { return Err(Error::ParseMemoryFileParam); } Some(PathBuf::from(file_str)) } else { None }; Ok(MemoryConfig { size: parse_size(size_str)?, file, }) } } impl Default for MemoryConfig { fn default() -> Self { MemoryConfig { size: DEFAULT_MEMORY_MB << 20, file: None, } } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct KernelConfig { pub path: PathBuf, } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct CmdlineConfig { pub args: String, } impl CmdlineConfig { pub fn parse(cmdline: Option<&str>) -> Result { let args = cmdline .map(std::string::ToString::to_string) .unwrap_or_else(String::new); Ok(CmdlineConfig { args }) } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct DiskConfig { pub path: PathBuf, #[serde(default)] pub iommu: bool, } impl DiskConfig { pub fn parse(disk: &str) -> Result { // Split the parameters based on the comma delimiter let params_list: Vec<&str> = disk.split(',').collect(); let mut path_str: &str = ""; let mut iommu_str: &str = ""; for param in params_list.iter() { if param.starts_with("path=") { path_str = ¶m[5..]; } else if param.starts_with("iommu=") { iommu_str = ¶m[6..]; } } Ok(DiskConfig { path: PathBuf::from(path_str), iommu: parse_iommu(iommu_str)?, }) } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct NetConfig { pub tap: Option, pub ip: Ipv4Addr, pub mask: Ipv4Addr, pub mac: MacAddr, #[serde(default)] pub iommu: bool, } impl NetConfig { pub fn parse(net: &str) -> Result { // Split the parameters based on the comma delimiter let params_list: Vec<&str> = net.split(',').collect(); let mut tap_str: &str = ""; let mut ip_str: &str = ""; let mut mask_str: &str = ""; let mut mac_str: &str = ""; let mut iommu_str: &str = ""; for param in params_list.iter() { if param.starts_with("tap=") { tap_str = ¶m[4..]; } else if param.starts_with("ip=") { ip_str = ¶m[3..]; } else if param.starts_with("mask=") { mask_str = ¶m[5..]; } else if param.starts_with("mac=") { mac_str = ¶m[4..]; } else if param.starts_with("iommu=") { iommu_str = ¶m[6..]; } } let mut tap: Option = None; let mut ip: Ipv4Addr = Ipv4Addr::new(192, 168, 249, 1); let mut mask: Ipv4Addr = Ipv4Addr::new(255, 255, 255, 0);; let mut mac: MacAddr = MacAddr::local_random(); let iommu = parse_iommu(iommu_str)?; if !tap_str.is_empty() { tap = Some(tap_str.to_string()); } if !ip_str.is_empty() { ip = ip_str.parse().map_err(Error::ParseNetIpParam)?; } if !mask_str.is_empty() { mask = mask_str.parse().map_err(Error::ParseNetMaskParam)?; } if !mac_str.is_empty() { mac = MacAddr::parse_str(mac_str).map_err(Error::ParseNetMacParam)?; } Ok(NetConfig { tap, ip, mask, mac, iommu, }) } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct RngConfig { pub src: PathBuf, #[serde(default)] pub iommu: bool, } impl RngConfig { pub fn parse(rng: &str) -> Result { // Split the parameters based on the comma delimiter let params_list: Vec<&str> = rng.split(',').collect(); let mut src_str: &str = ""; let mut iommu_str: &str = ""; for param in params_list.iter() { if param.starts_with("src=") { src_str = ¶m[4..]; } else if param.starts_with("iommu=") { iommu_str = ¶m[6..]; } } Ok(RngConfig { src: PathBuf::from(src_str), iommu: parse_iommu(iommu_str)?, }) } } impl Default for RngConfig { fn default() -> Self { RngConfig { src: PathBuf::from(DEFAULT_RNG_SOURCE), iommu: false, } } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct FsConfig { pub tag: String, pub sock: PathBuf, pub num_queues: usize, pub queue_size: u16, pub cache_size: Option, } impl FsConfig { pub fn parse(fs: &str) -> Result { // Split the parameters based on the comma delimiter let params_list: Vec<&str> = fs.split(',').collect(); let mut tag: &str = ""; let mut sock: &str = ""; let mut num_queues_str: &str = ""; let mut queue_size_str: &str = ""; let mut dax_str: &str = ""; let mut cache_size_str: &str = ""; for param in params_list.iter() { if param.starts_with("tag=") { tag = ¶m[4..]; } else if param.starts_with("sock=") { sock = ¶m[5..]; } else if param.starts_with("num_queues=") { num_queues_str = ¶m[11..]; } else if param.starts_with("queue_size=") { queue_size_str = ¶m[11..]; } else if param.starts_with("dax=") { dax_str = ¶m[4..]; } else if param.starts_with("cache_size=") { cache_size_str = ¶m[11..]; } } let mut num_queues: usize = 1; let mut queue_size: u16 = 1024; let mut dax: bool = true; // Default cache size set to 8Gib. let mut cache_size: Option = Some(0x0002_0000_0000); if tag.is_empty() { return Err(Error::ParseFsTagParam); } if sock.is_empty() { return Err(Error::ParseFsSockParam); } if !num_queues_str.is_empty() { num_queues = num_queues_str .parse() .map_err(Error::ParseFsNumQueuesParam)?; } if !queue_size_str.is_empty() { queue_size = queue_size_str .parse() .map_err(Error::ParseFsQueueSizeParam)?; } if !dax_str.is_empty() { match dax_str { "on" => dax = true, "off" => dax = false, _ => return Err(Error::ParseFsDax), } } // Take appropriate decision about cache_size based on DAX being // enabled or disabled. if !dax { if !cache_size_str.is_empty() { return Err(Error::InvalidCacheSizeWithDaxOff); } cache_size = None; } else if !cache_size_str.is_empty() { cache_size = Some(parse_size(cache_size_str)?); } Ok(FsConfig { tag: tag.to_string(), sock: PathBuf::from(sock), num_queues, queue_size, cache_size, }) } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct PmemConfig { pub file: PathBuf, pub size: u64, #[serde(default)] pub iommu: bool, } impl PmemConfig { pub fn parse(pmem: &str) -> Result { // Split the parameters based on the comma delimiter let params_list: Vec<&str> = pmem.split(',').collect(); let mut file_str: &str = ""; let mut size_str: &str = ""; let mut iommu_str: &str = ""; for param in params_list.iter() { if param.starts_with("file=") { file_str = ¶m[5..]; } else if param.starts_with("size=") { size_str = ¶m[5..]; } else if param.starts_with("iommu=") { iommu_str = ¶m[6..]; } } if file_str.is_empty() { return Err(Error::ParsePmemFileParam); } Ok(PmemConfig { file: PathBuf::from(file_str), size: parse_size(size_str)?, iommu: parse_iommu(iommu_str)?, }) } } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub enum ConsoleOutputMode { Off, Tty, File, Null, } impl ConsoleOutputMode { pub fn input_enabled(&self) -> bool { match self { ConsoleOutputMode::Tty => true, _ => false, } } } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct ConsoleConfig { pub file: Option, pub mode: ConsoleOutputMode, #[serde(default)] pub iommu: bool, } impl ConsoleConfig { pub fn parse(console: &str) -> Result { // Split the parameters based on the comma delimiter let params_list: Vec<&str> = console.split(',').collect(); let mut valid = false; let mut file: Option = None; let mut mode: ConsoleOutputMode = ConsoleOutputMode::Off; let mut iommu_str: &str = ""; for param in params_list.iter() { if param.starts_with("iommu=") { iommu_str = ¶m[6..]; } else { if *param == "off" { mode = ConsoleOutputMode::Off; file = None; } else if *param == "tty" { mode = ConsoleOutputMode::Tty; file = None; } else if param.starts_with("file=") { mode = ConsoleOutputMode::File; file = Some(PathBuf::from(¶m[5..])); } else if param.starts_with("null") { mode = ConsoleOutputMode::Null; file = None; } else { return Err(Error::ParseConsoleParam); } valid = true; } } if !valid { return Err(Error::ParseConsoleParam); } Ok(Self { mode, file, iommu: parse_iommu(iommu_str)?, }) } pub fn default_serial() -> Self { ConsoleConfig { file: None, mode: ConsoleOutputMode::Null, iommu: false, } } pub fn default_console() -> Self { ConsoleConfig { file: None, mode: ConsoleOutputMode::Tty, iommu: false, } } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct DeviceConfig { pub path: PathBuf, } impl DeviceConfig { pub fn parse(device: &str) -> Result { Ok(DeviceConfig { path: PathBuf::from(device), }) } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct VuConfig { pub sock: String, pub num_queues: usize, pub queue_size: u16, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct VhostUserNetConfig { pub mac: MacAddr, pub vu_cfg: VuConfig, } impl VhostUserNetConfig { pub fn parse(vhost_user_net: &str) -> Result { // Split the parameters based on the comma delimiter let params_list: Vec<&str> = vhost_user_net.split(',').collect(); let mut mac_str: &str = ""; let mut sock: &str = ""; let mut num_queues_str: &str = ""; let mut queue_size_str: &str = ""; for param in params_list.iter() { if param.starts_with("mac=") { mac_str = ¶m[4..]; } else if param.starts_with("sock=") { sock = ¶m[5..]; } else if param.starts_with("num_queues=") { num_queues_str = ¶m[11..]; } else if param.starts_with("queue_size=") { queue_size_str = ¶m[11..]; } } let mut mac: MacAddr = MacAddr::local_random(); let mut num_queues: usize = 2; let mut queue_size: u16 = 256; if !mac_str.is_empty() { mac = MacAddr::parse_str(mac_str).map_err(Error::ParseVuNetMacParam)?; } if sock.is_empty() { return Err(Error::ParseVuSockParam); } if !num_queues_str.is_empty() { num_queues = num_queues_str .parse() .map_err(Error::ParseVuNumQueuesParam)?; } if !queue_size_str.is_empty() { queue_size = queue_size_str .parse() .map_err(Error::ParseVuQueueSizeParam)?; } let vu_cfg = VuConfig { sock: sock.to_string(), num_queues, queue_size, }; Ok(VhostUserNetConfig { mac, vu_cfg }) } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct VsockConfig { pub cid: u64, pub sock: PathBuf, #[serde(default)] pub iommu: bool, } impl VsockConfig { pub fn parse(vsock: &str) -> Result { // Split the parameters based on the comma delimiter let params_list: Vec<&str> = vsock.split(',').collect(); let mut cid_str: &str = ""; let mut sock_str: &str = ""; let mut iommu_str: &str = ""; for param in params_list.iter() { if param.starts_with("cid=") { cid_str = ¶m[4..]; } else if param.starts_with("sock=") { sock_str = ¶m[5..]; } else if param.starts_with("iommu=") { iommu_str = ¶m[6..]; } } if sock_str.is_empty() { return Err(Error::ParseVsockSockParam); } Ok(VsockConfig { cid: cid_str.parse::().map_err(Error::ParseVsockCidParam)?, sock: PathBuf::from(sock_str), iommu: parse_iommu(iommu_str)?, }) } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct VhostUserBlkConfig { pub wce: bool, pub vu_cfg: VuConfig, } impl VhostUserBlkConfig { pub fn parse(vhost_user_blk: &str) -> Result { // Split the parameters based on the comma delimiter let params_list: Vec<&str> = vhost_user_blk.split(',').collect(); let mut sock: &str = ""; let mut num_queues_str: &str = ""; let mut queue_size_str: &str = ""; let mut wce_str: &str = ""; for param in params_list.iter() { if param.starts_with("sock=") { sock = ¶m[5..]; } else if param.starts_with("num_queues=") { num_queues_str = ¶m[11..]; } else if param.starts_with("queue_size=") { queue_size_str = ¶m[11..]; } else if param.starts_with("wce=") { wce_str = ¶m[4..]; } } let mut num_queues: usize = 1; let mut queue_size: u16 = 128; let mut wce: bool = true; if !num_queues_str.is_empty() { num_queues = num_queues_str .parse() .map_err(Error::ParseVuNumQueuesParam)?; } if !queue_size_str.is_empty() { queue_size = queue_size_str .parse() .map_err(Error::ParseVuQueueSizeParam)?; } if !wce_str.is_empty() { wce = wce_str.parse().map_err(Error::ParseVuBlkWceParam)?; } let vu_cfg = VuConfig { sock: sock.to_string(), num_queues, queue_size, }; Ok(VhostUserBlkConfig { wce, vu_cfg }) } } #[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct VmConfig { #[serde(default)] pub cpus: CpusConfig, #[serde(default)] pub memory: MemoryConfig, pub kernel: Option, pub cmdline: CmdlineConfig, pub disks: Option>, pub net: Option>, #[serde(default)] pub rng: RngConfig, pub fs: Option>, pub pmem: Option>, #[serde(default = "ConsoleConfig::default_serial")] pub serial: ConsoleConfig, #[serde(default = "ConsoleConfig::default_console")] pub console: ConsoleConfig, pub devices: Option>, pub vhost_user_net: Option>, pub vhost_user_blk: Option>, pub vsock: Option>, #[serde(default)] pub iommu: bool, } impl VmConfig { pub fn valid(&self) -> bool { self.kernel.is_some() } pub fn parse(vm_params: VmParams) -> Result { let mut iommu = false; let mut disks: Option> = None; if let Some(disk_list) = &vm_params.disks { let mut disk_config_list = Vec::new(); for item in disk_list.iter() { let disk_config = DiskConfig::parse(item)?; if disk_config.iommu { iommu = true; } disk_config_list.push(disk_config); } disks = Some(disk_config_list); } let mut net: Option> = None; if let Some(net_list) = &vm_params.net { let mut net_config_list = Vec::new(); for item in net_list.iter() { let net_config = NetConfig::parse(item)?; if net_config.iommu { iommu = true; } net_config_list.push(net_config); } net = Some(net_config_list); } let rng = RngConfig::parse(vm_params.rng)?; if rng.iommu { iommu = true; } let mut fs: Option> = None; if let Some(fs_list) = &vm_params.fs { let mut fs_config_list = Vec::new(); for item in fs_list.iter() { fs_config_list.push(FsConfig::parse(item)?); } fs = Some(fs_config_list); } let mut pmem: Option> = None; if let Some(pmem_list) = &vm_params.pmem { let mut pmem_config_list = Vec::new(); for item in pmem_list.iter() { let pmem_config = PmemConfig::parse(item)?; if pmem_config.iommu { iommu = true; } pmem_config_list.push(pmem_config); } pmem = Some(pmem_config_list); } let console = ConsoleConfig::parse(vm_params.console)?; if console.iommu { iommu = true; } let serial = ConsoleConfig::parse(vm_params.serial)?; if console.mode == ConsoleOutputMode::Tty && serial.mode == ConsoleOutputMode::Tty { return Err(Error::ParseTTYParam); } let mut devices: Option> = None; if let Some(device_list) = &vm_params.devices { let mut device_config_list = Vec::new(); for item in device_list.iter() { device_config_list.push(DeviceConfig::parse(item)?); } devices = Some(device_config_list); } let mut vhost_user_net: Option> = None; if let Some(vhost_user_net_list) = &vm_params.vhost_user_net { let mut vhost_user_net_config_list = Vec::new(); for item in vhost_user_net_list.iter() { vhost_user_net_config_list.push(VhostUserNetConfig::parse(item)?); } vhost_user_net = Some(vhost_user_net_config_list); } let mut vsock: Option> = None; if let Some(vsock_list) = &vm_params.vsock { let mut vsock_config_list = Vec::new(); for item in vsock_list.iter() { let vsock_config = VsockConfig::parse(item)?; if vsock_config.iommu { iommu = true; } vsock_config_list.push(vsock_config); } vsock = Some(vsock_config_list); } let mut vhost_user_blk: Option> = None; if let Some(vhost_user_blk_list) = &vm_params.vhost_user_blk { let mut vhost_user_blk_config_list = Vec::new(); for item in vhost_user_blk_list.iter() { vhost_user_blk_config_list.push(VhostUserBlkConfig::parse(item)?); } vhost_user_blk = Some(vhost_user_blk_config_list); } let mut kernel: Option = None; if let Some(k) = vm_params.kernel { kernel = Some(KernelConfig { path: PathBuf::from(k), }); } Ok(VmConfig { cpus: CpusConfig::parse(vm_params.cpus)?, memory: MemoryConfig::parse(vm_params.memory)?, kernel, cmdline: CmdlineConfig::parse(vm_params.cmdline)?, disks, net, rng, fs, pmem, serial, console, devices, vhost_user_net, vhost_user_blk, vsock, iommu, }) } }