#!/bin/bash set -x source $HOME/.cargo/env source $(dirname "$0")/test-util.sh export BUILD_TARGET=${BUILD_TARGET-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu} WORKLOADS_DIR="$HOME/workloads" WORKLOADS_LOCK="$WORKLOADS_DIR/integration_test.lock" mkdir -p "$WORKLOADS_DIR" update_workloads() { cp scripts/sha1sums-aarch64 $WORKLOADS_DIR BIONIC_OS_IMAGE_DOWNLOAD_NAME="bionic-server-cloudimg-arm64.img" BIONIC_OS_IMAGE_DOWNLOAD_URL="https://cloudhypervisorstorage.blob.core.windows.net/images/$BIONIC_OS_IMAGE_DOWNLOAD_NAME" BIONIC_OS_DOWNLOAD_IMAGE="$WORKLOADS_DIR/$BIONIC_OS_IMAGE_DOWNLOAD_NAME" if [ ! -f "$BIONIC_OS_DOWNLOAD_IMAGE" ]; then pushd $WORKLOADS_DIR time wget --quiet $BIONIC_OS_IMAGE_DOWNLOAD_URL || exit 1 popd fi BIONIC_OS_RAW_IMAGE_NAME="bionic-server-cloudimg-arm64.raw" BIONIC_OS_RAW_IMAGE="$WORKLOADS_DIR/$BIONIC_OS_RAW_IMAGE_NAME" if [ ! -f "$BIONIC_OS_RAW_IMAGE" ]; then pushd $WORKLOADS_DIR time qemu-img convert -p -f qcow2 -O raw $BIONIC_OS_IMAGE_DOWNLOAD_NAME $BIONIC_OS_RAW_IMAGE_NAME || exit 1 popd fi # Convert the raw image to qcow2 image to remove compressed blocks from the disk. Therefore letting the # qcow2 format image can be directly used in the integration test. BIONIC_OS_QCOW2_IMAGE_UNCOMPRESSED_NAME="bionic-server-cloudimg-arm64.qcow2" BIONIC_OS_QCOW2_UNCOMPRESSED_IMAGE="$WORKLOADS_DIR/$BIONIC_OS_QCOW2_IMAGE_UNCOMPRESSED_NAME" if [ ! -f "$BIONIC_OS_QCOW2_UNCOMPRESSED_IMAGE" ]; then pushd $WORKLOADS_DIR time qemu-img convert -p -f raw -O qcow2 $BIONIC_OS_RAW_IMAGE_NAME $BIONIC_OS_QCOW2_UNCOMPRESSED_IMAGE || exit 1 popd fi FOCAL_OS_RAW_IMAGE_NAME="focal-server-cloudimg-arm64-custom.raw" FOCAL_OS_RAW_IMAGE_DOWNLOAD_URL="https://cloudhypervisorstorage.blob.core.windows.net/images/$FOCAL_OS_RAW_IMAGE_NAME" FOCAL_OS_RAW_IMAGE="$WORKLOADS_DIR/$FOCAL_OS_RAW_IMAGE_NAME" if [ ! -f "$FOCAL_OS_RAW_IMAGE" ]; then pushd $WORKLOADS_DIR time wget --quiet $FOCAL_OS_RAW_IMAGE_DOWNLOAD_URL || exit 1 popd fi # Convert the raw image to qcow2 image to remove compressed blocks from the disk. Therefore letting the # qcow2 format image can be directly used in the integration test. FOCAL_OS_QCOW2_IMAGE_UNCOMPRESSED_NAME="focal-server-cloudimg-arm64-custom.qcow2" FOCAL_OS_QCOW2_IMAGE_UNCOMPRESSED_DOWNLOAD_URL="https://cloudhypervisorstorage.blob.core.windows.net/images/$FOCAL_OS_QCOW2_IMAGE_UNCOMPRESSED_NAME" FOCAL_OS_QCOW2_UNCOMPRESSED_IMAGE="$WORKLOADS_DIR/$FOCAL_OS_QCOW2_IMAGE_UNCOMPRESSED_NAME" if [ ! -f "$FOCAL_OS_QCOW2_UNCOMPRESSED_IMAGE" ]; then pushd $WORKLOADS_DIR time wget --quiet $FOCAL_OS_QCOW2_IMAGE_UNCOMPRESSED_DOWNLOAD_URL || exit 1 popd fi ALPINE_MINIROOTFS_URL="http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.11/releases/aarch64/alpine-minirootfs-3.11.3-aarch64.tar.gz" ALPINE_MINIROOTFS_TARBALL="$WORKLOADS_DIR/alpine-minirootfs-aarch64.tar.gz" if [ ! -f "$ALPINE_MINIROOTFS_TARBALL" ]; then pushd $WORKLOADS_DIR time wget --quiet $ALPINE_MINIROOTFS_URL -O $ALPINE_MINIROOTFS_TARBALL || exit 1 popd fi ALPINE_INITRAMFS_IMAGE="$WORKLOADS_DIR/alpine_initramfs.img" if [ ! -f "$ALPINE_INITRAMFS_IMAGE" ]; then pushd $WORKLOADS_DIR mkdir alpine-minirootfs tar xf "$ALPINE_MINIROOTFS_TARBALL" -C alpine-minirootfs cat > alpine-minirootfs/init <<-EOF #! /bin/sh mount -t devtmpfs dev /dev echo \$TEST_STRING > /dev/console poweroff -f EOF chmod +x alpine-minirootfs/init cd alpine-minirootfs find . -print0 | cpio --null --create --verbose --owner root:root --format=newc > "$ALPINE_INITRAMFS_IMAGE" popd fi pushd $WORKLOADS_DIR sha1sum sha1sums-aarch64 --check if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "sha1sum validation of images failed, remove invalid images to fix the issue." exit 1 fi popd # Build custom kernel based on virtio-pmem and virtio-fs upstream patches PE_IMAGE="$WORKLOADS_DIR/Image" LINUX_CUSTOM_DIR="$WORKLOADS_DIR/linux-custom" build_custom_linux_kernel() { pushd $LINUX_CUSTOM_DIR time make -j `nproc` cp arch/arm64/boot/Image $WORKLOADS_DIR/Image || exit 1 popd } SRCDIR=$PWD LINUX_CUSTOM_BRANCH="ch-5.12" # Check whether the local HEAD commit same as the remote HEAD or not. Remove the folder if they are different. if [ -d "$LINUX_CUSTOM_DIR" ]; then pushd $LINUX_CUSTOM_DIR git fetch LINUX_CUSTOM_LOCAL_HEAD=$(git rev-parse HEAD) LINUX_CUSTOM_REMOTE_HEAD=$(git rev-parse remotes/origin/$LINUX_CUSTOM_BRANCH) popd if [ "$LINUX_CUSTOM_LOCAL_HEAD" != "$LINUX_CUSTOM_REMOTE_HEAD" ]; then rm -rf "$LINUX_CUSTOM_DIR" fi fi if [ ! -d "$LINUX_CUSTOM_DIR" ]; then time git clone --depth 1 "https://github.com/cloud-hypervisor/linux.git" -b $LINUX_CUSTOM_BRANCH $LINUX_CUSTOM_DIR fi cp $SRCDIR/resources/linux-config-aarch64 $LINUX_CUSTOM_DIR/.config build_custom_linux_kernel VIRTIOFSD="$WORKLOADS_DIR/virtiofsd" QEMU_DIR="qemu_build" if [ ! -f "$VIRTIOFSD" ]; then pushd $WORKLOADS_DIR git clone --depth 1 "https://gitlab.com/virtio-fs/qemu.git" -b "qemu5.0-virtiofs-dax" $QEMU_DIR pushd $QEMU_DIR time ./configure --prefix=$PWD --target-list=aarch64-softmmu time make virtiofsd -j `nproc` cp virtiofsd $VIRTIOFSD || exit 1 popd rm -rf $QEMU_DIR popd fi VIRTIOFSD_RS="$WORKLOADS_DIR/virtiofsd-rs" VIRTIOFSD_RS_DIR="virtiofsd_rs_build" if [ ! -f "$VIRTIOFSD_RS" ]; then pushd $WORKLOADS_DIR git clone --depth 1 "https://gitlab.com/virtio-fs/virtiofsd-rs.git" $VIRTIOFSD_RS_DIR pushd $VIRTIOFSD_RS_DIR time cargo build --release cp target/release/virtiofsd-rs $VIRTIOFSD_RS || exit 1 popd rm -rf $VIRTIOFSD_RS_DIR popd fi BLK_IMAGE="$WORKLOADS_DIR/blk.img" MNT_DIR="mount_image" if [ ! -f "$BLK_IMAGE" ]; then pushd $WORKLOADS_DIR fallocate -l 16M $BLK_IMAGE mkfs.ext4 -j $BLK_IMAGE mkdir $MNT_DIR sudo mount -t ext4 $BLK_IMAGE $MNT_DIR sudo bash -c "echo bar > $MNT_DIR/foo" || exit 1 sudo umount $BLK_IMAGE rm -r $MNT_DIR popd fi SHARED_DIR="$WORKLOADS_DIR/shared_dir" if [ ! -d "$SHARED_DIR" ]; then mkdir -p $SHARED_DIR echo "foo" > "$SHARED_DIR/file1" echo "bar" > "$SHARED_DIR/file3" || exit 1 fi } process_common_args "$@" # aarch64 not supported for MSHV if [[ "$hypervisor" = "mshv" ]]; then echo "Aarch64 is not supported in Microsoft Hypervisor" exit 1 fi features_build_fdt="--no-default-features --features $hypervisor" features_build_acpi="--no-default-features --features $hypervisor,acpi" features_test_fdt="--no-default-features --features integration_tests,$hypervisor" features_test_acpi="--no-default-features --features integration_tests,$hypervisor,acpi" # lock the workloads folder to avoid parallel updating by different containers ( echo "try to lock $WORKLOADS_DIR folder and update" flock -x 12 && update_workloads ) 12>$WORKLOADS_LOCK # Check if there is any error in the execution of `update_workloads`. # If there is any error, then kill the shell. Otherwise the script will continue # running even if the `update_workloads` function was failed. RES=$? if [ $RES -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi BUILD_TARGET="aarch64-unknown-linux-${CH_LIBC}" CFLAGS="" TARGET_CC="" if [[ "${BUILD_TARGET}" == "aarch64-unknown-linux-musl" ]]; then TARGET_CC="musl-gcc" CFLAGS="-I /usr/include/aarch64-linux-musl/ -idirafter /usr/include/" fi export RUST_BACKTRACE=1 # Test without ACPI cargo build --all --release $features_build_fdt --target $BUILD_TARGET strip target/$BUILD_TARGET/release/cloud-hypervisor strip target/$BUILD_TARGET/release/vhost_user_net strip target/$BUILD_TARGET/release/ch-remote # Enable KSM with some reasonable parameters so that it won't take too long # for the memory to be merged between two processes. sudo bash -c "echo 1000000 > /sys/kernel/mm/ksm/pages_to_scan" sudo bash -c "echo 10 > /sys/kernel/mm/ksm/sleep_millisecs" sudo bash -c "echo 1 > /sys/kernel/mm/ksm/run" time cargo test $features_test_fdt "tests::parallel::$test_filter" RES=$? echo "Integration test on FDT finished with result $RES." if [ $RES -eq 0 ]; then # Test with EDK2 + ACPI cargo build --all --release $features_build_acpi --target $BUILD_TARGET RES=$? echo "Integration test on UEFI & ACPI finished with result $RES." fi exit $RES