// Copyright © 2021 Intel Corporation // // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 // #![allow(clippy::undocumented_unsafe_blocks)] use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use serde_json::Value; use ssh2::Session; use std::env; use std::ffi::OsStr; use std::fmt::Display; use std::io; use std::io::{Read, Write}; use std::net::TcpListener; use std::net::TcpStream; use std::os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt; use std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd}; use std::path::Path; use std::process::{Child, Command, ExitStatus, Output, Stdio}; use std::str::FromStr; use std::sync::Mutex; use std::thread; use std::time::Duration; use std::{fmt, fs}; use vmm_sys_util::tempdir::TempDir; use wait_timeout::ChildExt; #[derive(Debug)] pub enum WaitTimeoutError { Timedout, ExitStatus, General(std::io::Error), } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Error { Parsing(std::num::ParseIntError), SshCommand(SshCommandError), WaitForBoot(WaitForBootError), EthrLogFile(std::io::Error), EthrLogParse, FioOutputParse, Iperf3Parse, Spawn(std::io::Error), WaitTimeout(WaitTimeoutError), } impl From for Error { fn from(e: SshCommandError) -> Self { Self::SshCommand(e) } } pub struct GuestNetworkConfig { pub guest_ip: String, pub l2_guest_ip1: String, pub l2_guest_ip2: String, pub l2_guest_ip3: String, pub host_ip: String, pub guest_mac: String, pub l2_guest_mac1: String, pub l2_guest_mac2: String, pub l2_guest_mac3: String, pub tcp_listener_port: u16, } pub const DEFAULT_TCP_LISTENER_MESSAGE: &str = "booted"; pub const DEFAULT_TCP_LISTENER_PORT: u16 = 8000; pub const DEFAULT_TCP_LISTENER_TIMEOUT: i32 = 120; #[derive(Debug)] pub enum WaitForBootError { EpollWait(std::io::Error), Listen(std::io::Error), EpollWaitTimeout, WrongGuestAddr, Accept(std::io::Error), } impl GuestNetworkConfig { pub fn wait_vm_boot(&self, custom_timeout: Option) -> Result<(), WaitForBootError> { let start = std::time::Instant::now(); // The 'port' is unique per 'GUEST' and listening to wild-card ip avoids retrying on 'TcpListener::bind()' let listen_addr = format!("{}", self.tcp_listener_port); let expected_guest_addr = self.guest_ip.as_str(); let mut s = String::new(); let timeout = match custom_timeout { Some(t) => t, None => DEFAULT_TCP_LISTENER_TIMEOUT, }; let mut closure = || -> Result<(), WaitForBootError> { let listener = TcpListener::bind(listen_addr.as_str()).map_err(WaitForBootError::Listen)?; listener .set_nonblocking(true) .expect("Cannot set non-blocking for tcp listener"); // Reply on epoll w/ timeout to wait for guest connections faithfully let epoll_fd = epoll::create(true).expect("Cannot create epoll fd"); // Use 'File' to enforce closing on 'epoll_fd' let _epoll_file = unsafe { fs::File::from_raw_fd(epoll_fd) }; epoll::ctl( epoll_fd, epoll::ControlOptions::EPOLL_CTL_ADD, listener.as_raw_fd(), epoll::Event::new(epoll::Events::EPOLLIN, 0), ) .expect("Cannot add 'tcp_listener' event to epoll"); let mut events = [epoll::Event::new(epoll::Events::empty(), 0); 1]; loop { let num_events = match epoll::wait(epoll_fd, timeout * 1000_i32, &mut events[..]) { Ok(num_events) => Ok(num_events), Err(e) => match e.raw_os_error() { Some(libc::EAGAIN) | Some(libc::EINTR) => continue, _ => Err(e), }, } .map_err(WaitForBootError::EpollWait)?; if num_events == 0 { return Err(WaitForBootError::EpollWaitTimeout); } break; } match listener.accept() { Ok((_, addr)) => { // Make sure the connection is from the expected 'guest_addr' if addr.ip() != std::net::IpAddr::from_str(expected_guest_addr).unwrap() { s = format!( "Expecting the guest ip '{}' while being connected with ip '{}'", expected_guest_addr, addr.ip() ); return Err(WaitForBootError::WrongGuestAddr); } Ok(()) } Err(e) => { s = "TcpListener::accept() failed".to_string(); Err(WaitForBootError::Accept(e)) } } }; match closure() { Err(e) => { let duration = start.elapsed(); eprintln!( "\n\n==== Start 'wait_vm_boot' (FAILED) ==== \ \n\nduration =\"{duration:?}, timeout = {timeout}s\" \ \nlisten_addr=\"{listen_addr}\" \ \nexpected_guest_addr=\"{expected_guest_addr}\" \ \nmessage=\"{s}\" \ \nerror=\"{e:?}\" \ \n\n==== End 'wait_vm_boot' outout ====\n\n" ); Err(e) } Ok(_) => Ok(()), } } } pub enum DiskType { OperatingSystem, CloudInit, } pub trait DiskConfig { fn prepare_files(&mut self, tmp_dir: &TempDir, network: &GuestNetworkConfig); fn prepare_cloudinit(&self, tmp_dir: &TempDir, network: &GuestNetworkConfig) -> String; fn disk(&self, disk_type: DiskType) -> Option; } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct UbuntuDiskConfig { osdisk_path: String, cloudinit_path: String, image_name: String, } impl UbuntuDiskConfig { pub fn new(image_name: String) -> Self { UbuntuDiskConfig { image_name, osdisk_path: String::new(), cloudinit_path: String::new(), } } } pub struct WindowsDiskConfig { image_name: String, osdisk_path: String, loopback_device: String, windows_snapshot_cow: String, windows_snapshot: String, } impl WindowsDiskConfig { pub fn new(image_name: String) -> Self { WindowsDiskConfig { image_name, osdisk_path: String::new(), loopback_device: String::new(), windows_snapshot_cow: String::new(), windows_snapshot: String::new(), } } } impl Drop for WindowsDiskConfig { fn drop(&mut self) { // dmsetup remove windows-snapshot-1 std::process::Command::new("dmsetup") .arg("remove") .arg(self.windows_snapshot.as_str()) .output() .expect("Expect removing Windows snapshot with 'dmsetup' to succeed"); // dmsetup remove windows-snapshot-cow-1 std::process::Command::new("dmsetup") .arg("remove") .arg(self.windows_snapshot_cow.as_str()) .output() .expect("Expect removing Windows snapshot CoW with 'dmsetup' to succeed"); // losetup -d std::process::Command::new("losetup") .args(["-d", self.loopback_device.as_str()]) .output() .expect("Expect removing loopback device to succeed"); } } impl DiskConfig for UbuntuDiskConfig { fn prepare_cloudinit(&self, tmp_dir: &TempDir, network: &GuestNetworkConfig) -> String { let cloudinit_file_path = String::from(tmp_dir.as_path().join("cloudinit").to_str().unwrap()); let cloud_init_directory = tmp_dir.as_path().join("cloud-init").join("ubuntu"); fs::create_dir_all(&cloud_init_directory) .expect("Expect creating cloud-init directory to succeed"); let source_file_dir = std::env::current_dir() .unwrap() .join("test_data") .join("cloud-init") .join("ubuntu") .join("ci"); ["meta-data"].iter().for_each(|x| { rate_limited_copy(source_file_dir.join(x), cloud_init_directory.join(x)) .expect("Expect copying cloud-init meta-data to succeed"); }); let mut user_data_string = String::new(); fs::File::open(source_file_dir.join("user-data")) .unwrap() .read_to_string(&mut user_data_string) .expect("Expected reading user-data file to succeed"); user_data_string = user_data_string.replace( "@DEFAULT_TCP_LISTENER_MESSAGE", DEFAULT_TCP_LISTENER_MESSAGE, ); user_data_string = user_data_string.replace("@HOST_IP", &network.host_ip); user_data_string = user_data_string.replace("@TCP_LISTENER_PORT", &network.tcp_listener_port.to_string()); fs::File::create(cloud_init_directory.join("user-data")) .unwrap() .write_all(user_data_string.as_bytes()) .expect("Expected writing out user-data to succeed"); let mut network_config_string = String::new(); fs::File::open(source_file_dir.join("network-config")) .unwrap() .read_to_string(&mut network_config_string) .expect("Expected reading network-config file to succeed"); network_config_string = network_config_string.replace("", &network.host_ip); network_config_string = network_config_string.replace("", &network.guest_ip); network_config_string = network_config_string.replace("", &network.l2_guest_ip1); network_config_string = network_config_string.replace("", &network.l2_guest_ip2); network_config_string = network_config_string.replace("", &network.l2_guest_ip3); network_config_string = network_config_string.replace("12:34:56:78:90:ab", &network.guest_mac); network_config_string = network_config_string.replace("de:ad:be:ef:12:34", &network.l2_guest_mac1); network_config_string = network_config_string.replace("de:ad:be:ef:34:56", &network.l2_guest_mac2); network_config_string = network_config_string.replace("de:ad:be:ef:56:78", &network.l2_guest_mac3); fs::File::create(cloud_init_directory.join("network-config")) .unwrap() .write_all(network_config_string.as_bytes()) .expect("Expected writing out network-config to succeed"); std::process::Command::new("mkdosfs") .args(["-n", "CIDATA"]) .args(["-C", cloudinit_file_path.as_str()]) .arg("8192") .output() .expect("Expect creating disk image to succeed"); ["user-data", "meta-data", "network-config"] .iter() .for_each(|x| { std::process::Command::new("mcopy") .arg("-o") .args(["-i", cloudinit_file_path.as_str()]) .args(["-s", cloud_init_directory.join(x).to_str().unwrap(), "::"]) .output() .expect("Expect copying files to disk image to succeed"); }); cloudinit_file_path } fn prepare_files(&mut self, tmp_dir: &TempDir, network: &GuestNetworkConfig) { let mut workload_path = dirs::home_dir().unwrap(); workload_path.push("workloads"); let mut osdisk_base_path = workload_path; osdisk_base_path.push(&self.image_name); let osdisk_path = String::from(tmp_dir.as_path().join("osdisk.img").to_str().unwrap()); let cloudinit_path = self.prepare_cloudinit(tmp_dir, network); rate_limited_copy(osdisk_base_path, &osdisk_path) .expect("copying of OS source disk image failed"); self.cloudinit_path = cloudinit_path; self.osdisk_path = osdisk_path; } fn disk(&self, disk_type: DiskType) -> Option { match disk_type { DiskType::OperatingSystem => Some(self.osdisk_path.clone()), DiskType::CloudInit => Some(self.cloudinit_path.clone()), } } } impl DiskConfig for WindowsDiskConfig { fn prepare_cloudinit(&self, _tmp_dir: &TempDir, _network: &GuestNetworkConfig) -> String { String::new() } fn prepare_files(&mut self, tmp_dir: &TempDir, _network: &GuestNetworkConfig) { let mut workload_path = dirs::home_dir().unwrap(); workload_path.push("workloads"); let mut osdisk_path = workload_path; osdisk_path.push(&self.image_name); let osdisk_blk_size = fs::metadata(osdisk_path) .expect("Expect retrieving Windows image metadata") .len() >> 9; let snapshot_cow_path = String::from(tmp_dir.as_path().join("snapshot_cow").to_str().unwrap()); // Create and truncate CoW file for device mapper let cow_file_size: u64 = 1 << 30; let cow_file_blk_size = cow_file_size >> 9; let cow_file = std::fs::File::create(snapshot_cow_path.as_str()) .expect("Expect creating CoW image to succeed"); cow_file .set_len(cow_file_size) .expect("Expect truncating CoW image to succeed"); // losetup --find --show /tmp/snapshot_cow let loopback_device = std::process::Command::new("losetup") .arg("--find") .arg("--show") .arg(snapshot_cow_path.as_str()) .output() .expect("Expect creating loopback device from snapshot CoW image to succeed"); self.loopback_device = String::from_utf8_lossy(&loopback_device.stdout) .trim() .to_string(); let random_extension = tmp_dir.as_path().file_name().unwrap(); let windows_snapshot_cow = format!( "windows-snapshot-cow-{}", random_extension.to_str().unwrap() ); // dmsetup create windows-snapshot-cow-1 --table '0 2097152 linear /dev/loop1 0' std::process::Command::new("dmsetup") .arg("create") .arg(windows_snapshot_cow.as_str()) .args([ "--table", format!("0 {} linear {} 0", cow_file_blk_size, self.loopback_device).as_str(), ]) .output() .expect("Expect creating Windows snapshot CoW with 'dmsetup' to succeed"); let windows_snapshot = format!("windows-snapshot-{}", random_extension.to_str().unwrap()); // dmsetup mknodes std::process::Command::new("dmsetup") .arg("mknodes") .output() .expect("Expect device mapper nodes to be ready"); // dmsetup create windows-snapshot-1 --table '0 41943040 snapshot /dev/mapper/windows-base /dev/mapper/windows-snapshot-cow-1 P 8' std::process::Command::new("dmsetup") .arg("create") .arg(windows_snapshot.as_str()) .args([ "--table", format!( "0 {} snapshot /dev/mapper/windows-base /dev/mapper/{} P 8", osdisk_blk_size, windows_snapshot_cow.as_str() ) .as_str(), ]) .output() .expect("Expect creating Windows snapshot with 'dmsetup' to succeed"); // dmsetup mknodes std::process::Command::new("dmsetup") .arg("mknodes") .output() .expect("Expect device mapper nodes to be ready"); self.osdisk_path = format!("/dev/mapper/{windows_snapshot}"); self.windows_snapshot_cow = windows_snapshot_cow; self.windows_snapshot = windows_snapshot; } fn disk(&self, disk_type: DiskType) -> Option { match disk_type { DiskType::OperatingSystem => Some(self.osdisk_path.clone()), DiskType::CloudInit => None, } } } pub fn rate_limited_copy, Q: AsRef>(from: P, to: Q) -> io::Result { for i in 0..10 { let free_bytes = unsafe { let mut stats = std::mem::MaybeUninit::zeroed(); let fs_name = std::ffi::CString::new("/tmp").unwrap(); libc::statvfs(fs_name.as_ptr(), stats.as_mut_ptr()); let free_blocks = stats.assume_init().f_bfree; let block_size = stats.assume_init().f_bsize; free_blocks * block_size }; // Make sure there is at least 6 GiB of space if free_bytes < 6 << 30 { eprintln!("Not enough space on disk ({free_bytes}). Attempt {i} of 10. Sleeping."); thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::new(60, 0)); continue; } match fs::copy(&from, &to) { Err(e) => { if let Some(errno) = e.raw_os_error() { if errno == libc::ENOSPC { eprintln!("Copy returned ENOSPC. Attempt {i} of 10. Sleeping."); thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::new(60, 0)); continue; } } return Err(e); } Ok(i) => return Ok(i), } } Err(io::Error::last_os_error()) } pub fn handle_child_output( r: Result<(), std::boxed::Box>, output: &std::process::Output, ) { use std::os::unix::process::ExitStatusExt; if r.is_ok() && output.status.success() { return; } match output.status.code() { None => { // Don't treat child.kill() as a problem if output.status.signal() == Some(9) && r.is_ok() { return; } eprintln!( "==== child killed by signal: {} ====", output.status.signal().unwrap() ); } Some(code) => { eprintln!("\n\n==== child exit code: {code} ===="); } } eprintln!( "\n\n==== Start child stdout ====\n\n{}\n\n==== End child stdout ====", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout) ); eprintln!( "\n\n==== Start child stderr ====\n\n{}\n\n==== End child stderr ====", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr) ); panic!("Test failed") } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct PasswordAuth { pub username: String, pub password: String, } pub const DEFAULT_SSH_RETRIES: u8 = 6; pub const DEFAULT_SSH_TIMEOUT: u8 = 10; #[derive(Debug)] pub enum SshCommandError { Connection(std::io::Error), Handshake(ssh2::Error), Authentication(ssh2::Error), ChannelSession(ssh2::Error), Command(ssh2::Error), ExitStatus(ssh2::Error), NonZeroExitStatus(i32), FileRead(std::io::Error), FileMetadata(std::io::Error), ScpSend(ssh2::Error), WriteAll(std::io::Error), SendEof(ssh2::Error), WaitEof(ssh2::Error), } fn scp_to_guest_with_auth( path: &Path, remote_path: &Path, auth: &PasswordAuth, ip: &str, retries: u8, timeout: u8, ) -> Result<(), SshCommandError> { let mut counter = 0; loop { let closure = || -> Result<(), SshCommandError> { let tcp = TcpStream::connect(format!("{ip}:22")).map_err(SshCommandError::Connection)?; let mut sess = Session::new().unwrap(); sess.set_tcp_stream(tcp); sess.handshake().map_err(SshCommandError::Handshake)?; sess.userauth_password(&auth.username, &auth.password) .map_err(SshCommandError::Authentication)?; assert!(sess.authenticated()); let content = fs::read(path).map_err(SshCommandError::FileRead)?; let mode = fs::metadata(path) .map_err(SshCommandError::FileMetadata)? .permissions() .mode() & 0o777; let mut channel = sess .scp_send(remote_path, mode as i32, content.len() as u64, None) .map_err(SshCommandError::ScpSend)?; channel .write_all(&content) .map_err(SshCommandError::WriteAll)?; channel.send_eof().map_err(SshCommandError::SendEof)?; channel.wait_eof().map_err(SshCommandError::WaitEof)?; // Intentionally ignore these results here as their failure // does not precipitate a repeat let _ = channel.close(); let _ = channel.wait_close(); Ok(()) }; match closure() { Ok(_) => break, Err(e) => { counter += 1; if counter >= retries { eprintln!( "\n\n==== Start scp command output (FAILED) ====\n\n\ path =\"{path:?}\"\n\ remote_path =\"{remote_path:?}\"\n\ auth=\"{auth:#?}\"\n\ ip=\"{ip}\"\n\ error=\"{e:?}\"\n\ \n==== End scp command outout ====\n\n" ); return Err(e); } } }; thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::new((timeout * counter).into(), 0)); } Ok(()) } pub fn scp_to_guest( path: &Path, remote_path: &Path, ip: &str, retries: u8, timeout: u8, ) -> Result<(), SshCommandError> { scp_to_guest_with_auth( path, remote_path, &PasswordAuth { username: String::from("cloud"), password: String::from("cloud123"), }, ip, retries, timeout, ) } pub fn ssh_command_ip_with_auth( command: &str, auth: &PasswordAuth, ip: &str, retries: u8, timeout: u8, ) -> Result { let mut s = String::new(); let mut counter = 0; loop { let mut closure = || -> Result<(), SshCommandError> { let tcp = TcpStream::connect(format!("{ip}:22")).map_err(SshCommandError::Connection)?; let mut sess = Session::new().unwrap(); sess.set_tcp_stream(tcp); sess.handshake().map_err(SshCommandError::Handshake)?; sess.userauth_password(&auth.username, &auth.password) .map_err(SshCommandError::Authentication)?; assert!(sess.authenticated()); let mut channel = sess .channel_session() .map_err(SshCommandError::ChannelSession)?; channel.exec(command).map_err(SshCommandError::Command)?; // Intentionally ignore these results here as their failure // does not precipitate a repeat let _ = channel.read_to_string(&mut s); let _ = channel.close(); let _ = channel.wait_close(); let status = channel.exit_status().map_err(SshCommandError::ExitStatus)?; if status != 0 { Err(SshCommandError::NonZeroExitStatus(status)) } else { Ok(()) } }; match closure() { Ok(_) => break, Err(e) => { counter += 1; if counter >= retries { eprintln!( "\n\n==== Start ssh command output (FAILED) ====\n\n\ command=\"{command}\"\n\ auth=\"{auth:#?}\"\n\ ip=\"{ip}\"\n\ output=\"{s}\"\n\ error=\"{e:?}\"\n\ \n==== End ssh command outout ====\n\n" ); return Err(e); } } }; thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::new((timeout * counter).into(), 0)); } Ok(s) } pub fn ssh_command_ip( command: &str, ip: &str, retries: u8, timeout: u8, ) -> Result { ssh_command_ip_with_auth( command, &PasswordAuth { username: String::from("cloud"), password: String::from("cloud123"), }, ip, retries, timeout, ) } pub fn exec_host_command_with_retries(command: &str, retries: u32, interval: Duration) -> bool { for _ in 0..retries { let s = exec_host_command_output(command).status; if !s.success() { eprintln!("\n\n==== retrying in {:?} ===\n\n", interval); thread::sleep(interval); } else { return true; } } false } pub fn exec_host_command_status(command: &str) -> ExitStatus { exec_host_command_output(command).status } pub fn exec_host_command_output(command: &str) -> Output { let output = std::process::Command::new("bash") .args(["-c", command]) .output() .unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Expected '{command}' to run. Error: {:?}", e)); if !output.status.success() { let stdout = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout); let stderr = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr); eprintln!( "\n\n==== Start 'exec_host_command' failed ==== \ \n\n---stdout---\n{stdout}\n---stderr---{stderr} \ \n\n==== End 'exec_host_command' failed ====", ); } output } pub fn check_lines_count(input: &str, line_count: usize) -> bool { if input.lines().count() == line_count { true } else { eprintln!( "\n\n==== Start 'check_lines_count' failed ==== \ \n\ninput = {input}\nline_count = {line_count} \ \n\n==== End 'check_lines_count' failed ====", ); false } } pub fn check_matched_lines_count(input: &str, keywords: Vec<&str>, line_count: usize) -> bool { let mut matches = String::new(); for line in input.lines() { if keywords.iter().all(|k| line.contains(k)) { matches += line; } } if matches.lines().count() == line_count { true } else { eprintln!( "\n\n==== Start 'check_matched_lines_count' failed ==== \ \nkeywords = {keywords:?}, line_count = {line_count} \ \n\ninput = {input} matches = {matches} \ \n\n==== End 'check_matched_lines_count' failed ====", ); false } } pub const PIPE_SIZE: i32 = 32 << 20; static NEXT_VM_ID: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| Mutex::new(1)); pub struct Guest { pub tmp_dir: TempDir, pub disk_config: Box, pub network: GuestNetworkConfig, } // Safe to implement as we know we have no interior mutability impl std::panic::RefUnwindSafe for Guest {} impl Guest { pub fn new_from_ip_range(mut disk_config: Box, class: &str, id: u8) -> Self { let tmp_dir = TempDir::new_with_prefix("/tmp/ch").unwrap(); let network = GuestNetworkConfig { guest_ip: format!("{class}.{id}.2"), l2_guest_ip1: format!("{class}.{id}.3"), l2_guest_ip2: format!("{class}.{id}.4"), l2_guest_ip3: format!("{class}.{id}.5"), host_ip: format!("{class}.{id}.1"), guest_mac: format!("12:34:56:78:90:{id:02x}"), l2_guest_mac1: format!("de:ad:be:ef:12:{id:02x}"), l2_guest_mac2: format!("de:ad:be:ef:34:{id:02x}"), l2_guest_mac3: format!("de:ad:be:ef:56:{id:02x}"), tcp_listener_port: DEFAULT_TCP_LISTENER_PORT + id as u16, }; disk_config.prepare_files(&tmp_dir, &network); Guest { tmp_dir, disk_config, network, } } pub fn new(disk_config: Box) -> Self { let mut guard = NEXT_VM_ID.lock().unwrap(); let id = *guard; *guard = id + 1; Self::new_from_ip_range(disk_config, "192.168", id) } pub fn default_net_string(&self) -> String { format!( "tap=,mac={},ip={},mask=", self.network.guest_mac, self.network.host_ip ) } pub fn default_net_string_w_iommu(&self) -> String { format!( "tap=,mac={},ip={},mask=,iommu=on", self.network.guest_mac, self.network.host_ip ) } pub fn default_net_string_w_mtu(&self, mtu: u16) -> String { format!( "tap=,mac={},ip={},mask=,mtu={}", self.network.guest_mac, self.network.host_ip, mtu ) } pub fn ssh_command(&self, command: &str) -> Result { ssh_command_ip( command, &self.network.guest_ip, DEFAULT_SSH_RETRIES, DEFAULT_SSH_TIMEOUT, ) } #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] pub fn ssh_command_l1(&self, command: &str) -> Result { ssh_command_ip( command, &self.network.guest_ip, DEFAULT_SSH_RETRIES, DEFAULT_SSH_TIMEOUT, ) } #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] pub fn ssh_command_l2_1(&self, command: &str) -> Result { ssh_command_ip( command, &self.network.l2_guest_ip1, DEFAULT_SSH_RETRIES, DEFAULT_SSH_TIMEOUT, ) } #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] pub fn ssh_command_l2_2(&self, command: &str) -> Result { ssh_command_ip( command, &self.network.l2_guest_ip2, DEFAULT_SSH_RETRIES, DEFAULT_SSH_TIMEOUT, ) } #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] pub fn ssh_command_l2_3(&self, command: &str) -> Result { ssh_command_ip( command, &self.network.l2_guest_ip3, DEFAULT_SSH_RETRIES, DEFAULT_SSH_TIMEOUT, ) } pub fn api_create_body(&self, cpu_count: u8, kernel_path: &str, kernel_cmd: &str) -> String { format! {"{{\"cpus\":{{\"boot_vcpus\":{},\"max_vcpus\":{}}},\"payload\":{{\"kernel\":\"{}\",\"cmdline\": \"{}\"}},\"net\":[{{\"ip\":\"{}\", \"mask\":\"\", \"mac\":\"{}\"}}], \"disks\":[{{\"path\":\"{}\"}}, {{\"path\":\"{}\"}}]}}", cpu_count, cpu_count, kernel_path, kernel_cmd, self.network.host_ip, self.network.guest_mac, self.disk_config.disk(DiskType::OperatingSystem).unwrap().as_str(), self.disk_config.disk(DiskType::CloudInit).unwrap().as_str(), } } pub fn get_cpu_count(&self) -> Result { self.ssh_command("grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo")? .trim() .parse() .map_err(Error::Parsing) } pub fn get_total_memory(&self) -> Result { self.ssh_command("grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo | grep -o \"[0-9]*\"")? .trim() .parse() .map_err(Error::Parsing) } #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] pub fn get_total_memory_l2(&self) -> Result { self.ssh_command_l2_1("grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo | grep -o \"[0-9]*\"")? .trim() .parse() .map_err(Error::Parsing) } pub fn get_numa_node_memory(&self, node_id: usize) -> Result { self.ssh_command( format!( "grep MemTotal /sys/devices/system/node/node{node_id}/meminfo \ | cut -d \":\" -f 2 | grep -o \"[0-9]*\"" ) .as_str(), )? .trim() .parse() .map_err(Error::Parsing) } pub fn wait_vm_boot(&self, custom_timeout: Option) -> Result<(), Error> { self.network .wait_vm_boot(custom_timeout) .map_err(Error::WaitForBoot) } pub fn check_numa_node_cpus(&self, node_id: usize, cpus: Vec) -> Result<(), Error> { for cpu in cpus.iter() { let cmd = format!("[ -d \"/sys/devices/system/node/node{node_id}/cpu{cpu}\" ]"); self.ssh_command(cmd.as_str())?; } Ok(()) } pub fn check_numa_node_distances( &self, node_id: usize, distances: &str, ) -> Result { let cmd = format!("cat /sys/devices/system/node/node{node_id}/distance"); if self.ssh_command(cmd.as_str())?.trim() == distances { Ok(true) } else { Ok(false) } } pub fn check_numa_common( &self, mem_ref: Option<&[u32]>, node_ref: Option<&[Vec]>, distance_ref: Option<&[&str]>, ) { if let Some(mem_ref) = mem_ref { // Check each NUMA node has been assigned the right amount of // memory. for (i, &m) in mem_ref.iter().enumerate() { assert!(self.get_numa_node_memory(i).unwrap_or_default() > m); } } if let Some(node_ref) = node_ref { // Check each NUMA node has been assigned the right CPUs set. for (i, n) in node_ref.iter().enumerate() { self.check_numa_node_cpus(i, n.clone()).unwrap(); } } if let Some(distance_ref) = distance_ref { // Check each NUMA node has been assigned the right distances. for (i, &d) in distance_ref.iter().enumerate() { assert!(self.check_numa_node_distances(i, d).unwrap()); } } } #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] pub fn check_sgx_support(&self) -> Result<(), Error> { self.ssh_command( "cpuid -l 0x7 -s 0 | tr -s [:space:] | grep -q 'SGX: \ Software Guard Extensions supported = true'", )?; self.ssh_command( "cpuid -l 0x7 -s 0 | tr -s [:space:] | grep -q 'SGX_LC: \ SGX launch config supported = true'", )?; self.ssh_command( "cpuid -l 0x12 -s 0 | tr -s [:space:] | grep -q 'SGX1 \ supported = true'", )?; Ok(()) } pub fn get_pci_bridge_class(&self) -> Result { Ok(self .ssh_command("cat /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:00:00.0/class")? .trim() .to_string()) } pub fn get_pci_device_ids(&self) -> Result { Ok(self .ssh_command("cat /sys/bus/pci/devices/*/device")? .trim() .to_string()) } pub fn get_pci_vendor_ids(&self) -> Result { Ok(self .ssh_command("cat /sys/bus/pci/devices/*/vendor")? .trim() .to_string()) } pub fn does_device_vendor_pair_match( &self, device_id: &str, vendor_id: &str, ) -> Result { // We are checking if console device's device id and vendor id pair matches let devices = self.get_pci_device_ids()?; let devices: Vec<&str> = devices.split('\n').collect(); let vendors = self.get_pci_vendor_ids()?; let vendors: Vec<&str> = vendors.split('\n').collect(); for (index, d_id) in devices.iter().enumerate() { if *d_id == device_id { if let Some(v_id) = vendors.get(index) { if *v_id == vendor_id { return Ok(true); } } } } Ok(false) } pub fn check_vsock(&self, socket: &str) { // Listen from guest on vsock CID=3 PORT=16 // SOCKET-LISTEN::: let guest_ip = self.network.guest_ip.clone(); let listen_socat = thread::spawn(move || { ssh_command_ip("sudo socat - SOCKET-LISTEN:40:0:x00x00x10x00x00x00x03x00x00x00x00x00x00x00 > vsock_log", &guest_ip, DEFAULT_SSH_RETRIES, DEFAULT_SSH_TIMEOUT).unwrap(); }); // Make sure socat is listening, which might take a few second on slow systems thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::new(10, 0)); // Write something to vsock from the host assert!(exec_host_command_status(&format!( "echo -e \"CONNECT 16\\nHelloWorld!\" | socat - UNIX-CONNECT:{socket}" )) .success()); // Wait for the thread to terminate. listen_socat.join().unwrap(); assert_eq!( self.ssh_command("cat vsock_log").unwrap().trim(), "HelloWorld!" ); } #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] pub fn check_nvidia_gpu(&self) { assert!(self.ssh_command("nvidia-smi").unwrap().contains("Tesla T4")); } pub fn reboot_linux(&self, current_reboot_count: u32, custom_timeout: Option) { let list_boots_cmd = "sudo last | grep -c reboot"; let boot_count = self .ssh_command(list_boots_cmd) .unwrap() .trim() .parse::() .unwrap_or_default(); assert_eq!(boot_count, current_reboot_count + 1); self.ssh_command("sudo reboot").unwrap(); self.wait_vm_boot(custom_timeout).unwrap(); let boot_count = self .ssh_command(list_boots_cmd) .unwrap() .trim() .parse::() .unwrap_or_default(); assert_eq!(boot_count, current_reboot_count + 2); } pub fn enable_memory_hotplug(&self) { self.ssh_command("echo online | sudo tee /sys/devices/system/memory/auto_online_blocks") .unwrap(); } pub fn check_devices_common( &self, socket: Option<&String>, console_text: Option<&String>, pmem_path: Option<&String>, ) { // Check block devices are readable self.ssh_command("sudo dd if=/dev/vda of=/dev/null bs=1M iflag=direct count=1024") .unwrap(); self.ssh_command("sudo dd if=/dev/vdb of=/dev/null bs=1M iflag=direct count=8") .unwrap(); // Check if the rng device is readable self.ssh_command("sudo head -c 1000 /dev/hwrng > /dev/null") .unwrap(); // Check vsock if let Some(socket) = socket { self.check_vsock(socket.as_str()); } // Check if the console is usable if let Some(console_text) = console_text { let console_cmd = format!("echo {console_text} | sudo tee /dev/hvc0"); self.ssh_command(&console_cmd).unwrap(); } // The net device is 'automatically' exercised through the above 'ssh' commands // Check if the pmem device is usable if let Some(pmem_path) = pmem_path { assert_eq!( self.ssh_command(&format!("ls {pmem_path}")).unwrap().trim(), pmem_path ); assert_eq!( self.ssh_command(&format!("sudo mount {pmem_path} /mnt")) .unwrap(), "" ); assert_eq!(self.ssh_command("ls /mnt").unwrap(), "lost+found\n"); self.ssh_command("echo test123 | sudo tee /mnt/test") .unwrap(); assert_eq!(self.ssh_command("sudo umount /mnt").unwrap(), ""); assert_eq!(self.ssh_command("ls /mnt").unwrap(), ""); assert_eq!( self.ssh_command(&format!("sudo mount {pmem_path} /mnt")) .unwrap(), "" ); assert_eq!( self.ssh_command("sudo cat /mnt/test || true") .unwrap() .trim(), "test123" ); self.ssh_command("sudo rm /mnt/test").unwrap(); assert_eq!(self.ssh_command("sudo umount /mnt").unwrap(), ""); } } } pub enum VerbosityLevel { Warn, Info, Debug, } impl Default for VerbosityLevel { fn default() -> Self { Self::Warn } } impl Display for VerbosityLevel { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { use VerbosityLevel::*; match self { Warn => (), Info => write!(f, "-v")?, Debug => write!(f, "-vv")?, } Ok(()) } } pub struct GuestCommand<'a> { command: Command, guest: &'a Guest, capture_output: bool, print_cmd: bool, verbosity: VerbosityLevel, } impl<'a> GuestCommand<'a> { pub fn new(guest: &'a Guest) -> Self { Self::new_with_binary_path(guest, &clh_command("cloud-hypervisor")) } pub fn new_with_binary_path(guest: &'a Guest, binary_path: &str) -> Self { Self { command: Command::new(binary_path), guest, capture_output: false, print_cmd: true, verbosity: VerbosityLevel::Info, } } pub fn verbosity(&mut self, verbosity: VerbosityLevel) -> &mut Self { self.verbosity = verbosity; self } pub fn capture_output(&mut self) -> &mut Self { self.capture_output = true; self } pub fn set_print_cmd(&mut self, print_cmd: bool) -> &mut Self { self.print_cmd = print_cmd; self } pub fn spawn(&mut self) -> io::Result { use VerbosityLevel::*; match &self.verbosity { Warn => {} Info => { self.command.arg("-v"); } Debug => { self.command.args(["-vv"]); } }; if self.print_cmd { println!( "\n\n==== Start cloud-hypervisor command-line ====\n\n\ {:?}\n\ \n==== End cloud-hypervisor command-line ====\n\n", self.command ); } if self.capture_output { let child = self .command .stderr(Stdio::piped()) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .unwrap(); let fd = child.stdout.as_ref().unwrap().as_raw_fd(); let pipesize = unsafe { libc::fcntl(fd, libc::F_SETPIPE_SZ, PIPE_SIZE) }; if pipesize == -1 { return Err(io::Error::last_os_error()); } let fd = child.stderr.as_ref().unwrap().as_raw_fd(); let pipesize1 = unsafe { libc::fcntl(fd, libc::F_SETPIPE_SZ, PIPE_SIZE) }; if pipesize1 == -1 { return Err(io::Error::last_os_error()); } if pipesize >= PIPE_SIZE && pipesize1 >= PIPE_SIZE { Ok(child) } else { Err(std::io::Error::new( std::io::ErrorKind::Other, format!( "resizing pipe w/ 'fnctl' failed: stdout pipesize {pipesize}, stderr pipesize {pipesize1}" ), )) } } else { self.command.spawn() } } pub fn args(&mut self, args: I) -> &mut Self where I: IntoIterator, S: AsRef, { self.command.args(args); self } pub fn default_disks(&mut self) -> &mut Self { if self.guest.disk_config.disk(DiskType::CloudInit).is_some() { self.args([ "--disk", format!( "path={}", self.guest .disk_config .disk(DiskType::OperatingSystem) .unwrap() ) .as_str(), format!( "path={}", self.guest.disk_config.disk(DiskType::CloudInit).unwrap() ) .as_str(), ]) } else { self.args([ "--disk", format!( "path={}", self.guest .disk_config .disk(DiskType::OperatingSystem) .unwrap() ) .as_str(), ]) } } pub fn default_net(&mut self) -> &mut Self { self.args(["--net", self.guest.default_net_string().as_str()]) } } pub fn clh_command(cmd: &str) -> String { env::var("BUILD_TARGET").map_or( format!("target/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/release/{cmd}"), |target| format!("target/{target}/release/{cmd}"), ) } pub fn parse_iperf3_output(output: &[u8], sender: bool, bandwidth: bool) -> Result { std::panic::catch_unwind(|| { let s = String::from_utf8_lossy(output); let v: Value = serde_json::from_str(&s).expect("'iperf3' parse error: invalid json output"); if bandwidth { if sender { v["end"]["sum_sent"]["bits_per_second"] .as_f64() .expect("'iperf3' parse error: missing entry 'end.sum_sent.bits_per_second'") } else { v["end"]["sum_received"]["bits_per_second"].as_f64().expect( "'iperf3' parse error: missing entry 'end.sum_received.bits_per_second'", ) } } else { // iperf does not distinguish sent vs received in this case. let lost_packets = v["end"]["sum"]["lost_packets"] .as_f64() .expect("'iperf3' parse error: missing entry 'end.sum.lost_packets'"); let packets = v["end"]["sum"]["packets"] .as_f64() .expect("'iperf3' parse error: missing entry 'end.sum.packets'"); let seconds = v["end"]["sum"]["seconds"] .as_f64() .expect("'iperf3' parse error: missing entry 'end.sum.seconds'"); (packets - lost_packets) / seconds } }) .map_err(|_| { eprintln!( "==== Start iperf3 output ===\n\n{}\n\n=== End iperf3 output ===\n\n", String::from_utf8_lossy(output) ); Error::Iperf3Parse }) } #[derive(Clone)] pub enum FioOps { Read, RandomRead, Write, RandomWrite, ReadWrite, RandRW, } impl fmt::Display for FioOps { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match self { FioOps::Read => write!(f, "read"), FioOps::RandomRead => write!(f, "randread"), FioOps::Write => write!(f, "write"), FioOps::RandomWrite => write!(f, "randwrite"), FioOps::ReadWrite => write!(f, "rw"), FioOps::RandRW => write!(f, "randrw"), } } } pub fn parse_fio_output(output: &str, fio_ops: &FioOps, num_jobs: u32) -> Result { std::panic::catch_unwind(|| { let v: Value = serde_json::from_str(output).expect("'fio' parse error: invalid json output"); let jobs = v["jobs"] .as_array() .expect("'fio' parse error: missing entry 'jobs'"); assert_eq!( jobs.len(), num_jobs as usize, "'fio' parse error: Unexpected number of 'fio' jobs." ); let (read, write) = match fio_ops { FioOps::Read | FioOps::RandomRead => (true, false), FioOps::Write | FioOps::RandomWrite => (false, true), FioOps::ReadWrite | FioOps::RandRW => (true, true), }; let mut total_bps = 0_f64; for j in jobs { if read { let bytes = j["read"]["io_bytes"] .as_u64() .expect("'fio' parse error: missing entry 'read.io_bytes'"); let runtime = j["read"]["runtime"] .as_u64() .expect("'fio' parse error: missing entry 'read.runtime'") as f64 / 1000_f64; total_bps += bytes as f64 / runtime; } if write { let bytes = j["write"]["io_bytes"] .as_u64() .expect("'fio' parse error: missing entry 'write.io_bytes'"); let runtime = j["write"]["runtime"] .as_u64() .expect("'fio' parse error: missing entry 'write.runtime'") as f64 / 1000_f64; total_bps += bytes as f64 / runtime; } } total_bps }) .map_err(|_| { eprintln!("=== Start Fio output ===\n\n{output}\n\n=== End Fio output ===\n\n"); Error::FioOutputParse }) } pub fn parse_fio_output_iops(output: &str, fio_ops: &FioOps, num_jobs: u32) -> Result { std::panic::catch_unwind(|| { let v: Value = serde_json::from_str(output).expect("'fio' parse error: invalid json output"); let jobs = v["jobs"] .as_array() .expect("'fio' parse error: missing entry 'jobs'"); assert_eq!( jobs.len(), num_jobs as usize, "'fio' parse error: Unexpected number of 'fio' jobs." ); let (read, write) = match fio_ops { FioOps::Read | FioOps::RandomRead => (true, false), FioOps::Write | FioOps::RandomWrite => (false, true), FioOps::ReadWrite | FioOps::RandRW => (true, true), }; let mut total_iops = 0_f64; for j in jobs { if read { let ios = j["read"]["total_ios"] .as_u64() .expect("'fio' parse error: missing entry 'read.total_ios'"); let runtime = j["read"]["runtime"] .as_u64() .expect("'fio' parse error: missing entry 'read.runtime'") as f64 / 1000_f64; total_iops += ios as f64 / runtime; } if write { let ios = j["write"]["total_ios"] .as_u64() .expect("'fio' parse error: missing entry 'write.total_ios'"); let runtime = j["write"]["runtime"] .as_u64() .expect("'fio' parse error: missing entry 'write.runtime'") as f64 / 1000_f64; total_iops += ios as f64 / runtime; } } total_iops }) .map_err(|_| { eprintln!("=== Start Fio output ===\n\n{output}\n\n=== End Fio output ===\n\n"); Error::FioOutputParse }) } // Wait the child process for a given timeout fn child_wait_timeout(child: &mut Child, timeout: u64) -> Result<(), WaitTimeoutError> { match child.wait_timeout(Duration::from_secs(timeout)) { Err(e) => { return Err(WaitTimeoutError::General(e)); } Ok(s) => match s { None => { return Err(WaitTimeoutError::Timedout); } Some(s) => { if !s.success() { return Err(WaitTimeoutError::ExitStatus); } } }, } Ok(()) } pub fn measure_virtio_net_throughput( test_timeout: u32, queue_pairs: u32, guest: &Guest, receive: bool, bandwidth: bool, ) -> Result { let default_port = 5201; // 1. start the iperf3 server on the guest for n in 0..queue_pairs { guest.ssh_command(&format!("iperf3 -s -p {} -D", default_port + n))?; } thread::sleep(Duration::new(1, 0)); // 2. start the iperf3 client on host to measure RX through-put let mut clients = Vec::new(); for n in 0..queue_pairs { let mut cmd = Command::new("iperf3"); cmd.args([ "-J", // Output in JSON format "-c", &guest.network.guest_ip, "-p", &format!("{}", default_port + n), "-t", &format!("{test_timeout}"), "-i", "0", ]); // For measuring the guest transmit throughput (as a sender), // use reverse mode of the iperf3 client on the host if !receive { cmd.args(["-R"]); } // Use UDP stream to measure packets per second. The bitrate is set to // 1T to make sure it saturates the link. if !bandwidth { cmd.args(["-u", "-b", "1T"]); } let client = cmd .stderr(Stdio::piped()) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .map_err(Error::Spawn)?; clients.push(client); } let mut err: Option = None; let mut results = Vec::new(); let mut failed = false; for c in clients { let mut c = c; if let Err(e) = child_wait_timeout(&mut c, test_timeout as u64 + 5) { err = Some(Error::WaitTimeout(e)); failed = true; } if !failed { // Safe to unwrap as we know the child has terminated successfully let output = c.wait_with_output().unwrap(); results.push(parse_iperf3_output(&output.stdout, receive, bandwidth)?); } else { let _ = c.kill(); let output = c.wait_with_output().unwrap(); println!( "=============== Client output [Error] ===============\n\n{}\n\n===========end============\n\n", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout) ); } } if let Some(e) = err { Err(e) } else { Ok(results.iter().sum()) } } pub fn parse_ethr_latency_output(output: &[u8]) -> Result, Error> { std::panic::catch_unwind(|| { let s = String::from_utf8_lossy(output); let mut latency = Vec::new(); for l in s.lines() { let v: Value = serde_json::from_str(l).expect("'ethr' parse error: invalid json line"); // Skip header/summary lines if let Some(avg) = v["Avg"].as_str() { // Assume the latency unit is always "us" latency.push( avg.split("us").collect::>()[0] .parse::() .expect("'ethr' parse error: invalid 'Avg' entry"), ); } } assert!( !latency.is_empty(), "'ethr' parse error: no valid latency data found" ); latency }) .map_err(|_| { eprintln!( "=== Start ethr output ===\n\n{}\n\n=== End ethr output ===\n\n", String::from_utf8_lossy(output) ); Error::EthrLogParse }) } pub fn measure_virtio_net_latency(guest: &Guest, test_timeout: u32) -> Result, Error> { // copy the 'ethr' tool to the guest image let ethr_path = "/usr/local/bin/ethr"; let ethr_remote_path = "/tmp/ethr"; scp_to_guest( Path::new(ethr_path), Path::new(ethr_remote_path), &guest.network.guest_ip, //DEFAULT_SSH_RETRIES, 1, DEFAULT_SSH_TIMEOUT, )?; // Start the ethr server on the guest guest.ssh_command(&format!("{ethr_remote_path} -s &> /dev/null &"))?; thread::sleep(Duration::new(10, 0)); // Start the ethr client on the host let log_file = guest .tmp_dir .as_path() .join("ethr.client.log") .to_str() .unwrap() .to_string(); let mut c = Command::new(ethr_path) .args([ "-c", &guest.network.guest_ip, "-t", "l", "-o", &log_file, // file output is JSON format "-d", &format!("{test_timeout}s"), ]) .stderr(Stdio::piped()) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .map_err(Error::Spawn)?; if let Err(e) = child_wait_timeout(&mut c, test_timeout as u64 + 5).map_err(Error::WaitTimeout) { let _ = c.kill(); return Err(e); } // Parse the ethr latency test output let content = fs::read(log_file).map_err(Error::EthrLogFile)?; parse_ethr_latency_output(&content) }