Ruoqing He 297236a7c0 misc: Eliminate use of assert!((...).is_ok())
Asserting on .is_ok()/.is_err() leads to hard to debug failures (as if
the test fails, it will only say "assertion failed: false". We replace
these with `.unwrap()`, which also prints the exact error variant that
was unexpectedly encountered (we can to this these days thanks to
efforts to implement Display and Debug for our error types). If the
assert!((...).is_ok()) was followed by an .unwrap() anyway, we just drop
the assert.

Inspired by and quoted from @roypat.

Signed-off-by: Ruoqing He <>
2024-10-03 12:03:49 +00:00

754 lines
27 KiB

// Copyright 2018, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Portions Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the THIRD-PARTY file.
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{Error as IoError, Read, Result as IoResult, Write};
use std::net;
use std::os::raw::*;
use std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd, RawFd};
use thiserror::Error;
use vmm_sys_util::ioctl::{ioctl_with_mut_ref, ioctl_with_ref, ioctl_with_val};
use super::{
create_inet_socket, create_sockaddr, create_unix_socket, vnet_hdr_len, Error as NetUtilError,
use crate::mac::MAC_ADDR_LEN;
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum Error {
#[error("Couldn't open /dev/net/tun: {0}")]
#[error("Unable to configure tap interface: {0}")]
#[error("Unable to retrieve features: {0}")]
#[error("Missing multiqueue support in the kernel")]
#[error("ioctl ({0}) failed: {1}")]
IoctlError(c_ulong, IoError),
#[error("Failed to create a socket: {0}")]
#[error("Invalid interface name")]
#[error("Error parsing MAC data: {0}")]
pub type Result<T> = ::std::result::Result<T, Error>;
/// Handle for a network tap interface.
/// For now, this simply wraps the file descriptor for the tap device so methods
/// can run ioctls on the interface. The tap interface fd will be closed when
/// Tap goes out of scope, and the kernel will clean up the interface
/// automatically.
pub struct Tap {
tap_file: File,
if_name: Vec<u8>,
impl PartialEq for Tap {
fn eq(&self, other: &Tap) -> bool {
self.if_name == other.if_name
impl std::clone::Clone for Tap {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Tap {
tap_file: self.tap_file.try_clone().unwrap(),
if_name: self.if_name.clone(),
// Returns a byte vector representing the contents of a null terminated C string which
// contains if_name.
fn build_terminated_if_name(if_name: &str) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
// Convert the string slice to bytes, and shadow the variable,
// since we no longer need the &str version.
let if_name = if_name.as_bytes();
// TODO: the 16usize limit of the if_name member from struct Tap is pretty arbitrary.
// We leave it as is for now, but this should be refactored at some point.
if if_name.len() > 15 {
return Err(Error::InvalidIfname);
let mut terminated_if_name = vec![b'\0'; if_name.len() + 1];
impl Tap {
unsafe fn ioctl_with_mut_ref<F: AsRawFd, T>(fd: &F, req: c_ulong, arg: &mut T) -> Result<()> {
let ret = ioctl_with_mut_ref(fd, req, arg);
if ret < 0 {
return Err(Error::IoctlError(req, IoError::last_os_error()));
unsafe fn ioctl_with_ref<F: AsRawFd, T>(fd: &F, req: c_ulong, arg: &T) -> Result<()> {
let ret = ioctl_with_ref(fd, req, arg);
if ret < 0 {
return Err(Error::IoctlError(req, IoError::last_os_error()));
unsafe fn ioctl_with_val<F: AsRawFd>(fd: &F, req: c_ulong, arg: c_ulong) -> Result<()> {
let ret = ioctl_with_val(fd, req, arg);
if ret < 0 {
return Err(Error::IoctlError(req, IoError::last_os_error()));
pub fn open_named(if_name: &str, num_queue_pairs: usize, flags: Option<i32>) -> Result<Tap> {
let terminated_if_name = build_terminated_if_name(if_name)?;
// SAFETY: FFI call
let fd = unsafe {
// Open calls are safe because we give a constant null-terminated
// string and verify the result.
b"/dev/net/tun\0".as_ptr() as *const c_char,
flags.unwrap_or(libc::O_RDWR | libc::O_NONBLOCK | libc::O_CLOEXEC),
if fd < 0 {
return Err(Error::OpenTun(IoError::last_os_error()));
// SAFETY: We just checked that the fd is valid.
let tuntap = unsafe { File::from_raw_fd(fd) };
// Let's validate some features before going any further.
// ioctl is safe since we call it with a valid tap fd and check the return
// value.
let mut features = 0;
// SAFETY: IOCTL with correct arguments
let ret = unsafe { ioctl_with_mut_ref(&tuntap, net_gen::TUNGETFEATURES(), &mut features) };
if ret < 0 {
return Err(Error::GetFeatures(IoError::last_os_error()));
// Check if the user parameters match the kernel support for MQ
if (features & net_gen::IFF_MULTI_QUEUE == 0) && num_queue_pairs > 1 {
return Err(Error::MultiQueueKernelSupport);
// This is pretty messy because of the unions used by ifreq. Since we
// don't call as_mut on the same union field more than once, this block
// is safe.
let mut ifreq: net_gen::ifreq = Default::default();
// SAFETY: see the comment above.
unsafe {
let ifrn_name = ifreq.ifr_ifrn.ifrn_name.as_mut();
let name_slice = &mut ifrn_name[..terminated_if_name.len()];
ifreq.ifr_ifru.ifru_flags =
(net_gen::IFF_TAP | net_gen::IFF_NO_PI | net_gen::IFF_VNET_HDR) as c_short;
if num_queue_pairs > 1 {
ifreq.ifr_ifru.ifru_flags |= net_gen::IFF_MULTI_QUEUE as c_short;
// SAFETY: ioctl is safe since we call it with a valid tap fd and check the return
// value.
let ret = unsafe { ioctl_with_mut_ref(&tuntap, net_gen::TUNSETIFF(), &mut ifreq) };
if ret < 0 {
return Err(Error::ConfigureTap(IoError::last_os_error()));
// SAFETY: only the name is accessed, and it's cloned out.
let mut if_name = unsafe { ifreq.ifr_ifrn.ifrn_name }.to_vec();
if_name.truncate(terminated_if_name.len() - 1);
Ok(Tap {
tap_file: tuntap,
/// Create a new tap interface.
pub fn new(num_queue_pairs: usize) -> Result<Tap> {
Self::open_named("vmtap%d", num_queue_pairs, None)
pub fn from_tap_fd(fd: RawFd, num_queue_pairs: usize) -> Result<Tap> {
// Ensure that the file is opened non-blocking, this is particularly
// needed when opened via the shell for macvtap.
// SAFETY: FFI call
let ret = unsafe {
let mut flags = libc::fcntl(fd, libc::F_GETFL);
flags |= libc::O_NONBLOCK;
libc::fcntl(fd, libc::F_SETFL, flags)
if ret < 0 {
return Err(Error::ConfigureTap(IoError::last_os_error()));
// SAFETY: fd is a tap fd
let tap_file = unsafe { File::from_raw_fd(fd) };
let mut ifreq: net_gen::ifreq = Default::default();
// Get current config including name
// SAFETY: IOCTL with correct arguments
unsafe { Self::ioctl_with_mut_ref(&tap_file, net_gen::TUNGETIFF(), &mut ifreq)? };
// SAFETY: We only access one field of the ifru union
let if_name = unsafe { ifreq.ifr_ifrn.ifrn_name }.to_vec();
// Try and update flags. Depending on how the tap was created (macvtap
// or via open_named()) this might return -EEXIST so we just ignore that.
// SAFETY: access union fields
unsafe {
ifreq.ifr_ifru.ifru_flags =
(net_gen::IFF_TAP | net_gen::IFF_NO_PI | net_gen::IFF_VNET_HDR) as c_short;
if num_queue_pairs > 1 {
ifreq.ifr_ifru.ifru_flags |= net_gen::IFF_MULTI_QUEUE as c_short;
// SAFETY: IOCTL with correct arguments
let ret = unsafe { ioctl_with_mut_ref(&tap_file, net_gen::TUNSETIFF(), &mut ifreq) };
if ret < 0 && IoError::last_os_error().raw_os_error().unwrap() != libc::EEXIST {
return Err(Error::ConfigureTap(IoError::last_os_error()));
let tap = Tap { tap_file, if_name };
let vnet_hdr_size = vnet_hdr_len() as i32;
/// Set the host-side IP address for the tap interface.
pub fn set_ip_addr(&self, ip_addr: net::Ipv4Addr) -> Result<()> {
let sock = create_inet_socket().map_err(Error::NetUtil)?;
let addr = create_sockaddr(ip_addr);
let mut ifreq = self.get_ifreq();
ifreq.ifr_ifru.ifru_addr = addr;
// SAFETY: ioctl is safe. Called with a valid sock fd, and we check the return.
unsafe { Self::ioctl_with_ref(&sock, net_gen::sockios::SIOCSIFADDR as c_ulong, &ifreq) }
/// Set mac addr for tap interface.
pub fn set_mac_addr(&self, addr: MacAddr) -> Result<()> {
// Checking if the mac address already matches the desired one
// is useful to avoid making the "set ioctl" in the case where
// the VMM is running without the privilege to do that.
// In practice this comes from a reboot after the configuration
// has been update with the kernel generated address.
if self.get_mac_addr()? == addr {
return Ok(());
let sock = create_unix_socket().map_err(Error::NetUtil)?;
let mut ifreq = self.get_ifreq();
// SAFETY: ioctl is safe. Called with a valid sock fd, and we check the return.
unsafe { Self::ioctl_with_ref(&sock, net_gen::sockios::SIOCGIFHWADDR as c_ulong, &ifreq)? };
// SAFETY: We only access one field of the ifru union
unsafe {
let ifru_hwaddr = &mut ifreq.ifr_ifru.ifru_hwaddr;
for (i, v) in addr.get_bytes().iter().enumerate() {
ifru_hwaddr.sa_data[i] = *v as c_uchar;
// SAFETY: ioctl is safe. Called with a valid sock fd, and we check the return.
unsafe { Self::ioctl_with_ref(&sock, net_gen::sockios::SIOCSIFHWADDR as c_ulong, &ifreq) }
/// Get mac addr for tap interface.
pub fn get_mac_addr(&self) -> Result<MacAddr> {
let sock = create_unix_socket().map_err(Error::NetUtil)?;
let ifreq = self.get_ifreq();
// SAFETY: ioctl is safe. Called with a valid sock fd, and we check the return.
unsafe { Self::ioctl_with_ref(&sock, net_gen::sockios::SIOCGIFHWADDR as c_ulong, &ifreq)? };
// SAFETY: We only access one field of the ifru union
let addr = unsafe {
/// Set the netmask for the subnet that the tap interface will exist on.
pub fn set_netmask(&self, netmask: net::Ipv4Addr) -> Result<()> {
let sock = create_inet_socket().map_err(Error::NetUtil)?;
let addr = create_sockaddr(netmask);
let mut ifreq = self.get_ifreq();
ifreq.ifr_ifru.ifru_addr = addr;
// SAFETY: ioctl is safe. Called with a valid sock fd, and we check the return.
unsafe { Self::ioctl_with_ref(&sock, net_gen::sockios::SIOCSIFNETMASK as c_ulong, &ifreq) }
pub fn mtu(&self) -> Result<i32> {
let sock = create_unix_socket().map_err(Error::NetUtil)?;
let ifreq = self.get_ifreq();
// SAFETY: ioctl is safe. Called with a valid sock fd, and we check the return.
unsafe { Self::ioctl_with_ref(&sock, net_gen::sockios::SIOCGIFMTU as c_ulong, &ifreq)? };
// SAFETY: access a union field
let mtu = unsafe { ifreq.ifr_ifru.ifru_mtu };
pub fn mtu(&self) -> Result<i32> {
// Consistent with the `virtio_devices::net::MIN_MTU`
pub fn set_mtu(&self, mtu: i32) -> Result<()> {
let sock = create_unix_socket().map_err(Error::NetUtil)?;
let mut ifreq = self.get_ifreq();
ifreq.ifr_ifru.ifru_mtu = mtu;
// SAFETY: ioctl is safe. Called with a valid sock fd, and we check the return.
unsafe { Self::ioctl_with_ref(&sock, net_gen::sockios::SIOCSIFMTU as c_ulong, &ifreq) }
/// Set the offload flags for the tap interface.
pub fn set_offload(&self, flags: c_uint) -> Result<()> {
// SAFETY: ioctl is safe. Called with a valid tap fd, and we check the return.
unsafe { Self::ioctl_with_val(&self.tap_file, net_gen::TUNSETOFFLOAD(), flags as c_ulong) }
/// Enable the tap interface.
pub fn enable(&self) -> Result<()> {
let sock = create_unix_socket().map_err(Error::NetUtil)?;
let mut ifreq = self.get_ifreq();
// SAFETY: IOCTL with correct arguments
unsafe { Self::ioctl_with_ref(&sock, net_gen::sockios::SIOCGIFFLAGS as c_ulong, &ifreq)? };
// If TAP device is already up don't try and enable it
// SAFETY: access a union field
let ifru_flags = unsafe { ifreq.ifr_ifru.ifru_flags };
if ifru_flags & net_gen::net_device_flags_IFF_UP as i16
== net_gen::net_device_flags_IFF_UP as i16
return Ok(());
ifreq.ifr_ifru.ifru_flags = net_gen::net_device_flags_IFF_UP as i16;
// SAFETY: ioctl is safe. Called with a valid sock fd, and we check the return.
unsafe { Self::ioctl_with_ref(&sock, net_gen::sockios::SIOCSIFFLAGS as c_ulong, &ifreq) }
/// Set the size of the vnet hdr.
pub fn set_vnet_hdr_size(&self, size: c_int) -> Result<()> {
// SAFETY: ioctl is safe. Called with a valid tap fd, and we check the return.
unsafe { Self::ioctl_with_ref(&self.tap_file, net_gen::TUNSETVNETHDRSZ(), &size) }
fn get_ifreq(&self) -> net_gen::ifreq {
let mut ifreq: net_gen::ifreq = Default::default();
// This sets the name of the interface, which is the only entry
// in a single-field union.
// SAFETY: access union fields and we're sure the copy is okay.
unsafe {
let ifrn_name = ifreq.ifr_ifrn.ifrn_name.as_mut();
let name_slice = &mut ifrn_name[..self.if_name.len()];
pub fn get_if_name(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
pub fn new_for_fuzzing(tap_file: File, if_name: Vec<u8>) -> Self {
Tap { tap_file, if_name }
impl Read for Tap {
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> IoResult<usize> {
impl Write for Tap {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> IoResult<usize> {
fn flush(&mut self) -> IoResult<()> {
impl AsRawFd for Tap {
fn as_raw_fd(&self) -> RawFd {
mod tests {
use std::net::Ipv4Addr;
use std::sync::{mpsc, Mutex};
use std::time::Duration;
use std::{str, thread};
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use pnet::packet::ethernet::{EtherTypes, EthernetPacket, MutableEthernetPacket};
use pnet::packet::ip::IpNextHeaderProtocols;
use pnet::packet::ipv4::{Ipv4Packet, MutableIpv4Packet};
use pnet::packet::udp::{MutableUdpPacket, UdpPacket};
use pnet::packet::{MutablePacket, Packet};
use pnet::util::MacAddr;
use pnet_datalink::Channel::Ethernet;
use pnet_datalink::{DataLinkReceiver, DataLinkSender, NetworkInterface};
use super::*;
static DATA_STRING: &str = "test for tap";
static SUBNET_MASK: &str = "";
// We needed to have a mutex as a global variable, so we used once_cell for testing. The main
// potential problem, caused by tests being run in parallel by cargo, is creating different
// TAPs and trying to associate the same address, so we hide the IP address &str behind this
// mutex, more as a convention to remember to lock it at the very beginning of each function
// susceptible to this issue. Another variant is to use a different IP address per function,
// but we must remember to pick an unique one each time.
static TAP_IP_LOCK: Lazy<Mutex<&'static str>> = Lazy::new(|| Mutex::new(""));
// Describes the outcomes we are currently interested in when parsing a packet (we use
// an UDP packet for testing).
struct ParsedPkt<'a> {
eth: EthernetPacket<'a>,
ipv4: Option<Ipv4Packet<'a>>,
udp: Option<UdpPacket<'a>>,
impl<'a> ParsedPkt<'a> {
fn new(buf: &'a [u8]) -> Self {
let eth = EthernetPacket::new(buf).unwrap();
let mut ipv4 = None;
let mut udp = None;
if eth.get_ethertype() == EtherTypes::Ipv4 {
let ipv4_start = 14;
ipv4 = Some(Ipv4Packet::new(&buf[ipv4_start..]).unwrap());
// Hiding the old ipv4 variable for the rest of this block.
let ipv4 = Ipv4Packet::new(eth.payload()).unwrap();
if ipv4.get_next_level_protocol() == IpNextHeaderProtocols::Udp {
// The value in header_length indicates the number of 32 bit words
// that make up the header, not the actual length in bytes.
let udp_start = ipv4_start + ipv4.get_header_length() as usize * 4;
udp = Some(UdpPacket::new(&buf[udp_start..]).unwrap());
ParsedPkt { eth, ipv4, udp }
fn print(&self) {
"{} {} {} ",
if let Some(ref ipv4) = self.ipv4 {
"{} {} {} ",
if let Some(ref udp) = self.udp {
"{} {} {}",
fn tap_name_to_string(tap: &Tap) -> String {
let null_pos = tap.if_name.iter().position(|x| *x == 0).unwrap();
// Given a buffer of appropriate size, this fills in the relevant fields based on the
// provided information. Payload refers to the UDP payload.
fn pnet_build_packet(buf: &mut [u8], dst_mac: MacAddr, payload: &[u8]) {
let mut eth = MutableEthernetPacket::new(buf).unwrap();
eth.set_source(MacAddr::new(0x06, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
let mut ipv4 = MutableIpv4Packet::new(eth.payload_mut()).unwrap();
ipv4.set_total_length(20 + 8 + payload.len() as u16);
ipv4.set_source(Ipv4Addr::new(192, 168, 241, 1));
ipv4.set_destination(Ipv4Addr::new(192, 168, 241, 2));
let mut udp = MutableUdpPacket::new(ipv4.payload_mut()).unwrap();
udp.set_length(8 + payload.len() as u16);
// Sends a test packet on the interface named "ifname".
fn pnet_send_packet(ifname: String) {
let payload = DATA_STRING.as_bytes();
// eth hdr + ip hdr + udp hdr + payload len
let buf_size = 14 + 20 + 8 + payload.len();
let (mac, mut tx, _) = pnet_get_mac_tx_rx(ifname);
let res = tx.build_and_send(1, buf_size, &mut |buf| {
pnet_build_packet(buf, mac, payload);
// Make sure build_and_send() -> Option<io::Result<()>> succeeds.
// For a given interface name, this returns a tuple that contains the MAC address of the
// interface, an object that can be used to send Ethernet frames, and a receiver of
// Ethernet frames arriving at the specified interface.
fn pnet_get_mac_tx_rx(
ifname: String,
) -> (MacAddr, Box<dyn DataLinkSender>, Box<dyn DataLinkReceiver>) {
let interface_name_matches = |iface: &NetworkInterface| == ifname;
// Find the network interface with the provided name.
let interfaces = pnet_datalink::interfaces();
let interface = interfaces.into_iter().find(interface_name_matches).unwrap();
if let Ok(Ethernet(tx, rx)) = pnet_datalink::channel(&interface, Default::default()) {
(interface.mac.unwrap(), tx, rx)
} else {
panic!("datalink channel error or unhandled channel type");
fn test_tap_create() {
let _tap_ip_guard = TAP_IP_LOCK.lock().unwrap();
let t = Tap::new(1).unwrap();
println!("created tap: {t:?}");
fn test_tap_from_fd() {
let _tap_ip_guard = TAP_IP_LOCK.lock().unwrap();
let orig_tap = Tap::new(1).unwrap();
let fd = orig_tap.as_raw_fd();
let _new_tap = Tap::from_tap_fd(fd, 1).unwrap();
fn test_tap_configure() {
// This should be the first thing to be called inside the function, so everything else
// is torn down by the time the mutex is automatically released. Also, we should
// explicitly bind the MutexGuard to a variable via let, the make sure it lives until
// the end of the function.
let tap_ip_guard = TAP_IP_LOCK.lock().unwrap();
let tap = Tap::new(1).unwrap();
let ip_addr: net::Ipv4Addr = (*tap_ip_guard).parse().unwrap();
let netmask: net::Ipv4Addr = SUBNET_MASK.parse().unwrap();
fn test_set_options() {
let _tap_ip_guard = TAP_IP_LOCK.lock().unwrap();
// This line will fail to provide an initialized FD if the test is not run as root.
let tap = Tap::new(1).unwrap();
fn test_tap_enable() {
let _tap_ip_guard = TAP_IP_LOCK.lock().unwrap();
let tap = Tap::new(1).unwrap();
fn test_raw_fd() {
let _tap_ip_guard = TAP_IP_LOCK.lock().unwrap();
let tap = Tap::new(1).unwrap();
assert_eq!(tap.as_raw_fd(), tap.tap_file.as_raw_fd());
fn test_read() {
let tap_ip_guard = TAP_IP_LOCK.lock().unwrap();
let mut tap = Tap::new(1).unwrap();
// Send a packet to the interface. We expect to be able to receive it on the associated fd.
let mut buf = [0u8; 4096];
let mut found_packet_sz = None;
// In theory, this could actually loop forever if something keeps sending data through the
// tap interface, but it's highly unlikely.
while found_packet_sz.is_none() {
let size = buf).unwrap();
// We skip the first 10 bytes because the IFF_VNET_HDR flag is set when the interface
// is created, and the legacy header is 10 bytes long without a certain flag which
// is not set in Tap::new().
let eth_bytes = &buf[10..size];
let packet = EthernetPacket::new(eth_bytes).unwrap();
if packet.get_ethertype() != EtherTypes::Ipv4 {
// not an IPv4 packet
let ipv4_bytes = &eth_bytes[14..];
let packet = Ipv4Packet::new(ipv4_bytes).unwrap();
// Our packet should carry an UDP payload, and not contain IP options.
if packet.get_next_level_protocol() != IpNextHeaderProtocols::Udp
&& packet.get_header_length() != 5
let udp_bytes = &ipv4_bytes[20..];
let udp_len = UdpPacket::new(udp_bytes).unwrap().get_length() as usize;
// Skip the header bytes.
let inner_string = str::from_utf8(&udp_bytes[8..udp_len]).unwrap();
if inner_string.eq(DATA_STRING) {
found_packet_sz = Some(size);
fn test_write() {
let tap_ip_guard = TAP_IP_LOCK.lock().unwrap();
let mut tap = Tap::new(1).unwrap();
let (mac, _, mut rx) = pnet_get_mac_tx_rx(tap_name_to_string(&tap));
let payload = DATA_STRING.as_bytes();
// vnet hdr + eth hdr + ip hdr + udp hdr + payload len
let buf_size = 10 + 14 + 20 + 8 + payload.len();
let mut buf = vec![0u8; buf_size];
// leave the vnet hdr as is
pnet_build_packet(&mut buf[10..], mac, payload);
let (channel_tx, channel_rx) = mpsc::channel();
// We use a separate thread to wait for the test packet because the API exposed by pnet is
// blocking. This thread will be killed when the main thread exits.
let _handle = thread::spawn(move || loop {
let buf =;
let p = ParsedPkt::new(buf);
if let Some(ref udp) = p.udp {
if payload == udp.payload() {
// We wait for at most SLEEP_MILLIS * SLEEP_ITERS milliseconds for the reception of the
// test packet to be detected.
static SLEEP_MILLIS: u64 = 500;
static SLEEP_ITERS: u32 = 6;
let mut found_test_packet = false;
for _ in 0..SLEEP_ITERS {
if let Ok(true) = channel_rx.try_recv() {
found_test_packet = true;