Samuel Ortiz d5f5648b37 vendor: Add vendored dependencies
We use cargo vendor to generate a .cargo/config file and the vendor
directory. Vendoring allows us to lock our dependencies and to modify
them easily from the top level Cargo.toml.

We vendor all dependencies, including the ones, which allows
for network isolated builds.

Signed-off-by: Samuel Ortiz <>
2019-06-04 17:51:52 +02:00

296 lines
6.9 KiB

#![cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy", allow(blacklisted_name))]
use std::borrow::Cow;
extern crate proc_macro2;
extern crate quote;
use proc_macro2::{Ident, Span, TokenStream};
use quote::TokenStreamExt;
mod conditional {
mod integer128;
struct X;
impl quote::ToTokens for X {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
tokens.append(Ident::new("X", Span::call_site()));
fn test_quote_impl() {
let tokens = quote! {
impl<'a, T: ToTokens> ToTokens for &'a T {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
let expected = concat!(
"impl < 'a , T : ToTokens > ToTokens for & 'a T { ",
"fn to_tokens ( & self , tokens : & mut TokenStream ) { ",
"( * * self ) . to_tokens ( tokens ) ",
"} ",
assert_eq!(expected, tokens.to_string());
fn test_substitution() {
let x = X;
let tokens = quote!(#x <#x> (#x) [#x] {#x});
let expected = "X < X > ( X ) [ X ] { X }";
assert_eq!(expected, tokens.to_string());
fn test_iter() {
let primes = &[X, X, X, X];
assert_eq!("X X X X", quote!(#(#primes)*).to_string());
assert_eq!("X , X , X , X ,", quote!(#(#primes,)*).to_string());
assert_eq!("X , X , X , X", quote!(#(#primes),*).to_string());
fn test_advanced() {
let generics = quote!( <'a, T> );
let where_clause = quote!( where T: Serialize );
let field_ty = quote!(String);
let item_ty = quote!(Cow<'a, str>);
let path = quote!(SomeTrait::serialize_with);
let value = quote!(self.x);
let tokens = quote! {
struct SerializeWith #generics #where_clause {
value: &'a #field_ty,
phantom: ::std::marker::PhantomData<#item_ty>,
impl #generics ::serde::Serialize for SerializeWith #generics #where_clause {
fn serialize<S>(&self, s: &mut S) -> Result<(), S::Error>
where S: ::serde::Serializer
#path(self.value, s)
SerializeWith {
value: #value,
phantom: ::std::marker::PhantomData::<#item_ty>,
let expected = concat!(
"struct SerializeWith < 'a , T > where T : Serialize { ",
"value : & 'a String , ",
"phantom : :: std :: marker :: PhantomData < Cow < 'a , str > > , ",
"} ",
"impl < 'a , T > :: serde :: Serialize for SerializeWith < 'a , T > where T : Serialize { ",
"fn serialize < S > ( & self , s : & mut S ) -> Result < ( ) , S :: Error > ",
"where S : :: serde :: Serializer ",
"{ ",
"SomeTrait :: serialize_with ( self . value , s ) ",
"} ",
"} ",
"SerializeWith { ",
"value : self . x , ",
"phantom : :: std :: marker :: PhantomData :: < Cow < 'a , str > > , ",
assert_eq!(expected, tokens.to_string());
fn test_integer() {
let ii8 = -1i8;
let ii16 = -1i16;
let ii32 = -1i32;
let ii64 = -1i64;
let iisize = -1isize;
let uu8 = 1u8;
let uu16 = 1u16;
let uu32 = 1u32;
let uu64 = 1u64;
let uusize = 1usize;
let tokens = quote! {
#ii8 #ii16 #ii32 #ii64 #iisize
#uu8 #uu16 #uu32 #uu64 #uusize
let expected = "-1i8 -1i16 -1i32 -1i64 -1isize 1u8 1u16 1u32 1u64 1usize";
assert_eq!(expected, tokens.to_string());
fn test_floating() {
let e32 = 2.345f32;
let e64 = 2.345f64;
let tokens = quote! {
let expected = concat!("2.345f32 2.345f64");
assert_eq!(expected, tokens.to_string());
fn test_char() {
let zero = '\0';
let pound = '#';
let quote = '"';
let apost = '\'';
let newline = '\n';
let heart = '\u{2764}';
let tokens = quote! {
#zero #pound #quote #apost #newline #heart
let expected = "'\\u{0}' '#' '\\\"' '\\'' '\\n' '\\u{2764}'";
assert_eq!(expected, tokens.to_string());
fn test_str() {
let s = "\0 a 'b \" c";
let tokens = quote!(#s);
let expected = "\"\\u{0} a \\'b \\\" c\"";
assert_eq!(expected, tokens.to_string());
fn test_string() {
let s = "\0 a 'b \" c".to_string();
let tokens = quote!(#s);
let expected = "\"\\u{0} a \\'b \\\" c\"";
assert_eq!(expected, tokens.to_string());
fn test_ident() {
let foo = Ident::new("Foo", Span::call_site());
let bar = Ident::new(&format!("Bar{}", 7), Span::call_site());
let tokens = quote!(struct #foo; enum #bar {});
let expected = "struct Foo ; enum Bar7 { }";
assert_eq!(expected, tokens.to_string());
fn test_duplicate() {
let ch = 'x';
let tokens = quote!(#ch #ch);
let expected = "'x' 'x'";
assert_eq!(expected, tokens.to_string());
fn test_fancy_repetition() {
let foo = vec!["a", "b"];
let bar = vec![true, false];
let tokens = quote! {
#(#foo: #bar),*
let expected = r#""a" : true , "b" : false"#;
assert_eq!(expected, tokens.to_string());
fn test_nested_fancy_repetition() {
let nested = vec![vec!['a', 'b', 'c'], vec!['x', 'y', 'z']];
let tokens = quote! {
let expected = "'a' 'b' 'c' , 'x' 'y' 'z'";
assert_eq!(expected, tokens.to_string());
fn test_empty_repetition() {
let tokens = quote!(#(a b)* #(c d),*);
assert_eq!("", tokens.to_string());
fn test_variable_name_conflict() {
// The implementation of `#(...),*` uses the variable `_i` but it should be
// fine, if a little confusing when debugging.
let _i = vec!['a', 'b'];
let tokens = quote! { #(#_i),* };
let expected = "'a' , 'b'";
assert_eq!(expected, tokens.to_string());
fn test_empty_quote() {
let tokens = quote!();
assert_eq!("", tokens.to_string());
fn test_box_str() {
let b = "str".to_owned().into_boxed_str();
let tokens = quote! { #b };
assert_eq!("\"str\"", tokens.to_string());
fn test_cow() {
let owned: Cow<Ident> = Cow::Owned(Ident::new("owned", Span::call_site()));
let ident = Ident::new("borrowed", Span::call_site());
let borrowed = Cow::Borrowed(&ident);
let tokens = quote! { #owned #borrowed };
assert_eq!("owned borrowed", tokens.to_string());
fn test_closure() {
fn field_i(i: usize) -> Ident {
Ident::new(&format!("__field{}", i), Span::call_site())
let fields = (0usize..3)
.map(field_i as fn(_) -> _)
.map(|var| quote! { #var });
let tokens = quote! { #(#fields)* };
assert_eq!("__field0 __field1 __field2", tokens.to_string());
fn test_append_tokens() {
let mut a = quote!(a);
let b = quote!(b);
assert_eq!("a b", a.to_string());