Samuel Ortiz d5f5648b37 vendor: Add vendored dependencies
We use cargo vendor to generate a .cargo/config file and the vendor
directory. Vendoring allows us to lock our dependencies and to modify
them easily from the top level Cargo.toml.

We vendor all dependencies, including the ones, which allows
for network isolated builds.

Signed-off-by: Samuel Ortiz <>
2019-06-04 17:51:52 +02:00

260 lines
8.6 KiB

// Copyright 2018 Developers of the Rand project.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
extern crate test;
extern crate rand;
const RAND_BENCH_N: u64 = 1000;
use std::mem::size_of;
use test::Bencher;
use std::time::Duration;
use rand::{Rng, FromEntropy};
use rand::rngs::SmallRng;
use rand::distributions::*;
macro_rules! distr_int {
($fnn:ident, $ty:ty, $distr:expr) => {
fn $fnn(b: &mut Bencher) {
let mut rng = SmallRng::from_entropy();
let distr = $distr;
b.iter(|| {
let mut accum = 0 as $ty;
for _ in 0..::RAND_BENCH_N {
let x: $ty = distr.sample(&mut rng);
accum = accum.wrapping_add(x);
b.bytes = size_of::<$ty>() as u64 * ::RAND_BENCH_N;
macro_rules! distr_float {
($fnn:ident, $ty:ty, $distr:expr) => {
fn $fnn(b: &mut Bencher) {
let mut rng = SmallRng::from_entropy();
let distr = $distr;
b.iter(|| {
let mut accum = 0.0;
for _ in 0..::RAND_BENCH_N {
let x: $ty = distr.sample(&mut rng);
accum += x;
b.bytes = size_of::<$ty>() as u64 * ::RAND_BENCH_N;
macro_rules! distr_duration {
($fnn:ident, $distr:expr) => {
fn $fnn(b: &mut Bencher) {
let mut rng = SmallRng::from_entropy();
let distr = $distr;
b.iter(|| {
let mut accum = Duration::new(0, 0);
for _ in 0..::RAND_BENCH_N {
let x: Duration = distr.sample(&mut rng);
accum = accum.checked_add(x).unwrap_or(Duration::new(u64::max_value(), 999_999_999));
b.bytes = size_of::<Duration>() as u64 * ::RAND_BENCH_N;
macro_rules! distr {
($fnn:ident, $ty:ty, $distr:expr) => {
fn $fnn(b: &mut Bencher) {
let mut rng = SmallRng::from_entropy();
let distr = $distr;
b.iter(|| {
let mut accum = 0u32;
for _ in 0..::RAND_BENCH_N {
let x: $ty = distr.sample(&mut rng);
accum = accum.wrapping_add(x as u32);
b.bytes = size_of::<$ty>() as u64 * ::RAND_BENCH_N;
macro_rules! distr_arr {
($fnn:ident, $ty:ty, $distr:expr) => {
fn $fnn(b: &mut Bencher) {
let mut rng = SmallRng::from_entropy();
let distr = $distr;
b.iter(|| {
let mut accum = 0u32;
for _ in 0..::RAND_BENCH_N {
let x: $ty = distr.sample(&mut rng);
accum = accum.wrapping_add(x[0] as u32);
b.bytes = size_of::<$ty>() as u64 * ::RAND_BENCH_N;
// uniform
distr_int!(distr_uniform_i8, i8, Uniform::new(20i8, 100));
distr_int!(distr_uniform_i16, i16, Uniform::new(-500i16, 2000));
distr_int!(distr_uniform_i32, i32, Uniform::new(-200_000_000i32, 800_000_000));
distr_int!(distr_uniform_i64, i64, Uniform::new(3i64, 123_456_789_123));
distr_int!(distr_uniform_i128, i128, Uniform::new(-123_456_789_123i128, 123_456_789_123_456_789));
distr_float!(distr_uniform_f32, f32, Uniform::new(2.26f32, 2.319));
distr_float!(distr_uniform_f64, f64, Uniform::new(2.26f64, 2.319));
const LARGE_SEC: u64 = u64::max_value() / 1000;
Uniform::new_inclusive(Duration::new(0, 0), Duration::new(u64::max_value(), 999_999_999))
Uniform::new(Duration::new(0, 0), Duration::new(LARGE_SEC, 1_000_000_000 / 2))
Uniform::new(Duration::new(0, 0), Duration::new(1, 0))
Uniform::new(Duration::new(10000, 423423), Duration::new(200000, 6969954))
Uniform::new_inclusive(Duration::new(LARGE_SEC, 999_999_999), Duration::new(LARGE_SEC + 1, 1))
// standard
distr_int!(distr_standard_i8, i8, Standard);
distr_int!(distr_standard_i16, i16, Standard);
distr_int!(distr_standard_i32, i32, Standard);
distr_int!(distr_standard_i64, i64, Standard);
distr_int!(distr_standard_i128, i128, Standard);
distr!(distr_standard_bool, bool, Standard);
distr!(distr_standard_alphanumeric, char, Alphanumeric);
distr!(distr_standard_codepoint, char, Standard);
distr_float!(distr_standard_f32, f32, Standard);
distr_float!(distr_standard_f64, f64, Standard);
distr_float!(distr_open01_f32, f32, Open01);
distr_float!(distr_open01_f64, f64, Open01);
distr_float!(distr_openclosed01_f32, f32, OpenClosed01);
distr_float!(distr_openclosed01_f64, f64, OpenClosed01);
// distributions
distr_float!(distr_exp, f64, Exp::new(1.23 * 4.56));
distr_float!(distr_normal, f64, Normal::new(-1.23, 4.56));
distr_float!(distr_log_normal, f64, LogNormal::new(-1.23, 4.56));
distr_float!(distr_gamma_large_shape, f64, Gamma::new(10., 1.0));
distr_float!(distr_gamma_small_shape, f64, Gamma::new(0.1, 1.0));
distr_float!(distr_cauchy, f64, Cauchy::new(4.2, 6.9));
distr_int!(distr_binomial, u64, Binomial::new(20, 0.7));
distr_int!(distr_poisson, u64, Poisson::new(4.0));
distr!(distr_bernoulli, bool, Bernoulli::new(0.18));
distr_arr!(distr_circle, [f64; 2], UnitCircle::new());
distr_arr!(distr_sphere_surface, [f64; 3], UnitSphereSurface::new());
// Weighted
distr_int!(distr_weighted_i8, usize, WeightedIndex::new(&[1i8, 2, 3, 4, 12, 0, 2, 1]).unwrap());
distr_int!(distr_weighted_u32, usize, WeightedIndex::new(&[1u32, 2, 3, 4, 12, 0, 2, 1]).unwrap());
distr_int!(distr_weighted_f64, usize, WeightedIndex::new(&[1.0f64, 0.001, 1.0/3.0, 4.01, 0.0, 3.3, 22.0, 0.001]).unwrap());
distr_int!(distr_weighted_large_set, usize, WeightedIndex::new((0..10000).rev().chain(1..10001)).unwrap());
// construct and sample from a range
macro_rules! gen_range_int {
($fnn:ident, $ty:ident, $low:expr, $high:expr) => {
fn $fnn(b: &mut Bencher) {
let mut rng = SmallRng::from_entropy();
b.iter(|| {
let mut high = $high;
let mut accum: $ty = 0;
for _ in 0..::RAND_BENCH_N {
accum = accum.wrapping_add(rng.gen_range($low, high));
// force recalculation of range each time
high = high.wrapping_add(1) & std::$ty::MAX;
b.bytes = size_of::<$ty>() as u64 * ::RAND_BENCH_N;
gen_range_int!(gen_range_i8, i8, -20i8, 100);
gen_range_int!(gen_range_i16, i16, -500i16, 2000);
gen_range_int!(gen_range_i32, i32, -200_000_000i32, 800_000_000);
gen_range_int!(gen_range_i64, i64, 3i64, 123_456_789_123);
gen_range_int!(gen_range_i128, i128, -12345678901234i128, 123_456_789_123_456_789);
// construct and sample from a floating-point range
macro_rules! gen_range_float {
($fnn:ident, $ty:ident, $low:expr, $high:expr) => {
fn $fnn(b: &mut Bencher) {
let mut rng = SmallRng::from_entropy();
b.iter(|| {
let mut high = $high;
let mut low = $low;
let mut accum: $ty = 0.0;
for _ in 0..::RAND_BENCH_N {
accum += rng.gen_range(low, high);
// force recalculation of range each time
low += 0.9;
high += 1.1;
b.bytes = size_of::<$ty>() as u64 * ::RAND_BENCH_N;
gen_range_float!(gen_range_f32, f32, -20000.0f32, 100000.0);
gen_range_float!(gen_range_f64, f64, 123.456f64, 7890.12);
fn dist_iter(b: &mut Bencher) {
let mut rng = SmallRng::from_entropy();
let distr = Normal::new(-2.71828, 3.14159);
let mut iter = distr.sample_iter(&mut rng);
b.iter(|| {
let mut accum = 0.0;
for _ in 0..::RAND_BENCH_N {
accum +=;
b.bytes = size_of::<f64>() as u64 * ::RAND_BENCH_N;