Sebastien Boeuf 871138d5cc vm-migration: Make snapshot() mutable
There will be some cases where the implementation of the snapshot()
function from the Snapshottable trait will require to modify some
internal data, therefore we make this possible by updating the trait
definition with snapshot(&mut self).

Signed-off-by: Sebastien Boeuf <>
2020-08-25 16:43:10 +02:00

163 lines
5.3 KiB

// Copyright © 2019 Intel Corporation
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 AND BSD-3-Clause
extern crate serde;
extern crate thiserror;
extern crate serde_derive;
use thiserror::Error;
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum MigratableError {
#[error("Failed to pause migratable component: {0}")]
Pause(#[source] anyhow::Error),
#[error("Failed to resume migratable component: {0}")]
Resume(#[source] anyhow::Error),
#[error("Failed to snapshot migratable component: {0}")]
Snapshot(#[source] anyhow::Error),
#[error("Failed to restore migratable component: {0}")]
Restore(#[source] anyhow::Error),
#[error("Failed to send migratable component snapshot: {0}")]
MigrateSend(#[source] anyhow::Error),
#[error("Failed to receive migratable component snapshot: {0}")]
MigrateReceive(#[source] anyhow::Error),
/// A Pausable component can be paused and resumed.
pub trait Pausable {
/// Pause the component.
fn pause(&mut self) -> std::result::Result<(), MigratableError> {
/// Resume the component.
fn resume(&mut self) -> std::result::Result<(), MigratableError> {
/// A Snapshottable component snapshot section.
/// Migratable component can split their migration snapshot into
/// separate sections.
/// Splitting a component migration data into different sections
/// allows for easier and forward compatible extensions.
#[derive(Clone, Default, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct SnapshotDataSection {
/// The section id.
pub id: String,
/// The section serialized snapshot.
pub snapshot: Vec<u8>,
/// A Snapshottable component's snapshot is a tree of snapshots, where leafs
/// contain the snapshot data. Nodes of this tree track all their children
/// through the snapshots field, which is basically their sub-components.
/// Leaves will typically have an empty snapshots map, while nodes usually
/// carry an empty snapshot_data.
/// For example, a device manager snapshot is the composition of all its
/// devices snapshots. The device manager Snapshot would have no snapshot_data
/// but one Snapshot child per tracked device. Then each device's Snapshot
/// would carry an empty snapshots map but a map of SnapshotDataSection, i.e.
/// the actual device snapshot data.
#[derive(Clone, Default, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct Snapshot {
/// The Snapshottable component id.
pub id: String,
/// The Snapshottable component snapshots.
pub snapshots: std::collections::HashMap<String, Box<Snapshot>>,
/// The Snapshottable component's snapshot data.
/// A map of snapshot sections, indexed by the section ids.
pub snapshot_data: std::collections::HashMap<String, SnapshotDataSection>,
impl Snapshot {
/// Create an empty Snapshot.
pub fn new(id: &str) -> Self {
Snapshot {
id: id.to_string(),
/// Add a sub-component's Snapshot to the Snapshot.
pub fn add_snapshot(&mut self, snapshot: Snapshot) {
.insert(, Box::new(snapshot));
/// Add a SnapshotDatasection to the component snapshot data.
pub fn add_data_section(&mut self, section: SnapshotDataSection) {
self.snapshot_data.insert(, section);
/// A snapshottable component can be snapshotted.
pub trait Snapshottable: Pausable {
/// The snapshottable component id.
fn id(&self) -> String {
/// Take a component snapshot.
fn snapshot(&mut self) -> std::result::Result<Snapshot, MigratableError> {
/// Restore a component from its snapshot.
fn restore(&mut self, _snapshot: Snapshot) -> std::result::Result<(), MigratableError> {
/// A transportable component can be sent or receive to a specific URL.
/// This trait is meant to be used for component that have custom
/// transport handlers.
pub trait Transportable: Pausable + Snapshottable {
/// Send a component snapshot.
/// # Arguments
/// * `snapshot` - The migratable component snapshot to send.
/// * `destination_url` - The destination URL to send the snapshot to. This
/// could be an HTTP endpoint, a TCP address or a local file.
fn send(
_snapshot: &Snapshot,
_destination_url: &str,
) -> std::result::Result<(), MigratableError> {
/// Receive a component snapshot.
/// # Arguments
/// * `source_url` - The source URL to fetch the snapshot from. This could be an HTTP
/// endpoint, a TCP address or a local file.
fn recv(&self, _source_url: &str) -> std::result::Result<Snapshot, MigratableError> {
/// Trait to be implemented by any component (device, CPU, RAM, etc) that
/// can be migrated.
/// All migratable components are paused before being snapshotted, and then
/// eventually resumed. Thus any Migratable component must be both Pausable
/// and Snapshottable.
/// Moreover a migratable component can be transported to a remote or local
/// destination and thus must be Transportable.
pub trait Migratable: Send + Pausable + Snapshottable + Transportable {}