# Filename: # fedora-livecd-security.ks # Description: # A fully functional live OS based on Fedora for use in security auditing, # forensics research, and penetration testing. # Maintainers: # Christoph Wickert <cwickert [AT] fedoraproject <dot> org> # Joerg Simon <jsimon [AT] fedoraproject <dot> org> # Fabian Affolter <fab [AT] fedoraproject <dot> org> # Acknowledgements: # Fedora LiveCD Xfce Spin team - some work here was inherited, many thanks! # Fedora LXDE Spin - Copied over stuff to make LXDE Default # Luke Macken, Adam Miller for the original OpenBox Security ks and all # the Security Applications! # Hiemanshu Sharma <hiemanshu [AT] fedoraproject <dot> org> # Important!!!! # Beginning with Security Stuff - we use pattern to parse the kickstart file # for building the security menu - please use # # Category: Categoryname <- for new Categories # # Command: Commandname <- for the given Command # # rCommand: Commandname <- for a command as root # # Entry: Menu-Entry <- for the MenuEntry Name (optional) %include fedora-live-base.ks %include fedora-live-minimization.ks %packages ### LXDE desktop @lxde-desktop lxlauncher obconf lxdm ### internet firefox icedtea-web pidgin sylpheed transmission ### graphics #mtpaint ### audio & video alsa-plugins-pulseaudio asunder lxmusic gxine gxine-mozplugin pavucontrol pnmixer # I'm looking for something smaller than #gnomebaker ### utils galculator parcellite xpad ### system gigolo Terminal ### more desktop stuff fedora-icon-theme adwaita-cursor-theme adwaita-gtk2-theme adwaita-gtk3-theme # pam-fprint causes a segfault in LXDM when enabled -fprintd-pam # needed for automatic unlocking of keyring (#643435) gnome-keyring-pam network-manager-applet # needed for xdg-open to support LXDE perl-File-MimeInfo xcompmgr xdg-user-dirs-gtk xscreensaver-extras # use yumex instead of gnome-packagekit #yumex -apper -gnome-packagekit # LXDE has lxpolkit. Make sure no other authentication agents end up in the spin. -polkit-gnome -polkit-kde # make sure xfce4-notifyd is not pulled in notification-daemon -xfce4-notifyd # make sure xfwm4 is not pulled in for firstboot # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=643416 metacity # Command line powertop wget yum-utils # dictionaries are big -aspell-* -hunspell-* -man-pages-* -words # save some space -sendmail ssmtp -acpid # drop some system-config things -system-config-boot #-system-config-language -system-config-lvm -system-config-rootpassword #-system-config-services -policycoreutils-gui -gnome-disk-utility # we need UPower for suspend and hibernate upower ###################### Security Stuffs ############################ security-menus ################################################################## # Category: Reconnaissance # rCommand: dsniff -h dsniff # rCommand: hping -h hping3 nc6 nc # Command: ncrack -h ncrack ngrep # rCommand: nmap -h nmap # Command: zenmap-root nmap-frontend # Command: p0f -h p0f # rCommand: sing -h sing # Command: scanssh -h #temp takout scanssh # rCommand: scapy -h scapy # Command: socat # Entry: Socket cat socat # rCommand: tcpdump -h tcpdump # rCommand: unicornscan -h unicornscan # rCommand: wireshark # Entry: Wireshark wireshark-gnome # Command: xprobe2 xprobe2 # Command: nbtscan nbtscan # Command: tcpxtract tcpxtract # Command: firewalk # Entry: Firewalk firewalk # Command: hunt # Entry: Hunt hunt # Command: dnsenum -h # Entry: DNS Enumeration dnsenum # rCommand: iftop iftop # Command: argus -h argus # rCommand: ettercap -C # Entry: Ettercap ettercap ettercap-gtk # rCommand: packETH packETH # rCommand: iptraf-ng iptraf-ng pcapdiff # rCommand: etherape etherape # Command: lynis lynis # rCommand: netsniff-ng netsniff-ng # Command: tcpjunk -x tcpjunk # rCommand: ssldump -h ssldump # rCommand: yersinia -G # Entry: Yersinia yersinia net-snmp # Command: openvas-client # Entry: OpenVAS Client openvas-client openvas-scanner ################################################################# # Category: Forensics # Command: ddrescue -h ddrescue # Command: gparted gparted hexedit # rCommand: testdisk -h testdisk # Command: foremost -h # Entry: Foremost Filecarver foremost # Command: sectool-gui # Entry: sectool sectool-gui scanmem sleuthkit # Command: unhide unhide # Command: examiner # Entry: ELF Examiner examiner dc3dd afftools # Command: srm -h # Entry: Securely Remove Files srm # Command: nwipe # Entry: Securely erase disks nwipe # Command: firstaidkit -g gtk # Entry: First Aid Kit #firstaidkit-plugin-all #temp removed - dependency to grub2 ntfs-3g ntfsprogs ##################################################################### # Category: WebApplicationTesting # Command: httping -h httping # Command: nikto -help # Entry: Nikto Websecurity Scanner nikto # Command: ratproxy -h ratproxy # Command: lbd # Entry: Load Balancing Detector lbd # Command: skipfish skipfish # Command: sqlninja sqlninja ####################################################################### # Category: Wireless # Command: aircrack-ng aircrack-ng # Command: airsnort airsnort # rCommand: kismet kismet # Command: weplab # Entry: Wep Key Cracker weplab # Command: wavemon wavemon ####################################################################### # Category: CodeAnalysis # Command: splint splint # Command: pscan pscan # Command: flawfinder # Entry: Flawfinder flawfinder # Command: rats # Entry: Rough Auditing Tool for Security rats ###################################################################### # Category: IntrusionDetection # rCommand: chkrootkit chkrootkit # Command: aide -h aide labrea # Command: honeyd -h # Entry: Honeypot Daemon # temp removal #honeyd # Command: pads -h # Entry: Passive Asset Detection System pads nebula # Command: rkhunter # Entry: RootKitHunter rkhunter ######################################################################## # Category: PasswordTools # Command: john john # Command: ophcrack # Entry: Objectif Securite ophcrack ophcrack # Command: medusa -d # Entry: Medusa Brute Force medusa %end %post # LXDE and LXDM configuration # create /etc/sysconfig/desktop (needed for installation) cat > /etc/sysconfig/desktop <<EOF PREFERRED=/usr/bin/startlxde DISPLAYMANAGER=/usr/sbin/lxdm EOF cat >> /etc/rc.d/init.d/livesys << EOF # disable screensaver locking and make sure gamin gets started cat > /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/autostart << FOE /usr/libexec/gam_server @lxpanel --profile LXDE @pcmanfm --desktop --profile LXDE /usr/libexec/notification-daemon FOE # set up preferred apps cat > /etc/xdg/libfm/pref-apps.conf << FOE [Preferred Applications] WebBrowser=firefox.desktop MailClient=redhat-sylpheed.desktop FOE # set up auto-login for liveuser sed -i 's|# autologin=dgod|autologin=liveuser|g' /etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf # Show harddisk install on the desktop sed -i -e 's/NoDisplay=true/NoDisplay=false/' /usr/share/applications/liveinst.desktop mkdir /home/liveuser/Desktop cp /usr/share/applications/liveinst.desktop /home/liveuser/Desktop # Add autostart for parcellite cp /usr/share/applications/fedora-parcellite.desktop /etc/xdg/autostart # this goes at the end after all other changes. chown -R liveuser:liveuser /home/liveuser restorecon -R /home/liveuser EOF %end