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Connection URIs
.. contents::
Since libvirt supports many different kinds of virtualization (often referred to
as "drivers" or "hypervisors"), we need a way to be able to specify which driver
a connection refers to. Additionally we may want to refer to a driver on a
remote machine over the network.
To this end, libvirt uses URIs as used on the Web and as defined in `RFC
2396 <>`__. This page documents libvirt
Specifying URIs to libvirt
The URI is passed as the ``name`` parameter to
`virConnectOpen <html/libvirt-libvirt-host.html#virConnectOpen>`__ or
`virConnectOpenReadOnly <html/libvirt-libvirt-host.html#virConnectOpenReadOnly>`__
. For example:
virConnectPtr conn = virConnectOpenReadOnly ("test:///default");
Configuring URI aliases
To simplify life for administrators, it is possible to setup URI aliases in a
libvirt client configuration file. The configuration file is
``/etc/libvirt/libvirt.conf`` for the root user, or
``$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/libvirt/libvirt.conf`` for any unprivileged user. In this
file, the following syntax can be used to setup aliases
uri_aliases = [
A URI alias should be a string made up from the characters ``a-Z, 0-9, _, -``.
Following the ``=`` can be any libvirt URI string, including arbitrary URI
parameters. URI aliases will apply to any application opening a libvirt
connection, unless it has explicitly passed the ``VIR_CONNECT_NO_ALIASES``
parameter to ``virConnectOpenAuth``. If the passed in URI contains characters
outside the allowed alias character set, no alias lookup will be attempted.
Default URI choice
If the URI passed to ``virConnectOpen*`` is NULL or empty string, then libvirt
will use the following logic to determine what URI to use.
#. The environment variable ``LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI``
#. The client configuration file ``uri_default`` parameter
#. Probe each hypervisor in turn until one that works is found
Historically an empty URI was equivalent to ``xen:///system``.
Specifying URIs to virsh, virt-manager and virt-install
In virsh use the ``-c`` or ``--connect`` option:
virsh -c test:///default list
If virsh finds the environment variable ``VIRSH_DEFAULT_CONNECT_URI`` set, it
will try this URI by default. Use of this environment variable is, however,
deprecated now that libvirt supports ``LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI`` itself.
When using the interactive virsh shell, you can also use the ``connect`` *URI*
command to reconnect to another hypervisor.
In virt-manager use the ``-c`` or ``--connect=``\ *URI* option:
virt-manager -c test:///default
In virt-install use the ``--connect=``\ *URI* option:
virt-install --connect=test:///default [other options]
Local hypervisor URIs
xen:///system URI
To access a Xen hypervisor running on the local machine use the URI
Historically libvirt 0.2.2 and previous versions required to use the name
``"xen"`` to refer to the Xen hypervisor.
qemu:///... QEMU and KVM URIs
To use QEMU support in libvirt you must be running the ``libvirtd`` daemon
(named ``libvirt_qemud`` in releases prior to 0.3.0). The purpose of this daemon
is to manage qemu instances.
The ``libvirtd`` daemon should be started by the init scripts when the machine
boots. It should appear as a process ``libvirtd --daemon`` running as root in
the background and will handle qemu instances on behalf of all users of the
machine (among other things).
So to connect to the daemon, one of two different URIs is used:
- ``qemu:///system`` connects to a system mode daemon.
- ``qemu:///session`` connects to a session mode daemon.
(If you do ``libvirtd --help``, the daemon will print out the paths of the Unix
domain socket(s) that it listens on in the various different modes).
KVM URIs are identical. You select between qemu, qemu accelerated and KVM guests
in the `guest XML as described here <format.html#KVM1>`__.
test:///... Test URIs
The test driver is a dummy hypervisor for test purposes. The URIs supported are:
- ``test:///default`` connects to a default set of host definitions built into
the driver.
- ``test:///path/to/host/definitions`` connects to a set of host definitions
held in the named file.
Remote URIs
Remote URIs have the general form ("[...]" meaning an optional part):
Either the transport or the hostname must be given in order to distinguish this
from a local URI.
Some examples:
- ``xen+ssh://rjones@towada/system``
— Connect to a remote Xen hypervisor on host ``towada`` using ssh transport
and ssh username ``rjones``.
- ``xen://towada/system``
— Connect to a remote Xen hypervisor on host ``towada`` using TLS.
- ``xen://towada/system?no_verify=1``
— Connect to a remote Xen hypervisor on host ``towada`` using TLS. Do not
verify the server's certificate.
- ``qemu+unix:///system?socket=/opt/libvirt/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock``
— Connect to the local qemu instances over a non-standard Unix socket (the
full path to the Unix socket is supplied explicitly in this case).
- ``test+tcp://localhost:5000/default``
— Connect to a libvirtd daemon offering unencrypted TCP/IP connections on
localhost port 5000 and use the test driver with default settings.
- ``qemu+libssh2://user@host/system?known_hosts=/home/user/.ssh/known_hosts``
— Connect to a remote host using a ssh connection with the libssh2 driver and
use a different known_hosts file.
- ``qemu+libssh://user@host/system?known_hosts=/home/user/.ssh/known_hosts``
— Connect to a remote host using a ssh connection with the libssh driver and
use a different known_hosts file.
Extra parameters
Extra parameters can be added to remote URIs as part of the query string (the
part following ``?``). Remote URIs understand the extra parameters shown
below. Any others are passed unmodified through to the back end. Note that
parameter values must be
`URI-escaped <>`__.
| Name | Transports | Meaning |
| ``name`` | *any transport* | The name passed to the |
| | | remote virConnectOpen |
| | | function. The name is |
| | | normally formed by |
| | | removing transport, |
| | | hostname, port number, |
| | | username and extra |
| | | parameters from the |
| | | remote URI, but in |
| | | certain very complex |
| | | cases it may be better |
| | | to supply the name |
| | | explicitly. |
| | | Example: |
| | | ``name=qemu:///system`` |
| ``tls_priority`` | tls | A valid GNUTLS priority |
| | | string |
| | | Example: |
| | | ``tls_priorit |
| | | y=NORMAL:-VERS-SSL3.0`` |
| ``mode`` | unix, ssh, libssh, | ``auto`` |
| | libssh2 | automatically |
| | | determine the daemon |
| | | ``direct`` |
| | | connect to |
| | | per-driver daemons |
| | | ``legacy`` |
| | | connect to libvirtd |
| | | |
| | | Can also be set in |
| | | ``libvirt.conf`` as |
| | | ``remote_mode`` |
| | | Example: |
| | | ``mode=direct`` |
| ``proxy`` | auto, netcat, native | ``auto`` |
| | | try native, fallback |
| | | to netcat |
| | | ``netcat`` |
| | | only use netcat |
| | | ``native`` |
| | | only use native |
| | | |
| | | Can also be set in |
| | | ``libvirt.conf`` as |
| | | ``remote_proxy`` |
| | | Example: |
| | | ``proxy=native`` |
| ``command`` | ssh, ext | The external command. |
| | | For ext transport this |
| | | is required. For ssh |
| | | the default is ``ssh``. |
| | | The PATH is searched |
| | | for the command. |
| | | Example: |
| | | ``command |
| | | =/opt/openssh/bin/ssh`` |
| ``socket`` | unix, ssh, libssh2, | The path to the Unix |
| | libssh | domain socket, which |
| | | overrides the |
| | | compiled-in default. |
| | | For ssh transport, this |
| | | is passed to the remote |
| | | netcat command (see |
| | | next). |
| | | Example: |
| | | `` |
| | | socket=/opt/libvirt/run |
| | | /libvirt/libvirt-sock`` |
| ``netcat`` | ssh, libssh2, libssh | The name of the netcat |
| | | command on the remote |
| | | machine. The default is |
| | | ``nc``. This is not |
| | | permitted when using |
| | | the ``native`` proxy |
| | | mode. For ssh |
| | | transport, libvirt |
| | | constructs an ssh |
| | | command which looks |
| | | like: |
| | | |
| | | ``command -p port`` |
| | | ``[-l username]`` |
| | | ``hostname`` or |
| | | |
| | | ``netcat -U socket`` |
| | | |
| | | where *port*, |
| | | *username*, *hostname* |
| | | can be specified as |
| | | part of the remote URI, |
| | | and *command*, *netcat* |
| | | and *socket* come from |
| | | extra parameters (or |
| | | sensible defaults). |
| | | Example: |
| | | ``netc |
| | | at=/opt/netcat/bin/nc`` |
| ``keyfile`` | ssh, libssh2, libssh | The name of the private |
| | | key file to use to |
| | | authentication to the |
| | | remote machine. If this |
| | | option is not used the |
| | | default keys are used. |
| | | Example: |
| | | ``keyfile=/ |
| | | root/.ssh/example_key`` |
| ``no_verify`` | ssh, tls | SSH: If set to a |
| | | non-zero value, this |
| | | disables client's |
| | | strict host key |
| | | checking making it |
| | | auto-accept new host |
| | | keys. Existing host |
| | | keys will still be |
| | | validated. |
| | | TLS: If set to a |
| | | non-zero value, this |
| | | disables client checks |
| | | of the server's |
| | | certificate. Note that |
| | | to disable server |
| | | checks of the client's |
| | | certificate or IP |
| | | address you must |
| | | `change the libvirtd |
| | | conf |
| | | iguration <#Remote_libv |
| | | irtd_configuration>`__. |
| | | Example: |
| | | ``no_verify=1`` |
| ``no_tty`` | ssh | If set to a non-zero |
| | | value, this stops ssh |
| | | from asking for a |
| | | password if it cannot |
| | | log in to the remote |
| | | machine automatically |
| | | (eg. using ssh-agent |
| | | etc.). Use this when |
| | | you don't have access |
| | | to a terminal - for |
| | | example in graphical |
| | | programs which use |
| | | libvirt. |
| | | Example: ``no_tty=1`` |
| ``pkipath`` | tls | Specifies x509 |
| | | certificates path for |
| | | the client. If any of |
| | | the CA certificate, |
| | | client certificate, or |
| | | client key is missing, |
| | | the connection will |
| | | fail with a fatal |
| | | error. |
| | | Example: |
| | | ``pk |
| | | ipath=/tmp/pki/client`` |
| ``known_hosts`` | libssh2, libssh | Path to the known_hosts |
| | | file to verify the host |
| | | key against. LibSSH2 |
| | | and libssh support |
| | | OpenSSH-style |
| | | known_hosts files, |
| | | although LibSSH2 does |
| | | not support all key |
| | | types, so using files |
| | | created by the OpenSSH |
| | | binary may result into |
| | | truncating the |
| | | known_hosts file. Thus, |
| | | with LibSSH2 it's |
| | | recommended to use the |
| | | default known_hosts |
| | | file is located in |
| | | libvirt's client local |
| | | configuration directory |
| | | e.g.: |
| | | ~/.conf |
| | | ig/libvirt/known_hosts. |
| | | Note: Use absolute |
| | | paths. |
| | | Example: |
| | | ``known_hosts=/ |
| | | root/.ssh/known_hosts`` |
| ``known_hosts_verify`` | libssh2, libssh | If set to ``normal`` |
| | | (default), then the |
| | | user will be asked to |
| | | accept new host keys. |
| | | If set to ``auto``, new |
| | | host keys will be |
| | | auto-accepted, but |
| | | existing host keys will |
| | | still be validated. If |
| | | set to ``ignore``, this |
| | | disables client's |
| | | strict host key |
| | | checking. |
| | | Example: |
| | | ``know |
| | | n_hosts_verify=ignore`` |
| ``sshauth`` | libssh2, libssh | A comma separated list |
| | | of authentication |
| | | methods to use. Default |
| | | (is |
| | | "agent,privkey,password |
| | | ,keyboard-interactive". |
| | | The order of the |
| | | methods is preserved. |
| | | Some methods may |
| | | require additional |
| | | parameters. |
| | | Example: |
| | | `` |
| | | sshauth=privkey,agent`` |