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synced 2025-03-07 17:28:15 +00:00
This rather large patch rewrites the virStorageBackendISCSIFindLUNs() function
to only rely on sysfs for finding LUNs, given a session number. Along the way, it also fixes the bug where we wouldn't find LUNs for older kernels (with the block:sda format), and also fixes a race condition where we could try to find the LUN before udev has finished connecting it. This patch fixes a few different bugs: 1) We weren't finding LUNs on pre 2.6.24 kernels 2) libvirtd sysfs scanning was racing with udev, so we didn't always see LUNs 3) We weren't showing the 0'th LUN, although that can be a valid LUN Signed-off-by: Chris Lalancette <clalance@redhat.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ virStorageBackendISCSISession(virConnectPtr conn,
int vars[] = {
const char *prog[] = {
const char *const prog[] = {
ISCSIADM, "--mode", "session", NULL
char *session = NULL;
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ virStorageBackendISCSIConnection(virConnectPtr conn,
const char *portal,
const char *action)
const char *cmdargv[] = {
const char *const cmdargv[] = {
ISCSIADM, "--mode", "node", "--portal", portal,
"--targetname", pool->def->source.devices[0].path, action, NULL
@ -164,110 +164,30 @@ virStorageBackendISCSIConnection(virConnectPtr conn,
return 0;
static int
virStorageBackendISCSIMakeLUN(virConnectPtr conn,
virStoragePoolObjPtr pool,
char **const groups,
void *data)
virStorageBackendISCSINewLun(virConnectPtr conn, virStoragePoolObjPtr pool,
unsigned int lun, const char *dev)
virStorageVolDefPtr vol;
int fd = -1;
unsigned int target, channel, id, lun;
char lunid[100];
int opentries = 0;
char *devpath = NULL;
char *session = data;
char sysfs_path[PATH_MAX];
char *dev = NULL;
DIR *sysdir;
struct dirent *block_dirent;
struct stat sbuf;
int len;
if ((virStrToLong_ui(groups[0], NULL, 10, &target) < 0) ||
(virStrToLong_ui(groups[1], NULL, 10, &channel) < 0) ||
(virStrToLong_ui(groups[2], NULL, 10, &id) < 0) ||
(virStrToLong_ui(groups[3], NULL, 10, &lun) < 0)) {
virStorageReportError(conn, VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s",
_("Failed parsing iscsiadm commands"));
return -1;
if (lun == 0) {
/* the 0'th LUN isn't a real LUN, it's just a control LUN; skip it */
return 0;
snprintf(sysfs_path, PATH_MAX,
session, target, channel, id, target, channel, id, lun);
if (stat(sysfs_path, &sbuf) < 0) {
/* block path in subdir didn't exist; this is unexpected, so fail */
virStorageReportError(conn, VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR,
_("Failed to find the sysfs path for %d:%d:%d:%d: %s"),
target, channel, id, lun, strerror(errno));
return -1;
sysdir = opendir(sysfs_path);
if (sysdir == NULL) {
/* we failed for some reason; return an error */
virStorageReportError(conn, VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR,
_("Failed to opendir sysfs path %s: %s"),
sysfs_path, strerror(errno));
return -1;
while ((block_dirent = readdir(sysdir)) != NULL) {
len = strlen(block_dirent->d_name);
if ((len == 1 && block_dirent->d_name[0] == '.') ||
(len == 2 && block_dirent->d_name[0] == '.' && block_dirent->d_name[1] == '.')) {
/* the . and .. directories; just skip them */
/* OK, not . or ..; let's see if it is a SCSI device */
if (len > 2 &&
block_dirent->d_name[0] == 's' &&
block_dirent->d_name[1] == 'd') {
/* looks like a scsi device, smells like scsi device; it must be
a scsi device */
dev = strdup(block_dirent->d_name);
if (dev == NULL) {
/* we didn't find the sd? device we were looking for; fail */
virStorageReportError(conn, VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR,
_("Failed to find SCSI device for %d:%d:%d:%d: %s"),
target, channel, id, lun, strerror(errno));
return -1;
snprintf(lunid, sizeof(lunid)-1, "lun-%s", groups[3]);
int opentries = 0;
if (VIR_ALLOC(vol) < 0) {
virStorageReportError(conn, VIR_ERR_NO_MEMORY, "%s", _("volume"));
goto cleanup;
if ((vol->name = strdup(lunid)) == NULL) {
if (asprintf(&(vol->name), "lun-%d", lun) < 0) {
virStorageReportError(conn, VIR_ERR_NO_MEMORY, "%s", _("name"));
goto cleanup;
if (VIR_ALLOC_N(devpath, 5 + strlen(dev) + 1) < 0) {
if (asprintf(&devpath, "/dev/%s", dev) < 0) {
virStorageReportError(conn, VIR_ERR_NO_MEMORY, "%s", _("devpath"));
goto cleanup;
strcpy(devpath, "/dev/");
strcat(devpath, dev);
/* It can take a little while between logging into the ISCSI
* server and udev creating the /dev nodes, so if we get ENOENT
* we must retry a few times - they should eventually appear.
@ -328,58 +248,262 @@ virStorageBackendISCSIMakeLUN(virConnectPtr conn,
if (fd != -1) close(fd);
return -1;
static int notdotdir(const struct dirent *dir)
return !(STREQLEN(dir->d_name, ".", 1) || STREQLEN(dir->d_name, "..", 2));
/* Function to check if the type file in the given sysfs_path is a
* Direct-Access device (i.e. type 0). Return -1 on failure, 0 if not
* a Direct-Access device, and 1 if a Direct-Access device
static int directAccessDevice(const char *sysfs_path)
char typestr[3];
char *gottype, *p;
FILE *typefile;
int type;
typefile = fopen(sysfs_path, "r");
if (typefile == NULL) {
/* there was no type file; that doesn't seem right */
return -1;
gottype = fgets(typestr, 3, typefile);
if (gottype == NULL) {
/* we couldn't read the type file; have to give up */
return -1;
/* we don't actually care about p, but if you pass NULL and the last
* character is not \0, virStrToLong_i complains
if (virStrToLong_i(typestr, &p, 10, &type) < 0) {
/* Hm, type wasn't an integer; seems strange */
return -1;
if (type != 0) {
/* saw a device other than Direct-Access */
return 0;
return 1;
static int
virStorageBackendISCSIFindLUNs(virConnectPtr conn,
virStoragePoolObjPtr pool,
const char *session)
* # iscsiadm --mode session -r $session -P 3
* scsi1 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 0
* scsi1 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 1
* Attached scsi disk sdc State: running
* scsi1 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 2
* Attached scsi disk sdd State: running
* scsi1 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 3
* Attached scsi disk sde State: running
* scsi1 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 4
* Attached scsi disk sdf State: running
* scsi1 Channel 00 Id 0 Lun: 5
* Attached scsi disk sdg State: running
* Need a regex to match the Channel:Id:Lun lines
char sysfs_path[PATH_MAX];
uint32_t host, bus, target, lun;
DIR *sysdir;
struct dirent *sys_dirent;
struct dirent **namelist;
int i, n, tries, retval, directaccess;
char *block, *scsidev, *block2;
retval = 0;
block = NULL;
scsidev = NULL;
snprintf(sysfs_path, PATH_MAX,
"/sys/class/iscsi_session/session%s/device", session);
sysdir = opendir(sysfs_path);
if (sysdir == NULL) {
virStorageReportError(conn, VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR,
_("Failed to opendir sysfs path %s: %s"),
sysfs_path, strerror(errno));
return -1;
while ((sys_dirent = readdir(sysdir))) {
/* double-negative, so we can use the same function for scandir below */
if (!notdotdir(sys_dirent))
if (STREQLEN(sys_dirent->d_name, "target", 6)) {
if (sscanf(sys_dirent->d_name, "target%u:%u:%u",
&host, &bus, &target) != 3) {
virStorageReportError(conn, VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR,
_("Failed to parse target from sysfs path %s/%s"),
sysfs_path, sys_dirent->d_name);
return -1;
/* we now have the host, bus, and target; let's scan for LUNs */
snprintf(sysfs_path, PATH_MAX,
session, host, bus, target);
n = scandir(sysfs_path, &namelist, notdotdir, versionsort);
if (n <= 0) {
/* we didn't find any reasonable entries; return failure */
virStorageReportError(conn, VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR,
_("Failed to find any LUNs for session %s: %s"),
session, strerror(errno));
return -1;
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
block = NULL;
scsidev = NULL;
if (sscanf(namelist[i]->d_name, "%u:%u:%u:%u\n",
&host, &bus, &target, &lun) != 4)
/* we found a LUN */
/* Note, however, that just finding a LUN doesn't mean it is
* actually useful to us. There are a few different types of
* LUNs, enumerated in the linux kernel in
* drivers/scsi/scsi.c:scsi_device_types[]. Luckily, these device
* types form part of the ABI between the kernel and userland, so
* are unlikely to change. For now, we ignore everything that isn't
* type 0; that is, a Direct-Access device
snprintf(sysfs_path, PATH_MAX,
host, bus, target, lun);
directaccess = directAccessDevice(sysfs_path);
if (directaccess < 0) {
virStorageReportError(conn, VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR,
_("Failed to determine if %u:%u:%u:%u is a Direct-Access LUN"),
host, bus, target, lun);
retval = -1;
goto namelist_cleanup;
else if (directaccess == 0) {
/* not a direct-access device; skip */
/* implicit else if (access == 1); Direct-Access device */
/* It might take some time for the
* /sys/bus/scsi/devices/host:bus:target:lun/block{:sda,/sda}
* link to show up; wait up to 5 seconds for it, then give up
tries = 0;
while (block == NULL && tries < 50) {
snprintf(sysfs_path, PATH_MAX, "/sys/bus/scsi/devices/%u:%u:%u:%u",
host, bus, target, lun);
sysdir = opendir(sysfs_path);
if (sysdir == NULL) {
virStorageReportError(conn, VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR,
_("Failed to opendir sysfs path %s: %s"),
sysfs_path, strerror(errno));
retval = -1;
goto namelist_cleanup;
while ((sys_dirent = readdir(sysdir))) {
if (!notdotdir(sys_dirent))
if (STREQLEN(sys_dirent->d_name, "block", 5)) {
block = strdup(sys_dirent->d_name);
if (block == NULL)
usleep(100 * 1000);
if (block == NULL) {
/* we couldn't find the device link for this device; fail */
virStorageReportError(conn, VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR,
_("Failed to find device link for lun %d"),
retval = -1;
goto namelist_cleanup;
if (strlen(block) == 5) {
/* OK, this is exactly "block"; must be new-style */
snprintf(sysfs_path, PATH_MAX,
host, bus, target, lun);
sysdir = opendir(sysfs_path);
if (sysdir == NULL) {
virStorageReportError(conn, VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR,
_("Failed to opendir sysfs path %s: %s"),
sysfs_path, strerror(errno));
retval = -1;
goto namelist_cleanup;
while ((sys_dirent = readdir(sysdir))) {
if (!notdotdir(sys_dirent))
scsidev = strdup(sys_dirent->d_name);
else {
/* old-style; just parse out the sd */
block2 = strrchr(block, ':');
if (block2 == NULL) {
/* Hm, wasn't what we were expecting; have to give up */
virStorageReportError(conn, VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR,
_("Failed to parse block path %s"),
retval = -1;
goto namelist_cleanup;
scsidev = strdup(block2);
if (scsidev == NULL) {
virStorageReportError(conn, VIR_ERR_NO_MEMORY, "%s",
_("Failed allocating memory for scsidev"));
retval = -1;
goto namelist_cleanup;
retval = virStorageBackendISCSINewLun(conn, pool, lun, scsidev);
if (retval < 0)
/* we call these VIR_FREE here to make sure we don't leak memory on
* error cases; in the success case, these are already freed but NULL,
* which should be fine
const char *regexes[] = {
int vars[] = {
const char *prog[] = {
ISCSIADM, "--mode", "session", "-r", session, "-P", "3", NULL,
return virStorageBackendRunProgRegex(conn, pool,
(void *)session, NULL);
for (i=0; i<n; i++)
return retval;
static int
virStorageBackendISCSIRescanLUNs(virConnectPtr conn,
virStoragePoolObjPtr pool ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
const char *session)
const char *cmdargv[] = {
const char *const cmdargv[] = {
ISCSIADM, "--mode", "session", "-r", session, "-R", NULL,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user