# # Rules for running syntax-check, derived from gnulib's top/maint.mk # # Specifically, all shared code should match gnulib commit # # d5191e456737661d4a0df5287f6c2064ab74dbbe (2024-02-15) # # Copyright (C) 2008-2019 Red Hat, Inc. # Copyright (C) 2001-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see # . all: @echo "Do not call this file directly, use 'meson test' instead" >&2; \ exit 1 ## ----- ## ## Rules ## ## ----- ## # Files that should never cause syntax check failures. VC_LIST_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE_REGEX = \ \.(po|ico|png)$$ # Avoid uses of write(2). Either switch to streams (fwrite), or use # the safewrite wrapper. sc_avoid_write: @prohibit='\&2; \ exit 1; } || : @prohibit=' flags G_GNUC_UNUSED' \ exclude='virSecurityDomainImageLabelFlags' \ halt='flags should be checked with virCheckFlags' \ $(_sc_search_regexp) @prohibit='^[^@]*([^d] (int|long long)|[^dg] long) flags[;,)]' \ halt='flags should be unsigned' \ $(_sc_search_regexp) # Avoid functions that should only be called via macro counterparts. sc_prohibit_internal_functions: @prohibit='vir(Free|AllocN?|ReallocN|(Insert|Delete)ElementsN|File(Close|Fclose|Fdopen)) *\(' \ halt='use VIR_ macros instead of internal functions' \ $(_sc_search_regexp) sc_prohibit_raw_virclassnew: @prohibit='virClassNew *\(' \ halt='use VIR_CLASS_NEW instead of virClassNew' \ $(_sc_search_regexp) # Avoid raw malloc and free, except in documentation comments. sc_prohibit_raw_allocation: @prohibit='^.[^*].*\<((m|c|re)alloc|free|g_malloc) *\([^)]' \ halt='use g_new0/g_malloc0/g_free instead of malloc/free/g_malloc' \ $(_sc_search_regexp) # Avoid functions that can lead to double-close bugs. sc_prohibit_close: @prohibit='([^>.]|^)\<[fp]?close *\(' \ halt='use VIR_{FORCE_}[F]CLOSE instead of [f]close' \ $(_sc_search_regexp) @prohibit='\. sc_prohibit_ctype_h: @prohibit='^# *include *' \ halt='use Glib g_ascii_* function instead of ctype.h' \ $(_sc_search_regexp) # We have our own wrapper for mocking purposes sc_prohibit_canonicalize_file_name: @prohibit='\ are not required to be thread-safe sc_prohibit_libgen: @prohibit='( (base|dir)name *\(|include .libgen\.h)' \ halt='use functions from GLib, not ' \ $(_sc_search_regexp) # raw xmlGetProp requires some nasty casts sc_prohibit_xmlGetProp: @prohibit='\&2; \ exit 1; } || : # Like the above, but prohibit a newline at the end of a diagnostic. # This is subject to false positives partly because it naively looks for # `\n"', which may not be the end of the string, and also because it takes # two lines of context (the -A2) after the line with the function name. # FIXME: this rule might benefit from a separate function list, in case # there are functions to which this one applies but that do not get marked # diagnostics. sc_prohibit_newline_at_end_of_diagnostic: @$(VC_LIST_EXCEPT) | xargs $(GREP) -A2 -nE \ '\<$(func_re) *\(' /dev/null \ | $(GREP) '\\n"' \ && { echo 'newline at end of message(s)' 1>&2; \ exit 1; } || : # Disallow translated messages on multiple lines, except when # they end with '\n'. sc_prohibit_error_message_on_multiple_lines: @prohibit='[^N]_\(".*"$$' \ exclude='\\n"$$' \ halt='found error message on multiple lines' \ $(_sc_search_regexp) # Look for diagnostics that lack a % in the format string, except that we # allow VIR_ERROR to do this, and ignore functions that take a single # string rather than a format argument. sc_prohibit_diagnostic_without_format: @{ $(VC_LIST_EXCEPT) | xargs \ $(GREP) -nE '\<$(func_re) *\(.*;$$' /dev/null; \ $(VC_LIST_EXCEPT) | xargs \ $(GREP) -A2 -nE '\<$(func_re) *\(.*,$$' /dev/null; } \ | $(SED) -rn -e ':l; /[,"]$$/ {N;b l;}' \ -e '/(vah_(error|warning))/d' \ -e '/\<$(func_re) *\([^"]*"([^%"]|"\n[^"]*")*"[,)]/p' \ | $(GREP) -vE 'VIR_ERROR' && \ { echo 'found diagnostic without %' 1>&2; \ exit 1; } || : sc_require_permutable_format_in_translation: @prohibit='\&2; \ exit 1; } || : # Enforce recommended preprocessor indentation style. sc_preprocessor_indentation: @if cppi --version >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ $(VC_LIST_EXCEPT) | $(GREP) -E '\.[ch](\.in)?$$' | xargs cppi -a -c \ || { echo 'incorrect preprocessor indentation' 1>&2; \ exit 1; }; \ else \ echo 'skipping test $@: cppi not installed' 1>&2; \ fi # Enforce similar spec file indentation style, by running cppi on a # (comment-only) C file that mirrors the same layout as the spec file. sc_spec_indentation: @if cppi --version >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ for f in $$($(VC_LIST_EXCEPT) | $(GREP) '\.spec\.in$$'); do \ $(SED) -e 's|#|// #|; s|%ifn*\(arch\)* |#if a // |' \ -e 's/%\(else\|endif\|define\)/#\1/' \ -e 's/^\( *\)\1\1\1#/#\1/' \ -e 's|^\( *[^#/ ]\)|// \1|; s|^\( */[^/]\)|// \1|' $$f \ | cppi -a -c 2>&1 | $(SED) "s|standard input|$$f|"; \ done | { if $(GREP) . >&2; then false; else :; fi; } \ || { echo 'incorrect preprocessor indentation' 1>&2; \ exit 1; }; \ else \ echo 'skipping test $@: cppi not installed' 1>&2; \ fi # Prefer the new URL listing over the old street address listing when # calling out where to get a copy of the [L]GPL. Also, while we have # to ship COPYING (GPL) alongside COPYING.LESSER (LGPL), we want any # source file that calls out a top-level file to call out the LGPL # version. Note that our typical copyright boilerplate refers to the # license by name, not by reference to a top-level file. sc_copyright_usage: @prohibit=Boston,' MA' \ halt='Point to , not an address' \ $(_sc_search_regexp) @require='COPYING\.LESSER' \ containing='COPYING' \ halt='Refer to COPYING.LESSER for LGPL' \ $(_sc_search_regexp) @prohibit='COPYING\.LIB' \ halt='Refer to COPYING.LESSER for LGPL' \ $(_sc_search_regexp) # Some functions/macros produce messages intended solely for developers # and maintainers. Do not mark them for translation. sc_prohibit_gettext_markup: @prohibit='\&2; \ exit 1; } || : sc_prohibit_python_without_env: @prohibit='#!/usr/.*/py''thon' \ halt='always call python via /usr/bin/env' \ $(_sc_search_regexp) # We're intentionally ignoring a few warnings # # E302: whitespace before ':'. This is something that is # desirable when indexing array slices and is used by the # 'black' formatting tool # # E501: Force breaking lines at < 80 characters results in # some really unnatural code formatting which harms # readability. # # W503: line break before binary operator, because this # is contrary to what 'black' formatting tool wants # # W504: Knuth code style requires the operators "or" and "and" etc # to be at the start of line in a multi-line conditional. # This the opposite to what is normal libvirt practice. # FLAKE8_IGNORE = E203,E501,W503,W504 sc_flake8: @if [ -n "$(FLAKE8)" ]; then \ DOT_PY=$$($(VC_LIST_EXCEPT) | $(GREP) '\.py$$'); \ BANG_PY=$$($(VC_LIST_EXCEPT) | xargs grep -l '^#!/usr/bin/env python3$$'); \ ALL_PY=$$(printf "%s\n%s" "$$DOT_PY" "$$BANG_PY" | sort -u); \ echo "$$ALL_PY" | xargs $(FLAKE8) --ignore $(FLAKE8_IGNORE) --show-source; \ else \ echo 'skipping test $@: flake8 not installed' 1>&2; \ fi sc_black: if [ -n "$(BLACK)" ]; then \ DOT_PY=$$($(VC_LIST_EXCEPT) | $(GREP) '\.py$$'); \ BANG_PY=$$($(VC_LIST_EXCEPT) | xargs grep -l '^#!/usr/bin/env python3$$'); \ ALL_PY=$$(printf "%s\n%s" "$$DOT_PY" "$$BANG_PY" | sort -u); \ echo "$$ALL_PY" | xargs --no-run-if-empty $(BLACK) --check; \ else \ echo 'skipping test $@: black not installed' 1>&2; \ fi # mymain() in test files should use return, not exit, for nicer output sc_prohibit_exit_in_tests: @prohibit='\ form. Except for external tools, # e.g. Python binding, examples and tools subdirectories. sc_prohibit_include_public_headers_brackets: @prohibit='# *include *' \ in_vc_files='\.[ch]$$' \ halt='Do not include libvirt/*.h in internal source' \ $(_sc_search_regexp) # is only needed in .c files; .h files do not need it since # .c files must include config.h before any other .h. sc_prohibit_config_h_in_headers: @prohibit='^# *include *[<"]config\.h' \ in_vc_files='\.h$$' \ halt='headers should not include ' \ $(_sc_search_regexp) sc_prohibit_unbounded_arrays_in_rpc: @prohibit='<>' \ in_vc_files='\.x$$' \ halt='Arrays in XDR must have a upper limit set for ' \ $(_sc_search_regexp) sc_prohibit_atoi: @prohibit='\bato(i|f|l|ll|q) *\(' \ halt='Use virStrToLong* instead of atoi, atol, atof, atoq, atoll' \ $(_sc_search_regexp) sc_prohibit_wrong_filename_in_comment: @$(VC_LIST_EXCEPT) | $(GREP) '\.[ch]$$' | xargs awk 'BEGIN { \ fail=0; \ } FNR < 3 { \ n=match($$0, /[[:space:]][^[:space:]]*[.][ch][[:space:]:]/); \ if (n > 0) { \ A=substr($$0, RSTART+1, RLENGTH-2); \ n=split(FILENAME, arr, "/"); \ if (A != arr[n]) { \ print "in " FILENAME ": " A " mentioned in comments "; \ fail=1; \ } \ } \ } END { \ if (fail == 1) { \ exit 1; \ } \ }' || { echo 'The file name in comments must match the' \ 'actual file name' 1>&2; exit 1; } sc_prohibit_virConnectOpen_in_virsh: @prohibit='\bvirConnectOpen[a-zA-Z]* *\(' \ in_vc_files='tools/virsh-.*\.[ch]$$' \ halt='Use vshConnect() in virsh instead of virConnectOpen*' \ $(_sc_search_regexp) sc_require_space_before_label: @prohibit='^( ?)?[_a-zA-Z0-9]+:$$' \ in_vc_files='\.[ch]$$' \ halt='Top-level labels should be indented by one space' \ $(_sc_search_regexp) # Allow for up to three spaces before the label: this is to avoid running # into situations where neither this rule nor require_space_before_label # would apply, eg. a line matching ^[a-zA-Z0-9]+ :$ sc_prohibit_space_in_label: @prohibit='^ {0,3}[_a-zA-Z0-9]+ +:$$' \ in_vc_files='\.[ch]$$' \ halt='There should be no space between label name and colon' \ $(_sc_search_regexp) # Doesn't catch all cases of mismatched braces across if-else, but it helps sc_require_if_else_matching_braces: @prohibit='( else( if .*\))? {|} else( if .*\))?$$)' \ in_vc_files='\.[chx]$$' \ halt='if one side of if-else uses {}, both sides must use it' \ $(_sc_search_regexp) sc_curly_braces_style: @if $(VC_LIST_EXCEPT) | $(GREP) '\.[ch]$$' | xargs $(GREP) -nHP \ '^\s*(?!([a-zA-Z_]*for_?each[a-zA-Z_]*) ?\()([_a-zA-Z0-9]+( [_a-zA-Z0-9]+)* ?\()?(\*?[_a-zA-Z0-9]+(,? \*?[_a-zA-Z0-9\[\]]+)+|void)\) ?\{' \ /dev/null; then \ echo 'Non-K&R style used for curly braces around' \ 'function body' 1>&2; exit 1; \ fi; \ if $(VC_LIST_EXCEPT) | $(GREP) '\.[ch]$$' | xargs \ $(GREP) -A1 -En ' ((if|for|while|switch) \(|(else|do)\b)[^{]*$$' \ /dev/null | $(GREP) '^[^ ]*- *{'; then \ echo 'Use hanging braces for compound statements' 1>&2; exit 1; \ fi sc_prohibit_windows_special_chars_in_filename: @$(VC_LIST_EXCEPT) | $(GREP) '[:*?"<>|]' && \ { echo 'Windows special chars in filename not allowed' 1>&2; echo exit 1; } || : sc_prohibit_mixed_case_abbreviations: @prohibit='Pci|Usb|Scsi|Vpd' \ in_vc_files='\.[ch]$$' \ halt='Use PCI, USB, SCSI, VPD, not Pci, Usb, Scsi, Vpd' \ $(_sc_search_regexp) # Require #include in all files that call setlocale() sc_require_locale_h: @require='include.*locale\.h' \ containing='setlocale *(' \ halt='setlocale() requires ' \ $(_sc_search_regexp) sc_prohibit_empty_first_line: @$(VC_LIST_EXCEPT) | xargs awk 'BEGIN { fail=0; } \ FNR == 1 { maybe_fail = $$0 == ""; } \ FNR == 2 { if (maybe_fail == 1) { print FILENAME ":1:"; fail=1; } } \ END { if (fail == 1) { \ print "Prohibited empty first line" > "/dev/stderr"; \ } exit fail; }' sc_prohibit_paren_brace: @prohibit='\)\{$$' \ in_vc_files='\.[chx]$$' \ halt='Put space between closing parenthesis and opening brace' \ $(_sc_search_regexp) # C guarantees that static variables are zero initialized, and some compilers # waste space by sticking explicit initializers in .data instead of .bss sc_prohibit_static_zero_init: @prohibit='\bstatic\b.*= *(0[^xX0-9]|NULL|false)' \ in_vc_files='\.[chx](\.in)?$$' \ halt='static variables do not need explicit zero initialization'\ $(_sc_search_regexp) # FreeBSD exports the "devname" symbol which produces a warning. sc_prohibit_devname: @prohibit='\bdevname\b' \ exclude='sc_prohibit_devname' \ halt='avoid using devname as FreeBSD exports the symbol' \ $(_sc_search_regexp) sc_prohibit_system_error_with_vir_err: @prohibit='\bvirReportSystemError *\(VIR_ERR_' \ halt='do not use virReportSystemError with VIR_ERR_* error codes' \ $(_sc_search_regexp) # Rule to prohibit usage of virXXXFree within library, daemon, remote, etc. # functions. There's a corresponding exclude to allow usage within tests, # docs, examples, tools, src/libvirt-*.c, and include/libvirt/libvirt-*.h sc_prohibit_virXXXFree: @prohibit='\bvir(Domain|Network|NodeDevice|StorageVol|StoragePool|Stream|Secret|NWFilter|Interface|DomainSnapshot)Free\b' \ exclude='sc_prohibit_virXXXFree' \ halt='avoid using virXXXFree, use virObjectUnref instead' \ $(_sc_search_regexp) sc_prohibit_sysconf_pagesize: @prohibit='sysconf\(_SC_PAGESIZE' \ halt='use virGetSystemPageSize[KB] instead of sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE)' \ $(_sc_search_regexp) sc_prohibit_virSecurityManager: @$(VC_LIST_EXCEPT) | $(GREP) 'src/qemu/' | \ $(GREP) -v 'src/qemu/qemu_security' | \ xargs $(GREP) -Pn 'virSecurityManager\S*\(' /dev/null && \ { echo 'prefer qemuSecurity wrappers' 1>&2; exit 1; } || : sc_prohibit_pthread_create: @prohibit='\bpthread_create\b' \ exclude='sc_prohibit_pthread_create' \ halt='avoid using pthread_create, use virThreadCreate instead' \ $(_sc_search_regexp) sc_prohibit_not_streq: @prohibit='! *STRN?EQ *\(.*\)' \ halt='Use STRNEQ instead of !STREQ and STREQ instead of !STRNEQ' \ $(_sc_search_regexp) sc_prohibit_verbose_strcat: @prohibit='strncat\([^,]*,\s+([^,]*),\s+strlen\(\1\)\)' \ in_vc_files='\.[ch]$$' \ halt='Use strcat(a, b) instead of strncat(a, b, strlen(b))' \ $(_sc_search_regexp) # Ensure that each .c file containing a "main" function also # calls virGettextInitialize sc_gettext_init: @require='virGettextInitialize *\(' \ in_vc_files='\.c$$' \ containing='\
&2; \ exit 1; } \ || : # Error messages should not end with a period sc_error_message_period: @$(VC_LIST_EXCEPT) \ | xargs $(GREP) -nEA2 '[^rp]error *\(' /dev/null \ | $(GREP) -E '[^."]\."' \ && { echo 'found error message ending in period' 1>&2; \ exit 1; } \ || : # Don't use cpp tests of this symbol. All code assumes config.h is included. sc_prohibit_have_config_h: @prohibit='^# *if.*HAVE''_CONFIG_H' \ halt='found use of HAVE''_CONFIG_H; remove' \ $(_sc_search_regexp) # Nearly all .c files must include . However, we also permit this # via inclusion of a package-specific header, if syntax-check.mk specified one. # config_h_header must be suitable for grep -E. config_h_header ?= sc_require_config_h: @require='^# *include $(config_h_header)' \ in_vc_files='\.c$$' \ halt='the above files do not include ' \ $(_sc_search_regexp) # Print each file name for which the first #include does not match # $(config_h_header). Like grep -m 1, this only looks at the first match. perl_config_h_first_ = \ -e 'BEGIN {$$ret = 0}' \ -e 'if (/^\# *include\b/) {' \ -e ' if (not m{^\# *include $(config_h_header)}) {' \ -e ' print "$$ARGV\n";' \ -e ' $$ret = 1;' \ -e ' }' \ -e ' \# Move on to next file after first include' \ -e ' close ARGV;' \ -e '}' \ -e 'END {exit $$ret}' # You must include before including any other header file. # This can possibly be via a package-specific header, if given by syntax-check.mk. sc_require_config_h_first: @if $(VC_LIST_EXCEPT) | $(GREP) '\.c$$' > /dev/null; then \ files=$$($(VC_LIST_EXCEPT) | $(GREP) '\.c$$') && \ perl -n $(perl_config_h_first_) $$files || \ { echo 'the above files include some other header' \ 'before ' 1>&2; exit 1; } || :; \ else :; \ fi # To use this "command" macro, you must first define two shell variables: # h: the header name, with no enclosing <> or "" # re: a regular expression that matches IFF something provided by $h is used. define _sc_header_without_use dummy=; : so we do not need a semicolon before each use; \ h_esc=`echo '[<"]'"$$h"'[">]'|$(SED) 's/\./\\\\./g'`; \ if $(VC_LIST_EXCEPT) | $(GREP) '\.c$$' > /dev/null; then \ files=$$($(GREP) -l '^# *include '"$$h_esc" \ $$($(VC_LIST_EXCEPT) | $(GREP) '\.c$$')) && \ $(GREP) -LE "$$re" $$files | $(GREP) . && \ { echo "the above files include $$h but don't use it" \ 1>&2; exit 1; } || :; \ else :; \ fi endef # Prohibit the inclusion of assert.h without an actual use of assert. sc_prohibit_assert_without_use: @h='assert.h' re='\&2; \ exit 1; } || : # prohibit remote references to local file in RST files sc_avoid_remote_reference_to_local_file: @prohibit='<#' \ in_vc_files='\.rst$$' \ halt='use `section`_ or `here `__ instead of `here <#section>`__' \ $(_sc_search_regexp) # This Perl code is slightly obfuscated. Not only is each "$" doubled # because it's in a Makefile, but the $$c's are comments; we cannot # use "#" due to the way the script ends up concatenated onto one line. # It would be much more concise, and would produce better output (including # counts) if written as: # perl -ln -0777 -e '/\n(\n+)$/ and print "$ARGV: ".length $1' ... # but that would be far less efficient, reading the entire contents # of each file, rather than just the last two bytes of each. # In addition, while the code below detects both blank lines and a missing # newline at EOF, the above detects only the former. # # This is a perl script that is expected to be the single-quoted argument # to a command-line "-le". The remaining arguments are file names. # Print the name of each file that does not end in exactly one newline byte. # I.e., warn if there are blank lines (2 or more newlines), or if the # last byte is not a newline. However, currently we don't complain # about any file that contains exactly one byte. # Exit nonzero if at least one such file is found, otherwise, exit 0. # Warn about, but otherwise ignore open failure. Ignore seek/read failure. # # Use this if you want to remove trailing empty lines from selected files: # perl -pi -0777 -e 's/\n\n+$/\n/' files... # require_exactly_one_NL_at_EOF_ = \ foreach my $$f (@ARGV) \ { \ open F, "<", $$f or (warn "failed to open $$f: $$!\n"), next; \ my $$p = sysseek (F, -2, 2); \ my $$c = "seek failure probably means file has < 2 bytes; ignore"; \ my $$last_two_bytes; \ defined $$p and $$p = sysread F, $$last_two_bytes, 2; \ close F; \ $$c = "ignore read failure"; \ $$p && ($$last_two_bytes eq "\n\n" \ || substr ($$last_two_bytes,1) ne "\n") \ and (print $$f), $$fail=1; \ } \ END { exit defined $$fail } sc_prohibit_empty_lines_at_EOF: @$(VC_LIST_EXCEPT) \ | xargs perl -le '$(require_exactly_one_NL_at_EOF_)' \ || { echo 'empty line(s) or no newline at EOF' 1>&2; \ exit 1; } \ || : # Perl block to convert a match to FILE_NAME:LINENO:TEST, # that is shared by two definitions below. perl_filename_lineno_text_ = \ -e ' {' \ -e ' $$n = ($$` =~ tr/\n/\n/ + 1);' \ -e ' ($$v = $$&) =~ s/\n/\\n/g;' \ -e ' print "$$ARGV:$$n:$$v\n";' \ -e ' }' prohibit_doubled_words_ = \ the then in an on if is it but for or at and do to can # expand the regex before running the check to avoid using expensive captures prohibit_doubled_word_expanded_ = \ $(join $(prohibit_doubled_words_),$(addprefix \s+,$(prohibit_doubled_words_))) prohibit_doubled_word_RE_ ?= \ /\b(?:$(subst $(_sp),|,$(prohibit_doubled_word_expanded_)))\b/gims prohibit_doubled_word_ = \ -e 'while ($(prohibit_doubled_word_RE_))' \ $(perl_filename_lineno_text_) # Define this to a regular expression that matches # any filename:dd:match lines you want to ignore. # The default is to ignore no matches. ignore_doubled_word_match_RE_ ?= ^$$ sc_prohibit_doubled_word: @$(VC_LIST_EXCEPT) \ | xargs perl -n -0777 $(prohibit_doubled_word_) \ | $(GREP) -vE '$(ignore_doubled_word_match_RE_)' \ | $(GREP) . \ && { echo 'doubled words' 1>&2; exit 1; } \ || : # Except for shell files and for loops, double semicolon is probably a mistake sc_prohibit_double_semicolon: @prohibit='; *;[ {} \]*(/[/*]|$$)' \ in_vc_files='\.[chly]$$' \ exclude='\bfor *\(.*\)' \ halt="Double semicolon detected" \ $(_sc_search_regexp) # Avoid a test bashism. sc_prohibit_test_double_equal: @prohibit='(\|\b(N?_|gettext *)\([^)"]*("|$$)) # sc_po_check can fail if generated files are not built first sc_po_check: @if test -f $(po_file); then \ $(GREP) -E -v '^(#|$$)' $(po_file) | sort > $@-1; \ { $(VC_LIST_EXCEPT); echo $(generated_files); } \ | xargs perl $(perl_translatable_files_list_) \ | xargs $(GREP) -E -l '$(_gl_translatable_string_re)' \ | $(SED) 's|^$(_dot_escaped_builddir)/||' \ | $(SED) 's|^$(_dot_escaped_srcdir)/||' \ | sort -u > $@-2; \ diff -u -L $(po_file) -L $(po_file) $@-1 $@-2 \ || { printf $(fix_po_file_diag) 1>&2; exit 1; }; \ rm -f $@-1 $@-2; \ fi # #if WITH_... will evaluate to false for any non numeric string. # That would be flagged by using -Wundef, however gnulib currently # tests many undefined macros, and so we can't enable that option. # So at least preclude common boolean strings as macro values. sc_Wundef_boolean: @prohibit='^#define.*(yes|no|true|false)$$' \ in_files='$(CONFIG_INCLUDE)' \ halt='Use 0 or 1 for macro values' \ $(_sc_search_regexp) # Even if you use pathmax.h to guarantee that PATH_MAX is defined, it might # not be constant, or might overflow a stack. In general, use PATH_MAX as # a limit, not an array or alloca size. sc_prohibit_path_max_allocation: @prohibit='(\balloca *\([^)]*|\[[^]]*)\bPATH_MAX' \ halt='Avoid stack allocations of size PATH_MAX' \ $(_sc_search_regexp) sc_unportable_grep_q: @prohibit='grep ''-q' halt="unportable 'grep ""-q', use >/dev/null instead" \ $(_sc_search_regexp) # Don't include duplicate header in the source (either *.c or *.h) sc_prohibit-duplicate-header: $(AM_V_GEN)$(VC_LIST_EXCEPT) | $(GREP) '\.[chx]$$' | $(RUNUTF8) xargs \ $(PYTHON) $(top_srcdir)/scripts/prohibit-duplicate-header.py sc_spacing-check: $(AM_V_GEN)$(VC_LIST_EXCEPT) | $(GREP) '\.c$$' | xargs \ $(PERL) $(top_srcdir)/build-aux/check-spacing.pl || \ { echo 'incorrect formatting' 1>&2; exit 1; } sc_mock-noinline: $(AM_V_GEN)$(VC_LIST_EXCEPT) | $(GREP) '\.[ch]$$' | $(RUNUTF8) \ $(PYTHON) $(top_srcdir)/scripts/mock-noinline.py sc_header-ifdef: $(AM_V_GEN)$(VC_LIST_EXCEPT) | $(GREP) '\.[h]$$' | $(RUNUTF8) xargs \ $(PYTHON) $(top_srcdir)/scripts/header-ifdef.py sc_group-qemu-caps: $(AM_V_GEN)$(RUNUTF8) $(PYTHON) $(top_srcdir)/scripts/group-qemu-caps.py \ --check --prefix $(top_srcdir)/ sc_prohibit_enum_impl_with_vir_prefix_in_virsh: @prohibit='VIR_ENUM_(IMPL|DECL)\(vir[^s]' \ in_vc_files='tools/virsh.*\.[ch]$$' \ halt='avoid "vir" prefix for enums in virsh' \ $(_sc_search_regexp) sc_rst_since: @prohibit=':since:`[^`]+$|:since:`[^`]+[.,;]`|:since:`[^`]+` [.,;]' \ halt='format :since: correctly' \ $(_sc_search_regexp) ## ---------- ## ## Exceptions ## ## ---------- ## exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_avoid_strcase = ^tools/(vsh\.h|nss/libvirt_nss_(leases|macs)\.c)$$ exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_avoid_write = ^src/libvirt-stream\.c$$ exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_gettext_init = \ ^((tests|examples)/|tools/virt-login-shell\.c$$|scripts/rpcgen/tests/test_demo\.c$$) exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_copyright_usage = \ ^COPYING(|\.LESSER)$$ exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_flags_usage = \ ^(build-aux/syntax-check\.mk|docs/|src/util/virnetdevtap\.c$$|tests/((vir(cgroup|pci|test|usb)|nss|qemuxml2argv|qemusecurity)mock|virfilewrapper)\.c$$) exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_libvirt_unmarked_diagnostics = \ ^(src/rpc/gendispatch\.pl$$|tests/) exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_po_check = ^(docs/|src/rpc/gendispatch\.pl$$|tests/commandtest.c$$) exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_PATH_MAX = \ ^(build-aux/syntax-check\.mk|tests/virfilemock.c)$$ exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_access_xok = \ ^(src/util/virutil\.c)$$ exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_asprintf = \ ^(build-aux/syntax-check\.mk|examples/|tests/vircgroupmock\.c|tools/virt-login-shell\.c|tools/nss/libvirt_nss\.c$$) exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_strdup = \ ^(docs/|examples/|tests/virnetserverclientmock.c|tests/commandhelper.c|tools/nss/libvirt_nss_(leases|macs)\.c$$) exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_close = \ (\.p[yl]$$|\.spec\.in$$|^docs/|^(src/util/vir(file|event)\.c|src/libvirt-stream\.c|tests/(vir.+mock\.c|commandhelper\.c|qemusecuritymock\.c)|tools/nss/libvirt_nss_(leases|macs)\.c)|tools/virt-qemu-qmp-proxy$$) exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_empty_lines_at_EOF = \ ((^tests/(nodedevmdevctl|viracpi|virhostcpu|virpcitest|virstoragetest|qemunbdkit|virshtest)data/|docs/js/.*\.js|docs/fonts/.*\.woff|\.diff|tests/virconfdata/no-newline\.conf$$)|\.bin) exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_fork_wrappers = \ (^(src/(util/(vircommand|virdaemon)|lxc/lxc_controller)|tests/testutils)\.c$$) exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_gethostname = ^src/util/virutil\.c$$ exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_internal_functions = \ ^src/(util/(viralloc|virutil|virfile)\.[hc]|esx/esx_vi\.c)$$ exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_raw_virclassnew = \ ^src/util/virobject\.[hc]$$ exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_newline_at_end_of_diagnostic = \ ^src/rpc/gendispatch\.pl$$ exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_error_message_on_multiple_lines = \ ^(build-aux/syntax-check\.mk|docs/coding-style.rst) exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_nonreentrant = \ ^((po|tests|examples)/|docs/.*(py|js|html\.in|.rst)|run.in$$|tools/wireshark/util/genxdrstub\.pl|tools/virt-login-shell\.c$$) exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_canonicalize_file_name = \ ^(build-aux/syntax-check\.mk|tests/virfilemock\.c)$$ exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_raw_allocation = \ ^(docs/advanced-tests\.rst|src/util/viralloc\.[ch]|examples/.*|tests/(securityselinuxhelper|(vircgroup|nss)mock|commandhelper)\.c|tools/wireshark/src/packet-libvirt\.c|tools/nss/libvirt_nss(_leases|_macs)?\.c)$$ exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_readlink = \ ^src/(util/virutil|lxc/lxc_container)\.c$$ exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_setuid = ^src/util/virutil\.c|tools/virt-login-shell\.c$$ exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_snprintf = \ ^(build-aux/syntax-check\.mk|docs/coding-style\.rst|tools/virt-login-shell\.c)$$ exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_strtol = ^examples/.*$$ exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_xmlGetProp = ^src/util/virxml\.c$$ exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_xmlURI = ^src/util/viruri\.c$$ exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_return_as_function = \.py$$ exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_require_config_h = \ ^(examples/c/.*/.*\.c|tools/virsh-edit\.c|tests/virmockstathelpers\.c|scripts/rpcgen/tests/(test_)?demo\.c)$$ exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_require_config_h_first = \ ^(examples/|tools/virsh-edit\.c$$|tests/virmockstathelpers\.c$$|scripts/rpcgen/tests/test_demo\.c$$) exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_trailing_blank = \ /sysinfodata/.*\.data|/virhostcpudata/.*\.cpuinfo|tests/virshtestdata/.*|docs/fonts|scripts/rpcgen/tests/.*\.bin|tests/viracpidata/.*|tests/virpcitestdata/*|tests/virstoragetestdata/images/.*\.qcow2$$ exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_unmarked_diagnostics = \ ^(scripts/apibuild.py|tests/virt-aa-helper-test|docs/js/.*\.js)$$ exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_size_of_brackets = build-aux/syntax-check\.mk exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_correct_id_types = \ (^src/locking/lock_protocol.x$$) exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_include_public_headers_quote = \ ^(src/internal\.h$$|tools/wireshark/src/packet-libvirt.c$$) exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_include_public_headers_brackets = \ ^(tools/|examples/|include/libvirt/(virterror|libvirt(-(admin|qemu|lxc))?)\.h$$) exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_int_ijk = \ ^(src/remote_protocol-structs|src/remote/remote_protocol\.x|build-aux/syntax-check\.mk|include/libvirt/libvirt.+|src/admin_protocol-structs|src/admin/admin_protocol\.x)$$ exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_unsigned_pid = \ ^(include/libvirt/.*\.h|src/(qemu/qemu_driver\.c|driver-hypervisor\.h|libvirt(-[a-z]*)?\.c|.*\.x|util/vir(polkit|systemd)\.c)|tests/virpolkittest\.c|tools/virsh-domain\.c)$$ exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_avoid_g_gnuc_unused_in_header = \ ^(src/util/virlog\.h|src/network/bridge_driver\.h)$$ exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_mixed_case_abbreviations = \ ^src/(vbox/vbox_CAPI.*.h|esx/esx_vi.(c|h)|esx/esx_storage_backend_iscsi.c)$$ exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_empty_first_line = \ ^tests/vmwareverdata/fusion-5.0.3.txt|scripts/rpcgen/tests/demo\.c|^tests/virshtestdata/.*$$ exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_useless_translation = \ ^tests/virpolkittest.c exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_devname = \ ^(tools/virsh.pod|build-aux/syntax-check\.mk|docs/.*|tests/qemucapabilitiesdata/.*)$$ exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_virXXXFree = \ ^(docs/|tests/|examples/|tools/|build-aux/syntax-check\.mk|src/test/test_driver.c|src/libvirt_public.syms|include/libvirt/libvirt-(domain|network|nodedev|storage|stream|secret|nwfilter|interface|domain-snapshot).h|src/libvirt-(domain|qemu|network|nodedev|storage|stream|secret|nwfilter|interface|domain-snapshot).c|src/qemu/qemu_shim.c$$) exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_sysconf_pagesize = \ ^(build-aux/syntax-check\.mk|src/util/vir(hostmem|util)\.c)$$ exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_pthread_create = \ ^(build-aux/syntax-check\.mk|src/util/virthread\.c|tests/.*)$$ exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_readdir = \ ^(tests/(.*mock|virfilewrapper)\.c|tools/nss/libvirt_nss\.c)$$ exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_dirent_d_type = \ ^(src/util/vircgroup.c)$ exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_strcmp = \ ^(tools/nss/libvirt_nss.*\.c|tools/virt-login-shell\.c) exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_select = \ ^build-aux/syntax-check\.mk|src/util/vireventglibwatch\.c|tests/meson\.build$$ exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_header-ifdef = \ ^scripts/rpcgen/tests/demo\.[ch]$$ exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_black = \ ^tools/|src/|tests/|ci/|run\.in|scripts/[^/]*\.py exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_spacing-check = \ ^scripts/rpcgen/tests/test_demo\.[ch]$$ ## -------------- ## ## Implementation ## ## -------------- ## # Helper variables. _empty = _sp = $(_empty) $(_empty) VC_LIST = cd $(top_srcdir); git ls-tree -r 'HEAD:' | \ sed -n "s|^100[^ ]*.||p" # This is to preprocess robustly the output of $(VC_LIST), so that even # when $(top_srcdir) is a pathological name like "....", the leading sed command # removes only the intended prefix. _dot_escaped_srcdir = $(subst .,\.,$(top_srcdir)) _dot_escaped_builddir = $(subst .,\.,$(top_builddir)) # Post-process $(VC_LIST) output, prepending $(top_srcdir)/, but only # when $(top_srcdir) is not ".". ifeq ($(top_srcdir),.) _prepend_srcdir_prefix = else _prepend_srcdir_prefix = | $(SED) 's|^|$(top_srcdir)/|' endif # In order to be able to consistently filter "."-relative names, # (i.e., with no $(top_srcdir) prefix), this definition is careful to # remove any $(top_srcdir) prefix, and to restore what it removes. _sc_excl = \ $(or $(exclude_file_name_regexp--$@),^$$) VC_LIST_EXCEPT = \ $(VC_LIST) | $(GREP) -Ev -e '($(VC_LIST_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE_REGEX)|$(_sc_excl))' \ $(_prepend_srcdir_prefix) # Prevent programs like 'sort' from considering distinct strings to be equal. # Doing it here saves us from having to set LC_ALL elsewhere in this file. export LC_ALL = C # _sc_search_regexp # # This macro searches for a given construct in the selected files and # then takes some action. # # Parameters (shell variables): # # prohibit | require # # Regular expression (ERE) denoting either a forbidden construct # or a required construct. Those arguments are exclusive. # # exclude # # Regular expression (ERE) denoting lines to ignore that matched # a prohibit construct. For example, this can be used to exclude # comments that mention why the nearby code uses an alternative # construct instead of the simpler prohibited construct. # # in_vc_files | in_files # # grep-E-style regexp selecting the files to check. For in_vc_files, # the regexp is used to select matching files from the list of all # version-controlled files; for in_files, it's from the names printed # by "find $(top_srcdir)". When neither is specified, use all files that # are under version control. # # containing | non_containing # # Select the files (non) containing strings matching this regexp. # If both arguments are specified then CONTAINING takes # precedence. # # with_grep_options # # Extra options for grep. # # ignore_case # # Ignore case. # # halt # # Message to display before to halting execution. # # Finally, you may exempt files based on an ERE matching file names. # For example, to exempt from the sc_space_tab check all files with the # .diff suffix, set this Make variable: # # exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_space_tab = \.diff$ # # Note that while this functionality is mostly inherited via VC_LIST_EXCEPT, # when filtering by name via in_files, we explicitly filter out matching # names here as well. # Initialize each, so that envvar settings cannot interfere. export require = export prohibit = export exclude = export in_vc_files = export in_files = export containing = export non_containing = export halt = export with_grep_options = # By default, _sc_search_regexp does not ignore case. export ignore_case = _ignore_case = $$(test -n "$$ignore_case" && printf %s -i || :) define _sc_say_and_exit dummy=; : so we do not need a semicolon before each use; \ { printf '%s\n' "$$msg" 1>&2; exit 1; }; endef define _sc_search_regexp dummy=; : so we do not need a semicolon before each use; \ \ : Check arguments; \ test -n "$$prohibit" && test -n "$$require" \ && { msg='Cannot specify both prohibit and require' \ $(_sc_say_and_exit) } || :; \ test -z "$$prohibit" && test -z "$$require" \ && { msg='Should specify either prohibit or require' \ $(_sc_say_and_exit) } || :; \ test -z "$$prohibit" && test -n "$$exclude" \ && { msg='Use of exclude requires a prohibit pattern' \ $(_sc_say_and_exit) } || :; \ test -n "$$in_vc_files" && test -n "$$in_files" \ && { msg='Cannot specify both in_vc_files and in_files' \ $(_sc_say_and_exit) } || :; \ test "x$$halt" != x \ || { msg='halt not defined' $(_sc_say_and_exit) }; \ \ : Filter by file name; \ if test -n "$$in_files"; then \ files=$$(find $(top_srcdir) | $(GREP) -E "$$in_files" \ | $(GREP) -Ev '$(_sc_excl)'); \ else \ files=$$($(VC_LIST_EXCEPT)); \ if test -n "$$in_vc_files"; then \ files=$$(echo "$$files" | $(GREP) -E "$$in_vc_files"); \ fi; \ fi; \ \ : Filter by content; \ test -n "$$files" \ && test -n "$$containing" \ && { files=$$(echo "$$files" | xargs $(GREP) -l "$$containing"); } \ || :; \ test -n "$$files" \ && test -n "$$non_containing" \ && { files=$$(echo "$$files" | xargs $(GREP) -vl "$$non_containing"); } \ || :; \ \ : Check for the construct; \ if test -n "$$files"; then \ if test -n "$$prohibit"; then \ echo "$$files" \ | xargs $(GREP) $$with_grep_options $(_ignore_case) -nE \ "$$prohibit" /dev/null \ | $(GREP) -vE "$${exclude:-^$$}" \ && { msg="$$halt" $(_sc_say_and_exit) } \ || :; \ else \ echo "$$files" \ | xargs \ $(GREP) $$with_grep_options $(_ignore_case) -LE "$$require" \ | $(GREP) . \ && { msg="$$halt" $(_sc_say_and_exit) } \ || :; \ fi \ else :; \ fi || :; endef