<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- A Relax NG schema for the libvirt network XML format -->
<grammar xmlns="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"
    <ref name="network"/>

  <include href='basictypes.rng'/>
  <include href='networkcommon.rng'/>

  <define name="network">

    <element name="network">

        <!-- The name of the network, used to refer to it through the API
             and in virsh -->
        <element name="name">

        <!-- <uuid> element -->
          <element name="uuid"><ref name="UUID"/></element>

        <!-- <bridge> element -->
          <!-- The name of the network to be set up; this will back
               the network on the host -->
          <element name="bridge">
              <attribute name="name">
                <ref name="deviceName"/>

              <attribute name="stp">

              <attribute name="delay">
                <data type="integer"/>


        <!-- <mac> element -->
          <element name="mac">
            <attribute name="address"><ref name="uniMacAddr"/></attribute>

        <!-- <forward> element -->
          <!-- The device through which the bridge is connected to the
               rest of the network -->
          <element name="forward">
              <attribute name="dev">
                <ref name="deviceName"/>

              <attribute name="mode">
                <element name='interface'>
                  <attribute name='dev'>
                    <ref name='deviceName'/>
                <element name='pf'>
                  <attribute name='dev'>
                    <ref name='deviceName'/>

        <!-- <virtualport> element -->
          <ref name="virtualPortProfile"/>

        <!-- <portgroup> elements -->
          <element name="portgroup">
            <attribute name="name">
              <ref name="deviceName"/>
              <attribute name="default">
              <ref name="virtualPortProfile"/>

        <!-- <domain> element -->
          <element name="domain">
            <attribute name="name"><ref name="dnsName"/></attribute>

        <!-- Define the DNS related elements like TXT records
             and other features in the <dns> element -->
            <element name="dns">
                <element name="txt">
                  <attribute name="name"><ref name="dnsName"/></attribute>
                  <attribute name="value"><text/></attribute>
                <element name="srv">
                  <attribute name="service"><text/></attribute>
                  <attribute name="protocol"><ref name="protocol"/></attribute>
                    <attribute name="domain"><ref name="dnsName"/></attribute>
                    <attribute name="target"><text/></attribute>
                    <attribute name="port"><ref name="unsignedShort"/></attribute>
                    <attribute name="priority"><ref name="unsignedShort"/></attribute>
                    <attribute name="weight"><ref name="unsignedShort"/></attribute>
                <element name="host">
                  <attribute name="ip"><ref name="ipv4Addr"/></attribute>
                    <element name="hostname"><ref name="dnsName"/></element>
         <ref name="bandwidth"/>
         <element name="link">
           <attribute name="state">

        <!-- <ip> element -->
          <!-- The IP element sets up NAT'ing and an optional DHCP server
               local to the host. -->
          <element name="ip">
              <attribute name="address"><ref name="ipAddr"/></attribute>
                <attribute name="netmask"><ref name="ipv4Addr"/></attribute>
                <attribute name="prefix"><ref name="ipPrefix"/></attribute>
              <attribute name="family"><ref name="addr-family"/></attribute>
              <element name="tftp">
                <attribute name="root"><text/></attribute>
              <!-- Define the range(s) of IP addresses that the DHCP
                   server should hand out -->
              <element name="dhcp">
                  <element name="range">
                    <attribute name="start"><ref name="ipv4Addr"/></attribute>
                    <attribute name="end"><ref name="ipv4Addr"/></attribute>
                  <element name="host">
                    <attribute name="mac"><ref name="uniMacAddr"/></attribute>
                    <attribute name="name"><text/></attribute>
                    <attribute name="ip"><ref name="ipv4Addr"/></attribute>
                  <element name="bootp">
                    <attribute name="file"><ref name="filePath"/></attribute>
                      <attribute name="server"><ref name="dnsName"/></attribute>