/* * libxl_migration.c: methods for handling migration with libxenlight * * Copyright (C) 2014-2015 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see * . */ #include #include "internal.h" #include "virlog.h" #include "virerror.h" #include "datatypes.h" #include "virfile.h" #include "viralloc.h" #include "viruuid.h" #include "virstring.h" #include "virobject.h" #include "virthread.h" #include "virhook.h" #include "rpc/virnetsocket.h" #include "libxl_api_wrapper.h" #include "libxl_domain.h" #include "libxl_conf.h" #include "libxl_migration.h" #include "locking/domain_lock.h" #include "virtypedparam.h" #include "virfdstream.h" #include "virutil.h" #define VIR_FROM_THIS VIR_FROM_LIBXL VIR_LOG_INIT("libxl.libxl_migration"); typedef struct _libxlMigrationCookie libxlMigrationCookie; struct _libxlMigrationCookie { /* Host properties */ char *srcHostname; uint32_t xenMigStreamVer; /* Guest properties */ unsigned char uuid[VIR_UUID_BUFLEN]; char *name; }; typedef struct _libxlMigrationDstArgs { virObject parent; int recvfd; virConnectPtr conn; virDomainObj *vm; unsigned int flags; libxlMigrationCookie *migcookie; /* for freeing listen sockets */ virNetSocket **socks; size_t nsocks; } libxlMigrationDstArgs; static virClass *libxlMigrationDstArgsClass; static void libxlMigrationCookieFree(libxlMigrationCookie *mig) { if (!mig) return; g_free(mig->srcHostname); g_free(mig->name); g_free(mig); } static libxlMigrationCookie * libxlMigrationCookieNew(virDomainObj *dom) { libxlMigrationCookie *mig = NULL; mig = g_new0(libxlMigrationCookie, 1); mig->name = g_strdup(dom->def->name); memcpy(mig->uuid, dom->def->uuid, VIR_UUID_BUFLEN); if (!(mig->srcHostname = virGetHostname())) goto error; mig->xenMigStreamVer = LIBXL_SAVE_VERSION; return mig; error: libxlMigrationCookieFree(mig); return NULL; } static int libxlMigrationBakeCookie(libxlMigrationCookie *mig, char **cookieout, int *cookieoutlen) { g_auto(virBuffer) buf = VIR_BUFFER_INITIALIZER; char uuidstr[VIR_UUID_STRING_BUFLEN]; if (!cookieout || !cookieoutlen) return 0; *cookieoutlen = 0; virUUIDFormat(mig->uuid, uuidstr); virBufferAddLit(&buf, "\n"); virBufferAdjustIndent(&buf, 2); virBufferEscapeString(&buf, "%s\n", mig->name); virBufferAsprintf(&buf, "%s\n", uuidstr); virBufferEscapeString(&buf, "%s\n", mig->srcHostname); virBufferAsprintf(&buf, "%u\n", mig->xenMigStreamVer); virBufferAdjustIndent(&buf, -2); virBufferAddLit(&buf, "\n"); *cookieout = virBufferContentAndReset(&buf); *cookieoutlen = strlen(*cookieout) + 1; VIR_DEBUG("cookielen=%d cookie=%s", *cookieoutlen, *cookieout); return 0; } static int libxlMigrationEatCookie(const char *cookiein, int cookieinlen, libxlMigrationCookie **migout) { libxlMigrationCookie *mig = NULL; g_autoptr(xmlDoc) doc = NULL; g_autoptr(xmlXPathContext) ctxt = NULL; g_autofree char *uuidstr = NULL; /* * Assume a legacy (V1) migration stream if request came from a * source host without cookie support, and hence no way to * specify a stream version. */ if (!cookiein || !cookieinlen) { mig = g_new0(libxlMigrationCookie, 1); mig->xenMigStreamVer = 1; *migout = mig; return 0; } if (cookiein[cookieinlen-1] != '\0') { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("Migration cookie was not NULL terminated")); return -1; } VIR_DEBUG("cookielen=%d cookie='%s'", cookieinlen, NULLSTR(cookiein)); mig = g_new0(libxlMigrationCookie, 1); if (!(doc = virXMLParseStringCtxt(cookiein, _("(libxl_migration_cookie)"), &ctxt))) goto error; /* Extract domain name */ if (!(mig->name = virXPathString("string(./name[1])", ctxt))) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("missing name element in migration data")); goto error; } /* Extract domain uuid */ uuidstr = virXPathString("string(./uuid[1])", ctxt); if (!uuidstr) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("missing uuid element in migration data")); goto error; } if (virUUIDParse(uuidstr, mig->uuid) < 0) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("malformed uuid element")); goto error; } if (virXPathUInt("string(./migration-stream-version[1])", ctxt, &mig->xenMigStreamVer) < 0) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("missing Xen migration stream version")); goto error; } *migout = mig; return 0; error: libxlMigrationCookieFree(mig); return -1; } static void libxlMigrationDstArgsDispose(void *obj) { libxlMigrationDstArgs *args = obj; libxlMigrationCookieFree(args->migcookie); g_free(args->socks); virObjectUnref(args->conn); virObjectUnref(args->vm); } static int libxlMigrationDstArgsOnceInit(void) { if (!VIR_CLASS_NEW(libxlMigrationDstArgs, virClassForObject())) return -1; return 0; } VIR_ONCE_GLOBAL_INIT(libxlMigrationDstArgs); static void libxlDoMigrateDstReceive(void *opaque) { libxlMigrationDstArgs *args = opaque; virDomainObj *vm = args->vm; virNetSocket **socks = args->socks; size_t nsocks = args->nsocks; libxlDriverPrivate *driver = args->conn->privateData; int recvfd = args->recvfd; size_t i; virObjectRef(vm); /* * Always start the domain paused. If needed, unpause in the * finish phase, after transfer of the domain is complete. * Errors and cleanup are also handled in the finish phase. */ libxlDomainStartRestore(driver, vm, true, recvfd, args->migcookie->xenMigStreamVer); /* Remove all listen socks from event handler, and close them. */ for (i = 0; i < nsocks; i++) { virNetSocketRemoveIOCallback(socks[i]); virNetSocketClose(socks[i]); g_clear_pointer(&socks[i], virObjectUnref); } args->nsocks = 0; VIR_FORCE_CLOSE(recvfd); virObjectUnref(args); virDomainObjEndAPI(&vm); } static void libxlMigrateDstReceive(virNetSocket *sock, int events G_GNUC_UNUSED, void *opaque) { libxlMigrationDstArgs *args = opaque; virNetSocket **socks = args->socks; size_t nsocks = args->nsocks; libxlDomainObjPrivate *priv = args->vm->privateData; virNetSocket *client_sock; int recvfd = -1; size_t i; g_autofree char *name = NULL; /* Accept migration connection */ if (virNetSocketAccept(sock, &client_sock) < 0 || !client_sock) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_OPERATION_FAILED, "%s", _("Failed to accept migration connection")); goto fail; } VIR_DEBUG("Accepted migration connection." " Spawning thread to process migration data"); recvfd = virNetSocketDupFD(client_sock, true); virObjectUnref(client_sock); /* * Avoid blocking the event loop. Start a thread to receive * the migration data */ args->recvfd = recvfd; VIR_FREE(priv->migrationDstReceiveThr); priv->migrationDstReceiveThr = g_new0(virThread, 1); name = g_strdup_printf("mig-%s", args->vm->def->name); if (virThreadCreateFull(priv->migrationDstReceiveThr, true, libxlDoMigrateDstReceive, name, false, args) < 0) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_OPERATION_FAILED, "%s", _("Failed to create thread for receiving migration data")); goto fail; } return; fail: /* Remove all listen socks from event handler, and close them. */ for (i = 0; i < nsocks; i++) { virNetSocketUpdateIOCallback(socks[i], 0); virNetSocketRemoveIOCallback(socks[i]); g_clear_pointer(&socks[i], virNetSocketClose); } args->nsocks = 0; VIR_FORCE_CLOSE(recvfd); virObjectUnref(args); } static int libxlDoMigrateSrcSend(libxlDriverPrivate *driver, virDomainObj *vm, unsigned int flags, int sockfd) { libxlDriverConfig *cfg = libxlDriverConfigGet(driver); int xl_flags = 0; int ret; if (flags & VIR_MIGRATE_LIVE) xl_flags = LIBXL_SUSPEND_LIVE; ret = libxl_domain_suspend(cfg->ctx, vm->def->id, sockfd, xl_flags, NULL); if (ret != 0) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("Failed to send migration data to destination host")); ret = -1; } virObjectUnref(cfg); return ret; } static bool libxlDomainMigrationIsAllowed(virDomainDef *def) { /* Migration is not allowed if definition contains any hostdevs */ if (def->nhostdevs > 0) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_OPERATION_INVALID, "%s", _("domain has assigned host devices")); return false; } return true; } char * libxlDomainMigrationSrcBegin(virConnectPtr conn, virDomainObj *vm, const char *xmlin, char **cookieout, int *cookieoutlen) { libxlDriverPrivate *driver = conn->privateData; libxlDriverConfig *cfg = libxlDriverConfigGet(driver); libxlMigrationCookie *mig = NULL; g_autoptr(virDomainDef) tmpdef = NULL; virDomainDef *def; char *xml = NULL; /* * In the case of successful migration, a job is started here and * terminated in the confirm phase. Errors in the begin or perform * phase will also terminate the job. */ if (virDomainObjBeginJob(vm, VIR_JOB_MODIFY) < 0) goto cleanup; if (!(mig = libxlMigrationCookieNew(vm))) goto endjob; if (libxlMigrationBakeCookie(mig, cookieout, cookieoutlen) < 0) goto endjob; if (xmlin) { if (!(tmpdef = virDomainDefParseString(xmlin, driver->xmlopt, NULL, VIR_DOMAIN_DEF_PARSE_INACTIVE | VIR_DOMAIN_DEF_PARSE_SKIP_VALIDATE))) goto endjob; if (!libxlDomainDefCheckABIStability(driver, vm->def, tmpdef)) goto endjob; def = tmpdef; } else { def = vm->def; } if (!libxlDomainMigrationIsAllowed(def)) goto endjob; xml = virDomainDefFormat(def, driver->xmlopt, VIR_DOMAIN_DEF_FORMAT_SECURE); /* Valid xml means success! EndJob in the confirm phase */ if (xml) goto cleanup; endjob: virDomainObjEndJob(vm); cleanup: libxlMigrationCookieFree(mig); virObjectUnref(cfg); return xml; } virDomainDef * libxlDomainMigrationDstPrepareDef(libxlDriverPrivate *driver, const char *dom_xml, const char *dname) { libxlDriverConfig *cfg = libxlDriverConfigGet(driver); virDomainDef *def; if (!dom_xml) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("no domain XML passed")); return NULL; } if (!(def = virDomainDefParseString(dom_xml, driver->xmlopt, NULL, VIR_DOMAIN_DEF_PARSE_INACTIVE | VIR_DOMAIN_DEF_PARSE_SKIP_VALIDATE))) goto cleanup; if (dname) { VIR_FREE(def->name); def->name = g_strdup(dname); } cleanup: virObjectUnref(cfg); return def; } static int libxlDomainMigrationPrepareAny(virConnectPtr dconn, virDomainDef **def, const char *cookiein, int cookieinlen, libxlMigrationCookie **mig, char **xmlout, bool *taint_hook) { libxlDriverPrivate *driver = dconn->privateData; if (libxlMigrationEatCookie(cookiein, cookieinlen, mig) < 0) return -1; if ((*mig)->xenMigStreamVer > LIBXL_SAVE_VERSION) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_OPERATION_UNSUPPORTED, _("Xen migration stream version '%1$d' is not supported on this host"), (*mig)->xenMigStreamVer); return -1; } /* Let migration hook filter domain XML */ if (virHookPresent(VIR_HOOK_DRIVER_LIBXL)) { int hookret; hookret = libxlDomainHookRun(driver, *def, VIR_DOMAIN_XML_SECURE | VIR_DOMAIN_XML_MIGRATABLE, VIR_HOOK_LIBXL_OP_MIGRATE, VIR_HOOK_SUBOP_BEGIN, xmlout); if (hookret < 0) { return -1; } else if (hookret == 0) { if (virStringIsEmpty(*xmlout)) { VIR_DEBUG("Migrate hook filter returned nothing; using the" " original XML"); } else { virDomainDef *newdef; VIR_DEBUG("Using hook-filtered domain XML: %s", *xmlout); newdef = virDomainDefParseString(*xmlout, driver->xmlopt, NULL, VIR_DOMAIN_DEF_PARSE_INACTIVE | VIR_DOMAIN_DEF_PARSE_SKIP_VALIDATE); if (!newdef) return -1; /* TODO At some stage we will want to have some check of what the user * did in the hook. */ virDomainDefFree(*def); *def = newdef; /* We should taint the domain here. However, @vm and therefore * privateData too are still NULL, so just notice the fact and * taint it later. */ *taint_hook = true; } } } return 0; } int libxlDomainMigrationDstPrepareTunnel3(virConnectPtr dconn, virStreamPtr st, virDomainDef **def, const char *cookiein, int cookieinlen, unsigned int flags) { libxlMigrationCookie *mig = NULL; libxlDriverPrivate *driver = dconn->privateData; virDomainObj *vm = NULL; libxlMigrationDstArgs *args = NULL; bool taint_hook = false; libxlDomainObjPrivate *priv = NULL; char *xmlout = NULL; int dataFD[2] = { -1, -1 }; int ret = -1; g_autofree char *name = NULL; if (libxlDomainMigrationPrepareAny(dconn, def, cookiein, cookieinlen, &mig, &xmlout, &taint_hook) < 0) goto error; if (!(vm = virDomainObjListAdd(driver->domains, def, driver->xmlopt, VIR_DOMAIN_OBJ_LIST_ADD_LIVE | VIR_DOMAIN_OBJ_LIST_ADD_CHECK_LIVE, NULL))) goto error; /* * Unless an error is encountered in this function, the job will * be terminated in the finish phase. */ if (virDomainObjBeginJob(vm, VIR_JOB_MODIFY) < 0) goto error; priv = vm->privateData; if (taint_hook) { /* Domain XML has been altered by a hook script. */ priv->hookRun = true; } /* * The data flow of tunnel3 migration in the dest side: * stream -> pipe -> recvfd of libxlDomainStartRestore */ if (virPipe(dataFD) < 0) goto endjob; /* Stream data will be written to pipeIn */ if (virFDStreamOpen(st, dataFD[1]) < 0) goto endjob; dataFD[1] = -1; /* 'st' owns the FD now & will close it */ if (libxlMigrationDstArgsInitialize() < 0) goto endjob; if (!(args = virObjectNew(libxlMigrationDstArgsClass))) goto endjob; args->conn = virObjectRef(dconn); args->vm = virObjectRef(vm); args->flags = flags; args->migcookie = g_steal_pointer(&mig); /* Receive from pipeOut */ args->recvfd = dataFD[0]; args->nsocks = 0; VIR_FREE(priv->migrationDstReceiveThr); priv->migrationDstReceiveThr = g_new0(virThread, 1); name = g_strdup_printf("mig-%s", args->vm->def->name); if (virThreadCreateFull(priv->migrationDstReceiveThr, true, libxlDoMigrateDstReceive, name, false, args) < 0) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_OPERATION_FAILED, "%s", _("Failed to create thread for receiving migration data")); goto endjob; } ret = 0; goto done; endjob: virDomainObjEndJob(vm); error: libxlMigrationCookieFree(mig); VIR_FORCE_CLOSE(dataFD[1]); VIR_FORCE_CLOSE(dataFD[0]); virObjectUnref(args); /* Remove virDomainObj from domain list */ if (vm) virDomainObjListRemove(driver->domains, vm); done: virDomainObjEndAPI(&vm); return ret; } int libxlDomainMigrationDstPrepare(virConnectPtr dconn, virDomainDef **def, const char *uri_in, char **uri_out, const char *cookiein, int cookieinlen, unsigned int flags) { libxlDriverPrivate *driver = dconn->privateData; libxlDriverConfig *cfg = libxlDriverConfigGet(driver); libxlMigrationCookie *mig = NULL; virDomainObj *vm = NULL; char *hostname = NULL; char *xmlout = NULL; unsigned short port; char portstr[100]; g_autoptr(virURI) uri = NULL; virNetSocket **socks = NULL; size_t nsocks = 0; int nsocks_listen = 0; libxlMigrationDstArgs *args = NULL; bool taint_hook = false; libxlDomainObjPrivate *priv = NULL; size_t i; int ret = -1; if (libxlDomainMigrationPrepareAny(dconn, def, cookiein, cookieinlen, &mig, &xmlout, &taint_hook) < 0) goto error; if (!(vm = virDomainObjListAdd(driver->domains, def, driver->xmlopt, VIR_DOMAIN_OBJ_LIST_ADD_LIVE | VIR_DOMAIN_OBJ_LIST_ADD_CHECK_LIVE, NULL))) goto error; /* * Unless an error is encountered in this function, the job will * be terminated in the finish phase. */ if (virDomainObjBeginJob(vm, VIR_JOB_MODIFY) < 0) goto error; priv = vm->privateData; if (taint_hook) { /* Domain XML has been altered by a hook script. */ priv->hookRun = true; } /* Create socket connection to receive migration data */ if (!uri_in) { if ((hostname = virGetHostname()) == NULL) goto endjob; if (STRPREFIX(hostname, "localhost")) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("hostname on destination resolved to localhost, but migration requires an FQDN")); goto endjob; } if (virPortAllocatorAcquire(driver->migrationPorts, &port) < 0) goto endjob; priv->migrationPort = port; *uri_out = g_strdup_printf("tcp://%s:%d", hostname, port); } else { if (!(STRPREFIX(uri_in, "tcp://"))) { /* not full URI, add prefix tcp:// */ char *tmp; tmp = g_strdup_printf("tcp://%s", uri_in); uri = virURIParse(tmp); VIR_FREE(tmp); } else { uri = virURIParse(uri_in); } if (uri == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INVALID_ARG, _("unable to parse URI: %1$s"), uri_in); goto endjob; } if (uri->server == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INVALID_ARG, _("missing host in migration URI: %1$s"), uri_in); goto endjob; } hostname = uri->server; if (uri->port == 0) { if (virPortAllocatorAcquire(driver->migrationPorts, &port) < 0) goto endjob; priv->migrationPort = port; } else { port = uri->port; } *uri_out = g_strdup_printf("tcp://%s:%d", hostname, port); } g_snprintf(portstr, sizeof(portstr), "%d", port); if (virNetSocketNewListenTCP(hostname, portstr, AF_UNSPEC, &socks, &nsocks) < 0) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_OPERATION_FAILED, "%s", _("Fail to create socket for incoming migration")); goto endjob; } if (libxlMigrationDstArgsInitialize() < 0) goto endjob; if (!(args = virObjectNew(libxlMigrationDstArgsClass))) goto endjob; args->conn = virObjectRef(dconn); args->vm = virObjectRef(vm); args->flags = flags; args->socks = socks; args->nsocks = nsocks; args->migcookie = g_steal_pointer(&mig); for (i = 0; i < nsocks; i++) { if (virNetSocketSetBlocking(socks[i], true) < 0) continue; if (virNetSocketListen(socks[i], 1) < 0) continue; if (virNetSocketAddIOCallback(socks[i], VIR_EVENT_HANDLE_READABLE, libxlMigrateDstReceive, virObjectRef(args), NULL) < 0) continue; nsocks_listen++; } if (!nsocks_listen) goto endjob; ret = 0; goto done; endjob: virDomainObjEndJob(vm); error: for (i = 0; i < nsocks; i++) { virNetSocketClose(socks[i]); virObjectUnref(socks[i]); } VIR_FREE(socks); if (priv) { virPortAllocatorRelease(priv->migrationPort); priv->migrationPort = 0; } /* Remove virDomainObj from domain list */ if (vm) virDomainObjListRemove(driver->domains, vm); done: VIR_FREE(xmlout); libxlMigrationCookieFree(mig); if (!uri_in) VIR_FREE(hostname); virObjectUnref(args); virDomainObjEndAPI(&vm); virObjectUnref(cfg); return ret; } typedef struct _libxlTunnelMigrationThread libxlTunnelMigrationThread; struct _libxlTunnelMigrationThread { virStreamPtr st; int srcFD; }; #define TUNNEL_SEND_BUF_SIZE 65536 /* * The data flow of tunnel3 migration in the src side: * libxlDoMigrateSrcSend() -> pipe * libxlTunnel3MigrationSrcFunc() polls pipe out and then write to dest stream. */ static void libxlTunnel3MigrationSrcFunc(void *arg) { libxlTunnelMigrationThread *data = (libxlTunnelMigrationThread *)arg; g_autofree char *buffer = NULL; struct pollfd fds[1]; int timeout = -1; buffer = g_new0(char, TUNNEL_SEND_BUF_SIZE); fds[0].fd = data->srcFD; for (;;) { int ret; fds[0].events = POLLIN; fds[0].revents = 0; ret = poll(fds, G_N_ELEMENTS(fds), timeout); if (ret < 0) { if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR) continue; virReportError(errno, "%s", _("poll failed in libxlTunnel3MigrationSrcFunc")); return; } if (ret == 0) { VIR_DEBUG("poll returned 0"); break; } if (fds[0].revents & (POLLIN | POLLERR | POLLHUP)) { int nbytes; nbytes = read(data->srcFD, buffer, TUNNEL_SEND_BUF_SIZE); if (nbytes > 0) { /* Write to dest stream */ if (virStreamSend(data->st, buffer, nbytes) < 0) { virStreamAbort(data->st); return; } } else if (nbytes < 0) { virReportError(errno, "%s", _("tunnelled migration failed to read from xen side")); virStreamAbort(data->st); return; } else { /* EOF; transferred all data */ break; } } } ignore_value(virStreamFinish(data->st)); return; } struct libxlTunnelControl { libxlTunnelMigrationThread tmThread; virThread thread; int dataFD[2]; }; static int libxlMigrationSrcStartTunnel(libxlDriverPrivate *driver, virDomainObj *vm, unsigned int flags, virStreamPtr st, struct libxlTunnelControl **tnl) { struct libxlTunnelControl *tc = NULL; libxlTunnelMigrationThread *arg = NULL; int ret = -1; g_autofree char *name = NULL; tc = g_new0(struct libxlTunnelControl, 1); *tnl = tc; tc->dataFD[0] = -1; tc->dataFD[1] = -1; if (virPipe(tc->dataFD) < 0) return -1; arg = &tc->tmThread; /* Read from pipe */ arg->srcFD = tc->dataFD[0]; /* Write to dest stream */ arg->st = st; name = g_strdup_printf("mig-%s", vm->def->name); if (virThreadCreateFull(&tc->thread, true, libxlTunnel3MigrationSrcFunc, name, false, arg) < 0) { virReportError(errno, "%s", _("Unable to create tunnel migration thread")); return -1; } virObjectUnlock(vm); /* Send data to pipe */ ret = libxlDoMigrateSrcSend(driver, vm, flags, tc->dataFD[1]); virObjectLock(vm); /* libxlMigrationSrcStopTunnel will be called in libxlDoMigrateSrcP2P * to free all resources for us. */ return ret; } static void libxlMigrationSrcStopTunnel(struct libxlTunnelControl *tc) { if (!tc) return; virThreadCancel(&tc->thread); virThreadJoin(&tc->thread); VIR_FORCE_CLOSE(tc->dataFD[0]); VIR_FORCE_CLOSE(tc->dataFD[1]); VIR_FREE(tc); } /* This function is a simplification of virDomainMigrateVersion3Full and * restricting it to migration v3 with params since it was the first to be * introduced in libxl. */ static int libxlDoMigrateSrcP2P(libxlDriverPrivate *driver, virDomainObj *vm, virConnectPtr sconn, const char *xmlin, virConnectPtr dconn, const char *dconnuri G_GNUC_UNUSED, const char *dname, const char *uri, unsigned int flags) { virDomainPtr ddomain = NULL; virTypedParameterPtr params = NULL; int nparams = 0; int maxparams = 0; char *uri_out = NULL; char *dom_xml = NULL; unsigned long destflags; char *cookieout = NULL; int cookieoutlen; bool cancelled = true; bool notify_source = true; virErrorPtr orig_err = NULL; int ret = -1; /* For tunnel migration */ virStreamPtr st = NULL; struct libxlTunnelControl *tc = NULL; if (dname && virTypedParamsAddString(¶ms, &nparams, &maxparams, VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_DEST_NAME, dname) < 0) goto cleanup; if (uri && virTypedParamsAddString(¶ms, &nparams, &maxparams, VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_URI, uri) < 0) goto cleanup; dom_xml = libxlDomainMigrationSrcBegin(sconn, vm, xmlin, &cookieout, &cookieoutlen); /* * If dom_xml is non-NULL the begin phase has succeeded, and the * confirm phase must be called to cleanup the migration operation. */ if (!dom_xml) goto cleanup; if (virTypedParamsAddString(¶ms, &nparams, &maxparams, VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_DEST_XML, dom_xml) < 0) goto confirm; /* We don't require the destination to have P2P support * as it looks to be normal migration from the receiver perspective. */ destflags = flags & ~(VIR_MIGRATE_PEER2PEER); VIR_DEBUG("Prepare3"); virObjectUnlock(vm); if (flags & VIR_MIGRATE_TUNNELLED) { if (!(st = virStreamNew(dconn, 0))) goto confirm; ret = dconn->driver->domainMigratePrepareTunnel3Params (dconn, st, params, nparams, cookieout, cookieoutlen, NULL, NULL, destflags); } else { ret = dconn->driver->domainMigratePrepare3Params (dconn, params, nparams, cookieout, cookieoutlen, NULL, NULL, &uri_out, destflags); } virObjectLock(vm); if (ret == -1) goto confirm; if (!(flags & VIR_MIGRATE_TUNNELLED)) { if (uri_out) { if (virTypedParamsReplaceString(¶ms, &nparams, VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_URI, uri_out) < 0) { virErrorPreserveLast(&orig_err); goto finish; } } else { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("domainMigratePrepare3 did not set uri")); goto finish; } } VIR_DEBUG("Perform3 uri=%s", NULLSTR(uri_out)); if (flags & VIR_MIGRATE_TUNNELLED) ret = libxlMigrationSrcStartTunnel(driver, vm, flags, st, &tc); else ret = libxlDomainMigrationSrcPerform(driver, vm, NULL, NULL, uri_out, NULL, flags); if (ret < 0) { notify_source = false; virErrorPreserveLast(&orig_err); } cancelled = (ret < 0); finish: VIR_DEBUG("Finish3 ret=%d", ret); if (virTypedParamsGetString(params, nparams, VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_DEST_NAME, NULL) <= 0 && virTypedParamsReplaceString(¶ms, &nparams, VIR_MIGRATE_PARAM_DEST_NAME, vm->def->name) < 0) { ddomain = NULL; } else { virObjectUnlock(vm); ddomain = dconn->driver->domainMigrateFinish3Params (dconn, params, nparams, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, destflags, cancelled); virObjectLock(vm); } cancelled = (ddomain == NULL); /* If Finish3Params set an error, and we don't have an earlier * one we need to preserve it in case confirm3 overwrites */ if (!orig_err) virErrorPreserveLast(&orig_err); confirm: if (notify_source) { VIR_DEBUG("Confirm3 cancelled=%d vm=%p", cancelled, vm); ret = libxlDomainMigrationSrcConfirm(driver, vm, flags, cancelled); if (ret < 0) VIR_WARN("Guest %s probably left in 'paused' state on source", vm->def->name); } cleanup: if (flags & VIR_MIGRATE_TUNNELLED) { libxlMigrationSrcStopTunnel(tc); virObjectUnref(st); } if (ddomain) { virObjectUnref(ddomain); ret = 0; } else { ret = -1; } virErrorRestore(&orig_err); VIR_FREE(cookieout); VIR_FREE(dom_xml); VIR_FREE(uri_out); virTypedParamsFree(params, nparams); return ret; } static int virConnectCredType[] = { VIR_CRED_AUTHNAME, VIR_CRED_PASSPHRASE, }; static virConnectAuth virConnectAuthConfig = { .credtype = virConnectCredType, .ncredtype = G_N_ELEMENTS(virConnectCredType), }; /* On P2P mode there is only the Perform3 phase and we need to handle * the connection with the destination libvirtd and perform the migration. * Here we first tackle the first part of it, and libxlDoMigrationP2P handles * the migration process with an established virConnectPtr to the destination. */ int libxlDomainMigrationSrcPerformP2P(libxlDriverPrivate *driver, virDomainObj *vm, virConnectPtr sconn, const char *xmlin, const char *dconnuri, const char *uri_str G_GNUC_UNUSED, const char *dname, unsigned int flags) { int ret = -1; int useParams; virConnectPtr dconn = NULL; virErrorPtr orig_err = NULL; libxlDriverConfig *cfg = libxlDriverConfigGet(driver); virObjectUnlock(vm); dconn = virConnectOpenAuth(dconnuri, &virConnectAuthConfig, 0); virObjectLock(vm); if (dconn == NULL) { return ret; } if (virConnectSetKeepAlive(dconn, cfg->keepAliveInterval, cfg->keepAliveCount) < 0) goto cleanup; virObjectUnlock(vm); useParams = VIR_DRV_SUPPORTS_FEATURE(dconn->driver, dconn, VIR_DRV_FEATURE_MIGRATION_PARAMS); virObjectLock(vm); if (useParams <= 0) { if (useParams == 0) virReportError(VIR_ERR_OPERATION_FAILED, "%s", _("Destination libvirt does not support migration with extensible parameters")); goto cleanup; } ret = libxlDoMigrateSrcP2P(driver, vm, sconn, xmlin, dconn, dconnuri, dname, uri_str, flags); if (ret < 0) { /* * Confirm phase will not be executed if perform fails. End the * job started in begin phase. */ virDomainObjEndJob(vm); } cleanup: virErrorPreserveLast(&orig_err); virObjectUnlock(vm); virObjectUnref(dconn); virObjectUnref(cfg); virObjectLock(vm); virErrorRestore(&orig_err); return ret; } int libxlDomainMigrationSrcPerform(libxlDriverPrivate *driver, virDomainObj *vm, const char *dom_xml G_GNUC_UNUSED, const char *dconnuri G_GNUC_UNUSED, const char *uri_str, const char *dname G_GNUC_UNUSED, unsigned int flags) { libxlDomainObjPrivate *priv = vm->privateData; char *hostname = NULL; unsigned short port = 0; char portstr[100]; g_autoptr(virURI) uri = NULL; virNetSocket *sock; VIR_AUTOCLOSE sockfd = -1; int ret = -1; /* parse dst host:port from uri */ uri = virURIParse(uri_str); if (uri == NULL || uri->server == NULL || uri->port == 0) return -1; hostname = uri->server; port = uri->port; g_snprintf(portstr, sizeof(portstr), "%d", port); /* socket connect to dst host:port */ if (virNetSocketNewConnectTCP(hostname, portstr, AF_UNSPEC, &sock) < 0) return -1; if (virNetSocketSetBlocking(sock, true) < 0) { virObjectUnref(sock); return -1; } sockfd = virNetSocketDupFD(sock, true); virObjectUnref(sock); /* suspend vm and send saved data to dst through socket fd */ virObjectUnlock(vm); ret = libxlDoMigrateSrcSend(driver, vm, flags, sockfd); virObjectLock(vm); if (ret == 0) { if (virDomainLockProcessPause(driver->lockManager, vm, &priv->lockState) == 0) { priv->lockProcessRunning = false; VIR_DEBUG("Preserving lock state '%s'", NULLSTR(priv->lockState)); } else { VIR_WARN("Unable to release lease on %s", vm->def->name); } } else { /* * Confirm phase will not be executed if perform fails. End the * job started in begin phase. */ virDomainObjEndJob(vm); } return ret; } virDomainPtr libxlDomainMigrationDstFinish(virConnectPtr dconn, virDomainObj *vm, unsigned int flags, int cancelled) { libxlDriverPrivate *driver = dconn->privateData; libxlDriverConfig *cfg = libxlDriverConfigGet(driver); libxlDomainObjPrivate *priv = vm->privateData; virObjectEvent *event = NULL; virDomainPtr dom = NULL; if (priv->migrationDstReceiveThr) { virObjectUnlock(vm); virThreadJoin(priv->migrationDstReceiveThr); virObjectLock(vm); VIR_FREE(priv->migrationDstReceiveThr); } virPortAllocatorRelease(priv->migrationPort); priv->migrationPort = 0; if (cancelled) goto cleanup; /* Check if domain is alive */ if (!virDomainObjIsActive(vm)) { /* Migration failed if domain is inactive */ virReportError(VIR_ERR_OPERATION_FAILED, "%s", _("Migration failed. Domain is not running on destination host")); goto cleanup; } /* Unpause if requested */ if (!(flags & VIR_MIGRATE_PAUSED)) { if (libxlDomainUnpauseWrapper(cfg->ctx, vm->def->id) != 0) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_OPERATION_FAILED, "%s", _("Failed to unpause domain")); goto cleanup; } virDomainObjSetState(vm, VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING, VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING_MIGRATED); event = virDomainEventLifecycleNewFromObj(vm, VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_RESUMED, VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_RESUMED_MIGRATED); } else { virDomainObjSetState(vm, VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED, VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED_USER); event = virDomainEventLifecycleNewFromObj(vm, VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_SUSPENDED, VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_SUSPENDED_PAUSED); } virObjectEventStateQueue(driver->domainEventState, event); event = NULL; if (flags & VIR_MIGRATE_PERSIST_DEST) { unsigned int oldPersist = vm->persistent; virDomainDef *vmdef; vm->persistent = 1; if (!(vmdef = virDomainObjGetPersistentDef(driver->xmlopt, vm, NULL))) goto cleanup; if (virDomainDefSave(vmdef, driver->xmlopt, cfg->configDir) < 0) goto cleanup; event = virDomainEventLifecycleNewFromObj(vm, VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_DEFINED, oldPersist ? VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_DEFINED_UPDATED : VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_DEFINED_ADDED); virObjectEventStateQueue(driver->domainEventState, event); event = NULL; } if (virDomainObjSave(vm, driver->xmlopt, cfg->stateDir) < 0) goto cleanup; dom = virGetDomain(dconn, vm->def->name, vm->def->uuid, vm->def->id); cleanup: if (dom == NULL) { libxlDomainDestroyInternal(driver, vm); libxlDomainCleanup(driver, vm); virDomainObjSetState(vm, VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF, VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF_FAILED); event = virDomainEventLifecycleNewFromObj(vm, VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STOPPED, VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STOPPED_FAILED); if (!vm->persistent) virDomainObjListRemove(driver->domains, vm); } /* EndJob for corresponding BeginJob in prepare phase */ virDomainObjEndJob(vm); virObjectEventStateQueue(driver->domainEventState, event); virObjectUnref(cfg); return dom; } int libxlDomainMigrationSrcConfirm(libxlDriverPrivate *driver, virDomainObj *vm, unsigned int flags, int cancelled) { libxlDriverConfig *cfg = libxlDriverConfigGet(driver); libxlDomainObjPrivate *priv = vm->privateData; virObjectEvent *event = NULL; if (cancelled) { /* Resume lock process that was paused in MigrationSrcPerform */ virDomainLockProcessResume(driver->lockManager, "xen:///system", vm, priv->lockState); priv->lockProcessRunning = true; goto cleanup; } libxlDomainDestroyInternal(driver, vm); libxlDomainCleanup(driver, vm); virDomainObjSetState(vm, VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF, VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF_MIGRATED); event = virDomainEventLifecycleNewFromObj(vm, VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STOPPED, VIR_DOMAIN_EVENT_STOPPED_MIGRATED); VIR_DEBUG("Domain '%s' successfully migrated", vm->def->name); if (flags & VIR_MIGRATE_UNDEFINE_SOURCE) virDomainDeleteConfig(cfg->configDir, cfg->autostartDir, vm); if (!vm->persistent || (flags & VIR_MIGRATE_UNDEFINE_SOURCE)) virDomainObjListRemove(driver->domains, vm); cleanup: /* EndJob for corresponding BeginJob in begin phase */ virDomainObjEndJob(vm); virObjectEventStateQueue(driver->domainEventState, event); virObjectUnref(cfg); return 0; }