/* * virkeepalive.c: keepalive handling * * Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Red Hat, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see * . */ #include #include "virthread.h" #include "virlog.h" #include "virerror.h" #include "virkeepaliveprotocol.h" #include "virkeepalive.h" #include "virprobe.h" #define VIR_FROM_THIS VIR_FROM_RPC VIR_LOG_INIT("rpc.keepalive"); struct _virKeepAlive { virObjectLockable parent; int interval; unsigned int count; unsigned int countToDeath; gint64 lastPacketReceived; gint64 intervalStart; int timer; virKeepAliveSendFunc sendCB; virKeepAliveDeadFunc deadCB; virKeepAliveFreeFunc freeCB; void *client; }; static virClass *virKeepAliveClass; static void virKeepAliveDispose(void *obj); static int virKeepAliveOnceInit(void) { if (!VIR_CLASS_NEW(virKeepAlive, virClassForObjectLockable())) return -1; return 0; } VIR_ONCE_GLOBAL_INIT(virKeepAlive); static virNetMessage * virKeepAliveMessage(virKeepAlive *ka, int proc) { virNetMessage *msg; const char *procstr = NULL; switch (proc) { case KEEPALIVE_PROC_PING: procstr = "request"; break; case KEEPALIVE_PROC_PONG: procstr = "response"; break; default: VIR_WARN("Refusing to send unknown keepalive message: %d", proc); return NULL; } if (!(msg = virNetMessageNew(false))) goto error; msg->header.prog = KEEPALIVE_PROGRAM; msg->header.vers = KEEPALIVE_PROTOCOL_VERSION; msg->header.type = VIR_NET_MESSAGE; msg->header.proc = proc; if (virNetMessageEncodeHeader(msg) < 0 || virNetMessageEncodePayloadRaw(msg, NULL, 0) < 0) { virNetMessageFree(msg); goto error; } VIR_DEBUG("Sending keepalive %s to client %p", procstr, ka->client); PROBE(RPC_KEEPALIVE_SEND, "ka=%p client=%p prog=%d vers=%d proc=%d", ka, ka->client, msg->header.prog, msg->header.vers, msg->header.proc); return msg; error: VIR_WARN("Failed to generate keepalive %s", procstr); return NULL; } static bool virKeepAliveTimerInternal(virKeepAlive *ka, virNetMessage **msg) { gint64 now = g_get_monotonic_time() / G_USEC_PER_SEC; int timeval; if (ka->interval <= 0 || ka->intervalStart == 0) return false; if (now - ka->intervalStart < ka->interval) { timeval = ka->interval - (now - ka->intervalStart); virEventUpdateTimeout(ka->timer, timeval * 1000); return false; } timeval = now - ka->lastPacketReceived; PROBE(RPC_KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT, "ka=%p client=%p countToDeath=%d idle=%d", ka, ka->client, ka->countToDeath, timeval); if (ka->countToDeath == 0) { VIR_DEBUG("No response from client %p after %d keepalive messages " "in %d seconds", ka->client, ka->count, timeval); virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("connection closed due to keepalive timeout")); return true; } else { ka->countToDeath--; ka->intervalStart = now; *msg = virKeepAliveMessage(ka, KEEPALIVE_PROC_PING); virEventUpdateTimeout(ka->timer, ka->interval * 1000); return false; } } static void virKeepAliveTimer(int timer G_GNUC_UNUSED, void *opaque) { virKeepAlive *ka = opaque; virNetMessage *msg = NULL; bool dead; void *client; virObjectRef(ka); virObjectLock(ka); client = ka->client; dead = virKeepAliveTimerInternal(ka, &msg); virObjectUnlock(ka); if (!dead && !msg) goto cleanup; if (dead) { ka->deadCB(client); } else if (ka->sendCB(client, msg) < 0) { VIR_WARN("Failed to send keepalive request to client %p", client); virNetMessageFree(msg); } cleanup: virObjectUnref(ka); } virKeepAlive * virKeepAliveNew(int interval, unsigned int count, void *client, virKeepAliveSendFunc sendCB, virKeepAliveDeadFunc deadCB, virKeepAliveFreeFunc freeCB) { virKeepAlive *ka; VIR_DEBUG("client=%p, interval=%d, count=%u", client, interval, count); if (virKeepAliveInitialize() < 0) return NULL; if (!(ka = virObjectLockableNew(virKeepAliveClass))) return NULL; ka->interval = interval; ka->count = count; ka->countToDeath = count; ka->timer = -1; ka->client = client; ka->sendCB = sendCB; ka->deadCB = deadCB; ka->freeCB = freeCB; PROBE(RPC_KEEPALIVE_NEW, "ka=%p client=%p", ka, ka->client); return ka; } void virKeepAliveDispose(void *obj) { virKeepAlive *ka = obj; PROBE(RPC_KEEPALIVE_DISPOSE, "ka=%p", ka); ka->freeCB(ka->client); } int virKeepAliveStart(virKeepAlive *ka, int interval, unsigned int count) { int ret = -1; gint64 delay; int timeout; gint64 now; virObjectLock(ka); if (ka->timer >= 0) { VIR_DEBUG("Keepalive messages already enabled"); ret = 0; goto cleanup; } if (interval > 0) { if (ka->interval > 0) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("keepalive interval already set")); goto cleanup; } /* Guard against overflow */ if (interval > INT_MAX / 1000) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, _("keepalive interval %1$d too large"), interval); goto cleanup; } ka->interval = interval; ka->count = count; ka->countToDeath = count; } if (ka->interval <= 0) { VIR_DEBUG("Keepalive messages disabled by configuration"); ret = 0; goto cleanup; } PROBE(RPC_KEEPALIVE_START, "ka=%p client=%p interval=%d count=%u", ka, ka->client, interval, count); now = g_get_monotonic_time() / G_USEC_PER_SEC; delay = now - ka->lastPacketReceived; if (delay > ka->interval) timeout = 0; else timeout = ka->interval - delay; ka->intervalStart = now - (ka->interval - timeout); ka->timer = virEventAddTimeout(timeout * 1000, virKeepAliveTimer, ka, virObjectUnref); if (ka->timer < 0) goto cleanup; /* the timer now has another reference to this object */ virObjectRef(ka); ret = 0; cleanup: virObjectUnlock(ka); return ret; } void virKeepAliveStop(virKeepAlive *ka) { virObjectLock(ka); PROBE(RPC_KEEPALIVE_STOP, "ka=%p client=%p", ka, ka->client); if (ka->timer > 0) { virEventRemoveTimeout(ka->timer); ka->timer = -1; } virObjectUnlock(ka); } int virKeepAliveTimeout(virKeepAlive *ka) { int timeout; if (!ka) return -1; virObjectLock(ka); if (ka->interval <= 0 || ka->intervalStart == 0) { timeout = -1; } else { timeout = ka->interval - (time(NULL) - ka->intervalStart); if (timeout < 0) timeout = 0; /* Guard against overflow */ if (timeout > INT_MAX / 1000) timeout = INT_MAX / 1000; } virObjectUnlock(ka); if (timeout < 0) return -1; else return timeout * 1000; } bool virKeepAliveTrigger(virKeepAlive *ka, virNetMessage **msg) { bool dead; *msg = NULL; if (!ka) return false; virObjectLock(ka); dead = virKeepAliveTimerInternal(ka, msg); virObjectUnlock(ka); return dead; } bool virKeepAliveCheckMessage(virKeepAlive *ka, virNetMessage *msg, virNetMessage **response) { bool ret = false; VIR_DEBUG("ka=%p, client=%p, msg=%p", ka, ka ? ka->client : "(null)", msg); *response = NULL; if (!ka) return false; virObjectLock(ka); ka->countToDeath = ka->count; ka->intervalStart = g_get_monotonic_time() / G_USEC_PER_SEC; ka->lastPacketReceived = ka->intervalStart; if (msg->header.prog == KEEPALIVE_PROGRAM && msg->header.vers == KEEPALIVE_PROTOCOL_VERSION && msg->header.type == VIR_NET_MESSAGE) { PROBE(RPC_KEEPALIVE_RECEIVED, "ka=%p client=%p prog=%d vers=%d proc=%d", ka, ka->client, msg->header.prog, msg->header.vers, msg->header.proc); ret = true; switch (msg->header.proc) { case KEEPALIVE_PROC_PING: VIR_DEBUG("Got keepalive request from client %p", ka->client); *response = virKeepAliveMessage(ka, KEEPALIVE_PROC_PONG); break; case KEEPALIVE_PROC_PONG: VIR_DEBUG("Got keepalive response from client %p", ka->client); break; default: VIR_DEBUG("Ignoring unknown keepalive message %d from client %p", msg->header.proc, ka->client); } } if (ka->timer >= 0) virEventUpdateTimeout(ka->timer, ka->interval * 1000); virObjectUnlock(ka); return ret; }