#!/bin/python """ Generate the big keycodes table for virkeys. It read keymaps.csv from stdin and put the generated code to stdout. Please keep keymaps.csv be exactly the same as: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk-vnc/plain/src/keymaps.csv. If anything inconsistent happens, please change this file instead of keymaps.csv which is a mirror. """ import sys import re namecolums = (0,2,10) def quotestring(str): if str[0] != '"': return '"' + str + '"' return str print ''' /* Generated file, DON'T edit it */ #ifndef VIRT_KEY_INTERNAL # error do not use this; it is not a public header #endif struct keycode virKeycodes[] = { ''' sys.stdin.readline() # eat the fist line. for line in sys.stdin.xreadlines(): a = re.match("([^,]*)," * 13 + "([^,]*)$", line[0:-1]).groups() b = "" for i in namecolums: b = b + (a[i] and quotestring(a[i]) or 'NULL') + ',' for i in [ x for x in range(12) if not x in namecolums ]: b = b + (a[i] or '0') + ',' print " { " + b + "}," print '};'