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    <h1>Secure Usage of Libvirt</h1>

    <ul id="toc"></ul>

      This page details information that application developers and
      administrators of libvirt should be aware of when working with
      libvirt, that may have a bearing on security of the system.

    <h2><a name="diskimage">Disk image handling</a></h2>

    <h3><a name="diskimageformat">Disk image format probing</a></h3>

      Historically there have been multiple flaws in QEMU and most
      projects using QEMU, related to handling of disk formats.
      The problems occur when a guest is given a virtual disk backed
      by raw disk format on the host. If the management application
      on the host tries to auto-detect / probe the disk format, it
      is vulnerable to a malicious guest which can write a qcow2
      file header into its raw disk. If the management application
      subsequently probes the disk, it will see it as a 'qcow2' disk
      instead of a 'raw' disk. Since 'qcow2' disks can have a copy
      on write backing file, such flaw can be leveraged to read
      arbitrary files on the host. The same type of flaw may occur
      if the management application allows users to upload pre-created
      raw images.

      <strong>Recommendation:</strong> never attempt to automatically
      detect the format of a disk image based on file contents which
      are accessible to / originate from an untrusted source.

    <h3><a name="diskimagebacking">Disk image backing files</a></h3>

      If a management application allows users to upload pre-created
      disk images in non-raw formats, it can be tricked into giving
      the user access to arbitrary host files via the copy-on-write
      backing file feature. This is because the qcow2 disk format
      header contains a filename field which can point to any location.
      It can also point to network protocols such as NBD, HTTP, GlusterFS,
      RBD and more. This could allow for compromise of almost arbitrary
      data accessible on the LAN/WAN.

      <strong>Recommendation:</strong> always validate that a disk
      image originating from an untrusted source has no backing
      file set. If a backing file is seen, reject the image.

    <h3><a name="diskimagesize">Disk image size validation</a></h3>

      If an application allows users to upload pre-created disk
      images in non-raw formats, it is essential to validate the
      logical disk image size, rather than the physical disk
      image size. Non-raw disk images have a grow-on-demand
      capability, so a user can provide a qcow2 image that may
      be only 1 MB in size, but is configured to grow to many
      TB in size.

      <strong>Recommendation:</strong> if receiving a non-raw disk
      image from an untrusted source, validate the logical image
      size stored in the disk image metadata against some finite

    <h3><a name="diskimageaccess">Disk image data access</a></h3>

      If an untrusted disk image is ever mounted on the host OS by
      a management application or administrator, this opens an
      avenue of attack with which to potentially compromise the
      host kernel. Filesystem drivers in OS kernels are often very
      complex code and thus may have bugs lurking in them. With
      Linux, there are a large number of filesystem drivers, many
      of which attract little security analysis attention. Linux
      will helpfully probe filesystem formats if not told to use an
      explicit format, allowing an attacker the ability to target
      specific weak filesystem drivers. Even commonly used and
      widely audited filesystems such as <code>ext4</code> have had
      <a href="https://lwn.net/Articles/538898/">bugs lurking in them</a>
      undetected for years at a time.

      <strong>Recommendation:</strong> if there is a need to access
      the content of a disk image, use a single-use throwaway virtual
      machine to access the data. Never mount disk images on the host
      OS. Ideally make use of the <a href="http://libguestfs.org">libguestfs</a>
      tools and APIs for accessing disks

    <h2><a name="migration">Guest migration network</a></h2>

      Most hypervisors with support for guest migration between hosts
      make use of one (or more) network connections. Typically the source
      host will connect to some port on the target host to initiate the
      migration. There may be separate connections for co-ordinating the
      migration, transferring memory state and transferring storage.
      If the network over which migration takes place is accessible the
      guest, or client applications, there is potential for data leakage
      via packet snooping/capture. It is also possible for a malicious
      guest or client to make attempts to connect to the target host
      to trigger bogus migration operations, or at least inflict a denial
      of service attack.

      <strong>Recommendations:</strong> there are several things to consider
      when performing migration

      <li>Use a specific address for establishing the migration
        connection which is accessible only to the virtualization
        hosts themselves, not libvirt clients or virtual guests.
        Most hypervisors allow the management application to provide
        the IP address of the target host as a way to
        determine which network migration takes place on. This is
        effectively the connect() socket address for the source host.</li>
      <li>Use a specific address for listening for incoming migration
        connections which is accessible only to the virtualization
        hosts themselves, not libvirt clients or virtual guests.
        Most hypervisors allow the management application to configure
        the IP address on which the target host listens. This is
        the bind() socket address for the target host.</li>
      <li>Use an encrypted migration protocol. Some hypervisors
        have support for encrypting the migration memory/storage
        data. In other cases it can be tunnelled over the libvirtd
        RPC protocol connections.</li>

    <h2><a name="storage">Storage encryption</a></h2>

      Virtual disk images will typically contain confidential data
      belonging to the owner of the virtual machine. It is desirable
      to protect this against data center administrators as much as
      possible. For example, a rogue storage administrator may attempt
      to access disk contents directly from a storage host, or a network
      administrator/attack may attempt to snoop on data packets relating
      to storage access. Use of disk encryption on the virtualization
      host can ensure that only the virtualization host administrator
      can see the plain text contents of disk images.

      <strong>Recommendation:</strong> make use of storage encryption
      to protect non-local storage from attack by rogue network /
      storage administrators or external attackers. This is particularly
      important if the storage protocol itself does not offer any kind
      of encryption capabilities.
