/* * virsh-util.c: helpers for virsh * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <config.h> #include "virsh-util.h" #include "virfile.h" #include "virstring.h" #include "virxml.h" static virDomainPtr virshLookupDomainInternal(vshControl *ctl, const char *cmdname, const char *name, unsigned int flags) { virDomainPtr dom = NULL; int id; virshControl *priv = ctl->privData; virCheckFlags(VIRSH_BYID | VIRSH_BYUUID | VIRSH_BYNAME, NULL); /* try it by ID */ if (flags & VIRSH_BYID) { if (virStrToLong_i(name, NULL, 10, &id) == 0 && id >= 0) { vshDebug(ctl, VSH_ERR_DEBUG, "%s: <domain> looks like ID\n", cmdname); dom = virDomainLookupByID(priv->conn, id); } } /* try it by UUID */ if (!dom && (flags & VIRSH_BYUUID) && strlen(name) == VIR_UUID_STRING_BUFLEN-1) { vshDebug(ctl, VSH_ERR_DEBUG, "%s: <domain> trying as domain UUID\n", cmdname); dom = virDomainLookupByUUIDString(priv->conn, name); } /* try it by NAME */ if (!dom && (flags & VIRSH_BYNAME)) { vshDebug(ctl, VSH_ERR_DEBUG, "%s: <domain> trying as domain NAME\n", cmdname); dom = virDomainLookupByName(priv->conn, name); } vshResetLibvirtError(); if (!dom) vshError(ctl, _("failed to get domain '%1$s'"), name); return dom; } virDomainPtr virshLookupDomainBy(vshControl *ctl, const char *name, unsigned int flags) { return virshLookupDomainInternal(ctl, "unknown", name, flags); } virDomainPtr virshCommandOptDomainBy(vshControl *ctl, const vshCmd *cmd, const char **name, unsigned int flags) { const char *n = NULL; const char *optname = "domain"; if (vshCommandOptStringReq(ctl, cmd, optname, &n) < 0) return NULL; vshDebug(ctl, VSH_ERR_INFO, "%s: found option <%s>: %s\n", cmd->def->name, optname, n); if (name) *name = n; return virshLookupDomainInternal(ctl, cmd->def->name, n, flags); } virDomainPtr virshCommandOptDomain(vshControl *ctl, const vshCmd *cmd, const char **name) { return virshCommandOptDomainBy(ctl, cmd, name, VIRSH_BYID | VIRSH_BYUUID | VIRSH_BYNAME); } int virshDomainState(vshControl *ctl, virDomainPtr dom, int *reason) { virDomainInfo info; virshControl *priv = ctl->privData; if (reason) *reason = -1; if (!priv->useGetInfo) { int state; if (virDomainGetState(dom, &state, reason, 0) < 0) { if (virGetLastErrorCode() == VIR_ERR_NO_SUPPORT) priv->useGetInfo = true; else return -1; } else { return state; } } /* fall back to virDomainGetInfo if virDomainGetState is not supported */ if (virDomainGetInfo(dom, &info) < 0) return -1; return info.state; } int virshStreamSink(virStreamPtr st G_GNUC_UNUSED, const char *bytes, size_t nbytes, void *opaque) { virshStreamCallbackData *cbData = opaque; return safewrite(cbData->fd, bytes, nbytes); } int virshStreamSource(virStreamPtr st G_GNUC_UNUSED, char *bytes, size_t nbytes, void *opaque) { virshStreamCallbackData *cbData = opaque; int fd = cbData->fd; return saferead(fd, bytes, nbytes); } int virshStreamSourceSkip(virStreamPtr st G_GNUC_UNUSED, long long offset, void *opaque) { virshStreamCallbackData *cbData = opaque; int fd = cbData->fd; if (lseek(fd, offset, SEEK_CUR) == (off_t) -1) return -1; return 0; } int virshStreamSkip(virStreamPtr st G_GNUC_UNUSED, long long offset, void *opaque) { virshStreamCallbackData *cbData = opaque; off_t cur; if (cbData->isBlock) { g_autofree char * buf = NULL; const size_t buflen = 1 * 1024 * 1024; /* 1MiB */ /* While for files it's enough to lseek() and ftruncate() to create * a hole which would emulate zeroes on read(), for block devices * we have to write zeroes to read() zeroes. And we have to write * @got bytes of zeroes. Do that in smaller chunks though.*/ buf = g_new0(char, buflen); while (offset) { size_t count = MIN(offset, buflen); ssize_t r; if ((r = safewrite(cbData->fd, buf, count)) < 0) return -1; offset -= r; } } else { if ((cur = lseek(cbData->fd, offset, SEEK_CUR)) == (off_t) -1) return -1; if (ftruncate(cbData->fd, cur) < 0) return -1; } return 0; } int virshStreamInData(virStreamPtr st G_GNUC_UNUSED, int *inData, long long *offset, void *opaque) { virshStreamCallbackData *cbData = opaque; vshControl *ctl = cbData->ctl; int fd = cbData->fd; if (cbData->isBlock) { /* Block devices are always in data section by definition. The * @sectionLen is slightly more tricky. While we could try and get * how much bytes is there left until EOF, we can pretend there is * always X bytes left and let the saferead() below hit EOF (which * is then handled gracefully anyway). Worst case scenario, this * branch is called more than once. * X was chosen to be 1MiB but it has ho special meaning. */ *inData = 1; *offset = 1 * 1024 * 1024; } else { if (virFileInData(fd, inData, offset) < 0) { vshError(ctl, "%s", _("Unable to get current position in stream")); return -1; } } return 0; } void virshDomainFree(virDomainPtr dom) { if (!dom) return; vshSaveLibvirtHelperError(); virDomainFree(dom); /* sc_prohibit_obj_free_apis_in_virsh */ } void virshDomainCheckpointFree(virDomainCheckpointPtr chk) { if (!chk) return; vshSaveLibvirtHelperError(); virDomainCheckpointFree(chk); /* sc_prohibit_obj_free_apis_in_virsh */ } void virshDomainSnapshotFree(virDomainSnapshotPtr snap) { if (!snap) return; vshSaveLibvirtHelperError(); virDomainSnapshotFree(snap); /* sc_prohibit_obj_free_apis_in_virsh */ } void virshInterfaceFree(virInterfacePtr iface) { if (!iface) return; vshSaveLibvirtHelperError(); virInterfaceFree(iface); /* sc_prohibit_obj_free_apis_in_virsh */ } void virshNetworkFree(virNetworkPtr network) { if (!network) return; vshSaveLibvirtHelperError(); virNetworkFree(network); /* sc_prohibit_obj_free_apis_in_virsh */ } void virshNodeDeviceFree(virNodeDevicePtr device) { if (!device) return; vshSaveLibvirtHelperError(); virNodeDeviceFree(device); /* sc_prohibit_obj_free_apis_in_virsh */ } void virshNWFilterFree(virNWFilterPtr nwfilter) { if (!nwfilter) return; vshSaveLibvirtHelperError(); virNWFilterFree(nwfilter); /* sc_prohibit_obj_free_apis_in_virsh */ } void virshSecretFree(virSecretPtr secret) { if (!secret) return; vshSaveLibvirtHelperError(); virSecretFree(secret); /* sc_prohibit_obj_free_apis_in_virsh */ } void virshStoragePoolFree(virStoragePoolPtr pool) { if (!pool) return; vshSaveLibvirtHelperError(); virStoragePoolFree(pool); /* sc_prohibit_obj_free_apis_in_virsh */ } void virshStorageVolFree(virStorageVolPtr vol) { if (!vol) return; vshSaveLibvirtHelperError(); virStorageVolFree(vol); /* sc_prohibit_obj_free_apis_in_virsh */ } void virshStreamFree(virStreamPtr stream) { if (!stream) return; vshSaveLibvirtHelperError(); virStreamFree(stream); /* sc_prohibit_obj_free_apis_in_virsh */ } int virshDomainGetXMLFromDom(vshControl *ctl, virDomainPtr dom, unsigned int flags, xmlDocPtr *xml, xmlXPathContextPtr *ctxt) { g_autofree char *desc = NULL; if (!(desc = virDomainGetXMLDesc(dom, flags))) { vshError(ctl, _("Failed to get domain description xml")); return -1; } *xml = virXMLParseStringCtxt(desc, _("(domain_definition)"), ctxt); if (!(*xml)) { vshError(ctl, _("Failed to parse domain description xml")); return -1; } return 0; } int virshDomainGetXML(vshControl *ctl, const vshCmd *cmd, unsigned int flags, xmlDocPtr *xml, xmlXPathContextPtr *ctxt) { virDomainPtr dom; int ret; if (!(dom = virshCommandOptDomain(ctl, cmd, NULL))) return -1; ret = virshDomainGetXMLFromDom(ctl, dom, flags, xml, ctxt); virshDomainFree(dom); return ret; } VIR_ENUM_IMPL(virshDomainBlockJob, VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCK_JOB_TYPE_LAST, N_("Unknown job"), N_("Block Pull"), N_("Block Copy"), N_("Block Commit"), N_("Active Block Commit"), N_("Backup"), ); const char * virshDomainBlockJobToString(int type) { const char *str = virshDomainBlockJobTypeToString(type); return str ? _(str) : _("Unknown job"); } bool virshDumpXML(vshControl *ctl, const char *xml, const char *url, const char *xpath, bool wrap) { g_autoptr(xmlDoc) doc = NULL; g_autoptr(xmlXPathContext) ctxt = NULL; g_autofree xmlNodePtr *nodes = NULL; int nnodes = 0; size_t i; int oldblanks; if (xpath == NULL) { vshPrint(ctl, "%s", xml); return true; } oldblanks = xmlKeepBlanksDefault(0); doc = virXMLParseStringCtxt(xml, url, &ctxt); xmlKeepBlanksDefault(oldblanks); if (!doc) return false; if ((nnodes = virXPathNodeSet(xpath, ctxt, &nodes)) < 0) { return false; } if (wrap) { g_autoptr(xmlDoc) newdoc = xmlNewDoc((xmlChar *)"1.0"); xmlNodePtr newroot = xmlNewNode(NULL, (xmlChar *)"nodes"); g_autofree char *xmlbit = NULL; xmlDocSetRootElement(newdoc, newroot); for (i = 0; i < nnodes; i++) { g_autoptr(xmlNode) copy = xmlDocCopyNode(nodes[i], newdoc, 1); if (!xmlAddChild(newroot, copy)) return false; copy = NULL; } xmlbit = virXMLNodeToString(doc, newroot); vshPrint(ctl, "%s\n", xmlbit); } else { for (i = 0; i < nnodes; i++) { g_autofree char *xmlbit = virXMLNodeToString(doc, nodes[i]); vshPrint(ctl, "%s\n", xmlbit); } } return true; }