/* * Copyright IBM Corp. 2008 * * lxc_driver.c: linux container driver functions * * Authors: * David L. Leskovec * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #ifdef WITH_LXC #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "internal.h" #include "lxc_conf.h" #include "lxc_container.h" #include "lxc_driver.h" #include "lxc_controller.h" #include "memory.h" #include "util.h" #include "bridge.h" #include "veth.h" #include "event.h" /* debug macros */ #define DEBUG(fmt,...) VIR_DEBUG(__FILE__, fmt, __VA_ARGS__) #define DEBUG0(msg) VIR_DEBUG(__FILE__, "%s", msg) static int lxcStartup(void); static int lxcShutdown(void); static lxc_driver_t *lxc_driver = NULL; /* Functions */ static const char *lxcProbe(void) { if (lxcContainerAvailable(0) < 0) return NULL; return("lxc:///"); } static virDrvOpenStatus lxcOpen(virConnectPtr conn, xmlURIPtr uri, virConnectAuthPtr auth ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, int flags ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) { uid_t uid = getuid(); /* Check that the user is root */ if (0 != uid) { goto declineConnection; } if (lxc_driver == NULL) goto declineConnection; /* Verify uri was specified */ if ((NULL == uri) || (NULL == uri->scheme)) { goto declineConnection; } /* Check that the uri scheme is lxc */ if (STRNEQ(uri->scheme, "lxc")) { goto declineConnection; } conn->privateData = lxc_driver; return VIR_DRV_OPEN_SUCCESS; declineConnection: return VIR_DRV_OPEN_DECLINED; } static int lxcClose(virConnectPtr conn) { conn->privateData = NULL; return 0; } static virDomainPtr lxcDomainLookupByID(virConnectPtr conn, int id) { lxc_driver_t *driver = (lxc_driver_t *)conn->privateData; lxc_vm_t *vm = lxcFindVMByID(driver, id); virDomainPtr dom; if (!vm) { lxcError(conn, NULL, VIR_ERR_NO_DOMAIN, NULL); return NULL; } dom = virGetDomain(conn, vm->def->name, vm->def->uuid); if (dom) { dom->id = vm->def->id; } return dom; } static virDomainPtr lxcDomainLookupByUUID(virConnectPtr conn, const unsigned char *uuid) { lxc_driver_t *driver = (lxc_driver_t *)conn->privateData; lxc_vm_t *vm = lxcFindVMByUUID(driver, uuid); virDomainPtr dom; if (!vm) { lxcError(conn, NULL, VIR_ERR_NO_DOMAIN, NULL); return NULL; } dom = virGetDomain(conn, vm->def->name, vm->def->uuid); if (dom) { dom->id = vm->def->id; } return dom; } static virDomainPtr lxcDomainLookupByName(virConnectPtr conn, const char *name) { lxc_driver_t *driver = (lxc_driver_t *)conn->privateData; lxc_vm_t *vm = lxcFindVMByName(driver, name); virDomainPtr dom; if (!vm) { lxcError(conn, NULL, VIR_ERR_NO_DOMAIN, NULL); return NULL; } dom = virGetDomain(conn, vm->def->name, vm->def->uuid); if (dom) { dom->id = vm->def->id; } return dom; } static int lxcListDomains(virConnectPtr conn, int *ids, int nids) { lxc_driver_t *driver = (lxc_driver_t *)conn->privateData; lxc_vm_t *vm; int numDoms = 0; for (vm = driver->vms; vm && (numDoms < nids); vm = vm->next) { if (lxcIsActiveVM(vm)) { ids[numDoms] = vm->def->id; numDoms++; } } return numDoms; } static int lxcNumDomains(virConnectPtr conn) { lxc_driver_t *driver = (lxc_driver_t *)conn->privateData; return driver->nactivevms; } static int lxcListDefinedDomains(virConnectPtr conn, char **const names, int nnames) { lxc_driver_t *driver = (lxc_driver_t *)conn->privateData; lxc_vm_t *vm; int numDoms = 0; int i; for (vm = driver->vms; vm && (numDoms < nnames); vm = vm->next) { if (!lxcIsActiveVM(vm)) { if (!(names[numDoms] = strdup(vm->def->name))) { lxcError(conn, NULL, VIR_ERR_NO_MEMORY, "names"); goto cleanup; } numDoms++; } } return numDoms; cleanup: for (i = 0 ; i < numDoms ; i++) { VIR_FREE(names[i]); } return -1; } static int lxcNumDefinedDomains(virConnectPtr conn) { lxc_driver_t *driver = (lxc_driver_t *)conn->privateData; return driver->ninactivevms; } static virDomainPtr lxcDomainDefine(virConnectPtr conn, const char *xml) { lxc_driver_t *driver = (lxc_driver_t *)conn->privateData; lxc_vm_def_t *def; lxc_vm_t *vm; virDomainPtr dom; if (!(def = lxcParseVMDef(conn, xml, NULL))) { return NULL; } if ((def->nets != NULL) && !(driver->have_netns)) { lxcError(conn, NULL, VIR_ERR_NO_SUPPORT, _("System lacks NETNS support")); lxcFreeVMDef(def); return NULL; } if (!(vm = lxcAssignVMDef(conn, driver, def))) { lxcFreeVMDef(def); return NULL; } if (lxcSaveVMDef(conn, driver, vm, def) < 0) { lxcRemoveInactiveVM(driver, vm); return NULL; } dom = virGetDomain(conn, vm->def->name, vm->def->uuid); if (dom) { dom->id = vm->def->id; } return dom; } static int lxcDomainUndefine(virDomainPtr dom) { lxc_driver_t *driver = (lxc_driver_t *)dom->conn->privateData; lxc_vm_t *vm = lxcFindVMByUUID(driver, dom->uuid); if (!vm) { lxcError(dom->conn, dom, VIR_ERR_INVALID_DOMAIN, _("no domain with matching uuid")); return -1; } if (lxcIsActiveVM(vm)) { lxcError(dom->conn, dom, VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, _("cannot delete active domain")); return -1; } if (lxcDeleteConfig(dom->conn, driver, vm->configFile, vm->def->name) < 0) { return -1; } vm->configFile[0] = '\0'; lxcRemoveInactiveVM(driver, vm); return 0; } static int lxcDomainGetInfo(virDomainPtr dom, virDomainInfoPtr info) { lxc_driver_t *driver = (lxc_driver_t *)dom->conn->privateData; lxc_vm_t *vm = lxcFindVMByUUID(driver, dom->uuid); if (!vm) { lxcError(dom->conn, dom, VIR_ERR_INVALID_DOMAIN, _("no domain with matching uuid")); return -1; } info->state = vm->state; if (!lxcIsActiveVM(vm)) { info->cpuTime = 0; } else { info->cpuTime = 0; } info->maxMem = vm->def->maxMemory; info->memory = vm->def->maxMemory; info->nrVirtCpu = 1; return 0; } static char *lxcGetOSType(virDomainPtr dom ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) { /* Linux containers only run on Linux */ return strdup("linux"); } static char *lxcDomainDumpXML(virDomainPtr dom, int flags ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) { lxc_driver_t *driver = (lxc_driver_t *)dom->conn->privateData; lxc_vm_t *vm = lxcFindVMByUUID(driver, dom->uuid); if (!vm) { lxcError(dom->conn, dom, VIR_ERR_INVALID_DOMAIN, _("no domain with matching uuid")); return NULL; } return lxcGenerateXML(dom->conn, driver, vm, vm->def); } /** * lxcVmCleanup: * @vm: Ptr to VM to clean up * * waitpid() on the container process. kill and wait the tty process * This is called by both lxcDomainDestroy and lxcSigHandler when a * container exits. * * Returns 0 on success or -1 in case of error */ static int lxcVMCleanup(virConnectPtr conn, lxc_driver_t *driver, lxc_vm_t * vm) { int rc = -1; int waitRc; int childStatus = -1; while (((waitRc = waitpid(vm->pid, &childStatus, 0)) == -1) && errno == EINTR) ; /* empty */ if ((waitRc != vm->pid) && (errno != ECHILD)) { lxcError(conn, NULL, VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, _("waitpid failed to wait for container %d: %d %s"), vm->pid, waitRc, strerror(errno)); } rc = 0; if (WIFEXITED(childStatus)) { rc = WEXITSTATUS(childStatus); DEBUG("container exited with rc: %d", rc); } virEventRemoveHandle(vm->monitor); close(vm->monitor); virFileDeletePid(driver->stateDir, vm->def->name); vm->state = VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF; vm->pid = -1; vm->def->id = -1; vm->monitor = -1; driver->nactivevms--; driver->ninactivevms++; return rc; } /** * lxcSetupInterfaces: * @def: pointer to virtual machine structure * * Sets up the container interfaces by creating the veth device pairs and * attaching the parent end to the appropriate bridge. The container end * will moved into the container namespace later after clone has been called. * * Returns 0 on success or -1 in case of error */ static int lxcSetupInterfaces(virConnectPtr conn, lxc_vm_def_t *def, unsigned int *nveths, char ***veths) { int rc = -1; lxc_net_def_t *net; char *bridge = NULL; char parentVeth[PATH_MAX] = ""; char containerVeth[PATH_MAX] = ""; brControl *brctl = NULL; if (brInit(&brctl) != 0) return -1; for (net = def->nets; net; net = net->next) { if (LXC_NET_NETWORK == net->type) { virNetworkPtr network = virNetworkLookupByName(conn, net->txName); if (!network) { goto error_exit; } bridge = virNetworkGetBridgeName(network); virNetworkFree(network); } else { bridge = net->txName; } DEBUG("bridge: %s", bridge); if (NULL == bridge) { lxcError(conn, NULL, VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, _("failed to get bridge for interface")); goto error_exit; } DEBUG0("calling vethCreate()"); if (NULL != net->parentVeth) { strcpy(parentVeth, net->parentVeth); } DEBUG("parentVeth: %s, containerVeth: %s", parentVeth, containerVeth); if (0 != (rc = vethCreate(parentVeth, PATH_MAX, containerVeth, PATH_MAX))) { lxcError(conn, NULL, VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, _("failed to create veth device pair: %d"), rc); goto error_exit; } if (NULL == net->parentVeth) { net->parentVeth = strdup(parentVeth); } if (VIR_REALLOC_N(*veths, (*nveths)+1) < 0) goto error_exit; if (((*veths)[(*nveths)++] = strdup(containerVeth)) == NULL) goto error_exit; if (NULL == net->parentVeth) { lxcError(NULL, NULL, VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, _("failed to allocate veth names")); goto error_exit; } if (0 != (rc = brAddInterface(brctl, bridge, parentVeth))) { lxcError(conn, NULL, VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, _("failed to add %s device to %s: %s"), parentVeth, bridge, strerror(rc)); goto error_exit; } if (0 != (rc = vethInterfaceUpOrDown(parentVeth, 1))) { lxcError(NULL, NULL, VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, _("failed to enable parent ns veth device: %d"), rc); goto error_exit; } } rc = 0; error_exit: brShutdown(brctl); return rc; } static int lxcMonitorServer(virConnectPtr conn, lxc_driver_t * driver, lxc_vm_t *vm) { char *sockpath = NULL; int fd; struct sockaddr_un addr; if (asprintf(&sockpath, "%s/%s.sock", driver->stateDir, vm->def->name) < 0) { lxcError(conn, NULL, VIR_ERR_NO_MEMORY, NULL); return -1; } if ((fd = socket(PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { lxcError(conn, NULL, VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, _("failed to create server socket: %s"), strerror(errno)); goto error; } unlink(sockpath); memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; strncpy(addr.sun_path, sockpath, sizeof(addr.sun_path)); if (bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0) { lxcError(conn, NULL, VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, _("failed to bind server socket: %s"), strerror(errno)); goto error; } if (listen(fd, 30 /* backlog */ ) < 0) { lxcError(conn, NULL, VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, _("failed to listen server socket: %s"), strerror(errno)); goto error; return (-1); } VIR_FREE(sockpath); return fd; error: VIR_FREE(sockpath); if (fd != -1) close(fd); return -1; } static int lxcMonitorClient(virConnectPtr conn, lxc_driver_t * driver, lxc_vm_t *vm) { char *sockpath = NULL; int fd; struct sockaddr_un addr; if (asprintf(&sockpath, "%s/%s.sock", driver->stateDir, vm->def->name) < 0) { lxcError(conn, NULL, VIR_ERR_NO_MEMORY, NULL); return -1; } if ((fd = socket(PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { lxcError(conn, NULL, VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, _("failed to create client socket: %s"), strerror(errno)); goto error; } memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; strncpy(addr.sun_path, sockpath, sizeof(addr.sun_path)); if (connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0) { lxcError(conn, NULL, VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, _("failed to connect to client socket: %s"), strerror(errno)); goto error; } VIR_FREE(sockpath); return fd; error: VIR_FREE(sockpath); if (fd != -1) close(fd); return -1; } static int lxcVmTerminate(virConnectPtr conn, lxc_driver_t *driver, lxc_vm_t *vm, int signum) { if (signum == 0) signum = SIGINT; if (kill(vm->pid, signum) < 0) { if (errno != ESRCH) { lxcError(conn, NULL, VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, _("failed to kill pid %d: %s"), vm->pid, strerror(errno)); return -1; } } vm->state = VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTDOWN; return lxcVMCleanup(conn, driver, vm); } static void lxcMonitorEvent(int fd, int events ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, void *data) { lxc_driver_t *driver = data; lxc_vm_t *vm = driver->vms; while (vm) { if (vm->monitor == fd) break; vm = vm->next; } if (!vm) { virEventRemoveHandle(fd); return; } if (lxcVmTerminate(NULL, driver, vm, SIGINT) < 0) virEventRemoveHandle(fd); } /** * lxcVmStart: * @conn: pointer to connection * @driver: pointer to driver structure * @vm: pointer to virtual machine structure * * Starts a vm * * Returns 0 on success or -1 in case of error */ static int lxcVmStart(virConnectPtr conn, lxc_driver_t * driver, lxc_vm_t * vm) { int rc = -1; unsigned int i; int monitor; int parentTty; char *logfile = NULL; int logfd = -1; unsigned int nveths = 0; char **veths = NULL; if (virFileMakePath(driver->logDir) < 0) { lxcError(conn, NULL, VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, _("cannot create log directory %s: %s"), driver->logDir, strerror(rc)); return -1; } if (asprintf(&logfile, "%s/%s.log", driver->logDir, vm->def->name) < 0) { lxcError(conn, NULL, VIR_ERR_NO_MEMORY, NULL); return -1; } if ((monitor = lxcMonitorServer(conn, driver, vm)) < 0) goto cleanup; /* open parent tty */ VIR_FREE(vm->def->tty); if (virFileOpenTty(&parentTty, &vm->def->tty, 1) < 0) { lxcError(conn, NULL, VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, _("failed to allocate tty: %s"), strerror(errno)); goto cleanup; } if (lxcSetupInterfaces(conn, vm->def, &nveths, &veths) != 0) goto cleanup; if ((logfd = open(logfile, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR)) < 0) { lxcError(conn, NULL, VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, _("failed to open %s: %s"), logfile, strerror(errno)); goto cleanup; } if (lxcControllerStart(driver->stateDir, vm->def, nveths, veths, monitor, parentTty, logfd) < 0) goto cleanup; /* Close the server side of the monitor, now owned * by the controller process */ close(monitor); monitor = -1; /* Connect to the controller as a client *first* because * this will block until the child has written their * pid file out to disk */ if ((vm->monitor = lxcMonitorClient(conn, driver, vm)) < 0) goto cleanup; /* And get its pid */ if ((rc = virFileReadPid(driver->stateDir, vm->def->name, &vm->pid)) != 0) { lxcError(conn, NULL, VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, _("Failed to read pid file %s/%s.pid: %s"), driver->stateDir, vm->def->name, strerror(rc)); rc = -1; goto cleanup; } vm->def->id = vm->pid; vm->state = VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING; driver->ninactivevms--; driver->nactivevms++; if (virEventAddHandle(vm->monitor, POLLERR | POLLHUP, lxcMonitorEvent, driver) < 0) { lxcVmTerminate(conn, driver, vm, 0); goto cleanup; } rc = 0; cleanup: for (i = 0 ; i < nveths ; i++) { if (rc != 0) vethDelete(veths[i]); VIR_FREE(veths[i]); } if (monitor != -1) close(monitor); if (rc != 0 && vm->monitor != -1) { close(vm->monitor); vm->monitor = -1; } if (parentTty != -1) close(parentTty); if (logfd != -1) close(logfd); VIR_FREE(logfile); return rc; } /** * lxcDomainStart: * @dom: domain to start * * Looks up domain and starts it. * * Returns 0 on success or -1 in case of error */ static int lxcDomainStart(virDomainPtr dom) { int rc = -1; virConnectPtr conn = dom->conn; lxc_driver_t *driver = (lxc_driver_t *)(conn->privateData); lxc_vm_t *vm = lxcFindVMByName(driver, dom->name); if (!vm) { lxcError(conn, dom, VIR_ERR_INVALID_DOMAIN, "no domain with uuid"); goto cleanup; } rc = lxcVmStart(conn, driver, vm); cleanup: return rc; } /** * lxcDomainCreateAndStart: * @conn: pointer to connection * @xml: XML definition of domain * @flags: Unused * * Creates a domain based on xml and starts it * * Returns 0 on success or -1 in case of error */ static virDomainPtr lxcDomainCreateAndStart(virConnectPtr conn, const char *xml, unsigned int flags ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) { lxc_driver_t *driver = (lxc_driver_t *)conn->privateData; lxc_vm_t *vm; lxc_vm_def_t *def; virDomainPtr dom = NULL; if (!(def = lxcParseVMDef(conn, xml, NULL))) { goto return_point; } if (!(vm = lxcAssignVMDef(conn, driver, def))) { lxcFreeVMDef(def); goto return_point; } if (lxcSaveVMDef(conn, driver, vm, def) < 0) { lxcRemoveInactiveVM(driver, vm); return NULL; } if (lxcVmStart(conn, driver, vm) < 0) { lxcRemoveInactiveVM(driver, vm); goto return_point; } dom = virGetDomain(conn, vm->def->name, vm->def->uuid); if (dom) { dom->id = vm->def->id; } return_point: return dom; } /** * lxcDomainShutdown: * @dom: Ptr to domain to shutdown * * Sends SIGINT to container root process to request it to shutdown * * Returns 0 on success or -1 in case of error */ static int lxcDomainShutdown(virDomainPtr dom) { lxc_driver_t *driver = (lxc_driver_t*)dom->conn->privateData; lxc_vm_t *vm = lxcFindVMByID(driver, dom->id); if (!vm) { lxcError(dom->conn, dom, VIR_ERR_INVALID_DOMAIN, _("no domain with id %d"), dom->id); return -1; } return lxcVmTerminate(dom->conn, driver, vm, 0); } /** * lxcDomainDestroy: * @dom: Ptr to domain to destroy * * Sends SIGKILL to container root process to terminate the container * * Returns 0 on success or -1 in case of error */ static int lxcDomainDestroy(virDomainPtr dom) { lxc_driver_t *driver = (lxc_driver_t*)dom->conn->privateData; lxc_vm_t *vm = lxcFindVMByID(driver, dom->id); if (!vm) { lxcError(dom->conn, dom, VIR_ERR_INVALID_DOMAIN, _("no domain with id %d"), dom->id); return -1; } return lxcVmTerminate(dom->conn, driver, vm, SIGKILL); } static int lxcCheckNetNsSupport(void) { const char *argv[] = {"ip", "link", "set", "lo", "netns", "-1", NULL}; int ip_rc; if (virRun(NULL, argv, &ip_rc) < 0 || !(WIFEXITED(ip_rc) && (WEXITSTATUS(ip_rc) != 255))) return 0; if (lxcContainerAvailable(LXC_CONTAINER_FEATURE_NET) < 0) return 0; return 1; } static int lxcStartup(void) { uid_t uid = getuid(); lxc_vm_t *vm; /* Check that the user is root */ if (0 != uid) { return -1; } if (VIR_ALLOC(lxc_driver) < 0) { return -1; } /* Check that this is a container enabled kernel */ if(lxcContainerAvailable(0) < 0) return -1; lxc_driver->have_netns = lxcCheckNetNsSupport(); /* Call function to load lxc driver configuration information */ if (lxcLoadDriverConfig(lxc_driver) < 0) { lxcShutdown(); return -1; } /* Call function to load the container configuration files */ if (lxcLoadContainerInfo(lxc_driver) < 0) { lxcShutdown(); return -1; } vm = lxc_driver->vms; while (vm) { int rc; if ((vm->monitor = lxcMonitorClient(NULL, lxc_driver, vm)) < 0) { vm = vm->next; continue; } /* Read pid from controller */ if ((rc = virFileReadPid(lxc_driver->stateDir, vm->def->name, &vm->pid)) != 0) { close(vm->monitor); vm->monitor = -1; vm = vm->next; continue; } if (vm->pid != 0) { vm->def->id = vm->pid; vm->state = VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING; lxc_driver->ninactivevms--; lxc_driver->nactivevms++; } else { vm->def->id = -1; close(vm->monitor); vm->monitor = -1; } vm = vm->next; } return 0; } static void lxcFreeDriver(lxc_driver_t *driver) { VIR_FREE(driver->configDir); VIR_FREE(driver->stateDir); VIR_FREE(driver->logDir); VIR_FREE(driver); } static int lxcShutdown(void) { if (lxc_driver == NULL) return(-1); lxcFreeVMs(lxc_driver->vms); lxc_driver->vms = NULL; lxcFreeDriver(lxc_driver); lxc_driver = NULL; return 0; } /** * lxcActive: * * Checks if the LXC daemon is active, i.e. has an active domain * * Returns 1 if active, 0 otherwise */ static int lxcActive(void) { if (lxc_driver == NULL) return(0); /* If we've any active networks or guests, then we * mark this driver as active */ if (lxc_driver->nactivevms) return 1; /* Otherwise we're happy to deal with a shutdown */ return 0; } /* Function Tables */ static virDriver lxcDriver = { VIR_DRV_LXC, /* the number virDrvNo */ "LXC", /* the name of the driver */ LIBVIR_VERSION_NUMBER, /* the version of the backend */ lxcProbe, /* probe */ lxcOpen, /* open */ lxcClose, /* close */ NULL, /* supports_feature */ NULL, /* type */ NULL, /* version */ NULL, /* getHostname */ NULL, /* getURI */ NULL, /* getMaxVcpus */ NULL, /* nodeGetInfo */ NULL, /* getCapabilities */ lxcListDomains, /* listDomains */ lxcNumDomains, /* numOfDomains */ lxcDomainCreateAndStart, /* domainCreateLinux */ lxcDomainLookupByID, /* domainLookupByID */ lxcDomainLookupByUUID, /* domainLookupByUUID */ lxcDomainLookupByName, /* domainLookupByName */ NULL, /* domainSuspend */ NULL, /* domainResume */ lxcDomainShutdown, /* domainShutdown */ NULL, /* domainReboot */ lxcDomainDestroy, /* domainDestroy */ lxcGetOSType, /* domainGetOSType */ NULL, /* domainGetMaxMemory */ NULL, /* domainSetMaxMemory */ NULL, /* domainSetMemory */ lxcDomainGetInfo, /* domainGetInfo */ NULL, /* domainSave */ NULL, /* domainRestore */ NULL, /* domainCoreDump */ NULL, /* domainSetVcpus */ NULL, /* domainPinVcpu */ NULL, /* domainGetVcpus */ NULL, /* domainGetMaxVcpus */ lxcDomainDumpXML, /* domainDumpXML */ lxcListDefinedDomains, /* listDefinedDomains */ lxcNumDefinedDomains, /* numOfDefinedDomains */ lxcDomainStart, /* domainCreate */ lxcDomainDefine, /* domainDefineXML */ lxcDomainUndefine, /* domainUndefine */ NULL, /* domainAttachDevice */ NULL, /* domainDetachDevice */ NULL, /* domainGetAutostart */ NULL, /* domainSetAutostart */ NULL, /* domainGetSchedulerType */ NULL, /* domainGetSchedulerParameters */ NULL, /* domainSetSchedulerParameters */ NULL, /* domainMigratePrepare */ NULL, /* domainMigratePerform */ NULL, /* domainMigrateFinish */ NULL, /* domainBlockStats */ NULL, /* domainInterfaceStats */ NULL, /* domainBlockPeek */ NULL, /* domainMemoryPeek */ NULL, /* nodeGetCellsFreeMemory */ NULL, /* getFreeMemory */ }; static virStateDriver lxcStateDriver = { lxcStartup, lxcShutdown, NULL, /* reload */ lxcActive, NULL, }; int lxcRegister(void) { virRegisterDriver(&lxcDriver); virRegisterStateDriver(&lxcStateDriver); return 0; } #endif /* WITH_LXC */