.. role:: since ============================ VirtualBox hypervisor driver ============================ The libvirt VirtualBox driver can manage any VirtualBox version from version 4.0 onwards ( :since:`since libvirt 3.0.0` ). Project Links ------------- - The `VirtualBox `__ hypervisor Connections to VirtualBox driver -------------------------------- The libvirt VirtualBox driver provides per-user drivers (the "session" instance). The uri of the driver protocol is "vbox". Some example connection URIs for the driver are: :: vbox:///session (local access to per-user instance) vbox+unix:///session (local access to per-user instance) vbox+tcp://user@example.com/session (remote access, SASl/Kerberos) vbox+ssh://user@example.com/session (remote access, SSH tunnelled) **NOTE: as of libvirt 1.0.6, the VirtualBox driver will always run inside the libvirtd daemon, instead of being built-in to the libvirt.so library directly. This change was required due to the fact that VirtualBox code is LGPLv2-only licensed, which is not compatible with the libvirt.so license of LGPLv2-or-later. The daemon will be auto-started when the first connection to VirtualBox is requested. This change also means that it will not be possible to use VirtualBox URIs on the Windows platform, until additional work is completed to get the libvirtd daemon working there.** Example domain XML config ------------------------- :: vbox 4dab22b31d52d8f32516782e98ab3fa0 hvm 654321 1