#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import re if len(sys.argv) != 2: print(f"usage: {sys.argv[0]} POTFILE", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) potfile = sys.argv[1] failed = 0 def print_msg(files, msgs): if len(msgs) == 0: return print("\n".join(files)) for m in msgs: print(f" {m}") global failed failed += 1 with open(potfile, "r") as pot: files = [] msgs = [] cFormat = False for line in pot: if not line or line.startswith("msgstr "): print_msg(files, msgs) files = [] msgs = [] cFormat = False continue if line.startswith("#: "): files.extend(line[3:].split()) continue if line.startswith("#,"): cFormat = " c-format" in line continue m = re.search(r'^(msgid )?"(.*%[^%$ ]*[a-zA-Z].*)"', line) if cFormat and m is not None: msgs.append(m.group(2)) if failed: print(f"Found {failed} messages without permutable format strings!", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1)