#!/usr/bin/env perl # Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Red Hat, Inc. # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library. If not, see # . use strict; use warnings; die "syntax: $0 SRCDIR SYMFILE..." unless int(@ARGV) >= 2; my $ret = 0; my $srcdir = shift; my $lastgroup = undef; foreach my $symfile (@ARGV) { open SYMFILE, $symfile or die "cannot read $symfile: $!"; my $line = 0; my $groupfile = ""; my @group; while () { chomp; if (/^#\s*((\w+\/)*(\w+\.h))\s*$/) { $groupfile = $1; } elsif (/^#/) { # Ignore comments } elsif (/^\s*$/) { if (@group) { &check_sorting(\@group, $symfile, $line, $groupfile); } @group = (); $line = $.; } else { $_ =~ s/;//; push @group, $_; } } close SYMFILE; if (@group) { &check_sorting(\@group, $symfile, $line, $groupfile); } $lastgroup = undef; } sub check_sorting { my $group = shift; my $symfile = shift; my $line = shift; my $groupfile = shift; my @group = @{$group}; my @sorted = sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } @group; my $sorted = 1; my $first; my $last; # Check that groups are in order and groupfile exists if (defined $lastgroup && lc $lastgroup ge lc $groupfile) { print "Symbol block at $symfile:$line: block not sorted\n"; print "Move $groupfile block before $lastgroup block\n"; print "\n"; $ret = 1; } if (! -e "$srcdir/$groupfile") { print "Symbol block at $symfile:$line: $groupfile not found\n"; print "\n"; $ret = 1; } $lastgroup = $groupfile; # Check that symbols within a group are in order for (my $i = 0 ; $i <= $#sorted ; $i++) { if ($sorted[$i] ne $group[$i]) { $first = $i unless defined $first; $last = $i; $sorted = 0; } } if (!$sorted) { @group = splice @group, $first, ($last-$first+1); @sorted = splice @sorted, $first, ($last-$first+1); print "Symbol block at $symfile:$line: symbols not sorted\n"; print map { " " . $_ . "\n" } @group; print "Correct ordering\n"; print map { " " . $_ . "\n" } @sorted; print "\n"; $ret = 1; } } exit $ret;