NAME echo - echo arguments. Used for internal testing. SYNOPSIS echo [--shell] [--xml] [--split] [--err] [--prefix <string>] [<string>]... DESCRIPTION Echo back arguments, possibly with quoting. Used for internal testing. OPTIONS --shell escape for shell use --xml escape for XML use --split split each argument on ','; ',,' is an escape sequence --err output to stderr --prefix <string> prefix the message [--string] <string>... arguments to echo NAME echo - echo arguments. Used for internal testing. SYNOPSIS echo [--shell] [--xml] [--split] [--err] [--prefix <string>] [<string>]... DESCRIPTION Echo back arguments, possibly with quoting. Used for internal testing. OPTIONS --shell escape for shell use --xml escape for XML use --split split each argument on ','; ',,' is an escape sequence --err output to stderr --prefix <string> prefix the message [--string] <string>... arguments to echo NAME echo - echo arguments. Used for internal testing. SYNOPSIS echo [--shell] [--xml] [--split] [--err] [--prefix <string>] [<string>]... DESCRIPTION Echo back arguments, possibly with quoting. Used for internal testing. OPTIONS --shell escape for shell use --xml escape for XML use --split split each argument on ','; ',,' is an escape sequence --err output to stderr --prefix <string> prefix the message [--string] <string>... arguments to echo NAME echo - echo arguments. Used for internal testing. SYNOPSIS echo [--shell] [--xml] [--split] [--err] [--prefix <string>] [<string>]... DESCRIPTION Echo back arguments, possibly with quoting. Used for internal testing. OPTIONS --shell escape for shell use --xml escape for XML use --split split each argument on ','; ',,' is an escape sequence --err output to stderr --prefix <string> prefix the message [--string] <string>... arguments to echo