#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (C) 2021 Red Hat, Inc. # SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later import argparse import os import pathlib import subprocess import sys import textwrap from pathlib import Path from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory import util def required_deps(*deps): module2pkg = { "git": "GitPython" } def inner_decorator(func): def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): cmd = func.__name__[len('_action_'):] for dep in deps: try: import importlib importlib.import_module(dep) except ImportError: pkg = module2pkg[dep] msg = f"'{pkg}' not found (required by the '{cmd}' command)" print(msg, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapped return inner_decorator class Parser: def __init__(self): # Options that are common to all actions that use containers containerparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) containerparser.add_argument( "target", help="perform action on target OS", ) containerparser.add_argument( "--engine", choices=["auto", "podman", "docker"], default="auto", help="container engine to use", ) containerparser.add_argument( "--login", default=os.getlogin(), # exempt from syntax-check help="login to use inside the container", ) containerparser.add_argument( "--image-prefix", default="registry.gitlab.com/libvirt/libvirt/ci-", help="use container images from non-default location", ) containerparser.add_argument( "--image-tag", default="latest", help="use container images with non-default tags", ) containerparser.add_argument( "--lcitool-path", dest="lcitool", default="lcitool", help="path to lcitool (default: $PATH)", ) # Options that are common to actions communicating with a GitLab # instance gitlabparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) gitlabparser.add_argument( "--namespace", default="libvirt/libvirt", help="GitLab project namespace" ) gitlabparser.add_argument( "--gitlab-uri", default="https://gitlab.com", help="base GitLab URI" ) # Main parser self._parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() subparsers = self._parser.add_subparsers( dest="action", metavar="ACTION", ) subparsers.required = True jobparser = subparsers.add_parser( "run", help="Run a GitLab CI job or 'shell' in a local environment", parents=[containerparser], formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, ) jobparser.add_argument( "--job", choices=["build", "codestyle", "potfile", "rpmbuild", "shell", "test", "website"], default="build", help="Run a GitLab CI job or 'shell' in a local environment", ) jobparser.set_defaults(func=Application._action_run) # list-images action listimagesparser = subparsers.add_parser( "list-images", help="list known container images", parents=[gitlabparser], formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, ) listimagesparser.set_defaults(func=Application._action_list_images) # check_stale action check_staleparser = subparsers.add_parser( "check-stale", help="check for existence of stale images on the GitLab instance", parents=[gitlabparser], formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, ) check_staleparser.set_defaults(func=Application._action_check_stale) def parse(self): return self._parser.parse_args() class Application: @property def repo(self): if self._repo is None: from git import Repo self._repo = Repo(search_parent_directories=True) return self._repo def __init__(self): self._basedir = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parent self._args = Parser().parse() self._repo = None @staticmethod def _prepare_repo_copy(repo, dest): return repo.clone(dest, local=True) def _lcitool_run(self, args): positional_args = ["container"] opts = ["--user", self._args.login] tmpdir = TemporaryDirectory(prefix="scratch", dir=Path(self.repo.working_dir, "ci")) repo_dest_path = Path(tmpdir.name, "libvirt.git").as_posix() repo_clone = self._prepare_repo_copy(self.repo, repo_dest_path) opts.extend(["--workload-dir", repo_clone.working_dir]) if self._args.job == "shell": positional_args.append("shell") else: job2func = { "test": "run_test", "build": "run_build", "codestyle": "run_codestyle", "potfile": "run_potfile", "rpmbuild": "run_rpmbuild", "website": "run_website_build", } if self._args.engine != "auto": positional_args.extend(["--engine", self._args.engine]) with open(Path(tmpdir.name, "script"), "w") as f: script_path = f.name contents = textwrap.dedent(f"""\ #!/bin/sh cd datadir . ci/jobs.sh {job2func[self._args.job]} """) f.write(contents) positional_args.append("run") opts.extend(["--script", script_path]) opts.append(f"{self._args.image_prefix}{self._args.target}:{self._args.image_tag}") proc = None try: proc = subprocess.run([self._args.lcitool] + positional_args + opts) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(1) finally: # this will take care of the generated script file above as well tmpdir.cleanup() return proc.returncode def _check_stale_images(self): namespace = self._args.namespace gitlab_uri = self._args.gitlab_uri registry_uri = util.get_registry_uri(namespace, gitlab_uri) stale_images = util.get_registry_stale_images(registry_uri, self._basedir) if stale_images: spacing = "\n" + 4 * " " stale_fmt = [f"{k} (ID: {v})" for k, v in stale_images.items()] stale_details = spacing.join(stale_fmt) stale_ids = ' '.join([str(id) for id in stale_images.values()]) registry_uri = util.get_registry_uri(namespace, gitlab_uri) msg = textwrap.dedent(f""" The following images are stale and can be purged from the registry: STALE_DETAILS You can delete the images listed above using this shell snippet: $ for image_id in {stale_ids}; do curl --request DELETE --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <access_token>" \\ {registry_uri}/$image_id; done You can generate a personal access token here: {gitlab_uri}/-/profile/personal_access_tokens """) print(msg.replace("STALE_DETAILS", stale_details)) @required_deps("git") def _action_run(self): return self._lcitool_run(self._args.job) def _action_list_images(self): registry_uri = util.get_registry_uri(self._args.namespace, self._args.gitlab_uri) images = util.get_registry_images(registry_uri) # skip the "ci-" prefix each of our container images' name has name_prefix = "ci-" names = [i["name"][len(name_prefix):] for i in images] names.sort() native = [name for name in names if "-cross-" not in name] cross = [name for name in names if "-cross-" in name] spacing = 4 * " " print("Available x86 container images:\n") print(spacing + ("\n" + spacing).join(native)) if cross: print() print("Available cross-compiler container images:\n") print(spacing + ("\n" + spacing).join(cross)) def _action_check_stale(self): self._check_stale_images() def run(self): self._args.func(self) if __name__ == "__main__": Application().run()