#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (C) 2011-2019 Red Hat, Inc. # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library. If not, see # <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # Generate a set of systemtap functions for translating various # RPC enum values into strings # # python gensystemtap.py */*.x > libvirt_functions.stp # import re import sys funcs = {} types = {} status = {} auth = {} def load_file(fh): instatus = False intype = False inauth = False for line in fh: if re.search(r'''enum\s+virNetMessageType''', line): intype = True elif re.search(r'''enum\s+virNetMessageStatus''', line): instatus = True elif re.search(r'''enum remote_auth_type''', line): inauth = True elif "}" in line: intype = False instatus = False inauth = False elif instatus: m = re.search(r'''^\s+VIR_NET_(\w+)\s*=\s*(\d+),?$''', line) if m is not None: status[m.group(2)] = m.group(1).lower() elif intype: m = re.search(r'''^\s+VIR_NET_(\w+)\s*=\s*(\d+),?$''', line) if m is not None: types[m.group(2)] = m.group(1).lower() elif inauth: m = re.search(r'''^\s+REMOTE_AUTH_(\w+)\s*=\s*(\d+),?$''', line) if m is not None: auth[m.group(2)] = m.group(1).lower() else: m = re.search(r'''(?:VIR_)?(\w+?)(?:_PROTOCOL)?''' + r'''_PROGRAM\s*=\s*0x([a-fA-F0-9]+)\s*;''', line) if m is not None: funcs[m.group(1).lower()] = { "id": int(m.group(2), 16), "version": None, "progs": [] } continue m = re.search(r'''(?:VIR_)?(\w+?)(?:_PROTOCOL)?_''' + r'''(?:PROGRAM|PROTOCOL)_VERSION\s*=\s*(\d+)\s*;''', line) if m is not None: funcs[m.group(1).lower()]["version"] = m.group(2) continue m = re.search(r'''(?:VIR_)?(\w+?)(?:_PROTOCOL)?''' + r'''_PROC_(.*?)\s+=\s+(\d+)''', line) if m is not None: funcs[m.group(1).lower()]["progs"].insert( int(m.group(3)), m.group(2).lower()) for file in sys.argv[1:]: with open(file, "r") as fh: load_file(fh) def genfunc(name, varname, types): print("function %s(%s, verbose)" % (name, varname)) print("{") first = True for typename in sorted(types.keys()): cond = "} else if" if first: cond = "if" first = False print(" %s (%s == %s) {" % (cond, varname, typename)) print(" %sstr = \"%s\"" % (varname, types[typename])) print(" } else {") print(" %sstr = \"unknown\";" % varname) print(" verbose = 1;") print(" }") print(" if (verbose) {") print(" %sstr = %sstr . sprintf(\":%%d\", %s)" % (varname, varname, varname)) print(" }") print(" return %sstr;" % varname) print("}") genfunc("libvirt_rpc_auth_name", "type", auth) genfunc("libvirt_rpc_type_name", "type", types) genfunc("libvirt_rpc_status_name", "status", status) print("function libvirt_rpc_program_name(program, verbose)") print("{") first = True for funcname in sorted(funcs.keys()): cond = "} else if" if first: cond = "if" first = False print(" %s (program == %s) {" % (cond, funcs[funcname]["id"])) print(" programstr = \"%s\"" % funcname) print(" } else {") print(" programstr = \"unknown\";") print(" verbose = 1;") print(" }") print(" if (verbose) {") print(" programstr = programstr . sprintf(\":%d\", program)") print(" }") print(" return programstr;") print("}") print("function libvirt_rpc_procedure_name(program, version, proc, verbose)") print("{") first = True for prog in sorted(funcs.keys()): cond = "} else if" if first: cond = "if" first = False print(" %s (program == %s && version == %s) {" % (cond, funcs[prog]["id"], funcs[prog]["version"])) pfirst = True for id in range(len(funcs[prog]["progs"])): pcond = "} else if" if pfirst: pcond = "if" pfirst = False print(" %s (proc == %s) {" % (pcond, id + 1)) print(" procstr = \"%s\";" % funcs[prog]["progs"][id]) print(" } else {") print(" procstr = \"unknown\";") print(" verbose = 1;") print(" }") print(" } else {") print(" procstr = \"unknown\";") print(" verbose = 1;") print(" }") print(" if (verbose) {") print(" procstr = procstr . sprintf(\":%d\", proc)") print(" }") print(" return procstr;") print("}")