==================== Systemtap of Libvirt ==================== .. contents:: `Systemtap <https://sourceware.org/systemtap/>`__ is a scripting language and tool for dynamically probing or tracing in Linux kernel space or user space. This page is about the usage of systemtap in libvirt tracing. Preparation =========== Libvirt ------- Libvirt should be configured with the systemtap option to support libvirt probing events in systemtap. For libvirt before **6.7.0**, it can be configured by: :: mkdir build cd build ../configure --with-dtrace For libvirt **6.7.0** or later, configure it by the ``meson`` (seeing `libvirt compiling <../compiling.html>`__): :: meson build -Ddtrace=enabled For the libvirt binaries installed by the package manager like ``dnf`` or ``apt``, if libvirt systemtap tapset ``/usr/share/systemtap/tapset/libvirt_*`` exists, it means the libvirt enables the systemtap feature. Systemtap --------- For most of linux distributions, execute ``stap-prep`` by root to prepare the environment for systemtap after installing the systemtap. If your distribution doesn't have ``stap-prep``, install the ``kernel debuginfo`` packages manually. After these above, run this test command to confirm the systemtap works well: :: stap -e 'probe oneshot{ printf("hello world\n")}' Tracing events ============== The libvirt systemtap tracing events are defined in tapset ``/usr/share/systemtap/tapset/libvirt_*``. Libvirt support these type of tracing events: ``dbus``, ``event_glib``, ``object``, ``qemu``, ``rpc``. List all tracing events in libvirt: :: grep 'probe libvirt.[a-z_0-9.]*' /usr/share/systemtap/tapset/libvirt_* -o|cut -f 2 -d : Tracing examples ================ Here is an example of the systemtap script to trace the QMP messages sent from libvirtd daemon to the qemu process. ``qmp.stp``: :: probe begin { printf("Start tracing\n") } probe libvirt.qemu.monitor_send_msg { printf("QMPs: %s", msg); } Then run the systemtap script attaching to the libvirtd process: :: stap qmp.stp -x `pidof libvirtd` To trace a libvirtd started from command line, use the option ``-c`` :: stap qmp.stp -c "/usr/sbin/libvirtd" Then after seeing the welcome message "Start tracing" from systemtap, then execute a virsh command associated with QMP, for example ``virsh domstats``. Then get the QMP tracing logs from systemtap. For example, the result from ``virsh domstats`` :: QMPs: {"execute":"query-balloon","id":"libvirt-393"} QMPs: {"execute":"qom-get","arguments":{"path":"/machine/peripheral/balloon0","property":"guest-stats"},"id":"libvirt-394"} QMPs: {"execute":"query-blockstats","id":"libvirt-395"} QMPs: {"execute":"query-named-block-nodes","id":"libvirt-396"} QMPs: {"execute":"query-iothreads","id":"libvirt-397"} For more examples of libvirt systemtap scripts, see the scripts in ``/usr/share/doc/libvirt-docs/examples/systemtap`` For more details of systemtap language, see `document of systemtap <https://sourceware.org/systemtap/documentation.html>`__