#!/bin/sh export CCACHE_BASEDIR="$(pwd)" export CCACHE_DIR="$CCACHE_BASEDIR/ccache" export CCACHE_MAXSIZE="500M" export PATH="$CCACHE_WRAPPERSDIR:$PATH" # Enable these conditionally since their best use case is during # non-interactive workloads without having a Shell if ! [ -t 1 ]; then export VIR_TEST_VERBOSE="1" export VIR_TEST_DEBUG="1" fi GIT_ROOT="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" run_cmd() { printf "\e[32m[RUN COMMAND]: '%s'\e[0m\n" "$*" "$@" } run_meson_setup() { run_cmd meson setup build --error -Dsystem=true $MESON_OPTS $MESON_ARGS || \ (cat "${GIT_ROOT}/build/meson-logs/meson-log.txt" && exit 1) } run_build() { test -f $GIT_ROOT/build/build.ninja || run_meson_setup run_cmd meson compile -C build $BUILD_ARGS } run_dist() { test -f $GIT_ROOT/build/build.ninja || run_meson_setup # dist is unhappy in local container environment complaining about # uncommitted changes in the repo which is often not the case - refreshing # git's index solves the problem git update-index --refresh run_cmd meson dist -C build --no-tests } run_test() { TEST_ARGS="${TEST_ARGS:=--no-suite syntax-check --print-errorlogs}" test -f $GIT_ROOT/build/build.ninja || run_meson_setup run_cmd meson test -C build $TEST_ARGS } run_codestyle() { BUILD_ARGS="libvirt-pot-dep" TEST_ARGS="--suite syntax-check --no-rebuild --print-errorlogs" run_build run_test } run_potfile() { # since meson would run jobs for each of the following target in parallel, # we'd have dependency issues such that one target might depend on a # generated file which hasn't been generated yet by the other target, hence # we limit potfile job to a single build job (luckily potfile build has # negligible performance impact) BUILD_ARGS="-j1 libvirt-pot-dep libvirt-pot" run_build } run_rpmbuild() { run_dist run_cmd rpmbuild \ --clean \ --nodeps \ --define "_without_mingw 1" \ -ta build/meson-dist/libvirt-*.tar.xz } run_website_build() { export DESTDIR="${GIT_ROOT}/install" BUILD_ARGS="install-web" run_build } run_integration() { sudo pip3 install --prefix=/usr avocado-framework # Explicitly allow storing cores globally sudo sh -c "echo DefaultLimitCORE=infinity >> /etc/systemd/system.conf" # Need to reexec systemd after changing config sudo systemctl daemon-reexec # Source the os-release file to query the vendor-provided variables . /etc/os-release if test "$ID" = "centos" && test "$VERSION_ID" -eq 8 then DAEMONS="libvirtd virtlockd virtlogd" else DAEMONS="virtinterfaced virtlockd virtlogd virtnetworkd virtnodedevd virtnwfilterd virtproxyd virtqemud virtsecretd virtstoraged" fi for daemon in $DAEMONS do LOG_OUTPUTS="1:file:/var/log/libvirt/${daemon}.log" LOG_FILTERS="3:remote 4:event 3:util.json 3:util.object 3:util.dbus 3:util.netlink 3:node_device 3:rpc 3:access 1:*" sudo augtool set /files/etc/libvirt/${daemon}.conf/log_filters "'$LOG_FILTERS'" 1>/dev/null 2>&1 sudo augtool set /files/etc/libvirt/${daemon}.conf/log_outputs "'$LOG_OUTPUTS'" 1>/dev/null 2>&1 sudo systemctl --quiet stop ${daemon}.service sudo systemctl restart ${daemon}.socket done # Make sure the default network is started on all platforms # The reason for the '|| true' here is solely that GitLab executes all # Shell scripts with -e by default and virsh returns an error if one tries # to start a machine/network that is already active which is both fine and # should also be a non-fatal error sudo virsh --quiet net-start default 1>/dev/null 2>&1 || true cd "$SCRATCH_DIR" git clone --depth 1 https://gitlab.com/libvirt/libvirt-tck.git cd libvirt-tck sudo avocado --config avocado.config run --job-results-dir "$SCRATCH_DIR"/avocado }