======================================================= VMware Workstation / Player / Fusion hypervisors driver ======================================================= The libvirt VMware driver should be able to manage any Workstation, Player, Fusion version supported by the VMware VIX API. See the compatibility list `here `__. This driver uses the "vmrun" utility which is distributed with the VMware VIX API. You can download the VIX API from `here `__. Project Links ------------- - The `VMware Workstation and Player `__ hypervisors - The `VMware Fusion `__ hypervisor Connections to VMware driver ---------------------------- The libvirt VMware driver provides per-user drivers (the "session" instance). Three uris are available: - "vmwareplayer" for VMware Player - "vmwarews" for VMware Workstation - "vmwarefusion" for VMware Fusion Some example connection URIs for the driver are: :: vmwareplayer:///session (local access to VMware Player per-user instance) vmwarews:///session (local access to VMware Workstation per-user instance) vmwarefusion:///session (local access to VMware Fusion per-user instance) vmwarews+tcp://user@example.com/session (remote access to VMware Workstation, SASl/Kerberos) vmwarews+ssh://user@example.com/session (remote access to VMware Workstation, SSH tunnelled) Example domain XML config ------------------------- :: vmware bea92244-8885-4562-828b-3b086731c5b1 hvm 524288 1