Go Language bindings

Modern libvirt API bindings with Go modules

The libvirt API bindings package and module for XML manipulation:

 - `libvirt.org/go/libvirt <go/libvirt.html>`__ package https://pkg.go.dev/libvirt.org/go/libvirt
 - `libvirt.org/go/libvirtxml <go/libvirtxml.html>`__ package https://pkg.go.dev/libvirt.org/go/libvirtxml

Obsolete libvirt language bindings

The following two go packages were superseded, but software currently using them
will keep working. No further development will take place.

 - `libvirt.org/libvirt-go <libvirt-go.html>`__ - CGo binding to the native API
 - `libvirt.org/libvirt-go-xml <libvirt-go-xml.html>`)) - annotated Go struct definitions for XML handling