/* * interface_conf.c: interfaces XML handling * * Copyright (C) 2006-2010, 2013-2015 Red Hat, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see * . */ #include #include "virerror.h" #include "interface_conf.h" #include "virxml.h" #include "virbuffer.h" #define VIR_FROM_THIS VIR_FROM_INTERFACE VIR_ENUM_IMPL(virInterface, VIR_INTERFACE_TYPE_LAST, "ethernet", "bridge", "bond", "vlan", ); static int virInterfaceDefDevFormat(virBuffer *buf, const virInterfaceDef *def, virInterfaceType parentIfType); static void virInterfaceIPDefFree(virInterfaceIPDef *def) { if (def == NULL) return; g_free(def->address); g_free(def); } static void virInterfaceProtocolDefFree(virInterfaceProtocolDef *def) { size_t i; if (def == NULL) return; for (i = 0; i < def->nips; i++) virInterfaceIPDefFree(def->ips[i]); g_free(def->ips); g_free(def->family); g_free(def->gateway); g_free(def); } G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC(virInterfaceProtocolDef, virInterfaceProtocolDefFree); void virInterfaceDefFree(virInterfaceDef *def) { size_t i; int pp; if (def == NULL) return; g_free(def->name); g_free(def->mac); switch (def->type) { case VIR_INTERFACE_TYPE_BRIDGE: g_free(def->data.bridge.delay); for (i = 0; i < def->data.bridge.nbItf; i++) { if (def->data.bridge.itf[i] == NULL) break; /* to cope with half parsed data on errors */ virInterfaceDefFree(def->data.bridge.itf[i]); } g_free(def->data.bridge.itf); break; case VIR_INTERFACE_TYPE_BOND: g_free(def->data.bond.target); for (i = 0; i < def->data.bond.nbItf; i++) { if (def->data.bond.itf[i] == NULL) break; /* to cope with half parsed data on errors */ virInterfaceDefFree(def->data.bond.itf[i]); } g_free(def->data.bond.itf); break; case VIR_INTERFACE_TYPE_VLAN: g_free(def->data.vlan.tag); g_free(def->data.vlan.dev_name); break; } /* free all protos */ for (pp = 0; pp < def->nprotos; pp++) virInterfaceProtocolDefFree(def->protos[pp]); g_free(def->protos); g_free(def); } static int virInterfaceDefParseMtu(virInterfaceDef *def, xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt) { if (virXPathUInt("string(./mtu/@size)", ctxt, &def->mtu) == -2) return -1; if (def->mtu > 100000) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("value of the 'size' attribute of 'mtu' element must be at most 100000")); return -1; } return 0; } static int virInterfaceDefParseStartMode(virInterfaceDef *def, xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt) { g_autofree char *tmp = virXPathString("string(./start/@mode)", ctxt); if (tmp == NULL) { def->startmode = VIR_INTERFACE_START_UNSPECIFIED; } else if (STREQ(tmp, "onboot")) { def->startmode = VIR_INTERFACE_START_ONBOOT; } else if (STREQ(tmp, "hotplug")) { def->startmode = VIR_INTERFACE_START_HOTPLUG; } else if (STREQ(tmp, "none")) { def->startmode = VIR_INTERFACE_START_NONE; } else { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, _("unknown interface startmode %s"), tmp); return -1; } return 0; } static int virInterfaceDefParseBondMode(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt) { g_autofree char *tmp = virXPathString("string(./@mode)", ctxt); if (tmp == NULL) return VIR_INTERFACE_BOND_NONE; if (STREQ(tmp, "balance-rr")) { return VIR_INTERFACE_BOND_BALRR; } else if (STREQ(tmp, "active-backup")) { return VIR_INTERFACE_BOND_ABACKUP; } else if (STREQ(tmp, "balance-xor")) { return VIR_INTERFACE_BOND_BALXOR; } else if (STREQ(tmp, "broadcast")) { return VIR_INTERFACE_BOND_BCAST; } else if (STREQ(tmp, "802.3ad")) { return VIR_INTERFACE_BOND_8023AD; } else if (STREQ(tmp, "balance-tlb")) { return VIR_INTERFACE_BOND_BALTLB; } else if (STREQ(tmp, "balance-alb")) { return VIR_INTERFACE_BOND_BALALB; } virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, _("unknown bonding mode %s"), tmp); return -1; } static int virInterfaceDefParseBondMiiCarrier(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt) { g_autofree char *tmp = virXPathString("string(./miimon/@carrier)", ctxt); if (tmp == NULL) return VIR_INTERFACE_BOND_MII_NONE; if (STREQ(tmp, "ioctl")) { return VIR_INTERFACE_BOND_MII_IOCTL; } else if (STREQ(tmp, "netif")) { return VIR_INTERFACE_BOND_MII_NETIF; } virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, _("unknown mii bonding carrier %s"), tmp); return -1; } static int virInterfaceDefParseBondArpValid(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt) { g_autofree char *tmp = virXPathString("string(./arpmon/@validate)", ctxt); if (tmp == NULL) return VIR_INTERFACE_BOND_ARP_NONE; if (STREQ(tmp, "active")) { return VIR_INTERFACE_BOND_ARP_ACTIVE; } else if (STREQ(tmp, "backup")) { return VIR_INTERFACE_BOND_ARP_BACKUP; } else if (STREQ(tmp, "all")) { return VIR_INTERFACE_BOND_ARP_ALL; } virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, _("unknown arp bonding validate %s"), tmp); return -1; } static int virInterfaceDefParseDhcp(virInterfaceProtocolDef *def, xmlNodePtr dhcp) { virTristateBool peerdns; def->dhcp = 1; def->peerdns = -1; if (virXMLPropTristateBool(dhcp, "peerdns", VIR_XML_PROP_NONE, &peerdns) < 0) return -1; if (peerdns != VIR_TRISTATE_BOOL_ABSENT) { def->peerdns = peerdns == VIR_TRISTATE_BOOL_YES ? 1 : 0; } return 0; } static int virInterfaceDefParseIP(virInterfaceIPDef *def, xmlNodePtr node) { if (!(def->address = virXMLPropString(node, "address"))) return 0; if (virXMLPropInt(node, "prefix", 0, VIR_XML_PROP_NONE, &def->prefix, 0) < 0) return -1; return 0; } static int virInterfaceDefParseProtoIPv4(virInterfaceProtocolDef *def, xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt) { xmlNodePtr dhcp; g_autofree xmlNodePtr *ipNodes = NULL; int nipNodes; size_t i; def->gateway = virXPathString("string(./route[1]/@gateway)", ctxt); dhcp = virXPathNode("./dhcp", ctxt); if (dhcp != NULL) { if (virInterfaceDefParseDhcp(def, dhcp) < 0) return -1; } nipNodes = virXPathNodeSet("./ip", ctxt, &ipNodes); if (nipNodes < 0) return -1; if (ipNodes == NULL) return 0; def->ips = g_new0(virInterfaceIPDef *, nipNodes); def->nips = 0; for (i = 0; i < nipNodes; i++) { virInterfaceIPDef *ip = g_new0(virInterfaceIPDef, 1); if (virInterfaceDefParseIP(ip, ipNodes[i]) < 0) { virInterfaceIPDefFree(ip); return -1; } def->ips[def->nips++] = ip; } return 0; } static int virInterfaceDefParseProtoIPv6(virInterfaceProtocolDef *def, xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt) { xmlNodePtr dhcp; g_autofree xmlNodePtr *ipNodes = NULL; int nipNodes; size_t i; def->gateway = virXPathString("string(./route[1]/@gateway)", ctxt); if (virXPathNode("./autoconf", ctxt) != NULL) def->autoconf = 1; dhcp = virXPathNode("./dhcp", ctxt); if (dhcp != NULL) { if (virInterfaceDefParseDhcp(def, dhcp) < 0) return -1; } nipNodes = virXPathNodeSet("./ip", ctxt, &ipNodes); if (nipNodes < 0) return -1; if (ipNodes == NULL) return 0; def->ips = g_new0(virInterfaceIPDef *, nipNodes); def->nips = 0; for (i = 0; i < nipNodes; i++) { virInterfaceIPDef *ip = g_new0(virInterfaceIPDef, 1); if (virInterfaceDefParseIP(ip, ipNodes[i]) < 0) { virInterfaceIPDefFree(ip); return -1; } def->ips[def->nips++] = ip; } return 0; } static int virInterfaceDefParseIfAdressing(virInterfaceDef *def, xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt) { VIR_XPATH_NODE_AUTORESTORE(ctxt) g_autofree xmlNodePtr *protoNodes = NULL; int nProtoNodes, pp; nProtoNodes = virXPathNodeSet("./protocol", ctxt, &protoNodes); if (nProtoNodes < 0) return -1; if (nProtoNodes == 0) { /* no protocols is an acceptable outcome */ return 0; } def->protos = g_new0(virInterfaceProtocolDef *, nProtoNodes); def->nprotos = 0; for (pp = 0; pp < nProtoNodes; pp++) { g_autoptr(virInterfaceProtocolDef) proto = g_new0(virInterfaceProtocolDef, 1); if (!(proto->family = virXMLPropString(protoNodes[pp], "family"))) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("protocol misses the family attribute")); return -1; } ctxt->node = protoNodes[pp]; if (STREQ(proto->family, "ipv4")) { if (virInterfaceDefParseProtoIPv4(proto, ctxt) != 0) return -1; } else if (STREQ(proto->family, "ipv6")) { if (virInterfaceDefParseProtoIPv6(proto, ctxt) != 0) return -1; } else { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, _("unsupported protocol family '%s'"), proto->family); return -1; } def->protos[def->nprotos++] = g_steal_pointer(&proto); } return 0; } static int virInterfaceDefParseBridge(virInterfaceDef *def, xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt) { VIR_XPATH_NODE_AUTORESTORE(ctxt) g_autofree xmlNodePtr *interfaces = NULL; virInterfaceDef *itf; g_autofree char *tmp = NULL; int nbItf; size_t i; def->data.bridge.stp = -1; if ((tmp = virXMLPropString(ctxt->node, "stp"))) { if (STREQ(tmp, "on")) { def->data.bridge.stp = 1; } else if (STREQ(tmp, "off")) { def->data.bridge.stp = 0; } else { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, _("bridge interface stp should be on or off got %s"), tmp); return 0; } } def->data.bridge.delay = virXMLPropString(ctxt->node, "delay"); nbItf = virXPathNodeSet("./interface", ctxt, &interfaces); if (nbItf < 0) { return -1; } if (nbItf > 0) { def->data.bridge.itf = g_new0(struct _virInterfaceDef *, nbItf); def->data.bridge.nbItf = nbItf; for (i = 0; i < nbItf; i++) { ctxt->node = interfaces[i]; itf = virInterfaceDefParseXML(ctxt, VIR_INTERFACE_TYPE_BRIDGE); if (itf == NULL) { def->data.bridge.nbItf = i; return -1; } def->data.bridge.itf[i] = itf; } } return 0; } static int virInterfaceDefParseBondItfs(virInterfaceDef *def, xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt) { VIR_XPATH_NODE_AUTORESTORE(ctxt) g_autofree xmlNodePtr *interfaces = NULL; virInterfaceDef *itf; int nbItf; size_t i; nbItf = virXPathNodeSet("./interface", ctxt, &interfaces); if (nbItf < 0) return -1; if (nbItf == 0) { return 0; } def->data.bond.itf = g_new0(struct _virInterfaceDef *, nbItf); def->data.bond.nbItf = nbItf; for (i = 0; i < nbItf; i++) { ctxt->node = interfaces[i]; itf = virInterfaceDefParseXML(ctxt, VIR_INTERFACE_TYPE_BOND); if (itf == NULL) { def->data.bond.nbItf = i; return -1; } def->data.bond.itf[i] = itf; } return 0; } static int virInterfaceDefParseBond(virInterfaceDef *def, xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt) { int res; def->data.bond.mode = virInterfaceDefParseBondMode(ctxt); if (def->data.bond.mode < 0) return -1; if (virInterfaceDefParseBondItfs(def, ctxt) != 0) return -1; if (virXPathNode("./miimon[1]", ctxt) != NULL) { def->data.bond.monit = VIR_INTERFACE_BOND_MONIT_MII; res = virXPathInt("string(./miimon/@freq)", ctxt, &def->data.bond.frequency); if ((res == -2) || (res == -1)) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("bond interface miimon freq missing or invalid")); return -1; } res = virXPathInt("string(./miimon/@downdelay)", ctxt, &def->data.bond.downdelay); if (res == -2) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("bond interface miimon downdelay invalid")); return -1; } res = virXPathInt("string(./miimon/@updelay)", ctxt, &def->data.bond.updelay); if (res == -2) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("bond interface miimon updelay invalid")); return -1; } def->data.bond.carrier = virInterfaceDefParseBondMiiCarrier(ctxt); if (def->data.bond.carrier < 0) return -1; } else if (virXPathNode("./arpmon[1]", ctxt) != NULL) { def->data.bond.monit = VIR_INTERFACE_BOND_MONIT_ARP; res = virXPathInt("string(./arpmon/@interval)", ctxt, &def->data.bond.interval); if ((res == -2) || (res == -1)) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("bond interface arpmon interval missing or invalid")); return -1; } def->data.bond.target = virXPathString("string(./arpmon/@target)", ctxt); if (def->data.bond.target == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("bond interface arpmon target missing")); return -1; } def->data.bond.validate = virInterfaceDefParseBondArpValid(ctxt); if (def->data.bond.validate < 0) return -1; } return 0; } static int virInterfaceDefParseVlan(virInterfaceDef *def, xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt) { def->data.vlan.tag = virXPathString("string(./@tag)", ctxt); if (def->data.vlan.tag == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("vlan interface misses the tag attribute")); return -1; } def->data.vlan.dev_name = virXPathString("string(./interface/@name)", ctxt); if (def->data.vlan.dev_name == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("vlan interface misses name attribute")); return -1; } return 0; } virInterfaceDef * virInterfaceDefParseXML(xmlXPathContextPtr ctxt, int parentIfType) { VIR_XPATH_NODE_AUTORESTORE(ctxt) g_autoptr(virInterfaceDef) def = NULL; virInterfaceType type; xmlNodePtr lnk; if (virXMLPropEnum(ctxt->node, "type", virInterfaceTypeFromString, VIR_XML_PROP_REQUIRED, &type) < 0) return NULL; def = g_new0(virInterfaceDef, 1); if (((parentIfType == VIR_INTERFACE_TYPE_BOND) && (type != VIR_INTERFACE_TYPE_ETHERNET)) || ((parentIfType == VIR_INTERFACE_TYPE_BRIDGE) && (type != VIR_INTERFACE_TYPE_ETHERNET) && (type != VIR_INTERFACE_TYPE_BOND) && (type != VIR_INTERFACE_TYPE_VLAN)) || (parentIfType == VIR_INTERFACE_TYPE_ETHERNET) || (parentIfType == VIR_INTERFACE_TYPE_VLAN)) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, _("interface has unsupported type '%s'"), virInterfaceTypeToString(type)); return NULL; } def->type = type; if (!(def->name = virXMLPropString(ctxt->node, "name"))) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("interface has no name")); return NULL; } if (parentIfType == VIR_INTERFACE_TYPE_LAST) { /* only recognize these in toplevel bond interfaces */ if (virInterfaceDefParseStartMode(def, ctxt) < 0) return NULL; if (virInterfaceDefParseMtu(def, ctxt) < 0) return NULL; if (virInterfaceDefParseIfAdressing(def, ctxt) < 0) return NULL; } if (type != VIR_INTERFACE_TYPE_BRIDGE) { /* link status makes no sense for a bridge */ lnk = virXPathNode("./link", ctxt); if (lnk && virInterfaceLinkParseXML(lnk, &def->lnk) < 0) return NULL; } switch (type) { case VIR_INTERFACE_TYPE_ETHERNET: { char *mac = virXPathString("string(./mac/@address)", ctxt); if (mac != NULL) def->mac = mac; break; } case VIR_INTERFACE_TYPE_BRIDGE: { xmlNodePtr bridge; if (!(bridge = virXPathNode("./bridge[1]", ctxt))) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("bridge interface misses the bridge element")); return NULL; } ctxt->node = bridge; if (virInterfaceDefParseBridge(def, ctxt) < 0) return NULL; break; } case VIR_INTERFACE_TYPE_BOND: { xmlNodePtr bond; if (!(bond = virXPathNode("./bond[1]", ctxt))) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("bond interface misses the bond element")); return NULL; } ctxt->node = bond; if (virInterfaceDefParseBond(def, ctxt) < 0) return NULL; break; } case VIR_INTERFACE_TYPE_VLAN: { xmlNodePtr vlan; if (!(vlan = virXPathNode("./vlan[1]", ctxt))) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("vlan interface misses the vlan element")); return NULL; } ctxt->node = vlan; if (virInterfaceDefParseVlan(def, ctxt) < 0) return NULL; break; } case VIR_INTERFACE_TYPE_LAST: return NULL; } return g_steal_pointer(&def); } virInterfaceDef * virInterfaceDefParseString(const char *xmlStr, unsigned int flags) { g_autoptr(xmlDoc) xml = NULL; g_autoptr(xmlXPathContext) ctxt = NULL; bool validate = flags & VIR_INTERFACE_DEFINE_VALIDATE; if (!(xml = virXMLParse(NULL, xmlStr, _("(interface_definition)"), "interface", &ctxt, "interface.rng", validate))) return NULL; return virInterfaceDefParseXML(ctxt, VIR_INTERFACE_TYPE_LAST); } static int virInterfaceBridgeDefFormat(virBuffer *buf, const virInterfaceDef *def) { size_t i; virBufferAddLit(buf, "data.bridge.stp == 1) virBufferAddLit(buf, " stp='on'"); else if (def->data.bridge.stp == 0) virBufferAddLit(buf, " stp='off'"); if (def->data.bridge.delay != NULL) virBufferAsprintf(buf, " delay='%s'", def->data.bridge.delay); virBufferAddLit(buf, ">\n"); virBufferAdjustIndent(buf, 2); for (i = 0; i < def->data.bridge.nbItf; i++) { if (virInterfaceDefDevFormat(buf, def->data.bridge.itf[i], VIR_INTERFACE_TYPE_BRIDGE) < 0) return -1; } virBufferAdjustIndent(buf, -2); virBufferAddLit(buf, "\n"); return 0; } static int virInterfaceBondDefFormat(virBuffer *buf, const virInterfaceDef *def) { size_t i; virBufferAddLit(buf, "data.bond.mode == VIR_INTERFACE_BOND_BALRR) virBufferAddLit(buf, " mode='balance-rr'"); else if (def->data.bond.mode == VIR_INTERFACE_BOND_ABACKUP) virBufferAddLit(buf, " mode='active-backup'"); else if (def->data.bond.mode == VIR_INTERFACE_BOND_BALXOR) virBufferAddLit(buf, " mode='balance-xor'"); else if (def->data.bond.mode == VIR_INTERFACE_BOND_BCAST) virBufferAddLit(buf, " mode='broadcast'"); else if (def->data.bond.mode == VIR_INTERFACE_BOND_8023AD) virBufferAddLit(buf, " mode='802.3ad'"); else if (def->data.bond.mode == VIR_INTERFACE_BOND_BALTLB) virBufferAddLit(buf, " mode='balance-tlb'"); else if (def->data.bond.mode == VIR_INTERFACE_BOND_BALALB) virBufferAddLit(buf, " mode='balance-alb'"); virBufferAddLit(buf, ">\n"); virBufferAdjustIndent(buf, 2); if (def->data.bond.monit == VIR_INTERFACE_BOND_MONIT_MII) { virBufferAsprintf(buf, "data.bond.frequency); if (def->data.bond.downdelay > 0) virBufferAsprintf(buf, " downdelay='%d'", def->data.bond.downdelay); if (def->data.bond.updelay > 0) virBufferAsprintf(buf, " updelay='%d'", def->data.bond.updelay); if (def->data.bond.carrier == VIR_INTERFACE_BOND_MII_IOCTL) virBufferAddLit(buf, " carrier='ioctl'"); else if (def->data.bond.carrier == VIR_INTERFACE_BOND_MII_NETIF) virBufferAddLit(buf, " carrier='netif'"); virBufferAddLit(buf, "/>\n"); } else if (def->data.bond.monit == VIR_INTERFACE_BOND_MONIT_ARP) { if (def->data.bond.target == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("bond arp monitoring has no target")); return -1; } virBufferAsprintf(buf, "data.bond.interval, def->data.bond.target); if (def->data.bond.validate == VIR_INTERFACE_BOND_ARP_ACTIVE) virBufferAddLit(buf, " validate='active'"); else if (def->data.bond.validate == VIR_INTERFACE_BOND_ARP_BACKUP) virBufferAddLit(buf, " validate='backup'"); else if (def->data.bond.validate == VIR_INTERFACE_BOND_ARP_ALL) virBufferAddLit(buf, " validate='all'"); virBufferAddLit(buf, "/>\n"); } for (i = 0; i < def->data.bond.nbItf; i++) { if (virInterfaceDefDevFormat(buf, def->data.bond.itf[i], VIR_INTERFACE_TYPE_BOND) < 0) return -1; } virBufferAdjustIndent(buf, -2); virBufferAddLit(buf, "\n"); return 0; } static int virInterfaceVlanDefFormat(virBuffer *buf, const virInterfaceDef *def) { if (def->data.vlan.tag == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("vlan misses the tag name")); return -1; } virBufferAsprintf(buf, "data.vlan.tag); if (def->data.vlan.dev_name != NULL) { virBufferAddLit(buf, ">\n"); virBufferAdjustIndent(buf, 2); virBufferAsprintf(buf, "\n", def->data.vlan.dev_name); virBufferAdjustIndent(buf, -2); virBufferAddLit(buf, "\n"); } else { virBufferAddLit(buf, "/>\n"); } return 0; } static int virInterfaceProtocolDefFormat(virBuffer *buf, const virInterfaceDef *def) { size_t i, j; for (i = 0; i < def->nprotos; i++) { virBufferAsprintf(buf, "\n", def->protos[i]->family); virBufferAdjustIndent(buf, 2); if (def->protos[i]->autoconf) virBufferAddLit(buf, "\n"); if (def->protos[i]->dhcp) { if (def->protos[i]->peerdns == 0) virBufferAddLit(buf, "\n"); else if (def->protos[i]->peerdns == 1) virBufferAddLit(buf, "\n"); else virBufferAddLit(buf, "\n"); } for (j = 0; j < def->protos[i]->nips; j++) { if (def->protos[i]->ips[j]->address != NULL) { virBufferAsprintf(buf, "protos[i]->ips[j]->address); if (def->protos[i]->ips[j]->prefix != 0) { virBufferAsprintf(buf, " prefix='%d'", def->protos[i]->ips[j]->prefix); } virBufferAddLit(buf, "/>\n"); } } if (def->protos[i]->gateway != NULL) { virBufferAsprintf(buf, "\n", def->protos[i]->gateway); } virBufferAdjustIndent(buf, -2); virBufferAddLit(buf, "\n"); } return 0; } static int virInterfaceStartmodeDefFormat(virBuffer *buf, virInterfaceStartMode startmode) { const char *mode; switch (startmode) { case VIR_INTERFACE_START_UNSPECIFIED: return 0; case VIR_INTERFACE_START_NONE: mode = "none"; break; case VIR_INTERFACE_START_ONBOOT: mode = "onboot"; break; case VIR_INTERFACE_START_HOTPLUG: mode = "hotplug"; break; default: virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("virInterfaceDefFormat unknown startmode")); return -1; } virBufferAsprintf(buf, "\n", mode); return 0; } static int virInterfaceDefDevFormat(virBuffer *buf, const virInterfaceDef *def, virInterfaceType parentIfType) { const char *type = NULL; if (def == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("virInterfaceDefFormat NULL def")); return -1; } if ((def->name == NULL) && (def->type != VIR_INTERFACE_TYPE_VLAN)) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("virInterfaceDefFormat missing interface name")); return -1; } if (!(type = virInterfaceTypeToString(def->type))) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, _("unexpected interface type %d"), def->type); return -1; } virBufferAsprintf(buf, "name != NULL) virBufferEscapeString(buf, "name='%s'", def->name); virBufferAddLit(buf, ">\n"); virBufferAdjustIndent(buf, 2); if (parentIfType == VIR_INTERFACE_TYPE_LAST) { /* these elements are only valid on top-level interfaces - IP * address info ("protocol") only makes sense for the * top-level, and subordinate interfaces inherit the toplevel * setting for mtu and start mode, which cannot be overridden. */ virInterfaceStartmodeDefFormat(buf, def->startmode); if (def->mtu) virBufferAsprintf(buf, "\n", def->mtu); virInterfaceProtocolDefFormat(buf, def); } if (def->type != VIR_INTERFACE_TYPE_BRIDGE) virInterfaceLinkFormat(buf, &def->lnk); switch (def->type) { case VIR_INTERFACE_TYPE_ETHERNET: if (def->mac) virBufferAsprintf(buf, "\n", def->mac); break; case VIR_INTERFACE_TYPE_BRIDGE: if (virInterfaceBridgeDefFormat(buf, def) < 0) return -1; break; case VIR_INTERFACE_TYPE_BOND: if (virInterfaceBondDefFormat(buf, def) < 0) return -1; break; case VIR_INTERFACE_TYPE_VLAN: if (virInterfaceVlanDefFormat(buf, def) < 0) return -1; break; } virBufferAdjustIndent(buf, -2); virBufferAddLit(buf, "\n"); return 0; } char * virInterfaceDefFormat(const virInterfaceDef *def) { g_auto(virBuffer) buf = VIR_BUFFER_INITIALIZER; if (virInterfaceDefDevFormat(&buf, def, VIR_INTERFACE_TYPE_LAST) < 0) return NULL; return virBufferContentAndReset(&buf); }