============= Documentation ============= Deployment / operation ---------------------- `Applications <apps.html>`__ Applications known to use libvirt `Manual pages <manpages/index.html>`__ Manual pages for libvirt tools / daemons `Windows <windows.html>`__ Downloads for Windows `macOS <macos.html>`__ Working with libvirt on macOS `Migration <migration.html>`__ Migrating guests between machines `Daemons <daemons.html>`__ Overview of the daemons provided by libvirt `Remote access <remote.html>`__ Enable remote access over TCP `TLS certs <kbase/tlscerts.html>`__ Generate and deploy x509 certificates for TLS `Authentication <auth.html>`__ Configure authentication for the libvirt daemon `Access control <acl.html>`__ Configure access control libvirt APIs with `polkit <aclpolkit.html>`__ `Logging <logging.html>`__ The library and the daemon logging support `Audit log <auditlog.html>`__ Audit trail logs for host operations `Firewall <firewall.html>`__ Firewall and network filter configuration `Hooks <hooks.html>`__ Hooks for system specific management `SSH Proxy <ssh-proxy.html>`__ Enable SSH into guests over a VSOCK `NSS module <nss.html>`__ Enable domain host name translation to IP addresses `FAQ <https://wiki.libvirt.org/page/FAQ>`__ Frequently asked questions Application development ----------------------- `API reference <html/index.html>`__ Reference manual for the C public API, split in `common <html/libvirt-libvirt-common.html>`__, `domain <html/libvirt-libvirt-domain.html>`__, `domain checkpoint <html/libvirt-libvirt-domain-checkpoint.html>`__, `domain snapshot <html/libvirt-libvirt-domain-snapshot.html>`__, `error <html/libvirt-virterror.html>`__, `event <html/libvirt-libvirt-event.html>`__, `host <html/libvirt-libvirt-host.html>`__, `interface <html/libvirt-libvirt-interface.html>`__, `network <html/libvirt-libvirt-network.html>`__, `node device <html/libvirt-libvirt-nodedev.html>`__, `network filter <html/libvirt-libvirt-nwfilter.html>`__, `secret <html/libvirt-libvirt-secret.html>`__, `storage <html/libvirt-libvirt-storage.html>`__, `stream <html/libvirt-libvirt-stream.html>`__ and `admin <html/libvirt-libvirt-admin.html>`__, `QEMU <html/libvirt-libvirt-qemu.html>`__, `LXC <html/libvirt-libvirt-lxc.html>`__ libs `Language bindings and API modules <bindings.html>`__ Bindings of the libvirt API for `c# <csharp.html>`__, `go <https://pkg.go.dev/libvirt.org/go/libvirt>`__ (`all go modules <golang.html>`__), `java <https://java.libvirt.org/>`__, `ocaml <https://ocaml.libvirt.org/>`__, `perl <https://search.cpan.org/dist/Sys-Virt/>`__, `python <python.html>`__, `php <https://php.libvirt.org>`__, `ruby <https://ruby.libvirt.org/>`__ and integration API modules for `D-Bus <dbus.html>`__ `XML schemas <format.html>`__ Description of the XML schemas for `domains <formatdomain.html>`__, `networks <formatnetwork.html>`__, `network ports <formatnetworkport.html>`__, `network filtering <formatnwfilter.html>`__, `storage <formatstorage.html>`__, `storage encryption <formatstorageencryption.html>`__, `capabilities <formatcaps.html>`__, `domain capabilities <formatdomaincaps.html>`__, `storage pool capabilities <formatstoragecaps.html>`__, `node devices <formatnode.html>`__, `secrets <formatsecret.html>`__, `snapshots <formatsnapshot.html>`__, `checkpoints <formatcheckpoint.html>`__, `backup jobs <formatbackup.html>`__ `URI format <uri.html>`__ The URI formats used for connecting to libvirt `CGroups <cgroups.html>`__ Control groups integration `Drivers <drivers.html>`__ Hypervisor specific driver information `Support guarantees <support.html>`__ Details of support status for various interfaces `Driver support <hvsupport.html>`__ matrix of API support per hypervisor per release `Knowledge Base <kbase/index.html>`__ Task oriented guides to key features Project development ------------------- `Contributor guidelines <hacking.html>`__ General hacking guidelines for contributors `Docs style guide <styleguide.html>`__ Style guidelines for reStructuredText docs `Project strategy <strategy.html>`__ Sets a vision for future direction & technical choices `CI <ci.html>`__ Details on our Continuous Integration `Upstream issue handling <issue-handling.html>`__ Outlines the process of handling issues as well as describes the supported issue types along with their life cycle. `Bug reports <bugs.html>`__ How and where to report bugs and request features `Compiling <compiling.html>`__ How to compile libvirt `Goals <goals.html>`__ Terminology and goals of libvirt API `API concepts <api.html>`__ The libvirt API concepts `API extensions <api_extension.html>`__ Adding new public libvirt APIs `Testing <testing.html>`__ Details various types of testing available for libvirt `New repo setup <newreposetup.html>`__ Procedure for configuring new git repositories for libvirt `Libvirt logos <logos/index.html>`__ Libvirt logo files and guideline how to use them