# This domain will show up because of a mistake, and for that reason we # can't really pin it to a specific company or community, so here it is :) example.com # These are all domains you can get a personal email address from, so it's # fair to assume people using such addresses are contributing in their spare # time rather than on behalf of their respective employers. 126.com gmail.com gmx.com gmx.de googlemail.com hotmail.com mail.ru outlook.com pobox.com protonmail.com riseup.net web.de yahoo.com # Same as the above, but for domains that don't generally allow random # people to sign up for an email address. In this case we list the email # addresses directly rather than just the domain, because we can't really # consider the domain itself one way or the other. =@eater.me adam@pandorasboxen.com agx@sigxcpu.org alexander.nusov@nfvexpress.com andres@lagarcavilla.org andrew@interpretmath.pw asad.saeed@acidseed.com atler@pld-linux.org benoar@dolka.fr beorn@binaries.fr bigon@bigon.be bugzilla.redhat.simon@arlott.org cardoe@cardoe.com charles@dyfis.net cky@cky.nz contact@puzio.waw.pl d.herrendoerfer@herrendoerfer.name dan@danny.cz debfx@fobos.de eike@sf-mail.de exo@tty.sk fritz@fritz-elfert.de gene@czarc.net gordon@dragonsdawn.net gregor@kopka.net heathpetersen@kandre.com ibaldo@adinet.com.uy igor47@moomers.org infos@nafets.de intrigeri@boum.org jaak@ristioja.ee james410@cowgill.org.uk james@shubin.ca jasper@humppa.nl jeremy@goop.org jk@ozlabs.org jwm@horde.net klaus@ethgen.de lacos@caesar.elte.hu lenaic@lhuard.fr.eu.org libvirt@dunquino.com lists@egidy.de marti@juffo.org max@rfc2324.org michael@ellerman.id.au mike@very.puzzling.org n0ano@n0ano.com neil@aldur.co.uk nobody@nowhere.ws peter@kieser.ca pieter@hollants.com raimue@codingfarm.de richard@nod.at rmy@tigress.co.uk ruben@rubenkerkhof.com rufo@rufoa.com slawek@kaplonski.pl soulxu@soulxu-thinkpad-t410.(none) stybla@turnovfree.net tai@rakugaki.org thomas@scripty.at v.tolstov@selfip.ru ville.skytta@iki.fi vincent@bernat.im wido@widodh.nl wiedi@frubar.net wongc-redhat@hoku.net xschen@tnsoft.com.cn yurchor@ukr.net