If you think that an issue with libvirt may have security implications, please do not publically report it in the bug tracker, mailing lists, or irc. Libvirt has a dedicated process for handling (potential) security issues that should be used instead. So if your issue has security implications, ignore the rest of this page and follow the security process instead.
There are three mailing-lists:
It is recommended but not required that you subscribe before posting to the user and development lists. Posts from non-subscribers will be subject to manual moderation delays. You can subscribe at the linked web pages above.
Patches with explanations and provided as attachments are really
appreciated, and should be directed to the development mailing list
for review and discussion.
Wherever possible, please generate the patches by using
git format-patch
in a git repository clone. Further
useful information regarding developing libvirt and/or contributing is
available on our Contributor Guidelines
Some of the libvirt developers may be found on IRC on the OFTC IRC network. Use the settings:
NB There is no guarantee that someone will be watching or able to reply promptly, so use the mailing-list if you don't get an answer on the IRC channel.