/* * Copyright 2014, diateam (www.diateam.net) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see * . */ #include #include "vbox_snapshot_conf.h" #include "virerror.h" #include "viralloc.h" #include "virlog.h" #include "virstring.h" #include "virxml.h" #include #define VIR_FROM_THIS VIR_FROM_VBOX VIR_LOG_INIT("vbox.vbox_snapshot_conf"); static virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDisk * virVBoxSnapshotConfCreateVBoxSnapshotConfHardDiskPtr(xmlNodePtr diskNode, xmlXPathContextPtr xPathContext, const char *machineLocation) { virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDisk *hardDisk = NULL; xmlNodePtr *nodes = NULL; char *uuid = NULL; char **searchTabResult = NULL; int resultSize = 0; size_t i = 0; int result = -1; char *location = NULL; char *tmp = NULL; int n = 0; hardDisk = g_new0(virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDisk, 1); xPathContext->node = diskNode; n = virXPathNodeSet("./vbox:HardDisk", xPathContext, &nodes); if (n < 0) goto cleanup; if (n) hardDisk->children = g_new0(virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDisk *, n); hardDisk->nchildren = n; for (i = 0; i < hardDisk->nchildren; i++) { hardDisk->children[i] = virVBoxSnapshotConfCreateVBoxSnapshotConfHardDiskPtr(nodes[i], xPathContext, machineLocation); if (hardDisk->children[i] == NULL) goto cleanup; hardDisk->children[i]->parent = hardDisk; } uuid = virXMLPropString(diskNode, "uuid"); /* we use virStringSearch because the uuid is between brackets */ resultSize = virStringSearch(uuid, VBOX_UUID_REGEX, 1, &searchTabResult); if (resultSize != 1) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("Cannot parse 'uuid' attribute")); goto cleanup; } hardDisk->uuid = g_strdup(searchTabResult[0]); location = virXMLPropString(diskNode, "location"); if (location == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("Cannot parse 'location' attribute")); goto cleanup; } if (!g_path_is_absolute(location)) { /* The location is a relative path, so we must change it into an absolute one. */ tmp = g_strdup_printf("%s%s", machineLocation, location); hardDisk->location = g_strdup(tmp); } else { hardDisk->location = g_strdup(location); } hardDisk->format = virXMLPropString(diskNode, "format"); if (hardDisk->format == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("Cannot parse 'format' attribute")); goto cleanup; } hardDisk->type = virXMLPropString(diskNode, "type"); result = 0; cleanup: VIR_FREE(uuid); VIR_FREE(nodes); VIR_FREE(location); VIR_FREE(tmp); g_strfreev(searchTabResult); if (result < 0) { virVboxSnapshotConfHardDiskFree(hardDisk); hardDisk = NULL; } return hardDisk; } static virVBoxSnapshotConfMediaRegistry * virVBoxSnapshotConfRetrieveMediaRegistry(xmlNodePtr mediaRegistryNode, xmlXPathContextPtr xPathContext, const char *machineLocation) { virVBoxSnapshotConfMediaRegistry *mediaRegistry = NULL; xmlNodePtr hardDisksNode = NULL; xmlNodePtr *nodes = NULL; size_t i = 0; int result = -1; int n = 0; mediaRegistry = g_new0(virVBoxSnapshotConfMediaRegistry, 1); xPathContext->node = mediaRegistryNode; hardDisksNode = virXPathNode("./vbox:HardDisks", xPathContext); xPathContext->node = hardDisksNode; n = virXPathNodeSet("./vbox:HardDisk", xPathContext, &nodes); if (n < 0) goto cleanup; if (n) mediaRegistry->disks = g_new0(virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDisk *, n); mediaRegistry->ndisks = n; for (i = 0; i < mediaRegistry->ndisks; i++) { mediaRegistry->disks[i] = virVBoxSnapshotConfCreateVBoxSnapshotConfHardDiskPtr(nodes[i], xPathContext, machineLocation); if (mediaRegistry->disks[i] == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("Cannot create a vboxSnapshotXmlHardDisk")); goto cleanup; } } n = 0; VIR_FREE(nodes); xPathContext->node = mediaRegistryNode; n = virXPathNodeSet("./*[not(self::vbox:HardDisks)]", xPathContext, &nodes); if (n < 0) goto cleanup; if (n) mediaRegistry->otherMedia = g_new0(char *, n); mediaRegistry->notherMedia = n; for (i = 0; i < mediaRegistry->notherMedia; i++) { mediaRegistry->otherMedia[i] = virXMLNodeToString(mediaRegistryNode->doc, nodes[i]); } result = 0; cleanup: if (result < 0) { virVBoxSnapshotConfMediaRegistryFree(mediaRegistry); mediaRegistry = NULL; } VIR_FREE(nodes); return mediaRegistry; } static virVBoxSnapshotConfSnapshot * virVBoxSnapshotConfRetrieveSnapshot(xmlNodePtr snapshotNode, xmlXPathContextPtr xPathContext) { virVBoxSnapshotConfSnapshot *snapshot = NULL; xmlNodePtr hardwareNode = NULL; xmlNodePtr descriptionNode = NULL; xmlNodePtr storageControllerNode = NULL; xmlNodePtr snapshotsNode = NULL; xmlNodePtr *nodes = NULL; char *uuid = NULL; char **searchTabResult = NULL; int resultSize = 0; size_t i = 0; int result = -1; int n = 0; snapshot = g_new0(virVBoxSnapshotConfSnapshot, 1); uuid = virXMLPropString(snapshotNode, "uuid"); /* we use virStringSearch because the uuid is between brackets */ resultSize = virStringSearch(uuid, VBOX_UUID_REGEX, 1, &searchTabResult); if (resultSize != 1) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("Cannot parse 'uuid' attribute")); goto cleanup; } snapshot->uuid = g_strdup(searchTabResult[0]); snapshot->name = virXMLPropString(snapshotNode, "name"); if (snapshot->name == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("Cannot parse 'name' attribute")); goto cleanup; } snapshot->timeStamp = virXMLPropString(snapshotNode, "timeStamp"); if (snapshot->timeStamp == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("Cannot parse 'timeStamp' attribute")); goto cleanup; } xPathContext->node = snapshotNode; descriptionNode = virXPathNode("./vbox:Description", xPathContext); if (descriptionNode != NULL) snapshot->description = virXMLNodeToString(descriptionNode->doc, descriptionNode); hardwareNode = virXPathNode("./vbox:Hardware", xPathContext); if (hardwareNode == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("Cannot parse node")); goto cleanup; } snapshot->hardware = virXMLNodeToString(snapshotNode->doc, hardwareNode); storageControllerNode = virXPathNode("./vbox:StorageControllers", xPathContext); if (storageControllerNode == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("Cannot parse node")); goto cleanup; } snapshot->storageController = virXMLNodeToString(snapshotNode->doc, storageControllerNode); snapshotsNode = virXPathNode("./vbox:Snapshots", xPathContext); if (snapshotsNode != NULL) { xPathContext->node = snapshotsNode; n = virXPathNodeSet("./vbox:Snapshot", xPathContext, &nodes); if (n < 0) goto cleanup; if (n) snapshot->children = g_new0(virVBoxSnapshotConfSnapshot *, n); snapshot->nchildren = n; for (i = 0; i < snapshot->nchildren; i++) { snapshot->children[i] = virVBoxSnapshotConfRetrieveSnapshot(nodes[i], xPathContext); if (snapshot->children[i] == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("Cannot create a vboxSnapshotXmlSnapshotPtr")); goto cleanup; } snapshot->children[i]->parent = snapshot; } } result = 0; cleanup: if (result < 0) { virVBoxSnapshotConfSnapshotFree(snapshot); snapshot = NULL; } VIR_FREE(nodes); VIR_FREE(uuid); g_strfreev(searchTabResult); return snapshot; } virVBoxSnapshotConfSnapshot * virVBoxSnapshotConfSnapshotByName(virVBoxSnapshotConfSnapshot *snapshot, const char *snapshotName) { size_t i = 0; virVBoxSnapshotConfSnapshot *ret = NULL; if (STREQ(snapshot->name, snapshotName)) return snapshot; for (i = 0; i < snapshot->nchildren; i++) { ret = virVBoxSnapshotConfSnapshotByName(snapshot->children[i], snapshotName); if (ret != NULL) return ret; } return ret; } static virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDisk * virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDiskById(virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDisk *disk, const char *parentHardDiskId) { size_t i = 0; virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDisk *ret = NULL; if (STREQ(disk->uuid, parentHardDiskId)) return disk; for (i = 0; i < disk->nchildren; i++) { ret = virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDiskById(disk->children[i], parentHardDiskId); if (ret != NULL) return ret; } return ret; } static virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDisk * virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDiskByLocation(virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDisk *disk, const char *parentLocation) { size_t i = 0; virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDisk *ret = NULL; if (STREQ(disk->location, parentLocation)) return disk; for (i = 0; i < disk->nchildren; i++) { ret = virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDiskByLocation(disk->children[i], parentLocation); if (ret != NULL) return ret; } return ret; } static xmlNodePtr virVBoxSnapshotConfCreateHardDiskNode(virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDisk *hardDisk) { int result = -1; size_t i = 0; char *uuid = NULL; xmlNodePtr ret = virXMLNewNode(NULL, "HardDisk"); uuid = g_strdup_printf("{%s}", hardDisk->uuid); if (xmlNewProp(ret, BAD_CAST "uuid", BAD_CAST uuid) == NULL) goto cleanup; if (xmlNewProp(ret, BAD_CAST "location", BAD_CAST hardDisk->location) == NULL) goto cleanup; if (xmlNewProp(ret, BAD_CAST "format", BAD_CAST hardDisk->format) == NULL) goto cleanup; if (hardDisk->type != NULL && xmlNewProp(ret, BAD_CAST "type", BAD_CAST hardDisk->type) == NULL) goto cleanup; for (i = 0; i < hardDisk->nchildren; i++) { xmlNodePtr child = virVBoxSnapshotConfCreateHardDiskNode(hardDisk->children[i]); if (child != NULL) xmlAddChild(ret, child); } result = 0; cleanup: if (result < 0) { xmlUnlinkNode(ret); xmlFreeNode(ret); ret = NULL; } VIR_FREE(uuid); return ret; } static int virVBoxSnapshotConfSerializeSnapshot(xmlNodePtr node, virVBoxSnapshotConfSnapshot *snapshot) { int result = -1; size_t i = 0; xmlNodePtr descriptionNode = NULL; xmlNodePtr snapshotsNode = NULL; xmlNodePtr hardwareNode = NULL; xmlNodePtr storageControllerNode = NULL; xmlParserErrors parseError = XML_ERR_OK; char *uuid = NULL; char *timeStamp = NULL; char **firstRegex = NULL; int firstRegexResult = 0; char **secondRegex = NULL; int secondRegexResult = 0; uuid = g_strdup_printf("{%s}", snapshot->uuid); if (xmlNewProp(node, BAD_CAST "uuid", BAD_CAST uuid) == NULL) goto cleanup; if (xmlNewProp(node, BAD_CAST "name", BAD_CAST snapshot->name) == NULL) goto cleanup; /* We change the date format from "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.msec+timeZone" * to "yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ" */ firstRegexResult = virStringSearch(snapshot->timeStamp, "([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})", 1, &firstRegex); secondRegexResult = virStringSearch(snapshot->timeStamp, "([0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})", 1, &secondRegex); if (firstRegexResult < 1) goto cleanup; if (secondRegexResult < 1) goto cleanup; timeStamp = g_strdup_printf("%sT%sZ", firstRegex[0], secondRegex[0]); if (xmlNewProp(node, BAD_CAST "timeStamp", BAD_CAST timeStamp) == NULL) goto cleanup; /* node description */ if (snapshot->description != NULL) { descriptionNode = virXMLNewNode(NULL, "Description"); xmlNodeSetContent(descriptionNode, BAD_CAST snapshot->description); xmlAddChild(node, descriptionNode); } /* hardware */ parseError = xmlParseInNodeContext(node, snapshot->hardware, (int)strlen(snapshot->hardware), 0, &hardwareNode); if (parseError != XML_ERR_OK) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("Unable to add the snapshot hardware")); goto cleanup; } xmlAddChild(node, hardwareNode); /* storageController */ if (xmlParseInNodeContext(node, snapshot->storageController, (int)strlen(snapshot->storageController), 0, &storageControllerNode) != XML_ERR_OK) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("Unable to add the snapshot storageController")); goto cleanup; } xmlAddChild(node, storageControllerNode); if (snapshot->nchildren > 0) { snapshotsNode = virXMLNewNode(NULL, "Snapshots"); xmlAddChild(node, snapshotsNode); for (i = 0; i < snapshot->nchildren; i++) { xmlNodePtr child = virXMLNewNode(NULL, "Snapshot"); xmlAddChild(snapshotsNode, child); if (virVBoxSnapshotConfSerializeSnapshot(child, snapshot->children[i]) < 0) goto cleanup; } } result = 0; cleanup: if (result < 0) { xmlFreeNode(descriptionNode); xmlUnlinkNode(snapshotsNode); xmlFreeNode(snapshotsNode); } g_strfreev(firstRegex); g_strfreev(secondRegex); VIR_FREE(uuid); VIR_FREE(timeStamp); return result; } static size_t virVBoxSnapshotConfAllChildren(virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDisk *disk, virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDisk ***list) { size_t returnSize = 0; size_t tempSize = 0; virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDisk **ret = NULL; virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDisk **tempList = NULL; size_t i = 0; size_t j = 0; ret = g_new0(virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDisk *, 0); for (i = 0; i < disk->nchildren; i++) { tempSize = virVBoxSnapshotConfAllChildren(disk->children[i], &tempList); VIR_EXPAND_N(ret, returnSize, tempSize); for (j = 0; j < tempSize; j++) ret[returnSize - tempSize + j] = tempList[j]; VIR_FREE(tempList); } VIR_EXPAND_N(ret, returnSize, 1); ret[returnSize - 1] = disk; *list = ret; return returnSize; } void virVboxSnapshotConfHardDiskFree(virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDisk *disk) { size_t i = 0; if (!disk) return; g_free(disk->uuid); g_free(disk->location); g_free(disk->format); g_free(disk->type); for (i = 0; i < disk->nchildren; i++) virVboxSnapshotConfHardDiskFree(disk->children[i]); g_free(disk->children); g_free(disk); } void virVBoxSnapshotConfMediaRegistryFree(virVBoxSnapshotConfMediaRegistry *mediaRegistry) { size_t i = 0; if (!mediaRegistry) return; for (i = 0; i < mediaRegistry->ndisks; i++) virVboxSnapshotConfHardDiskFree(mediaRegistry->disks[i]); g_free(mediaRegistry->disks); for (i = 0; i < mediaRegistry->notherMedia; i++) g_free(mediaRegistry->otherMedia[i]); g_free(mediaRegistry->otherMedia); g_free(mediaRegistry); } void virVBoxSnapshotConfSnapshotFree(virVBoxSnapshotConfSnapshot *snapshot) { size_t i = 0; if (!snapshot) return; g_free(snapshot->uuid); g_free(snapshot->name); g_free(snapshot->timeStamp); g_free(snapshot->description); g_free(snapshot->hardware); g_free(snapshot->storageController); for (i = 0; i < snapshot->nchildren; i++) virVBoxSnapshotConfSnapshotFree(snapshot->children[i]); g_free(snapshot->children); g_free(snapshot); } void virVBoxSnapshotConfMachineFree(virVBoxSnapshotConfMachine *machine) { if (!machine) return; g_free(machine->uuid); g_free(machine->name); g_free(machine->currentSnapshot); g_free(machine->snapshotFolder); g_free(machine->lastStateChange); virVBoxSnapshotConfMediaRegistryFree(machine->mediaRegistry); g_free(machine->hardware); g_free(machine->extraData); virVBoxSnapshotConfSnapshotFree(machine->snapshot); g_free(machine->storageController); g_free(machine); } #define VBOX_SETTINGS_NS "http://www.innotek.de/VirtualBox-settings" /* *vboxSnapshotLoadVboxFile: Create a vboxSnapshotXmlMachinePtr from a VirtualBoxl xml file. *return an initialized vboxSnapshotXmlMachinePtr on success *return NULL on failure *filePath must not be NULL. */ virVBoxSnapshotConfMachine * virVBoxSnapshotConfLoadVboxFile(const char *filePath, const char *machineLocation) { int ret = -1; virVBoxSnapshotConfMachine *machineDescription = NULL; xmlDocPtr xml = NULL; xmlNodePtr machineNode = NULL; xmlNodePtr cur = NULL; xmlXPathContextPtr xPathContext = NULL; char *currentStateModifiedString = NULL; char **searchResultTab = NULL; ssize_t searchResultSize = 0; char *currentSnapshotAttribute = NULL; if (filePath == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("Filepath is Null")); goto cleanup; } machineDescription = g_new0(virVBoxSnapshotConfMachine, 1); xml = virXMLParse(filePath, NULL, NULL); if (xml == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("Unable to parse the xml")); goto cleanup; } if (!(xPathContext = virXMLXPathContextNew(xml))) goto cleanup; if (xmlXPathRegisterNs(xPathContext, BAD_CAST "vbox", BAD_CAST VBOX_SETTINGS_NS) < 0) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, _("Failed to register xml namespace '%s'"), VBOX_SETTINGS_NS); goto cleanup; } /* Retrieve MachineNode */ cur = xmlDocGetRootElement(xml); xPathContext->node = cur; machineNode = virXPathNode("./vbox:Machine", xPathContext); if (machineNode == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("Cannot parse node")); goto cleanup; } machineDescription->uuid = virXMLPropString(machineNode, "uuid"); if (machineDescription->uuid == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("Cannot parse 'uuid' attribute")); goto cleanup; } machineDescription->name = virXMLPropString(machineNode, "name"); if (machineDescription->name == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("Cannot parse 'name' attribute")); goto cleanup; } currentSnapshotAttribute = virXMLPropString(machineNode, "currentSnapshot"); if (currentSnapshotAttribute != NULL) { /* we use virStringSearch because the uuid is between brackets */ searchResultSize = virStringSearch(currentSnapshotAttribute, VBOX_UUID_REGEX, 1, &searchResultTab); if (searchResultSize != 1) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("Cannot parse 'currentSnapshot' attribute")); goto cleanup; } machineDescription->currentSnapshot = g_strdup(searchResultTab[0]); } machineDescription->snapshotFolder = virXMLPropString(machineNode, "snapshotFolder"); if (machineDescription->snapshotFolder == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("Cannot parse 'snapshotFolder' attribute")); goto cleanup; } currentStateModifiedString = virXMLPropString(machineNode, "currentStateModified"); if (currentStateModifiedString != NULL && STREQ(currentStateModifiedString, "true")) { machineDescription->currentStateModified = 1; } else { machineDescription->currentStateModified = 0; } machineDescription->lastStateChange = virXMLPropString(machineNode, "lastStateChange"); if (machineDescription->lastStateChange == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("Cannot parse 'lastStateChange' attribute")); goto cleanup; } xPathContext->node = machineNode; cur = virXPathNode("./vbox:Hardware", xPathContext); if (cur == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("Cannot parse node")); goto cleanup; } machineDescription->hardware = virXMLNodeToString(xml, cur); cur = virXPathNode("./vbox:ExtraData", xPathContext); if (cur) machineDescription->extraData = virXMLNodeToString(xml, cur); cur = virXPathNode("./vbox:StorageControllers", xPathContext); if (cur == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("Cannot parse node")); goto cleanup; } machineDescription->storageController = virXMLNodeToString(xml, cur); /* retrieve mediaRegistry */ cur = virXPathNode("./vbox:MediaRegistry", xPathContext); if (cur == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("Cannot parse node")); goto cleanup; } machineDescription->mediaRegistry = virVBoxSnapshotConfRetrieveMediaRegistry(cur, xPathContext, machineLocation); if (machineDescription->mediaRegistry == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("Unable to create media registry")); goto cleanup; } /* retrieve snapshot */ xPathContext->node = machineNode; cur = virXPathNode("./vbox:Snapshot", xPathContext); if (cur != NULL) { machineDescription->snapshot = virVBoxSnapshotConfRetrieveSnapshot(cur, xPathContext); if (!machineDescription->snapshot) goto cleanup; } ret = 0; cleanup: xmlXPathFreeContext(xPathContext); xmlFreeDoc(xml); VIR_FREE(currentStateModifiedString); VIR_FREE(currentSnapshotAttribute); g_strfreev(searchResultTab); if (ret < 0) { virVBoxSnapshotConfMachineFree(machineDescription); machineDescription = NULL; } return machineDescription; } /* *addSnapshotToXmlMachine: Add a vboxSnapshotXmlSnapshotPtr to a vboxSnapshotXmlMachinePtr. *If 'snapshotParentName' is not NULL, the snapshot whose name is 'snapshotParentName' *becomes the snapshot parent. *return 0 on success *return -1 on failure */ int virVBoxSnapshotConfAddSnapshotToXmlMachine(virVBoxSnapshotConfSnapshot *snapshot, virVBoxSnapshotConfMachine *machine, const char *snapshotParentName) { virVBoxSnapshotConfSnapshot *parentSnapshot = NULL; if (snapshot == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("Snapshot is Null")); return -1; } if (machine == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("Machine is Null")); return -1; } /* If parent is NULL and the machine has no snapshot yet, * it means that the added snapshot is the first snapshot */ if (snapshotParentName == NULL) { if (machine->snapshot != NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("Unable to add this snapshot, there is already a snapshot " "linked to the machine")); return -1; } machine->snapshot = snapshot; return 0; } else { if (machine->snapshot == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("The machine has no snapshot and it should have it")); return -1; } parentSnapshot = virVBoxSnapshotConfSnapshotByName(machine->snapshot, snapshotParentName); if (parentSnapshot == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, _("Unable to find the snapshot %s"), snapshotParentName); return -1; } VIR_EXPAND_N(parentSnapshot->children, parentSnapshot->nchildren, 1); parentSnapshot->children[parentSnapshot->nchildren - 1] = snapshot; } return 0; } /* *addHardDisksToMediaRegistry: Add a vboxSnapshotXmlHardDiskPtr to the registry as a *child of the disk whose uuid is 'parentHardDiskId'. *return 0 on success *return -1 on failure */ int virVBoxSnapshotConfAddHardDiskToMediaRegistry(virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDisk *hardDisk, virVBoxSnapshotConfMediaRegistry *mediaRegistry, const char *parentHardDiskId) { size_t i = 0; virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDisk *parentDisk = NULL; if (hardDisk == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("Hard disk is null")); return -1; } if (mediaRegistry == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("Media Registry is null")); return -1; } for (i = 0; i < mediaRegistry->ndisks; i++) { parentDisk = virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDiskById(mediaRegistry->disks[i], parentHardDiskId); if (parentDisk != NULL) break; } if (parentDisk == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("Unable to get the parent disk")); return -1; } /* Hard disk found */ VIR_EXPAND_N(parentDisk->children, parentDisk->nchildren, 1); parentDisk->children[parentDisk->nchildren - 1] = hardDisk; if (hardDisk->parent == NULL) hardDisk->parent = parentDisk; return 0; } /* *removeSnapshot: Remove the vboxSnapshotXmlSnapshotPtr whose name is 'snapshotName' *from a vboxSnapshotXmlMachinePtr. *return 0 on success *return -1 on failure */ int virVBoxSnapshotConfRemoveSnapshot(virVBoxSnapshotConfMachine *machine, const char *snapshotName) { size_t i = 0; virVBoxSnapshotConfSnapshot *snapshot = NULL; virVBoxSnapshotConfSnapshot *parentSnapshot = NULL; if (machine == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("machine is null")); return -1; } if (snapshotName == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("snapshotName is null")); return -1; } if (machine->snapshot == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("the machine has no snapshot")); return -1; } snapshot = virVBoxSnapshotConfSnapshotByName(machine->snapshot, snapshotName); if (snapshot == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, _("Unable to find the snapshot with name %s"), snapshotName); return -1; } if (snapshot->nchildren > 0) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("This snapshot has children, " "please delete these snapshots before")); return -1; } if (snapshot->parent == NULL) { if (machine->snapshot != snapshot) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("You are trying to remove a snapshot which does not exists")); return -1; } machine->snapshot = NULL; virVBoxSnapshotConfSnapshotFree(snapshot); return 0; } parentSnapshot = g_steal_pointer(&snapshot->parent); while (i < parentSnapshot->nchildren && parentSnapshot->children[i] != snapshot) ++i; if (VIR_DELETE_ELEMENT(parentSnapshot->children, i, parentSnapshot->nchildren) < 0) return -1; return 0; } /* *removeHardDisk: Remove the vboxSnapshotXmlHardDiskPtr whose uuid is 'uuid' from a *vboxSnapshotXmlMediaRegistryPtr. The hard disk must not have any children. *return 0 on success *return -1 on failure */ int virVBoxSnapshotConfRemoveHardDisk(virVBoxSnapshotConfMediaRegistry *mediaRegistry, const char *uuid) { size_t i = 0; virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDisk *hardDisk = NULL; virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDisk *parentHardDisk = NULL; if (mediaRegistry == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("Media registry is null")); return -1; } if (uuid == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("Uuid is null")); return -1; } for (i = 0; i < mediaRegistry->ndisks; i++) { hardDisk = virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDiskById(mediaRegistry->disks[i], uuid); if (hardDisk != NULL) break; } if (hardDisk == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, _("Unable to find the hard disk with uuid %s"), uuid); return -1; } if (hardDisk->parent == NULL) { /* it means that the hard disk is in 'root' */ for (i = 0; i < mediaRegistry->ndisks; i++) { if (hardDisk == mediaRegistry->disks[i]) break; } if (VIR_DELETE_ELEMENT(mediaRegistry->disks, i, mediaRegistry->ndisks) < 0) return -1; return 0; } parentHardDisk = g_steal_pointer(&hardDisk->parent); i = 0; while (i < parentHardDisk->nchildren && parentHardDisk->children[i] != hardDisk) ++i; if (VIR_DELETE_ELEMENT(parentHardDisk->children, i, parentHardDisk->nchildren) < 0) return -1; return 0; } /*vboxSnapshotSaveVboxFile: Create a VirtualBox XML file from a vboxSnapshotXmlMachinePtr. *The file is saved at 'filePath'. *return 0 on success *return -1 on failure */ int virVBoxSnapshotConfSaveVboxFile(virVBoxSnapshotConfMachine *machine, const char *filePath) { int ret = -1; size_t i = 0; xmlDocPtr xml = NULL; xmlNodePtr mediaRegistryNode = NULL; xmlNodePtr snapshotNode = NULL; xmlNodePtr machineNode = NULL; xmlNodePtr hardDisksNode = NULL; xmlNodePtr cur = NULL; xmlParserErrors parseError = XML_ERR_OK; char *currentSnapshot = NULL; char *timeStamp = NULL; char **firstRegex = NULL; int firstRegexResult = 0; char **secondRegex = NULL; int secondRegexResult = 0; if (machine == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("Machine is null")); goto cleanup; } if (filePath == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("Filepath is null")); goto cleanup; } xml = xmlNewDoc(BAD_CAST "1.0"); if (!xml) abort(); cur = virXMLNewNode(NULL, "VirtualBox"); if (!xmlNewProp(cur, BAD_CAST "version", BAD_CAST "1.12-linux")) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("Error in xmlNewProp")); goto cleanup; } if (xmlNewProp(cur, BAD_CAST "xmlns", BAD_CAST VBOX_SETTINGS_NS) == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("Error in xmlNewProp")); goto cleanup; } xmlDocSetRootElement(xml, cur); cur = xmlNewDocComment(xml, BAD_CAST "WARNING: THIS IS AN AUTO-GENERATED FILE. CHANGES TO IT ARE LIKELY TO BE\n" "OVERWRITTEN AND LOST.\n" "Changes to this xml configuration should be made using Virtualbox\n" "or other application using the libvirt API"); if (!cur) abort(); if (!xmlAddPrevSibling(xmlDocGetRootElement(xml), cur)) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("Error in xmlAddPrevSibling")); goto cleanup; } machineNode = virXMLNewNode(NULL, "Machine"); if (!xmlNewProp(machineNode, BAD_CAST "uuid", BAD_CAST machine->uuid)) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("Error in xmlNewProp")); goto cleanup; } if (!xmlNewProp(machineNode, BAD_CAST "name", BAD_CAST machine->name)) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("Error in xmlNewProp")); goto cleanup; } if (machine->currentSnapshot != NULL) { currentSnapshot = g_strdup_printf("{%s}", machine->currentSnapshot); if (!xmlNewProp(machineNode, BAD_CAST "currentSnapshot", BAD_CAST currentSnapshot)) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("Error in xmlNewProp")); goto cleanup; } } if (!xmlNewProp(machineNode, BAD_CAST "snapshotFolder", BAD_CAST machine->snapshotFolder)) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("Error in xmlNewProp")); goto cleanup; } if (!xmlNewProp(machineNode, BAD_CAST "currentStateModified", BAD_CAST(machine->currentStateModified == 0 ? "false" : "true"))) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("Error in xmlNewProp")); goto cleanup; } if (!xmlNewProp(machineNode, BAD_CAST "OSType", BAD_CAST "Other")) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("Error in xmlNewProp")); goto cleanup; } firstRegexResult = virStringSearch(machine->lastStateChange, "([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})", 1, &firstRegex); secondRegexResult = virStringSearch(machine->lastStateChange, "([0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})", 1, &secondRegex); if (firstRegexResult < 1) goto cleanup; if (secondRegexResult < 1) goto cleanup; timeStamp = g_strdup_printf("%sT%sZ", firstRegex[0], secondRegex[0]); if (!xmlNewProp(machineNode, BAD_CAST "lastStateChange", BAD_CAST timeStamp)) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("Error in xmlNewProp")); goto cleanup; } xmlAddChild(xmlDocGetRootElement(xml), machineNode); mediaRegistryNode = virXMLNewNode(NULL, "MediaRegistry"); xmlAddChild(machineNode, mediaRegistryNode); for (i = 0; i < machine->mediaRegistry->notherMedia; i++) { parseError = xmlParseInNodeContext(mediaRegistryNode, machine->mediaRegistry->otherMedia[i], (int)strlen(machine->mediaRegistry->otherMedia[i]), 0, &cur); if (parseError != XML_ERR_OK) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("Unable to add media registry other media")); goto cleanup; } xmlAddChild(mediaRegistryNode, cur); } hardDisksNode = virXMLNewNode(NULL, "HardDisks"); for (i = 0; i < machine->mediaRegistry->ndisks; i++) { xmlNodePtr child = virVBoxSnapshotConfCreateHardDiskNode(machine->mediaRegistry->disks[i]); if (child != NULL) xmlAddChild(hardDisksNode, child); } xmlAddChild(mediaRegistryNode, hardDisksNode); parseError = xmlParseInNodeContext(machineNode, machine->hardware, (int)strlen(machine->hardware), 0, &cur); if (parseError != XML_ERR_OK) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("Unable to add hardware machine")); goto cleanup; } xmlAddChild(machineNode, cur); if (machine->extraData != NULL) { parseError = xmlParseInNodeContext(xmlDocGetRootElement(xml), machine->extraData, (int)strlen(machine->extraData), 0, &cur); if (parseError != XML_ERR_OK) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("Unable to add extra data")); goto cleanup; } xmlAddChild(machineNode, cur); } parseError = xmlParseInNodeContext(machineNode, machine->storageController, (int)strlen(machine->storageController), 0, &cur); if (parseError != XML_ERR_OK) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("Unable to add storage controller")); goto cleanup; } xmlAddChild(machineNode, cur); if (machine->snapshot != NULL) { snapshotNode = virXMLNewNode(NULL, "Snapshot"); xmlAddChild(machineNode, snapshotNode); if (virVBoxSnapshotConfSerializeSnapshot(snapshotNode, machine->snapshot) < 0) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("Failed to serialize snapshot")); goto cleanup; } } if (xmlSaveFormatFileEnc(filePath, xml, "ISO-8859-1", 1) < 0) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("Unable to save the xml")); goto cleanup; } ret = 0; cleanup: VIR_FREE(currentSnapshot); VIR_FREE(timeStamp); xmlUnlinkNode(hardDisksNode); xmlFreeNode(hardDisksNode); xmlUnlinkNode(mediaRegistryNode); xmlFreeNode(mediaRegistryNode); xmlUnlinkNode(snapshotNode); xmlFreeNode(snapshotNode); xmlUnlinkNode(cur); xmlFreeNode(cur); xmlUnlinkNode(machineNode); xmlFreeNode(machineNode); xmlFreeDoc(xml); g_strfreev(firstRegex); g_strfreev(secondRegex); return ret; } /* *isCurrentSnapshot: Return 1 if 'snapshotName' corresponds to the *vboxSnapshotXmlMachinePtr's current snapshot, return 0 otherwise. */ int virVBoxSnapshotConfIsCurrentSnapshot(virVBoxSnapshotConfMachine *machine, const char *snapshotName) { virVBoxSnapshotConfSnapshot *snapshot = NULL; if (machine == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("Machine is null")); return 0; } if (snapshotName == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("snapshotName is null")); return 0; } snapshot = virVBoxSnapshotConfSnapshotByName(machine->snapshot, snapshotName); if (snapshot == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_NO_DOMAIN_SNAPSHOT, _("Unable to find the snapshot %s"), snapshotName); return 0; } return STREQ(snapshot->uuid, machine->currentSnapshot); } /* *getRWDisksPathsFromLibvirtXML: Parse a libvirt XML snapshot file, allocates and *fills a list of read-write disk paths. *return array length on success, -1 on failure. */ int virVBoxSnapshotConfGetRWDisksPathsFromLibvirtXML(const char *filePath, char ***rwDisksPath) { int result = -1; size_t i = 0; char **ret = NULL; xmlDocPtr xml = NULL; xmlXPathContextPtr xPathContext = NULL; xmlNodePtr *nodes = NULL; int nodeSize = 0; *rwDisksPath = NULL; if (filePath == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("filePath is null")); goto cleanup; } xml = virXMLParse(filePath, NULL, NULL); if (xml == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("Unable to parse the xml")); goto cleanup; } if (!(xPathContext = virXMLXPathContextNew(xml))) goto cleanup; xPathContext->node = xmlDocGetRootElement(xml); if ((nodeSize = virXPathNodeSet("/domainsnapshot/disks/disk", xPathContext, &nodes)) < 0) goto cleanup; ret = g_new0(char *, nodeSize); for (i = 0; i < nodeSize; i++) { xmlNodePtr node = nodes[i]; xmlNodePtr sourceNode; xPathContext->node = node; sourceNode = virXPathNode("./source", xPathContext); if (sourceNode) ret[i] = virXMLPropString(sourceNode, "file"); } result = 0; cleanup: xmlFreeDoc(xml); xmlXPathFreeContext(xPathContext); if (result < 0) { g_strfreev(ret); nodeSize = -1; } else { *rwDisksPath = ret; } VIR_FREE(nodes); return nodeSize; } /* *getRODisksPathsFromLibvirtXML: *Parse a libvirt XML snapshot file, allocates and fills *a list of read-only disk paths (the parents of the read-write disks). *return array length on success, -1 on failure. */ int virVBoxSnapshotConfGetRODisksPathsFromLibvirtXML(const char *filePath, char ***roDisksPath) { int result = -1; size_t i = 0; char **ret = NULL; xmlDocPtr xml = NULL; xmlXPathContextPtr xPathContext = NULL; xmlNodePtr *nodes = NULL; int nodeSize = 0; if (filePath == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s", _("filePath is null")); goto cleanup; } xml = virXMLParse(filePath, NULL, NULL); if (xml == NULL) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_XML_ERROR, "%s", _("Unable to parse the xml")); goto cleanup; } if (!(xPathContext = virXMLXPathContextNew(xml))) goto cleanup; xPathContext->node = xmlDocGetRootElement(xml); if ((nodeSize = virXPathNodeSet("/domainsnapshot/domain/devices/disk", xPathContext, &nodes)) < 0) goto cleanup; ret = g_new0(char *, nodeSize); for (i = 0; i < nodeSize; i++) { xmlNodePtr node = nodes[i]; xmlNodePtr sourceNode; xPathContext->node = node; sourceNode = virXPathNode("./source", xPathContext); if (sourceNode) ret[i] = virXMLPropString(sourceNode, "file"); } result = 0; cleanup: xmlFreeDoc(xml); xmlXPathFreeContext(xPathContext); if (result < 0) { g_strfreev(ret); nodeSize = -1; } else { *roDisksPath = ret; } VIR_FREE(nodes); return nodeSize; } /* *hardDiskUuidByLocation: Return the uuid of the hard disk whose location is 'location' *return a valid uuid, or NULL on failure */ const char * virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDiskUuidByLocation(virVBoxSnapshotConfMachine *machine, const char *location) { size_t i = 0; virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDisk *hardDisk = NULL; for (i = 0; i < machine->mediaRegistry->ndisks; i++) { hardDisk = virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDiskByLocation(machine->mediaRegistry->disks[i], location); if (hardDisk != NULL) break; } if (hardDisk == NULL) return NULL; return hardDisk->uuid; } /*Retrieve the whole ancestry of the vboxSnapshotXmlHardDiskPtr whose location is *'location', and store them in a newly allocated list of vboxSnapshotXmlHardDiskPtr. *This list begins with the requested disk, and ends with the farthest ancestor. *return array length on success, -1 on failure.*/ size_t virVBoxSnapshotConfDiskListToOpen(virVBoxSnapshotConfMachine *machine, virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDisk ***hardDiskToOpen, const char *location) { size_t i = 0; size_t returnSize = 0; virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDisk **ret = NULL; virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDisk *hardDisk = NULL; for (i = 0; i < machine->mediaRegistry->ndisks; i++) { hardDisk = virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDiskByLocation(machine->mediaRegistry->disks[i], location); if (hardDisk != NULL) break; } if (hardDisk == NULL) return 0; ret = g_new0(virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDisk *, 1); returnSize = 1; ret[returnSize - 1] = hardDisk; while (hardDisk->parent != NULL) { VIR_EXPAND_N(ret, returnSize, 1); ret[returnSize - 1] = hardDisk->parent; hardDisk = hardDisk->parent; } *hardDiskToOpen = ret; return returnSize; } /* *removeFakeDisks: Remove all fake disks from the machine's mediaRegistry *return 0 on success *return -1 on failure */ int virVBoxSnapshotConfRemoveFakeDisks(virVBoxSnapshotConfMachine *machine) { int ret = -1; size_t i = 0; size_t j = 0; size_t tempSize = 0; size_t diskSize = 0; virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDisk **tempList = NULL; virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDisk **diskList = NULL; diskList = g_new0(virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDisk *, 0); for (i = 0; i < machine->mediaRegistry->ndisks; i++) { tempSize = virVBoxSnapshotConfAllChildren(machine->mediaRegistry->disks[i], &tempList); VIR_EXPAND_N(diskList, diskSize, tempSize); for (j = 0; j < tempSize; j++) diskList[diskSize - tempSize + j] = tempList[j]; VIR_FREE(tempList); } for (i = 0; i < diskSize; i++) { if (strstr(diskList[i]->location, "fake") != NULL) { if (virVBoxSnapshotConfRemoveHardDisk(machine->mediaRegistry, diskList[i]->uuid) < 0) { virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, _("Unable to remove hard disk %s from media registry"), diskList[i]->location); goto cleanup; } } } ret = 0; cleanup: VIR_FREE(diskList); VIR_FREE(tempList); return ret; } /* *diskIsInMediaRegistry: Check if the media registry contains the disk whose location is 'location'. *return 0 if the disk is not in the media registry *return 1 if the disk is in the media registry *return -1 on failure */ int virVBoxSnapshotConfDiskIsInMediaRegistry(virVBoxSnapshotConfMachine *machine, const char *location) { int ret = -1; size_t i = 0; size_t j = 0; size_t tempSize = 0; size_t diskSize = 0; virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDisk **tempList = NULL; virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDisk **diskList = NULL; diskList = g_new0(virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDisk *, 0); for (i = 0; i < machine->mediaRegistry->ndisks; i++) { tempSize = virVBoxSnapshotConfAllChildren(machine->mediaRegistry->disks[i], &tempList); VIR_EXPAND_N(diskList, diskSize, tempSize); for (j = 0; j < tempSize; j++) diskList[diskSize - tempSize + j] = tempList[j]; VIR_FREE(tempList); } for (i = 0; i < diskSize; i++) { if (STREQ(diskList[i]->location, location)) { ret = 1; goto cleanup; } } ret = 0; cleanup: VIR_FREE(diskList); VIR_FREE(tempList); return ret; } /* *hardDisksPtrByLocation: Return a vboxSnapshotXmlHardDiskPtr whose location is 'location' */ virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDisk * virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDiskPtrByLocation(virVBoxSnapshotConfMachine *machine, const char *location) { int it = 0; virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDisk *disk = NULL; for (it = 0; it < machine->mediaRegistry->ndisks; it++) { disk = virVBoxSnapshotConfHardDiskByLocation(machine->mediaRegistry->disks[it], location); if (disk != NULL) break; } return disk; }