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p.image {
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span.since {
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span.removed {
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img.diagram {
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table tbody td.n {
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.api table tr td:hover {
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dl.variablelist > dt {
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dl.variablelist > dt:after {
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h2:hover > a.headerlink,
h3:hover > a.headerlink,
h4:hover > a.headerlink,
h5:hover > a.headerlink,
h6:hover > a.headerlink {
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div.panel h2,
#knowledge-base .section h1 {
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#docs.document h1 {
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br.clear {
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#conduct a {
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    color: rgb(60, 133, 124);

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div.panel dd,
#knowledge-base dd {
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div.panel a,
#knowledge-base a {
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div.panel ul,
div.panel p,
div.panel dl,
#knowledge-base ul,
#knowledge-base p,
#knowledge-base dl {
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div.panel ul,
#knowledge-base ul {
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div.panel dt,
#knowledge-base dt {
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div.panel dd,
#knowledge-base dd {
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dl.mail dt {
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dl.mail dt a {
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dl.mail dt a:hover {
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td.enumvalue {
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/* Use div.advancedsearch, not #advancedsearch because the
 * 'advancedsearch' class is set dynamically when javascript
 * loads. This ensures that the advancedsearch options are
 * not displayed when javascript is disabled.
#search:hover div.advancedsearch {
    display: table;

#advancedsearch span {
    display: block;

#advancedsearch input[type=radio] {
    height: inherit;
    display: inline;

#advancedsearch label {
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.removedhv {
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    background: #eeeeee;

.contents li p {
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td.gitmirror {
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    font-style: italic;

td.gitmirror a {
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th p, td p {
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/* Elements with id 'contents' contain the table of contents generated by docutils */

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    padding: 0.5em;
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    display: inline-block;
    border: 1px solid #999999;

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    display: none;