========================= Using Clangd with Libvirt ========================= `clangd <https://clangd.llvm.org/>`__ is an implementation of the `language server protocol <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Language_Server_Protocol>`__ for C and C++. When paired with an LSP-compatible editor or IDE (e.g. emacs, vim, vscode), ``clangd`` can helpful when working with libvirt's C sources e.g. navigating the code base. Whilst other C LSPs are available, ``clangd`` should work correctly with the libvirt because clang is a supported compiler for libvirt, and ``clangd`` is part of the same code base as clang. If clang is the default compiler on your system, then ``clangd`` can be used as soon as ``meson setup`` has been run. If gcc is your build environment's default compiler, then additional steps are required to use ``clangd``: ``clangd`` looks for a ``compile_commands.json`` file in the top level directory of the project and also in the ``build/`` subdirectory to discover which include paths, compiler flags etc. should be used when it parses each source file. Meson creates a ``compile_commands.json`` in the build directory. Meson defaults to the system's default C compiler. When the default compiler is gcc, its ``compile_commands.json`` output cannot be used with ``clangd`` due to differences in compiler invocation flags when building libvirt. Create a separate build directory with a ``clangd`` compatible ``compile_commands.json`` as follows: :: CC=clang CXX=clang++ meson setup build-clang There are a small number of source files that are generated as part of the build process. In order to navigate this generated source code, you should also execute a build in this directory: :: ninja -C build-clang Point ``clangd`` (v12 or later) at the correct ``compile_commands.json`` by placing the following into a ``.clangd`` file in the root of the project: :: --- CompileFlags: CompilationDatabase: "build-clang" Please note that if you are not using clang for your daily development, the ``build-clang`` directory can get out of sync with the current state of the project over time. When you update your git checkout, new files may be added or configuration options changed and ``clangd`` may start to behave unpredictably. In this case, you will need to update your compilation database by doing a new build in the ``build-clang`` directory. This should allow clangd to work reliably again.