/* * Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Red Hat, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see * . * * Author: Daniel P. Berrange */ #include #include #include "testutils.h" #include "virerror.h" #include "viralloc.h" #include "virfile.h" #include "virlog.h" #include "virstring.h" #define VIR_FROM_THIS VIR_FROM_NONE struct testSplitData { const char *string; const char *delim; size_t max_tokens; const char **tokens; }; struct testJoinData { const char *string; const char *delim; const char **tokens; }; static int testSplit(const void *args) { const struct testSplitData *data = args; char **got; char **tmp1; const char **tmp2; int ret = -1; if (!(got = virStringSplit(data->string, data->delim, data->max_tokens))) { VIR_DEBUG("Got no tokens at all"); return -1; } tmp1 = got; tmp2 = data->tokens; while (*tmp1 && *tmp2) { if (STRNEQ(*tmp1, *tmp2)) { virFilePrintf(stderr, "Mismatch '%s' vs '%s'\n", *tmp1, *tmp2); goto cleanup; } tmp1++; tmp2++; } if (*tmp1) { virFilePrintf(stderr, "Too many pieces returned\n"); goto cleanup; } if (*tmp2) { virFilePrintf(stderr, "Too few pieces returned\n"); goto cleanup; } ret = 0; cleanup: virStringFreeList(got); return ret; } static int testJoin(const void *args) { const struct testJoinData *data = args; char *got; int ret = -1; if (!(got = virStringJoin(data->tokens, data->delim))) { VIR_DEBUG("Got no result"); return -1; } if (STRNEQ(got, data->string)) { virFilePrintf(stderr, "Mismatch '%s' vs '%s'\n", got, data->string); goto cleanup; } ret = 0; cleanup: VIR_FREE(got); return ret; } static bool fail; static const char * testStrdupLookup1(size_t i) { switch (i) { case 0: return "hello"; case 1: return NULL; default: fail = true; return "oops"; } } static size_t testStrdupLookup2(size_t i) { if (i) fail = true; return 5; } static int testStrdup(const void *data ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) { char *array[] = { NULL, NULL }; size_t i = 0; size_t j = 0; size_t k = 0; int ret = -1; int value; value = VIR_STRDUP(array[i++], testStrdupLookup1(j++)); if (value != 1) { virFilePrintf(stderr, "unexpected strdup result %d, expected 1\n", value); goto cleanup; } if (i != 1) { virFilePrintf(stderr, "unexpected side effects i=%zu, expected 1\n", i); goto cleanup; } if (j != 1) { virFilePrintf(stderr, "unexpected side effects j=%zu, expected 1\n", j); goto cleanup; } if (STRNEQ_NULLABLE(array[0], "hello") || array[1]) { virFilePrintf(stderr, "incorrect array contents '%s' '%s'\n", NULLSTR(array[0]), NULLSTR(array[1])); goto cleanup; } value = VIR_STRNDUP(array[i++], testStrdupLookup1(j++), testStrdupLookup2(k++)); if (value != 0) { virFilePrintf(stderr, "unexpected strdup result %d, expected 0\n", value); goto cleanup; } if (i != 2) { virFilePrintf(stderr, "unexpected side effects i=%zu, expected 2\n", i); goto cleanup; } if (j != 2) { virFilePrintf(stderr, "unexpected side effects j=%zu, expected 2\n", j); goto cleanup; } if (k != 1) { virFilePrintf(stderr, "unexpected side effects k=%zu, expected 1\n", k); goto cleanup; } if (STRNEQ_NULLABLE(array[0], "hello") || array[1]) { virFilePrintf(stderr, "incorrect array contents '%s' '%s'\n", NULLSTR(array[0]), NULLSTR(array[1])); goto cleanup; } if (fail) { virFilePrintf(stderr, "side effects failed\n"); goto cleanup; } ret = 0; cleanup: for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_CARDINALITY(array); i++) VIR_FREE(array[i]); return ret; } static int testStrndupNegative(const void *opaque ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) { int ret = -1; char *dst; const char *src = "Hello world"; int value; if ((value = VIR_STRNDUP(dst, src, 5)) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "unexpected virStrndup result %d, expected 1\n", value); goto cleanup; } if (STRNEQ_NULLABLE(dst, "Hello")) { fprintf(stderr, "unexpected content '%s'", dst); goto cleanup; } VIR_FREE(dst); if ((value = VIR_STRNDUP(dst, src, -1)) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "unexpected virStrndup result %d, expected 1\n", value); goto cleanup; } if (STRNEQ_NULLABLE(dst, src)) { fprintf(stderr, "unexpected content '%s'", dst); goto cleanup; } ret = 0; cleanup: VIR_FREE(dst); return ret; } static int testStringSortCompare(const void *opaque ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) { const char *randlist[] = { "tasty", "astro", "goat", "chicken", "turducken", }; const char *randrlist[] = { "tasty", "astro", "goat", "chicken", "turducken", }; const char *sortlist[] = { "astro", "chicken", "goat", "tasty", "turducken", }; const char *sortrlist[] = { "turducken", "tasty", "goat", "chicken", "astro", }; int ret = -1; size_t i; qsort(randlist, ARRAY_CARDINALITY(randlist), sizeof(randlist[0]), virStringSortCompare); qsort(randrlist, ARRAY_CARDINALITY(randrlist), sizeof(randrlist[0]), virStringSortRevCompare); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_CARDINALITY(randlist); i++) { if (STRNEQ(randlist[i], sortlist[i])) { fprintf(stderr, "sortlist[%zu] '%s' != randlist[%zu] '%s'\n", i, sortlist[i], i, randlist[i]); goto cleanup; } if (STRNEQ(randrlist[i], sortrlist[i])) { fprintf(stderr, "sortrlist[%zu] '%s' != randrlist[%zu] '%s'\n", i, sortrlist[i], i, randrlist[i]); goto cleanup; } } ret = 0; cleanup: return ret; } struct stringSearchData { const char *str; const char *regexp; size_t maxMatches; size_t expectNMatches; const char **expectMatches; bool expectError; }; static int testStringSearch(const void *opaque ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) { const struct stringSearchData *data = opaque; char **matches = NULL; ssize_t nmatches; int ret = -1; nmatches = virStringSearch(data->str, data->regexp, data->maxMatches, &matches); if (data->expectError) { if (nmatches != -1) { fprintf(stderr, "expected error on %s but got %zd matches\n", data->str, nmatches); goto cleanup; } } else { size_t i; if (nmatches < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "expected %zu matches on %s but got error\n", data->expectNMatches, data->str); goto cleanup; } if (nmatches != data->expectNMatches) { fprintf(stderr, "expected %zu matches on %s but got %zd\n", data->expectNMatches, data->str, nmatches); goto cleanup; } if (virStringListLength(matches) != nmatches) { fprintf(stderr, "expected %zu matches on %s but got %zd matches\n", data->expectNMatches, data->str, virStringListLength(matches)); goto cleanup; } for (i = 0; i < nmatches; i++) { if (STRNEQ(matches[i], data->expectMatches[i])) { fprintf(stderr, "match %zu expected '%s' but got '%s'\n", i, data->expectMatches[i], matches[i]); goto cleanup; } } } ret = 0; cleanup: virStringFreeList(matches); return ret; } struct stringReplaceData { const char *haystack; const char *oldneedle; const char *newneedle; const char *result; }; static int testStringReplace(const void *opaque ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) { const struct stringReplaceData *data = opaque; char *result; int ret = -1; result = virStringReplace(data->haystack, data->oldneedle, data->newneedle); if (STRNEQ_NULLABLE(data->result, result)) { fprintf(stderr, "Expected '%s' but got '%s'\n", data->result, NULLSTR(result)); goto cleanup; } ret = 0; cleanup: VIR_FREE(result); return ret; } static int mymain(void) { int ret = 0; #define TEST_SPLIT(str, del, max, toks) \ do { \ struct testSplitData splitData = { \ .string = str, \ .delim = del, \ .max_tokens = max, \ .tokens = toks, \ }; \ struct testJoinData joinData = { \ .string = str, \ .delim = del, \ .tokens = toks, \ }; \ if (virtTestRun("Split " #str, testSplit, &splitData) < 0) \ ret = -1; \ if (virtTestRun("Join " #str, testJoin, &joinData) < 0) \ ret = -1; \ } while (0) const char *tokens1[] = { NULL }; TEST_SPLIT("", " ", 0, tokens1); const char *tokens2[] = { "", "", NULL }; TEST_SPLIT(" ", " ", 0, tokens2); const char *tokens3[] = { "", "", "", NULL }; TEST_SPLIT(" ", " ", 0, tokens3); const char *tokens4[] = { "The", "quick", "brown", "fox", NULL }; TEST_SPLIT("The quick brown fox", " ", 0, tokens4); const char *tokens5[] = { "The quick ", " fox", NULL }; TEST_SPLIT("The quick brown fox", "brown", 0, tokens5); const char *tokens6[] = { "", "The", "quick", "brown", "fox", NULL }; TEST_SPLIT(" The quick brown fox", " ", 0, tokens6); const char *tokens7[] = { "The", "quick", "brown", "fox", "", NULL }; TEST_SPLIT("The quick brown fox ", " ", 0, tokens7); if (virtTestRun("strdup", testStrdup, NULL) < 0) ret = -1; if (virtTestRun("strdup", testStrndupNegative, NULL) < 0) ret = -1; if (virtTestRun("virStringSortCompare", testStringSortCompare, NULL) < 0) ret = -1; #define TEST_SEARCH(s, r, x, n, m, e) \ do { \ struct stringSearchData data = { \ .str = s, \ .maxMatches = x, \ .regexp = r, \ .expectNMatches = n, \ .expectMatches = m, \ .expectError = e, \ }; \ if (virtTestRun("virStringSearch " s, testStringSearch, &data) < 0) \ ret = -1; \ } while (0) /* error due to missing () in regexp */ TEST_SEARCH("foo", "bar", 10, 0, NULL, true); /* error due to too many () in regexp */ TEST_SEARCH("foo", "(b)(a)(r)", 10, 0, NULL, true); /* None matching */ TEST_SEARCH("foo", "(bar)", 10, 0, NULL, false); /* Full match */ const char *matches1[] = { "foo" }; TEST_SEARCH("foo", "(foo)", 10, 1, matches1, false); /* Multi matches */ const char *matches2[] = { "foo", "bar", "eek" }; TEST_SEARCH("1foo2bar3eek", "([a-z]+)", 10, 3, matches2, false); /* Multi matches, limited returns */ const char *matches3[] = { "foo", "bar" }; TEST_SEARCH("1foo2bar3eek", "([a-z]+)", 2, 2, matches3, false); #define TEST_REPLACE(h, o, n, r) \ do { \ struct stringReplaceData data = { \ .haystack = h, \ .oldneedle = o, \ .newneedle = n, \ .result = r \ }; \ if (virtTestRun("virStringReplace " h, testStringReplace, &data) < 0) \ ret = -1; \ } while (0) /* no matches */ TEST_REPLACE("foo", "bar", "eek", "foo"); /* complete match */ TEST_REPLACE("foo", "foo", "bar", "bar"); /* middle match */ TEST_REPLACE("foobarwizz", "bar", "eek", "fooeekwizz"); /* many matches */ TEST_REPLACE("foofoofoofoo", "foo", "bar", "barbarbarbar"); /* many matches */ TEST_REPLACE("fooooofoooo", "foo", "bar", "barooobaroo"); /* different length old/new needles */ TEST_REPLACE("fooooofoooo", "foo", "barwizzeek", "barwizzeekooobarwizzeekoo"); TEST_REPLACE("fooooofoooo", "foooo", "foo", "fooofoo"); return ret==0 ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE; } VIRT_TEST_MAIN(mymain)