[Unit] Description=Virtual machine lock manager Requires=virtlockd.socket Requires=virtlockd-admin.socket Before=libvirtd.service Documentation=man:virtlockd(8) Documentation=https://libvirt.org [Service] Environment=VIRTLOCKD_ARGS= EnvironmentFile=-@initconfdir@/virtlockd ExecStart=@sbindir@/virtlockd $VIRTLOCKD_ARGS ExecReload=/bin/kill -USR1 $MAINPID # Losing the locks is a really bad thing that will # cause the machine to be fenced (rebooted), so make # sure we discourage OOM killer OOMScoreAdjust=-900 # Needs to allow for max guests * average disks per guest # libvirtd.service written to expect 4096 guests, so if we # allow for 10 disks per guest, we get: LimitNOFILE=40960 [Install] Also=virtlockd.socket