#!/bin/sh # # virt-aa-helper needs a working locale system. If testing this in a chroot # system, need to make sure these are setup properly. On Debian-based systems # this can be done with something like (as root): # locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 set -e test_hostdev="no" if [ "$1" = "test_hostdev" ]; then test_hostdev="yes" shift fi output="/dev/null" use_valgrind="" ld_library_path="../src/.libs/" if [ ! -z "$1" ] && [ "$1" = "-d" ]; then output="/dev/stdout" shift fi exe="../src/virt-aa-helper" if [ ! -z "$1" ]; then if [ "$1" = "-v" ]; then use_valgrind="yes" shift fi if [ -n "$1" ]; then exe="$1" shift fi fi if [ ! -x "$exe" ]; then echo "Could not find '$exe'" exit 1 fi echo "testing `basename $exe`" >$output if [ "$use_valgrind" = "yes" ]; then exe="valgrind --error-exitcode=2 --track-origins=yes $exe" fi extra_args="--dryrun" errors=0 tmpdir=`mktemp -d` trap "rm -rf $tmpdir" EXIT HUP INT QUIT TERM template_xml="$tmpdir/template.xml" test_xml="$tmpdir/test.xml" uuid="00000000-0000-0000-0000-0123456789ab" disk1="$tmpdir/1.img" disk2="$tmpdir/2.img" relative_disk1="$tmpdir/./../`basename $tmpdir`//./1.img" nonexistent="$tmpdir/nonexistent.img" bad_disk="/etc/passwd" valid_uuid="libvirt-$uuid" nonexistent_uuid="libvirt-00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001" cat > "$template_xml" <<EOM <domain type='kvm'> <name>virt-aa-helper-test</name> <uuid>###UUID###</uuid> <memory>524288</memory> <currentMemory>524288</currentMemory> <vcpu>1</vcpu> <os> <type arch='x86_64' machine='pc'>hvm</type> <boot dev='hd'/> </os> <features> <acpi/> </features> <clock offset='utc'/> <on_poweroff>destroy</on_poweroff> <on_reboot>restart</on_reboot> <on_crash>destroy</on_crash> <devices> <emulator>/usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64</emulator> <disk type='file' device='disk'> <driver name='qemu' type='raw'/> <source file='###DISK###'/> <target dev='hda' bus='ide'/> </disk> <interface type='network'> <mac address='52:54:00:50:4b:26'/> <source network='default'/> <model type='virtio'/> </interface> <input type='tablet' bus='usb'/> <input type='mouse' bus='ps2'/> <graphics type='vnc' port='-1' autoport='yes' listen=''/> <video> <model type='cirrus' vram='16384' heads='1'/> </video> </devices> </domain> EOM touch "$disk1" "$disk2" testme() { expected="$1" outstr="$2" args="$3" input="" checkrule="$5" tmpout="$tmpdir/checkrule.out" if [ -n "$4" ]; then input="$4" if [ ! -e "$input" ]; then echo "FAIL: could not find $input" >$output echo "FAIL: could not find $input" echo " '$extra_args $args': " errors=$(($errors + 1)) fi fi printf %s " $outstr: " >$output printf %s " '$extra_args $args" >$output if [ -n "$input" ]; then printf %s " < $input" >$output fi echo "': " >$output set +e if [ -n "$input" ]; then LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$ld_library_path" $exe $extra_args $args < $input >"$tmpout" 2>&1 else LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$ld_library_path" $exe $extra_args $args >"$tmpout" 2>&1 fi rc="$?" cat "$tmpout" >"$output" rule_missing=0 if [ -n "$checkrule" ]; then if ! grep -q "$checkrule" "$tmpout"; then echo "FAIL: missing rule '$checkrule'" >"$output" rule_missing=1 fi fi set -e if [ "$rc" = "$expected" ] && [ $rule_missing -eq 0 ]; then echo "pass" >$output else echo "FAIL: exited with '$rc'" >$output echo "FAIL: exited with '$rc'" printf %s " $outstr: " echo " '$extra_args $args': " errors=$(($errors + 1)) #exit $rc fi } testfw() { title="$1" fwpath="$2" if [ -f "$fwpath" ]; then sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" \ -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" \ -e "s,</os>,<loader readonly='yes' type='pflash'>$fwpath</loader></os>,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "0" "$title" "-r -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" else echo "Skipping FW $title test. Could not find $fwpath" >$output fi } # Expected failures echo "Expected failures:" >$output testme "1" "invalid arg" "-z" testme "1" "invalid case" "-A" testme "1" "not enough args" "-c" testme "1" "not enough args" "-p" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "1" "no -u with -c" "-c" "$test_xml" testme "1" "bad uuid (bad digit)" "-c -u libvirt-00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000000g" "$test_xml" testme "1" "bad uuid (too long)" "-c -u ${valid_uuid}abcdef" "$test_xml" testme "1" "bad uuid (too short)" "-c -u libvirt-00000000-0000-0000-0000-0123456789a" "$test_xml" testme "1" "non-matching uuid" "-c -u libvirt-00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000000a" "$test_xml" testme "1" "missing uuid" "-c -u" "$test_xml" testme "1" "no -u with -R" "-R" testme "1" "non-existent uuid" "-R -u $nonexistent_uuid" testme "1" "no -u with -r" "-r" testme "1" "old '-n' option" "-c -n foo -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$bad_disk,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "1" "bad disk" "-c -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$bad_disk,g" -e "s,</devices>,<disk type='file' device='disk'><driver name='qemu' type='raw'/><source file='$disk2'/><target dev='hda' bus='ide'/></disk></devices>,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "1" "bad disk2" "-c -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,</devices>,<devices>,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "1" "malformed xml" "-c -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" initrd=`ls -1 /boot/initrd* | head -1` if [ -z "$initrd" ]; then echo "Skipping /boot/initrd* tests. Could not find /boot/initrd*" else sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$initrd,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "1" "disk in /boot without probing" "-p 0 -r -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" testme "1" "disk in /boot with probing" "-p 1 -r -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,/boot/initrd,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "1" "-r with invalid -f with probing" "-p 1 -r -u $valid_uuid -f $bad_disk" "$test_xml" testme "1" "-r with invalid -f without probing" "-p 0 -r -u $valid_uuid -f $bad_disk" "$test_xml" testme "1" "-r with invalid -F with probing" "-p 1 -r -u $valid_uuid -F $bad_disk" "$test_xml" testme "1" "-r with invalid -F without probing" "-p 0 -r -u $valid_uuid -F $bad_disk" "$test_xml" fi sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1</disk>,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "1" "-c with malformed xml" "-c -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,<type arch='x86_64' machine='pc'>hvm</type>,,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "1" "-c with no os.type" "-c -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,hvm</type>,hvm_invalid</type>,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "1" "-c with invalid hvm" "-c -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,virt-aa-helper-test,virt-aa-helper-test-/,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "1" "-c with invalid domain name char /" "-c -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,virt-aa-helper-test,virt-aa-helper-test-[,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "1" "-c with invalid domain name char [" "-c -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,virt-aa-helper-test,virt-aa-helper-test-],g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "1" "-c with invalid domain name char ]" "-c -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,virt-aa-helper-test,virt-aa-helper-test-{,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "1" "-c with invalid domain name char {" "-c -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,virt-aa-helper-test,virt-aa-helper-test-},g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "1" "-c with invalid domain name char }" "-c -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,virt-aa-helper-test,virt-aa-helper-test-?,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "1" "-c with invalid domain name char ?" "-c -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,virt-aa-helper-test,virt-aa-helper-test-^,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "1" "-c with invalid domain name char ^" "-c -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,virt-aa-helper-test,virt-aa-helper-test-\,,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "1" "-c with invalid domain name char ," "-c -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,virt-aa-helper-test,virt-aa-helper-test-\",g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "1" "-c with invalid domain name char \"" "-c -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,virt-aa-helper-test,virt-aa-helper-test-*,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "1" "-c with invalid domain name char *" "-c -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" echo "Expected pass:" >$output sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "0" "create (x86_64)" "-c -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" "$disk1.*rwk,$" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,arch='x86_64',arch='i686',g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "0" "create (i686)" "-c -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" "$disk1.*rwk,$" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,arch='x86_64',arch='ppc',g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "0" "create (ppc)" "-c -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" "$disk1.*rwk,$" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,</disk>,</disk><disk type='file' device='disk'><driver name='qemu' type='raw'/><source file='$disk2'/><target dev='hdb' bus='ide'/></disk>,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "0" "create multiple disks" "-c -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" "$disk1.*rwk,$" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###',${disk1}'/><readonly,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "0" "create (readonly)" "-c -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" "$disk1.*rk,$" if [ "$test_hostdev" = "yes" ]; then sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,</disk>,</disk><hostdev mode='subsystem' type='usb'><source><address bus='002' device='004'/></source></hostdev>,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "0" "create hostdev (USB)" "-c -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,</disk>,</disk><hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci'><source><address bus='0x00' slot='0x19' function='0x0'/></source></hostdev>,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "0" "create hostdev (PCI)" "-c -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" fi sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$nonexistent,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "0" "create (non-existent disk)" "-c -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" "$nonexistent.*rwk,$" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$relative_disk1,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "0" "create (relative path)" "-c -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" "$disk1.*rwk,$" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk2,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "0" "replace" "-r -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" "$disk2.*rwk,$" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$nonexistent,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "0" "replace (non-existent disk)" "-r -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" "$nonexistent.*rwk,$" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "0" "replace (adding disk)" "-r -u $valid_uuid -f $disk2" "$test_xml" "$disk2.*rwk,$" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "0" "replace (adding non-existent disk)" "-r -u $valid_uuid -f $nonexistent" "$test_xml" "$nonexistent.*rwk,$" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "0" "replace (appending disk)" "-r -u $valid_uuid -F $disk2" "$test_xml" "$disk2.*rwk,$" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "0" "replace (appending non-existent disk)" "-r -u $valid_uuid -F $nonexistent" "$test_xml" "$nonexistent.*rwk,$" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,</devices>,<disk type='block' device='cdrom'><target dev='hdc' bus='ide'/><readonly/></disk></devices>,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "0" "disk (empty cdrom)" "-r -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,</devices>,<serial type='file'><source path='$tmpdir/serial.log'/><target port='0'/></serial></devices>,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "0" "serial" "-r -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" "$tmpdir/serial.log.*rw,$" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,</devices>,<serial type='pty'><target port='0'/></serial></devices>,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "0" "serial (pty)" "-r -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,</devices>,<serial type='dev'><source path='/dev/ttyS0'/><target port='0'/></serial></devices>,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "0" "serial (dev)" "-r -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" "/dev/ttyS0.*rw,$" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,</devices>,<serial type='pipe'><source path='$tmpdir/serial.pipe'/><target port='0'/></serial></devices>,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" mkfifo "$tmpdir/serial.pipe.in" "$tmpdir/serial.pipe.out" "$tmpdir/serial.pipe.in.*rw,$" testme "0" "serial (pipe)" "-r -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,</devices>,<console type='file'><source path='$tmpdir/console.log'/><target port='0'/></console></devices>,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" touch "$tmpdir/console.log" testme "0" "console" "-r -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" "$tmpdir/console.log.*rw,$" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,</devices>,<console type='pty'><target port='0'/></console></devices>,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "0" "console (pty)" "-r -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,</devices>,<console type='pipe'><source path='$tmpdir/console.pipe'/><target port='0'/></console></devices>,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" mkfifo "$tmpdir/console.pipe.in" "$tmpdir/console.pipe.out" testme "0" "console (pipe)" "-r -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" "$tmpdir/console.pipe.out.*rw,$" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,</devices>,<parallel type='pty'><source path='/dev/pts/0'/><target port='0'/></parallel></devices>,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "0" "parallel (pty)" "-r -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" "/dev/pts/0.*rw,$" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,</devices>,<parallel type='pipe'><source path='$tmpdir/parallel.pipe'/><target port='0'/></parallel></devices>,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" mkfifo "$tmpdir/parallel.pipe.in" "$tmpdir/parallel.pipe.out" testme "0" "parallel (pipe)" "-r -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" "$tmpdir/parallel.pipe.in.*rw,$" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,</devices>,<channel type='unix'><source mode='bind' path='$tmpdir/guestfwd'/><target type='guestfwd' address='' port='4600'/></channel></devices>,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" touch "$tmpdir/guestfwd" testme "0" "channel (unix)" "-r -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" "$tmpdir/guestfwd.*rw,$" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,</devices>,<channel type='pty'><target type='virtio'/></channel></devices>,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "0" "channel (pty)" "-r -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,</os>,<kernel>$tmpdir/kernel</kernel></os>,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" touch "$tmpdir/kernel" testme "0" "kernel" "-r -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" "$tmpdir/kernel.*r,$" testfw "ovmf (old path)" "/usr/share/ovmf/OVMF.fd" testfw "OVMF (new path)" "/usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_CODE.fd" testfw "AAVMF" "/usr/share/AAVMF/AAVMF_CODE.fd" testfw "AAVMF32" "/usr/share/AAVMF/AAVMF32_CODE.fd" testfw "qemu-efi" "/usr/share/qemu-efi/QEMU_EFI.fd" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,</os>,<initrd>$tmpdir/initrd</initrd></os>,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" touch "$tmpdir/initrd" testme "0" "initrd" "-r -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" "$tmpdir/initrd.*r,$" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,</os>,<kernel>/boot/kernel</kernel></os>,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "0" "kernel in /boot" "-r -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" "/boot/kernel.*r,$" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,</os>,<initrd>/boot/initrd</initrd></os>,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "0" "initrd in /boot" "-r -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" "/boot/initrd.*r,$" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,</os>,<kernel>/vmlinuz</kernel></os>,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "0" "kernel is /vmlinuz" "-r -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" "/vmlinuz.*r,$" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,</os>,<initrd>/initrd/ramdisk</initrd></os>,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "0" "initrd is /initrd/ramdisk" "-r -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" "/initrd/ramdisk.*r,$" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,</os>,<initrd>/initrd.img</initrd></os>,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "0" "initrd is /initrd.img" "-r -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" "/initrd.img.*r,$" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,<graphics*,<graphics type='sdl' display=':0.0' xauth='/home/myself/.Xauthority'/>,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "0" "sdl Xauthority" "-r -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" "/home/myself/.Xauthority.*r,$" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "0" "hugepages" "-r -u $valid_uuid -F /run/hugepages/kvm/\*\*" "$test_xml" "/run/hugepages/kvm/.*rwk,$" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,<graphics.*>,<graphics type='vnc' socket='/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/myself.vnc'><listen type='address' address=''/></graphics>,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "0" "vnc socket" "-r -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" "/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/myself.vnc.*rw,$" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,</devices>,<input type='passthrough' bus='virtio'><source evdev='$disk2' /></input></devices>,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "0" "input dev passthrough" "-r -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" "$disk2.*rw,$" sed -e "s,###UUID###,$uuid,g" -e "s,###DISK###,$disk1,g" -e "s,<memory>524288</memory>,<memory>1048576</memory>,g" -e "s,</devices>,<memory model='nvdimm'><source><path>$disk2</path></source><target><size unit='KiB'>524288</size><node>0</node></target></memory></devices>,g" "$template_xml" > "$test_xml" testme "0" "nvdimm" "-r -u $valid_uuid" "$test_xml" "$disk2.*rw,$" testme "0" "help" "-h" echo "" >$output if [ "$errors" != "0" ]; then echo "FAIL: $errors error(s)" >$output exit 1 fi echo PASS >$output