Submitting patches

The simplest way to send patches is to use the
`git-publish <https://github.com/stefanha/git-publish>`__
tool. All libvirt-related repositories contain a config file
that tells git-publish to use the correct mailing list and
subject prefix.

If you are a first-time contributor, you may wish to read some
patch submission threads from the `mailing list archive
<contact.html#mailing-lists>`__ of the mailing list from the
``.gitpublish`` file.

Alternatively, you may send patches using ``git send-email``.

The usual workflow of libvirt developer is:


  $ git checkout master
  $ git pull
  $ git checkout -t origin -b workbranch
  (hack, committing any changes along the way)

More hints on compiling can be found `here <compiling.html>`__.
Make sure to express your agreement with the `Developer Certificate
of Origin <hacking.html#developer-certificate-of-origin>`__ by
adding a "Signed-off-by" line to every commit message.
When you want to post your patches:


  $ git pull --rebase
  (fix any conflicts)
  $ git send-email --cover-letter --no-chain-reply-to --annotate \
                   --confirm=always --to=devel@lists.libvirt.org master

For a single patch you can omit ``--cover-letter``, but a
series of two or more patches needs a cover letter.

Note that the ``git send-email`` subcommand may not be in the
main git package and using it may require installation of a
separate package, for example the "git-email" package in Fedora
and Debian. If this is your first time using
``git send-email``, you might need to configure it to point it
to your SMTP server with something like:


  $ git config --global sendemail.smtpServer stmp.youremailprovider.net

If you get tired of typing ``--to=devel@lists.libvirt.org`` all
the time, you can configure that to be automatically handled as


  $ git config sendemail.to devel@lists.libvirt.org

Avoid using mail clients for sending patches, as most of them
will mangle the messages in some way, making them unusable for
our purposes. Gmail and other Web-based mail clients are
particularly bad at this.

If everything went well, your patch should show up on the
`devel list
archives <https://lists.libvirt.org/archives/list/devel@lists.libvirt.org/>`__ in a
matter of minutes; if you still can't find it on there after an
hour or so, you should double-check your setup. **Note that, if
you are not already a subscriber, your very first post to the
mailing list will be subject to moderation**, and it's not
uncommon for that to take around a day.

Please follow this as close as you can, especially the rebase
and ``git send-email`` part, as it makes life easier for other
developers to review your patch set.

One should avoid sending patches as attachments, but rather
send them in email body along with commit message. If a
developer is sending another version of the patch (e.g. to
address review comments), they are advised to note differences
to previous versions after the ``---`` line in the patch so
that it helps reviewers but doesn't become part of git history.
Moreover, such patch needs to be prefixed correctly with
``--subject-prefix=PATCHv2`` appended to
``git send-email`` (substitute ``v2`` with the
correct version if needed though).

Review process

Reviewing patches may take a lot of effort with review bandwidth being limited
in open source projects. Here are a few rules to follow to streamline the

 - **don't** contact individual maintainers/developers directly with your
   patches; reviewers are subscribed to the mailing list
 - **do** be patient; reviewers may be busy
 - **do** respond to reviewer's questions
 - **don't** ignore a suggestion from a reviewer; if you disagree discuss it on
   the list before sending a new version
 - **do** remind us of your patches on the list if they haven't gotten any
   attention for a prolonged period (>1 week) by replying to your patches with a
 - **do** test your patches before sending

Don't feel obliged to review whole patch series if you see any major problems
in any of the comprising patches - just point them out on the list.