mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 13:22:20 +00:00
PEP8 recommends not having spaces around = in a keyword argument or a default parameter value. https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/#other-recommendations Reviewed-by: Daniel P. Berrangé <berrange@redhat.com> Signed-off-by: Radostin Stoyanov <rstoyanov1@gmail.com>
1267 lines
36 KiB
Executable File
1267 lines
36 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# imports the API description and fills up a database with
# name relevance to modules, functions or web pages
# Operation needed:
# =================
# install mysqld, the python wrappers for mysql and libxml2, start mysqld
# - mysql-server
# - mysql
# - php-mysql
# - MySQL-python
# Change the root passwd of mysql:
# mysqladmin -u root password new_password
# Create the new database libvir
# mysqladmin -p create libvir
# Create a database user 'veillard' and give him password access
# change veillard and abcde with the right user name and passwd
# mysql -p
# password:
# mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON libvir TO veillard@localhost
# mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON libvir.* TO veillard@localhost
# As the user check the access:
# mysql -p libvir
# Enter password:
# Welcome to the MySQL monitor....
# mysql> use libvir
# Database changed
# mysql> quit
# Bye
# Then run the script in the doc subdir, it will create the symbols and
# word tables and populate them with information extracted from
# the libvirt-api.xml API description, and make then accessible read-only
# by nobody@loaclhost the user expected to be Apache's one
# On the Apache configuration, make sure you have php support enabled
import MySQLdb
import libxml2
import sys
import string
import os
# We are not interested in parsing errors here
def callback(ctx, str):
libxml2.registerErrorHandler(callback, None)
# The dictionary of tables required and the SQL command needed
# to create them
"symbols": """CREATE TABLE symbols (
name varchar(255) BINARY NOT NULL,
module varchar(255) BINARY NOT NULL,
type varchar(25) NOT NULL,
descr varchar(255),
UNIQUE KEY name (name),
KEY module (module))""",
"words": """CREATE TABLE words (
name varchar(50) BINARY NOT NULL,
symbol varchar(255) BINARY NOT NULL,
relevance int,
KEY name (name),
KEY symbol (symbol),
UNIQUE KEY ID (name, symbol))""",
"wordsHTML": """CREATE TABLE wordsHTML (
name varchar(50) BINARY NOT NULL,
resource varchar(255) BINARY NOT NULL,
section varchar(255),
id varchar(50),
relevance int,
KEY name (name),
KEY resource (resource),
UNIQUE KEY ref (name, resource))""",
"wordsArchive": """CREATE TABLE wordsArchive (
name varchar(50) BINARY NOT NULL,
ID int(11) NOT NULL,
relevance int,
KEY name (name),
UNIQUE KEY ref (name, ID))""",
"pages": """CREATE TABLE pages (
resource varchar(255) BINARY NOT NULL,
title varchar(255) BINARY NOT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY name (resource))""",
"archives": """CREATE TABLE archives (
ID int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
resource varchar(255) BINARY NOT NULL,
title varchar(255) BINARY NOT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY id (ID,resource(255)),
INDEX (resource))""",
"Queries": """CREATE TABLE Queries (
ID int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
Value varchar(50) NOT NULL,
Count int(11) NOT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY id (ID,Value(35)),
INDEX (ID))""",
"AllQueries": """CREATE TABLE AllQueries (
ID int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
Value varchar(50) NOT NULL,
Count int(11) NOT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY id (ID,Value(35)),
INDEX (ID))""",
# The XML API description file to parse
API = "libvirt-api.xml"
DB = None
# #
# MySQL database interfaces #
# #
def createTable(db, name):
global TABLES
if db is None:
return -1
if name is None:
return -1
c = db.cursor()
ret = c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s" % (name))
if ret == 1:
print "Removed table %s" % (name)
print "Creating table %s" % (name)
ret = c.execute(TABLES[name])
print "Failed to create table %s" % (name)
return -1
return ret
def checkTables(db, verbose=1):
global TABLES
if db is None:
return -1
c = db.cursor()
nbtables = c.execute("show tables")
if verbose:
print "Found %d tables" % (nbtables)
tables = {}
i = 0
while i < nbtables:
l = c.fetchone()
name = l[0]
tables[name] = {}
i = i + 1
for table in TABLES.keys():
if not tables.has_key(table):
print "table %s missing" % (table)
createTable(db, table)
ret = c.execute("SELECT count(*) from %s" % table)
row = c.fetchone()
if verbose:
print "Table %s contains %d records" % (table, row[0])
print "Troubles with table %s: repairing" % (table)
ret = c.execute("repair table %s" % table)
print "repairing returned %d" % (ret)
ret = c.execute("SELECT count(*) from %s" % table)
row = c.fetchone()
print "Table %s contains %d records" % (table, row[0])
if verbose:
print "checkTables finished"
# make sure apache can access the tables read-only
ret = c.execute("GRANT SELECT ON libvir.* TO nobody@localhost")
ret = c.execute("GRANT INSERT,SELECT,UPDATE ON libvir.Queries TO nobody@localhost")
return 0
def openMySQL(db="libvir", passwd=None, verbose=1):
global DB
if passwd is None:
passwd = os.environ["MySQL_PASS"]
print "No password available, set environment MySQL_PASS"
DB = MySQLdb.connect(passwd=passwd, db=db)
if DB is None:
return -1
ret = checkTables(DB, verbose)
return ret
def updateWord(name, symbol, relevance):
global DB
if DB is None:
if DB is None:
return -1
if name is None:
return -1
if symbol is None:
return -1
c = DB.cursor()
ret = c.execute(
"""INSERT INTO words (name, symbol, relevance) VALUES ('%s','%s', %d)""" %
(name, symbol, relevance))
ret = c.execute(
"""UPDATE words SET relevance = %d where name = '%s' and symbol = '%s'""" %
(relevance, name, symbol))
print "Update word (%s, %s, %s) failed command" % (name, symbol, relevance)
print "UPDATE words SET relevance = %d where name = '%s' and symbol = '%s'" % (relevance, name, symbol)
print sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value
return -1
return ret
def updateSymbol(name, module, type, desc):
global DB
updateWord(name, name, 50)
if DB is None:
if DB is None:
return -1
if name is None:
return -1
if module is None:
return -1
if type is None:
return -1
desc = string.replace(desc, "'", " ")
l = string.split(desc, ".")
desc = l[0]
desc = desc[0:99]
desc = ""
c = DB.cursor()
ret = c.execute(
"""INSERT INTO symbols (name, module, type, descr) VALUES ('%s','%s', '%s', '%s')""" %
(name, module, type, desc))
ret = c.execute(
"""UPDATE symbols SET module='%s', type='%s', descr='%s' where name='%s'""" %
(module, type, desc, name))
print "Update symbol (%s, %s, %s) failed command" % (name, module, type)
print """UPDATE symbols SET module='%s', type='%s', descr='%s' where name='%s'""" % (module, type, desc, name)
print sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value
return -1
return ret
def addFunction(name, module, desc=""):
return updateSymbol(name, module, 'function', desc)
def addMacro(name, module, desc=""):
return updateSymbol(name, module, 'macro', desc)
def addEnum(name, module, desc=""):
return updateSymbol(name, module, 'enum', desc)
def addStruct(name, module, desc=""):
return updateSymbol(name, module, 'struct', desc)
def addConst(name, module, desc=""):
return updateSymbol(name, module, 'const', desc)
def addType(name, module, desc=""):
return updateSymbol(name, module, 'type', desc)
def addFunctype(name, module, desc=""):
return updateSymbol(name, module, 'functype', desc)
def addPage(resource, title):
global DB
if DB is None:
if DB is None:
return -1
if resource is None:
return -1
c = DB.cursor()
ret = c.execute(
"""INSERT INTO pages (resource, title) VALUES ('%s','%s')""" %
(resource, title))
ret = c.execute(
"""UPDATE pages SET title='%s' WHERE resource='%s'""" %
(title, resource))
print "Update symbol (%s, %s, %s) failed command" % (name, module, type)
print """UPDATE pages SET title='%s' WHERE resource='%s'""" % (title, resource)
print sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value
return -1
return ret
def updateWordHTML(name, resource, desc, id, relevance):
global DB
if DB is None:
if DB is None:
return -1
if name is None:
return -1
if resource is None:
return -1
if id is None:
id = ""
if desc is None:
desc = ""
desc = string.replace(desc, "'", " ")
desc = desc[0:99]
desc = ""
c = DB.cursor()
ret = c.execute(
"""INSERT INTO wordsHTML (name, resource, section, id, relevance) VALUES ('%s','%s', '%s', '%s', '%d')""" %
(name, resource, desc, id, relevance))
ret = c.execute(
"""UPDATE wordsHTML SET section='%s', id='%s', relevance='%d' where name='%s' and resource='%s'""" %
(desc, id, relevance, name, resource))
print "Update symbol (%s, %s, %d) failed command" % (name, resource, relevance)
print """UPDATE wordsHTML SET section='%s', id='%s', relevance='%d' where name='%s' and resource='%s'""" % (desc, id, relevance, name, resource)
print sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value
return -1
return ret
def checkXMLMsgArchive(url):
global DB
if DB is None:
if DB is None:
return -1
if url is None:
return -1
c = DB.cursor()
ret = c.execute(
"""SELECT ID FROM archives WHERE resource='%s'""" % (url))
row = c.fetchone()
if row is None:
return -1
return -1
return row[0]
def addXMLMsgArchive(url, title):
global DB
if DB is None:
if DB is None:
return -1
if url is None:
return -1
if title is None:
title = ""
title = string.replace(title, "'", " ")
title = title[0:99]
c = DB.cursor()
cmd = """INSERT INTO archives (resource, title) VALUES ('%s','%s')""" % (url, title)
ret = c.execute(cmd)
cmd = """SELECT ID FROM archives WHERE resource='%s'""" % (url)
ret = c.execute(cmd)
row = c.fetchone()
if row is None:
print "addXMLMsgArchive failed to get the ID: %s" % (url)
return -1
print "addXMLMsgArchive failed command: %s" % (cmd)
return -1
def updateWordArchive(name, id, relevance):
global DB
if DB is None:
if DB is None:
return -1
if name is None:
return -1
if id is None:
return -1
c = DB.cursor()
ret = c.execute(
"""INSERT INTO wordsArchive (name, id, relevance) VALUES ('%s', '%d', '%d')""" %
(name, id, relevance))
ret = c.execute(
"""UPDATE wordsArchive SET relevance='%d' where name='%s' and ID='%d'""" %
(relevance, name, id))
print "Update word archive (%s, %d, %d) failed command" % (name, id, relevance)
print """UPDATE wordsArchive SET relevance='%d' where name='%s' and ID='%d'""" % (relevance, name, id)
print sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value
return -1
return ret
# #
# Word dictionary and analysis routines #
# #
# top 100 english word without the one len < 3 + own set
dropWords = {
'the':0, 'this':0, 'can':0, 'man':0, 'had':0, 'him':0, 'only':0,
'and':0, 'not':0, 'been':0, 'other':0, 'even':0, 'are':0, 'was':0,
'new':0, 'most':0, 'but':0, 'when':0, 'some':0, 'made':0, 'from':0,
'who':0, 'could':0, 'after':0, 'that':0, 'will':0, 'time':0, 'also':0,
'have':0, 'more':0, 'these':0, 'did':0, 'was':0, 'two':0, 'many':0,
'they':0, 'may':0, 'before':0, 'for':0, 'which':0, 'out':0, 'then':0,
'must':0, 'one':0, 'through':0, 'with':0, 'you':0, 'said':0,
'first':0, 'back':0, 'were':0, 'what':0, 'any':0, 'years':0, 'his':0,
'her':0, 'where':0, 'all':0, 'its':0, 'now':0, 'much':0, 'she':0,
'about':0, 'such':0, 'your':0, 'there':0, 'into':0, 'like':0, 'may':0,
'would':0, 'than':0, 'our':0, 'well':0, 'their':0, 'them':0, 'over':0,
'net':0, 'www':0, 'bad':0, 'Okay':0, 'bin':0, 'cur':0,
wordsDict = {}
wordsDictHTML = {}
wordsDictArchive = {}
def cleanupWordsString(str):
str = string.replace(str, ".", " ")
str = string.replace(str, "!", " ")
str = string.replace(str, "?", " ")
str = string.replace(str, ",", " ")
str = string.replace(str, "'", " ")
str = string.replace(str, '"', " ")
str = string.replace(str, ";", " ")
str = string.replace(str, "(", " ")
str = string.replace(str, ")", " ")
str = string.replace(str, "{", " ")
str = string.replace(str, "}", " ")
str = string.replace(str, "<", " ")
str = string.replace(str, ">", " ")
str = string.replace(str, "=", " ")
str = string.replace(str, "/", " ")
str = string.replace(str, "*", " ")
str = string.replace(str, ":", " ")
str = string.replace(str, "#", " ")
str = string.replace(str, "\\", " ")
str = string.replace(str, "\n", " ")
str = string.replace(str, "\r", " ")
str = string.replace(str, "\xc2", " ")
str = string.replace(str, "\xa0", " ")
return str
def cleanupDescrString(str):
str = string.replace(str, "'", " ")
str = string.replace(str, "\n", " ")
str = string.replace(str, "\r", " ")
str = string.replace(str, "\xc2", " ")
str = string.replace(str, "\xa0", " ")
l = string.split(str)
str = string.join(str)
return str
def splitIdentifier(str):
ret = []
while str != "":
cur = string.lower(str[0])
str = str[1:]
if ((cur < 'a') or (cur > 'z')):
while (str != "") and (str[0] >= 'A') and (str[0] <= 'Z'):
cur = cur + string.lower(str[0])
str = str[1:]
while (str != "") and (str[0] >= 'a') and (str[0] <= 'z'):
cur = cur + str[0]
str = str[1:]
while (str != "") and (str[0] >= '0') and (str[0] <= '9'):
str = str[1:]
return ret
def addWord(word, module, symbol, relevance):
global wordsDict
if word is None or len(word) < 3:
return -1
if module is None or symbol is None:
return -1
if dropWords.has_key(word):
return 0
if ord(word[0]) > 0x80:
return 0
if wordsDict.has_key(word):
d = wordsDict[word]
if d is None:
return 0
if len(d) > 500:
wordsDict[word] = None
return 0
relevance = relevance + d[(module, symbol)]
wordsDict[word] = {}
wordsDict[word][(module, symbol)] = relevance
return relevance
def addString(str, module, symbol, relevance):
if str is None or len(str) < 3:
return -1
ret = 0
str = cleanupWordsString(str)
l = string.split(str)
for word in l:
if len(word) > 2:
ret = ret + addWord(word, module, symbol, 5)
return ret
def addWordHTML(word, resource, id, section, relevance):
global wordsDictHTML
if word is None or len(word) < 3:
return -1
if resource is None or section is None:
return -1
if dropWords.has_key(word):
return 0
if ord(word[0]) > 0x80:
return 0
section = cleanupDescrString(section)
if wordsDictHTML.has_key(word):
d = wordsDictHTML[word]
if d is None:
print "skipped %s" % (word)
return 0
(r,i,s) = d[resource]
if i is not None:
id = i
if s is not None:
section = s
relevance = relevance + r
wordsDictHTML[word] = {}
d = wordsDictHTML[word]
d[resource] = (relevance, id, section)
return relevance
def addStringHTML(str, resource, id, section, relevance):
if str is None or len(str) < 3:
return -1
ret = 0
str = cleanupWordsString(str)
l = string.split(str)
for word in l:
if len(word) > 2:
r = addWordHTML(word, resource, id, section, relevance)
if r < 0:
print "addWordHTML failed: %s %s" % (word, resource)
ret = ret + r
print "addWordHTML failed: %s %s %d" % (word, resource, relevance)
print sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value
return ret
def addWordArchive(word, id, relevance):
global wordsDictArchive
if word is None or len(word) < 3:
return -1
if id is None or id == -1:
return -1
if dropWords.has_key(word):
return 0
if ord(word[0]) > 0x80:
return 0
if wordsDictArchive.has_key(word):
d = wordsDictArchive[word]
if d is None:
print "skipped %s" % (word)
return 0
r = d[id]
relevance = relevance + r
wordsDictArchive[word] = {}
d = wordsDictArchive[word]
d[id] = relevance
return relevance
def addStringArchive(str, id, relevance):
if str is None or len(str) < 3:
return -1
ret = 0
str = cleanupWordsString(str)
l = string.split(str)
for word in l:
i = len(word)
if i > 2:
r = addWordArchive(word, id, relevance)
if r < 0:
print "addWordArchive failed: %s %s" % (word, id)
ret = ret + r
print "addWordArchive failed: %s %s %d" % (word, id, relevance)
print sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value
return ret
# #
# XML API description analysis #
# #
def loadAPI(filename):
doc = libxml2.parseFile(filename)
print "loaded %s" % (filename)
return doc
def foundExport(file, symbol):
if file is None:
return 0
if symbol is None:
return 0
addFunction(symbol, file)
l = splitIdentifier(symbol)
for word in l:
addWord(word, file, symbol, 10)
return 1
def analyzeAPIFile(top):
count = 0
name = top.prop("name")
cur = top.children
while cur is not None:
if cur.type == 'text':
cur = cur.next
if cur.name == "exports":
count = count + foundExport(name, cur.prop("symbol"))
print "unexpected element %s in API doc <file name='%s'>" % (name)
cur = cur.next
return count
def analyzeAPIFiles(top):
count = 0
cur = top.children
while cur is not None:
if cur.type == 'text':
cur = cur.next
if cur.name == "file":
count = count + analyzeAPIFile(cur)
print "unexpected element %s in API doc <files>" % (cur.name)
cur = cur.next
return count
def analyzeAPIEnum(top):
file = top.prop("file")
if file is None:
return 0
symbol = top.prop("name")
if symbol is None:
return 0
addEnum(symbol, file)
l = splitIdentifier(symbol)
for word in l:
addWord(word, file, symbol, 10)
return 1
def analyzeAPIConst(top):
file = top.prop("file")
if file is None:
return 0
symbol = top.prop("name")
if symbol is None:
return 0
addConst(symbol, file)
l = splitIdentifier(symbol)
for word in l:
addWord(word, file, symbol, 10)
return 1
def analyzeAPIType(top):
file = top.prop("file")
if file is None:
return 0
symbol = top.prop("name")
if symbol is None:
return 0
addType(symbol, file)
l = splitIdentifier(symbol)
for word in l:
addWord(word, file, symbol, 10)
return 1
def analyzeAPIFunctype(top):
file = top.prop("file")
if file is None:
return 0
symbol = top.prop("name")
if symbol is None:
return 0
addFunctype(symbol, file)
l = splitIdentifier(symbol)
for word in l:
addWord(word, file, symbol, 10)
return 1
def analyzeAPIStruct(top):
file = top.prop("file")
if file is None:
return 0
symbol = top.prop("name")
if symbol is None:
return 0
addStruct(symbol, file)
l = splitIdentifier(symbol)
for word in l:
addWord(word, file, symbol, 10)
info = top.prop("info")
if info is not None:
info = string.replace(info, "'", " ")
info = string.strip(info)
l = string.split(info)
for word in l:
if len(word) > 2:
addWord(word, file, symbol, 5)
return 1
def analyzeAPIMacro(top):
file = top.prop("file")
if file is None:
return 0
symbol = top.prop("name")
if symbol is None:
return 0
symbol = string.replace(symbol, "'", " ")
symbol = string.strip(symbol)
info = None
cur = top.children
while cur is not None:
if cur.type == 'text':
cur = cur.next
if cur.name == "info":
info = cur.content
cur = cur.next
l = splitIdentifier(symbol)
for word in l:
addWord(word, file, symbol, 10)
if info is None:
addMacro(symbol, file)
print "Macro %s description has no <info>" % (symbol)
return 0
info = string.replace(info, "'", " ")
info = string.strip(info)
addMacro(symbol, file, info)
l = string.split(info)
for word in l:
if len(word) > 2:
addWord(word, file, symbol, 5)
return 1
def analyzeAPIFunction(top):
file = top.prop("file")
if file is None:
return 0
symbol = top.prop("name")
if symbol is None:
return 0
symbol = string.replace(symbol, "'", " ")
symbol = string.strip(symbol)
info = None
cur = top.children
while cur is not None:
if cur.type == 'text':
cur = cur.next
if cur.name == "info":
info = cur.content
elif cur.name == "return":
rinfo = cur.prop("info")
if rinfo is not None:
rinfo = string.replace(rinfo, "'", " ")
rinfo = string.strip(rinfo)
addString(rinfo, file, symbol, 7)
elif cur.name == "arg":
ainfo = cur.prop("info")
if ainfo is not None:
ainfo = string.replace(ainfo, "'", " ")
ainfo = string.strip(ainfo)
addString(ainfo, file, symbol, 5)
name = cur.prop("name")
if name is not None:
name = string.replace(name, "'", " ")
name = string.strip(name)
addWord(name, file, symbol, 7)
cur = cur.next
if info is None:
print "Function %s description has no <info>" % (symbol)
addFunction(symbol, file, "")
info = string.replace(info, "'", " ")
info = string.strip(info)
addFunction(symbol, file, info)
addString(info, file, symbol, 5)
l = splitIdentifier(symbol)
for word in l:
addWord(word, file, symbol, 10)
return 1
def analyzeAPISymbols(top):
count = 0
cur = top.children
while cur is not None:
if cur.type == 'text':
cur = cur.next
if cur.name == "macro":
count = count + analyzeAPIMacro(cur)
elif cur.name == "function":
count = count + analyzeAPIFunction(cur)
elif cur.name == "const":
count = count + analyzeAPIConst(cur)
elif cur.name == "typedef":
count = count + analyzeAPIType(cur)
elif cur.name == "struct":
count = count + analyzeAPIStruct(cur)
elif cur.name == "enum":
count = count + analyzeAPIEnum(cur)
elif cur.name == "functype":
count = count + analyzeAPIFunctype(cur)
print "unexpected element %s in API doc <files>" % (cur.name)
cur = cur.next
return count
def analyzeAPI(doc):
count = 0
if doc is None:
return -1
root = doc.getRootElement()
if root.name != "api":
print "Unexpected root name"
return -1
cur = root.children
while cur is not None:
if cur.type == 'text':
cur = cur.next
if cur.name == "files":
# count = count + analyzeAPIFiles(cur)
elif cur.name == "symbols":
count = count + analyzeAPISymbols(cur)
print "unexpected element %s in API doc" % (cur.name)
cur = cur.next
return count
# #
# Web pages parsing and analysis #
# #
import glob
def analyzeHTMLText(doc, resource, p, section, id):
words = 0
content = p.content
words = words + addStringHTML(content, resource, id, section, 5)
return -1
return words
def analyzeHTMLPara(doc, resource, p, section, id):
words = 0
content = p.content
words = words + addStringHTML(content, resource, id, section, 5)
return -1
return words
def analyzeHTMLPre(doc, resource, p, section, id):
words = 0
content = p.content
words = words + addStringHTML(content, resource, id, section, 5)
return -1
return words
def analyzeHTML(doc, resource, p, section, id):
words = 0
content = p.content
words = words + addStringHTML(content, resource, id, section, 5)
return -1
return words
def analyzeHTML(doc, resource):
para = 0
ctxt = doc.xpathNewContext()
res = ctxt.xpathEval("//head/title")
title = res[0].content
title = "Page %s" % (resource)
addPage(resource, title)
items = ctxt.xpathEval("//h1 | //h2 | //h3 | //text()")
section = title
id = ""
for item in items:
if item.name == 'h1' or item.name == 'h2' or item.name == 'h3':
section = item.content
if item.prop("id"):
id = item.prop("id")
elif item.prop("name"):
id = item.prop("name")
elif item.type == 'text':
analyzeHTMLText(doc, resource, item, section, id)
para = para + 1
elif item.name == 'p':
analyzeHTMLPara(doc, resource, item, section, id)
para = para + 1
elif item.name == 'pre':
analyzeHTMLPre(doc, resource, item, section, id)
para = para + 1
print "Page %s, unexpected %s element" % (resource, item.name)
print "Page %s: problem analyzing" % (resource)
print sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value
return para
def analyzeHTMLPages():
ret = 0
HTMLfiles = glob.glob("*.html") + glob.glob("tutorial/*.html") + \
glob.glob("CIM/*.html") + glob.glob("ocaml/*.html") + \
for html in HTMLfiles:
if html[0:3] == "API":
if html == "xml.html":
doc = libxml2.parseFile(html)
doc = libxml2.htmlParseFile(html, None)
res = analyzeHTML(doc, html)
print "Parsed %s: %d paragraphs" % (html, res)
ret = ret + 1
print "could not parse %s" % (html)
return ret
# #
# Mail archives parsing and analysis #
# #
import time
def getXMLDateArchive(t=None):
if t is None:
t = time.time()
T = time.gmtime(t)
month = time.strftime("%B", T)
year = T[0]
url = "http://www.redhat.com/archives/libvir-list/%d-%s/date.html" % (year, month)
return url
def scanXMLMsgArchive(url, title, force=0):
if url is None or title is None:
return 0
ID = checkXMLMsgArchive(url)
if force == 0 and ID != -1:
return 0
if ID == -1:
ID = addXMLMsgArchive(url, title)
if ID == -1:
return 0
print "Loading %s" % (url)
doc = libxml2.htmlParseFile(url, None)
doc = None
if doc is None:
print "Failed to parse %s" % (url)
return 0
addStringArchive(title, ID, 20)
ctxt = doc.xpathNewContext()
texts = ctxt.xpathEval("//pre//text()")
for text in texts:
addStringArchive(text.content, ID, 5)
return 1
def scanXMLDateArchive(t=None, force=0):
global wordsDictArchive
wordsDictArchive = {}
url = getXMLDateArchive(t)
print "loading %s" % (url)
doc = libxml2.htmlParseFile(url, None)
doc = None
if doc is None:
print "Failed to parse %s" % (url)
return -1
ctxt = doc.xpathNewContext()
anchors = ctxt.xpathEval("//a[@href]")
links = 0
newmsg = 0
for anchor in anchors:
href = anchor.prop("href")
if href is None or href[0:3] != "msg":
links = links + 1
msg = libxml2.buildURI(href, url)
title = anchor.content
if title is not None and title[0:4] == 'Re: ':
title = title[4:]
if title is not None and title[0:6] == '[xml] ':
title = title[6:]
newmsg = newmsg + scanXMLMsgArchive(msg, title, force)
return newmsg
# #
# Main code: open the DB, the API XML and analyze it #
# #
def analyzeArchives(t=None, force=0):
global wordsDictArchive
ret = scanXMLDateArchive(t, force)
print "Indexed %d words in %d archive pages" % (len(wordsDictArchive), ret)
i = 0
skipped = 0
for word in wordsDictArchive.keys():
refs = wordsDictArchive[word]
if refs is None:
skipped = skipped + 1
for id in refs.keys():
relevance = refs[id]
updateWordArchive(word, id, relevance)
i = i + 1
print "Found %d associations in HTML pages" % (i)
def analyzeHTMLTop():
global wordsDictHTML
ret = analyzeHTMLPages()
print "Indexed %d words in %d HTML pages" % (len(wordsDictHTML), ret)
i = 0
skipped = 0
for word in wordsDictHTML.keys():
refs = wordsDictHTML[word]
if refs is None:
skipped = skipped + 1
for resource in refs.keys():
(relevance, id, section) = refs[resource]
updateWordHTML(word, resource, section, id, relevance)
i = i + 1
print "Found %d associations in HTML pages" % (i)
def analyzeAPITop():
global wordsDict
global API
doc = loadAPI(API)
ret = analyzeAPI(doc)
print "Analyzed %d blocs" % (ret)
print "Failed to parse and analyze %s" % (API)
print sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value
print "Indexed %d words" % (len(wordsDict))
i = 0
skipped = 0
for word in wordsDict.keys():
refs = wordsDict[word]
if refs is None:
skipped = skipped + 1
for (module, symbol) in refs.keys():
updateWord(word, symbol, refs[(module, symbol)])
i = i + 1
print "Found %d associations, skipped %d words" % (i, skipped)
def usage():
print "Usage index.py [--force] [--archive] [--archive-year year] [--archive-month month] [--API] [--docs]"
def main():
print "Failed to open the database"
print sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value
args = sys.argv[1:]
force = 0
if args:
i = 0
while i < len(args):
if args[i] == '--force':
force = 1
elif args[i] == '--archive':
analyzeArchives(None, force)
elif args[i] == '--archive-year':
i = i + 1
year = args[i]
months = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May",
"June", "July", "August", "September", "October",
"November", "December"]
for month in months:
str = "%s-%s" % (year, month)
T = time.strptime(str, "%Y-%B")
t = time.mktime(T) + 3600 * 24 * 10
analyzeArchives(t, force)
print "Failed to index month archive:"
print sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value
elif args[i] == '--archive-month':
i = i + 1
month = args[i]
T = time.strptime(month, "%Y-%B")
t = time.mktime(T) + 3600 * 24 * 10
analyzeArchives(t, force)
print "Failed to index month archive:"
print sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value
elif args[i] == '--API':
elif args[i] == '--docs':
i = i + 1
if __name__ == "__main__":