Yuto KAWAMURA(kawamuray) 4f32c5f793 Introduce Libvirt Wireshark dissector
Introduce Wireshark dissector plugin which adds support to Wireshark
for dissecting libvirt RPC protocol.
Added following files to build Wireshark dissector from libvirt source
* tools/wireshark/*: Source tree of Wireshark dissector plugin.

Added followings to or
* --with-wireshark-dissector: Enable support for building Wireshark
* --with-ws-plugindir: Specify wireshark plugin directory that dissector
  will installed.
* Added tools/wireshark/{Makefile,src/Makefile} to  AC_CONFIG_FILES.
* Added tools/wireshark/ to SUBDIR.
2014-01-20 17:09:41 +01:00

1012 lines
28 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# --- Generate C header file which used by packet-libvirt.[ch]
# Copyright (C) 2013 Yuto KAWAMURA(kawamuray) <>
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library. If not, see
# <>.
# Author: Yuto KAWAMURA(kawamuray)
# For XDR syntax, see
# This script does not strictly check syntax of xdr protocol specification.
# Make sure the specification files you have are correctly compilable with rpcgen(1).
# If something fails with this script in spite of you had confirmed that the `make' with libvirt was succeed,
# please report your error output to kawamuray<>.
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Spec;
my $DEBUG = 0; # Enable if you want to see debug output
sub dbg { print STDERR @_ if $DEBUG }
die "ERROR: No arguments" unless @ARGV;
# Context object referenced from entire this script
my $c = Context->new;
for my $proto (@ARGV) {
# We need to do this heuristic parsing to determine
# variable name of enum <protocol>_procedures.
my ($name) = $proto =~ m{(?:vir)?([^/]+?)_?protocol\.x$};
unless ($name) {
warn "WARNING: Cannot extract protocol name from $proto, skipping.";
$c->add_to_set(progs => $name);
my $source;
open my $fh, '<', $proto
or die "Cannot open $proto: $!";
local $/;
$source = <$fh>;
close $fh;
$c->add_header_file($name, sub {
dbg "*** Start parsing $proto\n";
my @lexs = Lexicalizer->parse($source);
for my $lex (@lexs) {
next if $lex->ident eq "enum $name\_procedure";
if ($lex->isa('Sym::Variable')) {
$c->print(sprintf "#define %s (%s)\n", $lex->ident, $lex->value);
} elsif ($lex->isa('Sym::Type')) {
# Top level of name path is type identification of itself
} else {
die "Unkown lexical appeared: $lex";
my $procs = $c->symbol("enum $name\_procedure")
or die "Cannot find procedures enumeration: enum $name\_procedure";
# Procedure numbers are expected to be containing gaps, but needed to be sorted in ascending order.
my @procedures = sort { $a->value <=> $b->value } @{ $procs->members };
my @dissectors = map {
(my $ident = lc($_->ident)) =~ s/^$name\_proc/$name/;
value => $_->value,
map { $_ => $c->rinc($c->symbols->{"$ident\_$_"} ? "dissect_xdr_$ident\_$_" : 'NULL') }
qw{ args ret msg }
} @procedures;
$c->print(PT->render('code.dissectorlist', {
name => $name,
dissectors => \@dissectors,
$c->print(PT->render('code.procedure_strings', {
name => $name,
procedures => \@procedures,
$c->add_header_file('protocol', sub {
for my $prog (@{ $c->get_set('progs') }) {
$c->print("#include \"libvirt/$prog.h\"\n");
# hf_ variables set
$c->print(PT->render('macro.hfvars', {
programs => $c->get_set('progs'),
hfvars => [ grep $_->{segment}{refcnt}, @{ $c->get_set('hfvars') } ],
# ett_ variables set
$c->print(PT->render('macro.ettvars', {
ettvars => [ map $_->{sym}, grep $_->{refcnt}, @{ $c->get_set('ettvars') } ],
# value_string program_strings
$c->print(PT->render('code.program_strings', { programs => $c->get_set('progs') }));
$c->print("static int hf_$_\_procedure = -1;\n") for @{ $c->get_set('progs') };
$c->print(PT->render('code.program_data', { programs => $c->get_set('progs') }));
$c->finalize; exit 0;
# Used for handy class building
sub register_profile {
my %prof = @_;
my $caller = caller;
no strict 'refs';
if ($prof{isa}) {
push @{ "$caller\::ISA" }, $prof{isa};
while (my ($name, $v) = each %{ $prof{consts} || {} }) {
*{ "$caller\::$name" } = sub { $v };
for my $attr (@{ $prof{attrs} || [] }) {
*{ "$caller\::$attr" } = sub {
if (@_ > 1) { $_[0]->{$attr} = $_[1]; $_[0] }
else { $_[0]->{$attr} }
while (my ($klass, $meths) = each %{ $prof{roles} || {} }) {
for my $meth (@$meths) {
# This assignment cannot be like: *{ "$caller\::$meth" } = \&{ "$klass\::$meth" }.
# "$klass\::$meth" maybe not defined yet(e.g. Methods defined by PT)
*{ "$caller\::$meth" } = sub { goto &{ "$klass\::$meth" } };
# Minimal template engine for code generating
package PT; # is PicoTemplate
our $Token;
our %Templates;
INIT { # Load templates from __END__ section
$Token = join '', map { chr(65 + rand(26)) } 1..64;
my $current;
while (my $l = <main::DATA>) {
if ($l =~ /^\@\@\s*(.+)/) {
$current = \($Templates{$1} = '');
} else {
$$current .= $l if $current;
for my $name (keys %Templates) {
$Templates{$name} = __PACKAGE__->compile($Templates{$name});
if ($name =~ /^([\w:]+)#([^#]+)$/) {
no strict 'refs';
my $meth = "$1\::$2";
unless (defined &$meth) {
*$meth = $Templates{$name};
sub compile {
my ($class, $tmpl) = @_;
$tmpl =~ s{<%(=)?(.*?)%>\n?|((?:(?!<%).)+)}{
$2 ? $1 ? "\$$Token .= qq{\@{[do{ $2 }]}};" : $2
: "\$$Token .= substr <<$Token, 0, -1;\n".quotemeta($3)."\n$Token\n";
eval "sub { my \$$Token = ''; $tmpl \$$Token }"
or die "ERROR: Cannot compile template: $@";
sub render {
my ($class, $name, $vars, @args) = @_;
local $_ = $vars || {};
my $renderer = $Templates{$name}
or die "No such template: $name";
# / package PT
package Sym;
attrs => [qw[ ident ]],
sub new {
my ($class, %args) = @_;
CORE::bless \%args, $class;
sub bless {
my ($self, $klass) = @_;
CORE::bless $self, "Sym::$klass"
if ref($self) ne "Sym::$klass";
sub idstrip {
my $ident = shift()->ident;
$ident =~ s/^(?:struct|enum|union)\s+// if $ident;
# / package Sym
package Sym::Type;
isa => 'Sym',
attrs => [qw[ alias ]],
sub is_primitive { !(shift)->alias }
sub dealias {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->is_primitive ? $self : $self->alias->dealias;
sub xdr_type {
my ($self) = @_;
if (!$self->is_primitive) {
return $self->dealias->xdr_type;
my $type = ref $self;
if ($type eq __PACKAGE__) {
$type = $self->ident;
} else {
$type =~ s/^.*:://;
sub render_caller {
my ($self, $hfid) = @_;
my $name = $c->rinc( 'dissect_xdr_'.($self->idstrip || lc($self->xdr_type)) );
"$name(tvb, tree, xdrs, hf)";
sub ft_type {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->dealias->ft_type unless $self->is_primitive;
my $xt = $self->xdr_type;
INT => 'INT32',
U_INT => 'UINT32',
SHORT => 'INT16',
U_SHORT => 'UINT16',
CHAR => 'INT8',
U_CHAR => 'UINT8',
HYPER => 'INT64',
U_HYPER => 'UINT64',
}->{$xt} || $xt;
sub hf_base {
my ($self) = @_;
? $self->ft_type =~ /INT/ ? 'DEC' : 'NONE'
: $self->dealias->hf_base;
sub define_dissector {
my ($self, @path) = @_;
my $path = join '__', @path;
my $code = $self->render_dissector($path);
$c->print({ sym => "dissect_xdr_$path", body => $code })
if $code;
sub declare_hfvar {
my ($self, @path) = @_;
my $path = join '__', @path;
$c->add_to_set(hfvars => {
segment => $c->print({
sym => "hf_$path",
body => "static int hf_$path = -1;\n"
name => $path[-1],
abbrev => join('.', @path),
ft_type => $self->ft_type,
hf_base => $self->hf_base,
# / package Sym
package Sym::Type::HasAnonTypes; # Types which possibly have anonymous subtypes
isa => 'Sym::Type',
sub declare_anontypes {
my ($self, @path) = @_;
for my $m (@{ $self->members }) {
unless (defined $m->type->ident) {
$m->type->ident(join '__', @path, $m->ident);
$m->type->define_dissector(@path, $m->ident);
sub define_dissector {
my ($self, @path) = @_;
package Sym::Type::HasSubtree; # Types which should be declare ett variables
sub declare_ettvar {
my ($self) = @_;
my $ettvar = 'ett_'.$self->idstrip;
$c->add_to_set(ettvars => $c->print({
sym => $ettvar,
body => "static gint $ettvar = -1;\n",
package Sym::Type::HasReference; # Types which references subtype
attrs => [qw[ reftype ]],
consts => { ft_type => 'NONE' },
sub render_caller {
my ($self) = @_;
my ($klass) = ref($self) =~ /([^:]+)$/;
sprintf '%s(tvb, tree, xdrs, hf, %s)',
package Sym::Type::HasLength; # Types which has length attribute
attrs => [qw[ length ]],
consts => { ft_type => 'NONE' },
sub render_caller {
my ($self, $hfid) = @_;
my ($klass) = ref($self) =~ /([^:]+)$/;
sprintf '%s(tvb, tree, xdrs, hf, %s)',
$c->rinc('dissect_xdr_'.lc($klass)), $self->length || '~0';
package Sym::Type::Struct;
isa => 'Sym::Type',
attrs => [qw[ members ]],
consts => { ft_type => 'NONE' },
roles => {
'Sym::Type::HasAnonTypes' => [qw[ declare_anontypes ]],
'Sym::Type::HasSubtree' => [qw[ declare_ettvar ]],
sub define_dissector {
my ($self, @path) = @_;
package Sym::Type::Enum;
isa => 'Sym::Type',
attrs => [qw[ members ]],
consts => { ft_type => 'UINT32' },
package Sym::Type::Union;
isa => 'Sym::Type',
attrs => [qw[ decl case_specs ]],
consts => { ft_type => 'NONE' },
roles => {
'Sym::Type::HasAnonTypes' => [qw[ declare_anontypes define_dissector ]],
sub members {
my ($self) = @_;
[ map { $_->[1] } @{ $self->case_specs } ];
package Sym::Type::String;
isa => 'Sym::Type',
consts => { ft_type => 'STRING' },
roles => {
'Sym::Type::HasLength' => [qw[ length render_caller ]],
package Sym::Type::Opaque;
isa => 'Sym::Type',
consts => { ft_type => 'BYTES' },
roles => {
'Sym::Type::HasLength' => [qw[ length render_caller ]],
package Sym::Type::Bytes;
isa => 'Sym::Type',
consts => { ft_type => 'BYTES' },
roles => {
'Sym::Type::HasLength' => [qw[ length render_caller ]],
package Sym::Type::Pointer;
isa => 'Sym::Type',
roles => {
'Sym::Type::HasReference' => [qw[ reftype render_caller ]],
sub ft_type { (shift)->reftype->ft_type }
package Sym::Type::Array; # a.k.a Variable-Length Array
isa => 'Sym::Type',
roles => {
'Sym::Type::HasLength' => [qw[ length ft_type ]],
'Sym::Type::HasReference' => [qw[ reftype ]],
'Sym::Type::HasSubtree' => [qw[ declare_ettvar ]],
sub render_caller {
my ($self, $hfid) = @_;
my ($pname) = reverse split /__/, $hfid;
sprintf 'dissect_xdr_array(tvb, tree, xdrs, hf, %s, %s, "%s", %s, %s)',
$self->length || '~0',
sub define_dissector {
my ($self, @path) = @_;
$self->reftype->declare_hfvar(@path, $path[-1]);
package Sym::Type::Vector; # a.k.a Fixed-Length Array
isa => 'Sym::Type',
roles => {
'Sym::Type::HasLength' => [qw[ length ft_type ]],
'Sym::Type::HasReference' => [qw[ reftype ]],
'Sym::Type::Array' => [qw[ define_dissector ]],
'Sym::Type::HasSubtree' => [qw[ declare_ettvar ]],
sub render_caller {
my ($self, $hfid) = @_;
my ($pname) = reverse split /__/, $hfid;
sprintf 'dissect_xdr_vector(tvb, tree, xdrs, hf, %s, %s, "%s", %s, %s)',
$self->length || '~0',
package Sym::Variable;
isa => 'Sym',
attrs => [qw[ type value ]],
package Context;
attrs => [qw[ symbols ]],
sub new {
my ($class) = @_;
bless {
symbols => {},
segments => {},
}, $class;
sub symbol {
my ($self, $ident) = @_;
my $sym = $self->symbols->{$ident} ||= Sym->new;
# In XDR syntax specification, defining struct/enum/union will automatically
# create alias having symbol which excludes its prefix type specifier.
# e.g:
# struct foo { int bar; }; will convert to:
# struct foo { int bar; }; typedef struct foo foo;
if ($ident =~ s/^(?:struct|enum|union)\s+//) {
sub add_to_set {
my ($self, $set, @elems) = @_;
$self->{sets} ||= {};
$self->{sets}{$set} ||= [];
push @{ $self->{sets}{$set} }, @elems;
sub get_set {
my ($self, $set) = @_;
$self->{sets}{$set} || [];
# $c->print(...string...); # Does work as regular 'print'
# $c->print({ sym => symbol, body => ...string... });
# Does treat segment as code block should be referenced.
# It will not printed unless it is referenced from other code by $c->rinc();
sub print {
my $self = shift;
my $content;
if (ref $_[0]) {
$content = $self->{segments}{ $_[0]{sym} } ||= $_[0];
$content->{refcnt} //= 0;
$content->{body} = $_[0]{body};
} else {
$content = join '', @_;
push @{ $self->{header_contents} }, $content;
sub rinc {
my ($self, $sym) = @_;
($self->{segments}{$sym} ||= { sym => $sym, refcnt => 0 })->{refcnt}++;
sub add_header_file {
my ($self, $name, $block) = @_;
$self->{headers} ||= [];
local $self->{header_contents} = [];
$self->print("/* *DO NOT MODIFY* this file directly.\n");
$self->print(" * This file was generated by $0 from libvirt version $ENV{LIBVIRT_VERSION} */\n");
my $ucname = uc $name;
$self->print("#ifndef _$ucname\_H_\n");
$self->print("#define _$ucname\_H_\n");
$self->print("#endif /* _$ucname\_H_ */");
push @{ $self->{headers} }, [ $name, delete $self->{header_contents} ];
sub finalize {
my ($self) = @_;
# Referenced from macro defined in packet-libvirt.h
for my $header (@{ $self->{headers} || [] }) {
my ($name, $contents) = @$header;
my $file = File::Spec->catfile($ENV{PWD}, 'libvirt', "$name.h");
open my $fh, '>', $file
or die "Cannot open file $file: $!";
CORE::print $fh map { ref($_) ? ($_->{refcnt} ? $_->{body} : ()) : $_ } @$contents;
CORE::print $fh "\n";
close $fh;
# / package Context
package Lexicalizer;
our $Depth;
INIT { # Wrap all lexicalizer subroutine by debugger function
$Depth = 0;
no strict 'refs';
no warnings 'redefine';
for my $name (keys %{ __PACKAGE__.'::' }) {
next if $name =~ /^(?:parse|adv)$/;
my $fullname = __PACKAGE__."::$name";
next unless defined &$fullname;
my $sub = \&$fullname;
*$fullname = sub {
my (undef, undef, $line) = caller;
::dbg ' 'x($Depth*2), "$name L$line", "\n";
local $Depth = $Depth + 1;
# Check if passed regexp does match to next token and advance position.
# Return matched string if matched. Die else.
sub adv {
my ($rx) = @_;
::dbg ' 'x($Depth*2+1), "- adv( $rx ) = ";
# Remove Comments Comments C++ style, PP directives
if (s/^(?:$rx)//s) {
::dbg "'$&'\n";
return $&;
::dbg "UNMATCH\n";
sub lexor {
my $snapshot = $_;
while (my $handler = shift) {
my $ret = eval { $handler->() };
if (defined $ret) {
return $ret;
$_ = $snapshot;
sub decimal_constant {
adv '\-?[0-9]+';
sub hexadecimal_constant {
adv '\-?0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+';
sub octal_constant {
adv '\-?0[0-9]+';
sub constant {
lexor \&hexadecimal_constant, \&octal_constant, \&decimal_constant;
sub identifier {
adv '[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*';
sub value {
lexor \&constant, \&identifier;
sub enum_type_spec {
adv 'enum';
my $body = lexor \&enum_body, \&identifier;
if (ref $body eq 'ARRAY') {
Sym::Type::Enum->new(members => $body);
} else {
$c->symbol("enum $body")->bless('Type::Enum');
sub enum_body {
adv '{';
my @members;
do {
my $ident = identifier();
adv '=';
my $value = value();
push @members, $c->symbol($ident)->bless('Variable')->value($value);
} while adv('[},]') eq ',';
sub struct_type_spec {
adv 'struct';
my $body = lexor \&struct_body, \&identifier;
if (ref $body eq 'ARRAY') {
Sym::Type::Struct->new(members => $body);
} else {
$c->symbol("struct $body")->bless('Type::Struct');
sub struct_body {
adv '{';
local $c->{symbols} = { %{ $c->{symbols} } };
my @members;
while (my $decl = lexor \&declaration, sub { adv('}') }) {
last if $decl eq '}';
adv ';';
push @members, $decl;
sub case_spec {
my @cases;
while (my $case = eval { adv 'case' }) {
push @cases, value();
adv ':';
my $decl = declaration();
adv ';';
[ \@cases, $decl ];
sub union_type_spec {
adv 'union';
local $c->{symbols} = { %{ $c->{symbols} } };
my $body = lexor \&union_body, \&identifier;
if (ref $body eq 'ARRAY') {
Sym::Type::Union->new(decl => $body->[0], case_specs => $body->[1]);
} else {
$c->symbol("union $body")->bless('Type::Union');
sub union_body {
adv 'switch'; adv '\(';
my $decl = declaration();
adv '\)'; adv '{';
my @case_specs;
while (my $spec = eval { case_spec() }) {
push @case_specs, $spec;
# TODO: parse default
adv '}';
[ $decl, \@case_specs ];
sub constant_def {
adv 'const';
my $ident = identifier();
adv '=';
my $value = lexor \&constant, \&identifier;
adv ';';
sub type_def {
my $ret = lexor sub {
adv 'typedef';
my $var = declaration();
my $type = $var->type;
}, sub {
adv 'enum';
my $ident = identifier();
my $body = enum_body();
$c->symbol("enum $ident")->bless('Type::Enum')->members($body);
}, sub {
adv 'struct';
my $ident = identifier();
my $body = struct_body();
$c->symbol("struct $ident")->bless('Type::Struct')->members($body);
}, sub {
adv 'union';
my $ident = identifier();
my $body = union_body();
$c->symbol("union $ident")->bless('Type::Union')
adv ';';
sub type_specifier {
lexor sub {
my $ts = adv '(?:unsigned\s+)?(?:int|hyper|char|short)|float|double|quadruple|bool';
$ts =~ s/^unsigned\s+/u_/;
}, \&enum_type_spec, \&struct_type_spec, \&union_type_spec, sub {
my $ident = identifier();
sub declaration {
lexor sub {
my $type = lexor sub {
my $type = adv 'opaque|string';
my $klass = ucfirst $type;
}, \&type_specifier;
my $ident = identifier();
# I know that type 'string' does not accept '[]'(fixed length), but I don't care about that
if (my $ex = eval { adv '[<\[]' }) {
my $value = eval { value() };
die if !$value && $ex ne '<'; # Length could be null if it is variable length
adv($ex eq '<' ? '>' : '\]');
if (ref($type) eq 'Sym::Type') { # Expect Array or Vector
my $vtype = ($ex eq '<') ? 'Array' : 'Vector';
$type = "Sym::Type::$vtype"->new(length => $value, reftype => $type);
} else {
$type->bless('Type::Bytes') if $type->isa('Sym::Type::Opaque') && $ex eq '<';
} elsif ($type->can('length')) { # Found String or Opaque but not followed by length specifier
}, sub {
my $type = type_specifier();
adv '\*';
my $ident = identifier();
Sym::Type::Pointer->new(reftype => $type));
}, sub {
adv 'void';
sub definition {
lexor \&type_def, \&constant_def;
sub parse {
my ($class, $source) = @_;
my $nlines = @{[$source =~ /\n/g]};
my @lexs;
while ($source =~ /\S/s) {
(local $_ = $source) =~ s/\A\s*//s;
my $lex = eval { definition() };
if (!$lex) {
my $line = $nlines - @{[/\n/g]} + 1;
my ($near) = /\A((?:.+?\n){0,5})/s;
die "ERROR: Unexpected character near line $line.\n",
"Please check debug output by enabling \$DEBUG flag at top of script.\n",
join("\n", map { ">> $_" } split /\n/, $near);
::dbg ' 'x($Depth*2), sprintf "*** Found %s<%s>\n", ref($lex), $lex->ident;
push @lexs, $lex;
$source = $_;
# Followings are code templates handled by PT
__END__<<DUMMY # Dummy heredoc to disable perl syntax highlighting
@@ Sym::Type#render_dissector
my ($self, $ident) = @_;
return if $self->is_primitive;
static gboolean dissect_xdr_<%= $ident %>(tvbuff_t *tvb, proto_tree *tree, XDR *xdrs, int hf)
return <%= $self->dealias->render_caller($self->ident eq $ident ? undef : $ident) %>;
@@ Sym::Type::Struct#render_dissector
<% my ($self, $ident) = @_;
my $hfvar = $c->rinc('hf_'.$self->idstrip);
static gboolean dissect_xdr_<%= $ident %>(tvbuff_t *tvb, proto_tree *tree, XDR *xdrs, int hf)
goffset start;
proto_item *ti;
start = xdr_getpos(xdrs);
if (hf == -1) {
ti = proto_tree_add_item(tree, <%= $hfvar %>, tvb, start, -1, ENC_NA);
} else {
header_field_info *hfinfo;
hfinfo = proto_registrar_get_nth(<%= $hfvar %>);
ti = proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf, tvb, start, -1, ENC_NA);
proto_item_append_text(ti, " :: %s", hfinfo->name);
tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, <%= $c->rinc('ett_'.$self->idstrip) %>);
<% for my $m (@{ $self->members }) { %>
hf = <%= $c->rinc('hf_'.$ident.'__'.$m->ident) %>;
if (!<%= $m->type->render_caller($ident.'__'.$m->ident) %>) return FALSE;
<% } %>
proto_item_set_len(ti, xdr_getpos(xdrs) - start);
return TRUE;
@@ Sym::Type::Enum#render_dissector
<% my ($self, $ident) = @_; %>
static gboolean dissect_xdr_<%= $ident %>(tvbuff_t *tvb, proto_tree *tree, XDR *xdrs, int hf)
goffset start;
enum { DUMMY } es;
start = xdr_getpos(xdrs);
if (xdr_enum(xdrs, (enum_t *)&es)) {
switch ((guint)es) {
<% for my $m (@{ $self->members }) { %>
case <%= $m->value %>:
proto_tree_add_uint_format_value(tree, hf, tvb, start, xdr_getpos(xdrs) - start, (guint)es, "<%= $m->idstrip %>(<%= $m->value %>)");
return TRUE;
<% } %>
} else {
proto_tree_add_text(tree, tvb, start, -1, "(unknown)");
return FALSE;
@@ Sym::Type::Union#render_dissector
my ($self, $ident) = @_;
my $decl_type = $self->decl->type->idstrip;
static gboolean dissect_xdr_<%= $ident %>(tvbuff_t *tvb, proto_tree *tree, XDR *xdrs, int hf)
gboolean rc = TRUE;
goffset start;
<%= $decl_type %> type = 0;
start = xdr_getpos(xdrs);
if (!xdr_<%= $decl_type %>(xdrs, &type))
return FALSE;
switch (type) {
<% for my $cs (@{ $self->case_specs }) {
my ($vals, $decl) = @$cs;
<% for my $v (@$vals) { %>
case <%= $v %>:
<% } %>
hf = <%= $c->rinc('hf_'.$ident.'__'.$decl->ident) %>;
rc = <%= $decl->type->render_caller($ident.'__'.$decl->ident) %>; break;
<% } %>
if (!rc) {
proto_tree_add_text(tree, tvb, start, -1, "(unknown)");
return rc;
@@ macro.hfvars
<% for my $prog (@{ $_->{programs} }) { %>
{ &hf_<%= $prog %>_procedure,\
{ "procedure", "libvirt.procedure",\
VALS(<%= $prog %>_procedure_strings), 0x0,\
<% } %>
<% for my $hf (@{ $_->{hfvars} }) { %>
{ &<%= $hf->{segment}{sym} %>,\
{ "<%= $hf->{name} %>", "libvirt.<%= $hf->{abbrev} %>",\
FT_<%= $hf->{ft_type} %>, BASE_<%= $hf->{hf_base} %>,\
NULL, 0x0,\
<% } %>
/* End of #define VIR_DYNAMIC_HFSET */
@@ macro.ettvars
<% for my $ett (@{ $_->{ettvars} }) { %>
&<%= $ett %>,\
<% } %>
/* End of #define VIR_DYNAMIC_ETTSET */
@@ code.dissectorlist
static const vir_dissector_index_t <%= $_->{name} %>_dissectors[] = {
<% for my $d (@{ $_->{dissectors} }) { %>
{ <%= $d->{value} %>, <%= $d->{args} %>, <%= $d->{ret} %>, <%= $d->{msg} %> },
<% } %>
static const gsize <%= $_->{name} %>_dissectors_len = array_length(<%= $_->{name} %>_dissectors);
@@ code.procedure_strings
static const value_string <%= $_->{name} %>_procedure_strings[] = {
<% for my $proc (@{ $_->{procedures} }) {
my $ident = $proc->ident;
$ident =~ s/^$_->{name}_proc_//i;
{ <%= $proc->value %>, "<%= $ident %>" },
<% } %>
{ 0, NULL }
@@ code.program_strings
static const value_string program_strings[] = {
<% for my $prog (map uc, @{ $_->{programs} }) { %>
{ <%= $c->symbol("$prog\_PROGRAM")->value %>, "<%= $prog %>" },
<% } %>
{ 0, NULL }
@@ code.program_data
static const void *program_data[][VIR_PROGRAM_LAST] = {
<% for my $p (@{ $_->{programs} }) { %>
{ &hf_<%= $p %>_procedure, <%= $p %>_procedure_strings, <%= $p %>_dissectors, &<%= $p %>_dissectors_len },
<% } %>
static const void *
get_program_data(guint32 prog, enum vir_program_data_index index)
if (index < VIR_PROGRAM_LAST) {
switch (prog) {
<% my $i = 0; %>
<% for my $prog (@{ $_->{programs} }) { %>
case <%= uc($prog) %>_PROGRAM:
return program_data[<%= $i++ %>][index];
<% } %>
return NULL;