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synced 2025-02-23 11:52:20 +00:00
To enable memory hotplug the maximum memory size and slot count need to be specified. As qemu supports now other units than mebibytes when specifying memory, use the new interface in this case.
7 lines
347 B
7 lines
347 B
LC_ALL=C PATH=/bin HOME=/home/test USER=test LOGNAME=test QEMU_AUDIO_DRV=none \
/usr/bin/qemu -S -M pc \
-m size=219136k,slots=16,maxmem=1099511627776k \
-smp 2 -numa node,nodeid=0,cpus=0-1,mem=214 \
-nographic -monitor unix:/tmp/test-monitor,server,nowait -no-acpi -boot c \
-usb -hda /dev/HostVG/QEMUGuest1 -net none -serial none -parallel none