mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 17:28:15 +00:00
The rule of thumb is that any file generated by config.status is a) reproducible by any user, b) dependent on configure options. Therefore, it is inappropriate to include such generated files in the tarball (for proof, Makefile is generated from Makefile.in; the former is not in the tarball while the latter is). * Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): Remove files covered by AC_OUTPUT.
90 lines
2.8 KiB
90 lines
2.8 KiB
## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
LCOV = lcov
GENHTML = genhtml
SUBDIRS = gnulib/lib include src daemon tools docs gnulib/tests \
python tests po examples/domain-events/events-c examples/hellolibvirt \
examples/dominfo examples/domsuspend examples/python examples/apparmor \
examples/xml/nwfilter examples/openauth examples/systemtap
ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I m4 -I gnulib/m4
$(patsubst $(srcdir)/%,%,$(wildcard $(addprefix $(srcdir)/examples/xml/, \
test/*.xml storage/*.xml)))
ChangeLog-old \
libvirt.spec.in \
mingw32-libvirt.spec.in \
libvirt.pc.in \
autobuild.sh \
Makefile.nonreentrant \
autogen.sh \
cfg.mk \
examples/domain-events/events-python \
pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig
pkgconfig_DATA = libvirt.pc
NEWS: $(top_srcdir)/docs/news.xsl $(top_srcdir)/docs/news.html.in
-@(if [ -x $(XSLTPROC) ] ; then \
$(XSLTPROC) --nonet $(top_srcdir)/docs/news.xsl \
$(top_srcdir)/docs/news.html.in \
| perl -0777 -pe 's/\n\n+$$/\n/' \
| perl -pe 's/[ \t]+$$//' \
> $@-t && mv $@-t $@ ; fi );
$(top_srcdir)/HACKING: $(top_srcdir)/docs/hacking1.xsl $(top_srcdir)/docs/hacking2.xsl \
$(top_srcdir)/docs/wrapstring.xsl $(top_srcdir)/docs/hacking.html.in
-@(if [ -x $(XSLTPROC) ] ; then \
$(XSLTPROC) --nonet $(top_srcdir)/docs/hacking1.xsl $(top_srcdir)/docs/hacking.html.in | \
$(XSLTPROC) --nonet $(top_srcdir)/docs/hacking2.xsl - \
| perl -0777 -pe 's/\n\n+$$/\n/' \
> $@-t && mv $@-t $@ ; fi );
rpm: clean
@(unset CDPATH ; $(MAKE) dist && rpmbuild -ta $(distdir).tar.gz)
check-local: all tests
@(cd docs/examples ; $(MAKE) MAKEFLAGS+=--silent tests)
@(if [ "$(pythondir)" != "" ] ; then cd python ; \
$(MAKE) MAKEFLAGS+=--silent tests ; fi)
cov: clean-cov
mkdir $(top_builddir)/coverage
$(LCOV) -c -o $(top_builddir)/coverage/libvirt.info.tmp \
-d $(top_builddir)/src -d $(top_builddir)/daemon \
-d $(top_builddir)/tests
$(LCOV) -r $(top_builddir)/coverage/libvirt.info.tmp \
-o $(top_builddir)/coverage/libvirt.info
rm $(top_builddir)/coverage/libvirt.info.tmp
$(GENHTML) --show-details -t "libvirt" -o $(top_builddir)/coverage \
--legend $(top_builddir)/coverage/libvirt.info
rm -rf $(top_builddir)/coverage
MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = .git-module-status
# disable this check
dist-hook: gen-ChangeLog
# Generate the ChangeLog file (with all entries since the switch to git)
# and insert it into the directory we're about to use to create a tarball.
gen_start_date = 2009-07-04
.PHONY: gen-ChangeLog
if test -d .git; then \
$(top_srcdir)/build-aux/gitlog-to-changelog \
--since=$(gen_start_date) > $(distdir)/cl-t; \
rm -f $(distdir)/ChangeLog; \
mv $(distdir)/cl-t $(distdir)/ChangeLog; \