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a href matching this pagename at this level
or a child menu -->
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the immediate 'a' tag has href matching the
current pagename -->
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This file is autogenerated from <xsl:value-of select="$pagename"/>.in
Do not edit this file. Changes will be lost.
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<div id="footer">
<div id="projects">
<dl id="p1">
<dt><a href="http://augeas.net/">Augeas</a></dt>
<dd><span>A configuration editing tool and API</span></dd>
<dt><a href="http://libvirt.org/">libvirt</a></dt>
<dd><span>The open source virtualization API</span></dd>
<dl id="p2">
<dt><a href="http://cobbler.et.redhat.com/">Cobbler</a></dt>
<dd><span>OS provisioning and profile management</span></dd>
<dt><a href="http://ovirt.org/">oVirt</a></dt>
<dd><span>Virtualization management across the data center</span></dd>
<dl id="p3">
<dt><a href="http://freeipa.org/">FreeIPA</a></dt>
<dd><span>Identity, policy and audit management</span></dd>
<dt><a href="http://virt-manager.org/">Virtual Machine Manager</a></dt>
<dd><span>Virtualization management from the desktop</span></dd>
<p id="et">
<a href="http://et.redhat.com/"><img src="{$href_base}et_logo.png" alt="A Red Hat Emerging Technology Project"/></a>