lukas lukas
lukas synced commits to refs/pull/5517/merge at External/cloud-hypervisor from mirror 2023-08-21 06:57:21 +00:00
d46dd4b31f vmm: cpu: Add pending removed vcpu check to avoid resize vcpu hang
0e75e7d079 scripts: Set LAST_RELEASE_VERSION to v34.0
be81fea46a tests: Re-enable live migration tests for AMD
cd010052f8 tests: Revert disable test_vfio test
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lukas synced commits to refs/pull/5594/merge at External/cloud-hypervisor from mirror 2023-08-20 22:47:20 +00:00
2a8d966eab Merge 95ac9e580bfc6aeb77264b6a04e7de7586d1a26c into d46dd4b31f
d46dd4b31f vmm: cpu: Add pending removed vcpu check to avoid resize vcpu hang
0e75e7d079 scripts: Set LAST_RELEASE_VERSION to v34.0
be81fea46a tests: Re-enable live migration tests for AMD
cd010052f8 tests: Revert disable test_vfio test
Compare 8 commits »