# What ? This kickstart file bootstraps a desktop hypervisor configured for Intel(tm) CPU and Intel(tm) GPUs compatible with vfio-mdev (pre-Tiger Lake)
# In order to be fed to virt-install or software like livecd-creator, this file needs to be flatten or merged into one.
# Here is how you can do it with the ksflatten tool provided by the pykickstart package on Fedora :
%include ../ingredients/base-desktop-virtual-machine-manager.cfg # the virtual machine manager
%include ../ingredients/base-hypervisor.cfg # A base hypervisor
%include ../ingredients/base-hypervisor-intelcpu.cfg # Specific virtualization configuration for Intel (tm) CPUs
%include ../ingredients/base-hypervisor-intelgpu.cfg # Specific virtualization configuration for Intel (tm) GPUs from 4th to the 9th generation (compatible with vfio-mdev).
%include ../ingredients/base-initial-setup-gnome.cfg # Includes initial-setup for GNOME Shell, allowing for the creation of a user after the first boot, as well as some basic configuration