user --name=test --password=$6$wlB.n8fvumAXv3xn$clVIswjLUjb7MZoJ2JHi1zk1zmx5ViQuzbVkLYf70SDan5hdqI0tUkc89nHE8pVnHStO4mcl3c1Tk0WJvCet1. --iscrypted --gecos="test"
# WARNING : Dangerous command ! Will clear the Master Boot Record
# Partition clearing information
clearpart --all --initlabel --drives=vda
# Disk partitioning information.
# Will create an efi partitition of 128 MiB, a boot partition of 350 MiB on disk vda using the ext4 filesystem. The remaining space will be used for root.
part /boot/efi --fstype="efi" --ondisk=vda --size=128 --fsoptions="umask=0077,shortname=winnt" --label=efi
part /boot --fstype="ext4" --ondisk=vda --size=350 --label=boot
part / --fstype="ext4" --ondisk=vda --grow --label=system
# Install packages for the server environment. 'Core' and 'Base' are always selected
## Desktop-related packages to create a minimal desktop environment
gnome-shell # Minimal GNOME environement
-gnome-tour # We don't want GNOME-tour to open at launch so we delete it
nautilus # Default File explorer for Gnome
gnome-terminal-nautilus # Terminal integration for Nautilus
dejavu-sans-mono-fonts # the gnome-shell package doesn't include much fonts by default, resulting in weird spacings in gnome-terminal.
wpa_supplicant # WPA Supplicant for Linux. Not integrated by default in gnome-shell, but necessary to configure wireless networks through the Network Manager.
qemu-guest-agent # Install software to allow the host to better interact with the guest (can't find the spice-vdagent package)
# spice-vdagent
-fedora-logos # To be removed if we want to redistribute as Fedora Remix.
-fedora-release-notes # To be removed if we want to redistribute as Fedora Remix.
## Start of the %post section with logging into /root/ks-post.log
%post --log=/root/ks-post.log
localectl set-keymap ch-fr # Set keymap to `ch-fr`. Alternatively, `us` can be picked
# dnf update -y # Update the system
systemctl set-default # Set the desktop environment as the default booting target with systemd
dnf install -y spice-vdagent # Try to install spice-vdagent after the installation is done
sed -i 's/5/1/' /etc/default/grub # set the GRUB_TIMEOUT countdown to 1 instead of 5 seconds.